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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma smiled as Soren had slithered over to the other academic and tried to awkwardly break the ice by discussing classroom topics. Transitive properties of gunpowder. Satuma had taken that course; breezed through it in fact. Given the raw materials, she would be able to create gunpowder and various ranges of demolitions. That was what the Engineering Corps was all about. Big booms. Hand cannons were amazing scientific leaps, but the Engineer's gunnery academies had all sorts of artillery divisions dedicated to large cannons, experimental multishot weaponry, steam tanks, and even a zeppelin air fortress project. No one would mess with the Lamians, so long as the gunnery academy could produce its machines of war.

Later on, after the group had set out onto the road, Satuma found the time to sidle over to introduce herself to the last two members of their group, Goron and Azalia.

"Hello you two," she said, getting closer to them. "We never had the time to get acquainted with the Professor talking to you lot in the beginning, but I'm Satuma."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren gave a little chuckle and ignored the comment about standing out. He was admitted into the university far younger than their normal admissions age after all. "Her theories of different size grains was on the right track, but my own research has proved that while it does matter on long it takes the powder to burn out and how long it takes for the reaction to begin, it matters very little on the actual size of the resulting reaction. I had to end up practising in the open area behind the commons to prove my theories. Hah, and proved they were. She changed her curriculum after that." The class had been filler, and since graduating he continued to take classes, for the enjoyment of course, but mostly as a way to become a full professor in his own right.

When Satuma slithered forward, he backed away a bit, not wanting to make a fool of himself again. Flirty women were a problem. Smart woman were not, and as long as she kept to intelligent discussion, he'd be fine. Or at least he hoped.

(All this on gunpowder is stuff I vaguely remember and probably got wrong. If you can correct me, please do so and I'll change my post)
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia was visibly suprised by Soren's reply. "Wait. You were they guy who kept making all that noise behind the commons? I always wondered who was responsible for it." She chuckled, a small smirk appearing on her face. "You know, sound tends to travel quite far over an open area. You managed to distract a whole lot of people with those tests, as far as I can recall... Still, I'm amazed you actually got her to change her curriculum. Not every professor is willing to admit their mistakes." That was quite true. Most of them spent years on studies and research, and were proud of their achievements. Getting them to correct themselves was not a safe task.

When Satuma approached her, Azalia greeted the other woman with a nod. "I'm Azalia. Nice to meet you." She was somewhat curious about the other woman. She didn't seem to be a simple soldier - at least Azalia thought that a simple soldier wouldn't be taken on such a mission. Plus, her weapon of choice was quite interesting. A hand cannon, one of the wonders of Lamian engineering. Perhaps the girl was an engineer herself? It wasn't uncommon to meet soldiers with technical skills, especially since some of their weapons and equipment was quite advanced.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

"And perhaps I am. What is it to you?" she asked, running a hand gently up his inner thigh, watching his expression.

"Stop playing coy, and we can both get what we want tonight," she said with a rather suggestive purr, fingers brushing ever closer to his groin.
Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

If you have any suggestions or complaints, get in fast.

J/K. Just waiting for you to gear up and get things going. Understand that there's a lot to pick through, so no complaints here on the delay. Get to it when you get to it.

Also, found some pictoral references for Atair, if folks care. Check my sheet.
The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, MBS)

It was a macabre sight and one that had attracted the attention of many forest dwellers. A trio of forest travellers, two elves and a fae lay lifeless upon a tree, their bodies in pieces and arranged in someone's interpretation of a decorative fashion. The tree itself had turned black, the trunk somehow changing its hue is response to this atrocity whilst the foliage of the tree had withered and fallen, what little remaining looking sickly.

The worst part of this discovery, is it wasn't the first. This was the third time such a sight had been found, with news of its appearance echoing through the forest. A small crowd of forests dwellers and travellers both had gathered by the tree, a combination of morbid curiosity, each individual trying to piece together what, why and how, and a desire for having others around, lest whatever responsible were to strike again.

