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RPG RPG Maker Loli [ 一人オンライン / One person on-line] FUMIKA FANTASY (RJ242995)

Check all the optional dungeons, the walkthrough was in this thread. If all else fails, go lose to Maou, newgame+ witha a bonus.
Also a reminder that getting raped until you get a title by each enemy type gets you bonus stats!
The pickaxe boss actually has a trick to it, the blue attacks can be interrupted. While they don't do much damage, each stack adds 25% damage to the black hole. These clear when he cashes out on the damage boost. If you want to interrupt him without losing your damage output, evolve the skill to version II and it'll turn into an instant.
Best of luck!
Already did that, I interrupted every blue with instant break, and even used the herb to fix the broken armor status effect from the red armor break. Still got nuked by the black hole.

It does 200k against my 160k or 180k if I'm going for damage, or 160k against my 230k if I went for all HP no damage and then takes me out on the next pass because healing in this game is ass

Should I be using my normal attacks as my main damage source or should I be using skills to keep the Charge and Fire buff that otherwise runs out if I normal attack?


jesus christ that was literally down to the wire, he was going to black hole a third time there

Goblin Pike(?) / White Coin Shield+White Coin Armor+Demonite Knife+D. Ring+Pickaxe / Water Wind Fire Thunder Crests

Game_2019-05-30_10-46-20.jpg Game_2019-05-30_10-46-40.jpg
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Nice! Next is getting into the volcano guarded by a golem enemy. Wind will likely be your biggest source of damage here, but if I remember right he doesn't have any nukes of that calibre. Consider a water crest to outpace his damage, and an earth one will reduce it further. Anything else will be for buffs, thunder/fire doesn't do much and while dark can do damage it likely won't boost your raw stats as high.
Side note: I am currently working on a proper interface translation for the game primarily focused on menus, shops, items, skills, etc. Tested it before and I broke the blacksmith and campfires, so it's not quite ready.
Side note: I am currently working on a proper interface translation for the game primarily focused on menus, shops, items, skills, etc. Tested it before and I broke the blacksmith and campfires, so it's not quite ready.
Actually, someone has translated the game very far in already, but elected to only release it on hgg for some reason.

EDIT: my god everything after pickaxe boss is like a carnival ride in comparison. who needs one turn to kill the tentacle wall when you can do it in one attack (pre-buffed of course)
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Oh you took on the tentacle wall next? Maybe I did it the wrong way around...

Anybody got any tips for soloing the Maou? This play-through I deliberately sabotaged every recruitment quest I could for the purposes of beating him legitimately. Here's my stuff.
No, I'm not going NG+ for boosts. This is it.


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After the pickaxe boss it didn't matter to me which boss I fought, I'm pretty sure I could have taken any of them on excluding Old One and Omega which would still need T5 Crests first.

I think that was because I had the Dark Dragon (T4) Crest which already had the super busted 150% buff so it was as good as having the Dark Emperor Crest.

As for your ultimate self imposed challenge, I have no suggestions other than good luck, because I'm never gonna be doing that
It gets better as I'm trying to do it in as short game time as possible. That's 19 hours in. I've managed to hit NG+ in as little as 4h30m virgin playthrough, a full recruit playthrough including beating him took me 12h, but soloing him seems to need a lot more resource management.
Where is the BlackHatGuy in the 4th village / how do I trade my coins in with him? I found a guy that looks like him in the underground but all he only repeats a few lines about the underground.
Where is the BlackHatGuy in the 4th village / how do I trade my coins in with him? I found a guy that looks like him in the underground but all he only repeats a few lines about the underground.
When you enter the city, turn right and walk along the outside of the city walls.


My own question for anyone (probably Levail), for the Final Boss achievements, the third from the right iirc is translated as "Solo Defeat" in my version, does it mean the beat him solo or to lose to him solo? I'm confused because the rest of the achievements are translated as Victory.

Other than that I guess I'm pretty done with the game, managed to beat him with a party of 6 on my third pass (First was w/e loss and second was solo loss, didn't get the ach) after I messed up on the Mochizuki recruitment. Haven't unlocked half of the achievements but those are all grindfests so nah

What is behind the time door in the achievement room though?
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Sorry for taking so long to reply.
Yeah, that's the one I'm aiming for. Beating him alone. Still haven't managed that. I'm not going for the more grindy achievements/titles, just that one.

As for behind the clock, I honestly have no idea.
Oh you took on the tentacle wall next? Maybe I did it the wrong way around...

Anybody got any tips for soloing the Maou? This play-through I deliberately sabotaged every recruitment quest I could for the purposes of beating him legitimately. Here's my stuff.
No, I'm not going NG+ for boosts. This is it.

Let me just drop by and say that the post-game achievement room has Maou!Fumika outright explicitly say that "If you want to beat the Maou solo, just take NG+ bonuses for that. Trying to do that on fresh NG is just unrealistic." Apparently the game is balanced so that a fresh NG Maou clear is possible "at turn 47, with all companions unlocked, all optional stages and bosses defeated, and finishing through many events", the fight having a hard time-limit of 50 turns.

Admittedly most of the NG+ bonuses are stuff like percentile stat boosts like a total of +35% to ATK, so if you grind really really really hard you can probably beat the Maou at a fresh NG, but you'll probably need like about well over 1mil+ ATK and 2mil+ HP just to reach the level of HP and ATK that having companions passively gives you, and because of the absolutely miniscule stat gains levels and stat up items give you, you'll easily need to stack several ten-thousands or even hundred-thousands of levels and stat ups.

I may be exaggerating, but on the other hand the Maou is just bullshit and way too much of your stats rely on gear and % boosts more than levels (and having companions gives lots of % boosts on top of their actions).
Do Not Post Underage Content.
Did you ever find it? I've been searching on HGG and see people talking about it, but no download.
I think I found it?
Mod Edit: Link removed due to underage content.

I'm downloding it, I'll tell you if it's all translated
Search RJ242995 and you sould found it
EDIT: Seems mostly translated. if you can't found game in pastebin, here's the link

Mod Edit: Link removed due to underage content.
EDIT: I didn't know link is now allowed too, If someone need link PM me
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how can i strip? when i get all the cloth off it still shows her dressed.
how can i strip? when i get all the cloth off it still shows her dressed.
That's controlled by a durability meter. You do eventually get a strip skill that drops durability to zero, but repairing clothes cost money. A metric fuck ton of it.
Pro tip: after you unlock the big ship (bumble your way into the capital city, ask for an audience with the king, go to the tower next to the capital, beat up everything in there, go back to talk to the king), you can access Fumika's home island, and her loyal butler Sebastian, who, if you talk to him with damaged clothing, will repair Fumika's clothing for free (as far as I can tell). If you're going to lewd up, do it early-game when repair costs aren't so high (it scales up as you level) or hold off until you can access Fumika's home.