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RPG Fantia Active [おいらん一味] Iris★Mini RPG

The Dev's twitter has been posting some "interesting" re-designs on the game's interface and mechanics, i don't know if it's going to be added, but the fact that he's planning (perhaps) multiple enemies are finally gonna be addition to some difficulty in the game.

The only thing i find this confusing will be how the grabs will work with multiple enemies.
That's a pretty significant shift in UI design. It looks real slick, though I'm not sure whether the shift from LoZ-style hearts to a numerical HP pool is a good idea. Going by what we've seen on twitter it looks like fights could get dragged out to be much, much longer than they currently are. Given that the Dev is mostly relying on touched-up animations from the original iris action, i'd expect all the enemies to be gentlemen who wait their turn and let the grabbing monster have their fun.
For thoses who haven't got it already, the dev put up the "Iris Santa" mini game from 2012 in his X-mas Ci-en Post. You only need to have him followed (wihtout any paying plan) to get acces to the link to grab the game.
New ci-en post. I cant read moonrunes but looks like a new revamp of game over scenes(?) Somebody more knowledgable can probably explain it better as I havent played any of the demos

After a month, he decided to switch to Unity.
As the tool is more powerful, he can add more things to the game.
And so, "Iris★Mini RPG" may becomes "Iris★RPG"

After a month, he decided to switch to Unity.
As the tool is more powerful, he can add more things to the game.
And so, "Iris★Mini RPG" may becomes "Iris★RPG"
Looking at the dev's twitter videos, the game looks more challenging now, the fact that monsters will be in a group attacking you and that your attacks MIGHT MISS (also monster attacks) will finally give some challenge rather than the whole "bar" minigame.

While it sucks since the dev will have to remake EVERYTHING again (i think?) from what i got right on google translate is that the dev will now release the "rewards" as stages + extras

Although for those who were waiting for the blonde girl scene or other enemy (Like the slime for me) will have to wait a good chunk of time again
Unity also means autotranslator, unless il2cpp, which in turn would mean optimized as fuck performance.
What would you guys prefer?
Now, normally one would be inclined towards the first, because well this doesn't seem to be that heavy of a game, but you would be amazed to see the things people achieve to make very demanding.
Dev has released a small demo battle for followers on Ci-en that features the new battle system. You're up against a tentaplant and sometimes a needle plant as well. The tentaplant has it's normal facefucking scene so if you're only interested in the animations, then this will be nothing new.
Dev has released a small demo battle for followers on Ci-en that features the new battle system. You're up against a tentaplant and sometimes a needle plant as well. The tentaplant has it's normal facefucking scene so if you're only interested in the animations, then this will be nothing new.
Yeah there's just a little modification on the tentacle plant (It's grabbing iris body) and that's it, this is more into the new "gameplay" that the dev is trying to add

I actually wanted the worms to be the one voted for this new style of game but since the tentacle plant had nothing new, guess i got excited for no reason.

So, this is the new gameplay the dev will implement, while it's cool and i said this at least brings more challenge, the fact that the dev will have to re-do from the start is kinda annoying, but oh well. Didn't expect this game to even finish 2021
Well all the assets are from the original Iris action, isn't it? I would imagine that besides possibly tweaking a few things the dev should be able to make up lost time rather quickly, as well as use assets from the now-canceled Iris RPG (the original one)
So you guys have it?
Have any of you by any chance tested if XUnity Autotranslator works with it?
So you guys have it?
Have any of you by any chance tested if XUnity Autotranslator works with it?
No idea. Literally have no idea what program would be used to translate Unity games (Haven't seen any unity game been translated actually)

Funny thing, the dev will add lore/description to each monster, probably how do they have sex with the MC or what's up with them
That sounds fascinating
Always good to see exactly that; the characteristics of theirs

This is the tool i am talking about, if you have the chance it would be awesome if could give it a shot. It's very easy to use, really, one-click-done.

And i agree there are not any Unity games' translations, which is a shame because that tool also allows for manual translations, not just machine.

Huh, apparently the dev is doing another character (Possibly for certain stages?) and has redesigned the store clerk. I actually prefer her old design because it looks like she's part of Iris clan or something.

There's no more info of the new character from what google translate says, aside from you'll be able to play as her in certain stages (Hoping for the dog chimera to have a scene with her)
i hope we get scenes of both of them getting fucked at the same time, if she's a temporary playable character
Well, good news is that the new character is confirmed to be playable according to the "sneak peeks" on the devs twitter.

He already posted a sneak peek of the green worms that will suck on her tits, also how the whole 2 enemies in a fight will work out (If one enemy grabs one character the other will go for the other one, etc)

Now, the classy problem of this will be the time of work, since the dev doing ALL enemy scenes for the new character and possibly reworking/fixing the old ones on iris (The green worms seem to have gotten lactation squirting now)

If i want to see the chimera's with the new character... I'll have to bet that MAYBE we'll get a sneak peak on december since the dev works too hard on this and all the enemies are left (Still to go: Blowjob tentacle, mosquitoes, boss tentacle, spider, red flower, slug THEN the chimera)
As long as the quality of the work holds up by then, I'm perfectly fine with the delay.
As long as the quality of the work holds up by then, I'm perfectly fine with the delay.

Don't say thing like that too much. There some peoples out there still waiting for Torenia action............