While alarming to all the residents of the forest, no one was more shaken by this than Sylvia, a local dryad. The dead bodies were bad enough, but what really scared her was what had happened to the tree, it was definitely unnatural and she could practically feel its pain; the tree was not dead, but it was barely alive and had little hope of surviving. And this was the third time a tree had been left in this state in her forest, in the same area she wandered.

Only slightly less shaken by this, was Akana, a travelling Nymph, who saw the sanctity of life being violated and then paraded around before everyone, an act that wounded her to her very core. It was bad enough to kill, but she could tell from the scene, almost sense, that the one responsible had gleefully enjoyed this and it stirred the protective instincts in her. The one responsible for this needed to be stopped before they could strike again.

Eliare didn't feel fear or horror at the sight of it. Just a need to track down those responsible and see justice done. She had only recently entered the area and was only now hearing whispers of the other two sites in which this pattern was found, she found herself regretting not arriving sooner to deal with this violation.

One of the other creatures who had gathered, another faerie by the name of Alariël, was simply afraid to be alone. She had gotten lost in the forest and now travellers, travellers like her, were being killed and used to decorate trees? Being around others seemed like a much safer idea at this point and although she didn't know any of them they seemed to share something in common by their shared horror at what had occurred.

Beyond those four, also gathered around the site were a pair of blonde elves, possibly siblings from their appearance, one male, one female, who by the packs they were carrying were travellers, much like the pair of elves now decorating the tree. They seemed more than a little uncomfortable by the prospect as they huddled with each other, the female in tears. The last member of this little gathering was, by her appearance, another Nymph, long dark hair flowing down her back. She too wept, small tears welling up in her silver eyes as she hugged her petite body. Truly, something had to be done about this and soon...
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

The man raises an eyebrow slightly and shifts his hand over to rest upon hers. "Whilst a pleasant distraction, what makes you think that's what I truly want?" he replies, giving another toothy grin. "I certainly won't object to such an offer, but... well... if I am to assist you in escaping from the box you seem to have been caught in, I do need something more substantial..." he replied, still delicately tiptoeing around outright saying things, but at the same time at least promising some form of help.

Gently, he gave her a slight push on her shoulder as he moved his body in, slowly lowering her onto the bed as he lay down upon her. He lightly brushed his body against hers, keeping most of his weight off of her as he leaned in towards her ear. "Even here, I do not feel it safe to speak openly," he whispered, before giving her ear a lick and momentarily pushing his body against hers more firmly, pushing her for a physical reaction from the sweet nothings he had whispered into her ear, at least as far as anyone observing the pair would be able to tell.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

She nipped at his neck, fangs brushing over his skin, legs parting and wrapping around him, pulling him tighter against her form.

"Where do you propose we converse then?" she asked with a husky voice, soft enough that only he would hear.
Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

To the Ill-Portented Expedition folks, feel free to just keep talking until the conversation runs dry. My next post will be to jump ahead a few days in time because lets face it, even RPs need a quick travel function at times.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

The man let out a chuckle as he tried to pull back from her legs grip, "You, you naughty little thing," he teased, before sliding his lips back to her ear. "I don't think anywhere is safe anymore, but I think this will do fine. As far as clandestine meetings go, it has its advantages..."

Wrapping his arms around her lower back he pulls her back up into a sitting position, their bodies pushed together firmly at the hips and begins to plant passionate kisses upon her neck, brushing her fangs against it with each one, giving an occasional playful nip. As well as giving her easy access to his ear for a response.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

Celine had ordered a drink and sat in a secluded spot, alone for now. She wasn't anti-social, but had simply let to find anyone or anything interesting to occupy her tonight. With a festival on, it shouldn't take long for something exciting to happen, so she watched intently what the rest of the patrons were doing. Today she was a bit more bored then usual, so she wouldn't mind if someone happened to find her intriguing and came over to talk. Not like she minded normally, but being tied to one place for so long was making her jittery enough to start something herself.

She leaned back and relaxed, simply letting the world flow around her as the first effects of alcohol set in. After several days of coming here and not having much luck, Celine had a feeling things were about to change.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

If either of the Professor's pupils were familiar with the symbols of the Lamian Engineering Corps, they would notice it in a patch sewed into the upper left arm of Satuma's coat - a metallic snake biting its own tail, wound into the sideways figure eight to represent infiinty, but in this case the snake was also part gear wheel. A banner below the snake read in Old Lamian "Knowledge is Infinite." In between the two loops of the snake were a '*' and a '1' indicating that Satuma was a member of the elite first corps of combat engineers. Her rank was a beginning rank, but you didn't get casually assigned to the first corps, they recruited only the best.

Satuma offered a smile. "Nice to meet you Azalia, and you as well Goron." She peered over them at the other male, Soren, who was doing his best to look away and concentrate on other things. "I just wanted to get to know the people I'm supposed to be protecting. Are you all Jontus' students?"
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

It did not take long for Auricael to hear news of the two outsiders that had come into her home. As her interest in them had been stirred she disguises herself and sneaks into the inn to greet them, though the villagers would unlikely mind it she'd rather not draw any attention. Noticing one of them relaxing in solitude, she goes up to the table and invites herself to sit.
"Greetings traveller, are you enjoying your stay in my homeland so far?"
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Sylvia stood before the dreadful scene in horror, her eyes trailing up and down the tree. She even observed the soil, feeling the roots trembling sadly beneath the earth. After a few moments of observing, she felt compelled to care for the tree, her compassion and sympathy guiding her unconsciously toward it. After all, the plant life in her forest were like friends, some even children to her. A tree's pain hurt her more than any other plantlife. Sylvia slowly walked toward the sickly tree and stretched out her hand, wanting desperately to carress its trunk when suddenly she pulled her hand back before she could touch it and let out a small squeak. Immediately, she took a few steps back and held her chest with her hand, her face contorted in visible pain.

After taking a few moments to compose herself, Sylvia let out an exasperated sigh, slumping her shoulders slightly. "It's always sad when a tree dies, but this . . . this here is an ancient tree, one of the oldest in the forest." Sylvia looked around at her fellow travellers, talking to everyone and no one at the same time. "The dryad elders say that sometimes ancient trees like this can speak or feel pain, even cry," she paused and smiled softly, "I never believed them, but I can feel this tree's pain like it's my own. It's in horrible agony....and these people, just innocently travelling in the forest and taken from the world. How awful."

Sylvia looked to the two faeries and the blonde nymph; they looked a bit more sturdy than the others. "This is the third time I found such a horrible scene, trees diseased and hurting, innocent people slaughtered and strewn about like dolls. This time they even did it to such an ancient and beautiful tree." Sylvia frowned at her companions, her eyes blinking in concern. "Who could do such abominable things?"

Then a sudden realization hit her, delayed as usual, and she turned to gaze at the pair of elves holding each other gingerly. "I'm sorry, we're these poor travelers friends of yours?" Sylvia's eyes were steady, tranquil and curious.
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An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

((First and foremost, sorry Garblarg, gonna have to veto your isolation from the nearest town so that you can fit into this better. Rather than a local faerie circle, it's a small fishing village you have occasional contact with, although they most leave you alone... or that's how it was back before things got really bad.

Also, in this case Copper will be separate from Sirens initially.))

Tension was mounting in the otherwise quaint fishing village of Brookdell as ill omens and other disasters struck. For a long time, the village had prospered, their fishermen experiencing calm, peaceful water and plentiful catch, enough to keep their village sustained and fed. And for this, they would not overfish the area; they had no need of excess food stores. An ancient agreement had been made with a Siren community, a bond of friendship and trust that saw that the Sirens would protect the small community and aid them in their catch, in returning receiving the promise that the area would not be overfished or polluted and that they would be free to visit the settlement when they desired company outside of their own kind.

Things had been going downhill, slowly, for a long time, however. The full terms of their agreement had been forgotten by the elves who made their home here and their leader of the last generation had been convinced that it was prudent to stockpile extra fish, a reserve of food, naturally smoked for preservation, should they have a bad year or some disaster struck. this generation took it one step further, the new village chief having been convinced that this extra stockpile of food wasn't so necessary after all, but trade could see them prosper. And so they began to export their high quality fish, and once again the fishing increased in volume as a result.

Throughout the forty or so year period of this, the Sirens had complained a few times, first softly, gently, but they grew more and more upset about what was happening to their ancient agreement, so much so that around five years back, they began withholding their influence, no longer keeping dangerous sea-life from entering the area, no longer encouraging the fish to make their nests here and no longer protecting the fishermen from storms. Rather than realise their folly, the elves blamed the Sirens for causing these disasters, rather than their long-time support being what prevented them, as within living memory such disasters were almost unheard of, much less in this frequency.

With news arriving via trade that rumours of the Accursed were on the rise, the two incidents managed to attach themselves as one, and now the elves were putting out a call for help against this Accursedly-aligned group of Sirens. A certain Nekomata by the name of Atair, whilst travelling Vira in search of exactly this sort of thing, made the journey out to the village to assist; after all, history had shown that the responsibility for dealing with the Accursed and their minions fell to the proud and honourable Nekomata. Joining the wagon-driver he heard the tale from originally on a journey back tot he town, he'd had plenty of time to learn the plight of the local people from the sudden disasters that had befallen them. It seemed that most of the locals also believed that the Siren who lived on a cliff top not far from their little cove was responsible. After all, they were clearly an outcast of the sirens who had always been so friendly towards the people, they must be the dark witch who was responsible for this entire ordeal, using their wicked magic to control the Sirens and bring ruin to the village.

And now, the wagon rolled into the village, greets by shouts from the villagers who have long known and been able to recognise the kindly old man who preferred to simply go by Shayer, whom Atair had found quite pleasant company. "Well, here we are," he said to the young catfolk as he pulled up his horse-driven wagon. "I need to go speak with the village chief about business. Did you want to come and be introduced to him, or were you going to start your investigation elsewhere?" he asked.


Meanwhile, on that very cliff top overlooking the cove, Keti and Nae shared a peaceful meal, discussing the growing hostilities. While Keti preferred to live apart from his own people, their song wrenching at his heart and his own inability to do so, he didn't mind the occasional visit and Nae was more than happy to oblige. Captivated by the thoughts of living on the mainland and interacting more with outsiders, she was in a sense envious of his home, a balance of amongst the people and not far from the waves.

Still, it was not all pleasure, especially lately. With ever growing tensions, the Siren community increasingly resorted to pleading with Keti, asking him to return to them, where he would be safe, before things got violent. More often than not, they'd use Nae as their messenger, who herself was quite worried about how things were developing. The Sirens themselves had heard whispers of the rising darkness on the wind and worried that the village had been charmed by such evils. Certain more hotheaded individuals amongst them were already calling for a 'purification', but so far more sensible heads had prevailed. Still, all it would take was one incident to set the ball in motion for a disaster and all out conflict...
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Akana HAD been having a pretty decent day... The sun was shining, and warm... She had found enough berries to sate herself, The forest was being kind... Or so she thought...

Upon seeing a small grouping among the trees Akana's curiosity naturally piqued, but what she found there made her breath catch, and a pit well up in her stomach large enough only to be rivaled by the size of the question upon her mind "Why?"

The bodies... Were strewn about the local area like... Decorations... Etrails garnishing the tree's limbs with strung didgits and limbs thrown helter skelter... Akana clenched her eyes shut from the scene and turned away, but was bombarded by the scent... That horrible odor... All that blood... Who?

Akana felt like retching, sickened by this perverse desecration, this utter disregard for accepting another person's very being... And looked to the other onlookers, if only to attempt to tear the image from her sight for but a moment...

It would seem she wasn't the only Nymph that had the misfortune to stumble upon that scene... And Akana's heart broke once more for her kin... And though she longed to bring herself to seek comfort from each other, she couldn't force her leaden feet move the few forward steps, instead uttering a defeated sob as she backed away from the grotesque scene

Finally out from the paralysing power of the grisly scene, Akana looked for a good place to calm herself, when her tear blurred eyes caught sight of what a local Dryad... And the completely miseriable expression upon her own features...

And the floodgates opened, the pain, sadness, helplessness, guilt, and anger, all at the same time, too much to hold back... Akana fell to her knees in an uncontrollable appologetic wracking sob... Weeping for the deceased, the onlookers, the kin, and her lack of ability to help any of it.....
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Alariël would have been having a nice day, enjoying the scenes of the forest, all of the majestic trees. She would have had it not been for the recent death of travelers. Now she feared for her life. She knew she wouldn't last traveling alone. So Alariël decided to stay with the group, because even she knew safety in numbers.

Alariël needed to do something, something to keep her mind off the murder. The young fairy decided to fly into the air, a place she knew, a place she felt safe. She flew over the trees, and hovered in place looking at her surroundings. Now that she was possibly in danger she would study her surroundings, get a feel for the area incase of danger.

Alariël looked out over the forest at the beauty she should be enjoying. The trees rising over the landscape, rising high into the air. The river that flowed peacefully in a clearing. The way the sun drooped to the level of the trees. She watched the sun for a moment and realized, the sun is setting this could be dangerous.

The fairy descended rapidly. Below the trees to the ground, she looked for someone who looked capable. She looked until she saw a fellow fairy, Alariël ran to her and, tugged on her dress. She told "her the sun is setting, we should tell everyone to find somewhere safe."
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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren struggled to keep his thoughts to himself. He finally noticed the insignia on Satuma's coat, and barely kept his sneer to himself. She definitely didn't look as though she belonged. Though, I suppose I should keep an open mind until I actually see her fight.

So instead of joining the conversation he wrote and drew as he slithered along. He wrote of the expedition, where they were headed, and then of his traveling companions. Everything was done with painstaking detail so anyone who wished to follow their trail could do so easily. Trees and unusual formations were the first to be drawn, but as the trip got longer, he began to draw every one of his companions.
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

As the faery started on her way, Sylvia blinked in surprise. She watched for a moment and couldn't help but smile to herself despite the circumstances, thinking to herself. <Faeries, always doing the most unexpected things!> Still, Sylvia stood rooted to the ground, stoic as a tree. Indeed, she might have even looked the part given her appearance. She looked back and forth between the faery folk and the other travelers huddled around the tree, unsure what to do.

Sylvia was not one to act impulsively, at least not since her last encounter with a faery. What was more, her little dryad heart was stricken by all the weeping around her. Her instincts made her friendly and inquisitive, but nature had not yet provided her with many companions to fine tune those traits. All she knew was that she couldn't bear to see all these beautiful people crying, and wanted to do something to help. That feeling along with her lack of spontaneity was probably why she decided to stay put. Instead she called out to the faeries, her voice soft and tranquil traveling along the winds, "Hello. Excuse me, faery folk. It could be dangerous to travel alone. Please come back."

After calling out, Sylvia turned to the sobbing blonde nymph, gazing at her with an expression mixed with compassion and uncertainty. She was struck by her beauty and the power of her tears and wondered to herself <Could the deaths of these poor travelers have caused her the same kind of pain I'm feeling over the tree?> Sylvia decided it must be true, for why else would she be sobbing so violently over those she never met? She slowly sauntered over to the nymph and knelt next to her. Unused to physical contact, Sylvia stretched her arms out rather awkwardly and tried to give the nymph a hug. Though it was mostly just her arms draped over her shoulders as she was too scared to get any closer. "Don't worry miss, I can feel the pain too," was all she could think to say. Sylvia, herself, was still in considerable pain, but she tried not to show it.
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Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Running her tongue over his ear she couldn't help but smirk. "Aren't we all?" she whispered softly, grinding her hips forward against his own, her bustier clad breasts tight against his chest.

"So tell me, how can you help me... and how can I help you?" she asked her hands running down his back.