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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xarkana The Vile

"So now I'm blamed for coming to the same conclusions you come to a lot faster." Xarkana chuckled at Weiss. "It was obvious by what he said earlier that there was to be no happy friendship and understanding and if you all had attacked to take him out while he was distracted talking, the elf would not be on the ground struggling against beautifully vile magic right now." That said, Xarkana had just spent her spell cleaning herself up, and now was busy glaring at the drunk goblin.

"Take a good look at her, cleric. Maybe she'd have hoped you all showed the orc a little less foolish mercy. Perhaps it is you that should be disciplined. Now get to it, make yourself useful and heal her while the canine woman busies the orc."
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Weiss, help Lyra! You know how to holy magic things! You, orc, face me and let me show you the power of a dogbold!" Or medicine them, Kat really wasn't that concerned which as she swung at the orc that had unleashed those tentacles on her half-elf friend.
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss was going to explain why they should give everyone a second chance, and not just blindly kill someone for their crimes. However, before she could mutter out a single word, they suddenly began to attack the hobgoblins. ''W-Wait... At least let us fight honorably!'' Weiss tried to say, worried about the wounded half-elf next to her. However, it was far too late the fight had already begun, with them instigating it in a dirty way. Of course in retaliation the half-orc instantly took down Vylyra, before she could push herself between them. She was baffled that her allies would instigate a fight with a wounded person so close to the orc. Her hopes of redeeming the orc were long shattered, but at least she wanted to appeal to the orcs honor to prevent this from happening.

''I-If we don’t give him a chance to explain himself, and just murder him. W-We would be no better then what we fight. W-We should at least give others a chance to redeem themselves for their sins, instead of condemning them.'' Weiss explains to Xarkana. ''Y-You clearly need guidance, i-if you continue the way you’re going, you most likely will end up like the orc over there.'' Weiss stated.

Weiss already knew what to do, and kneeled down in front of Vylyra. ''I-I need you to relax.'' Weiss said kindly to Vylyra. ''T-There, there, just breathe in and out. Y-You’ll just make the wounds worse if you keep struggling like that.'' Weiss said, gently patting Vylyra head to calm her down, while attending to her more severe wounds. Although she had no idea how to get rid of these tentacles, she hoped that calming her down and attending to her more severe wounds would do it.

[Medicine: ]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xarkana The Vile

"I wouldn't raise an army to invade a village, for precisely this reason.. dangerous retaliation. From my perspective you are the one in need of guidance." She grinned to Weiss. "How about we begin the lessons after the town is saved."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera had had enough of the egotistical woman's superiority, especially now that this binding magic had once again reared it's ugly head. She reversed the grip on her curved dagger in preparation for combat with the powerful half-orc. She bent down in stance ready to attack, but issued her warnings first. "You want lessons? You've foolishly forced our hands twice now! First, you play us into an obvious trap before we could learn of it, pushing a battle we'd definitely have lost, if not for the escaped captive. Then you force another battle while that same woman is under immediate threat. You might not raise an army, but you still have no qualms about throwing those around you underfoot to hurry a battle you think is necessary, which could easily have been an assassination after it's defusal. If I ever find myself unsheathing my blades on behalf of your incredible stupidity or lack of tact again, I'll show you 'dangerous retaliation,' and that will be a lesson you'll only learn once."

She too rushed the orc, trying to put as many quick attacks on him as she could in attempt to bleed him out with targeted wounds.

[To hit: 11+5= 16. Damage: 3+1+3= 7]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xarkana The Vile

"No, you bumbling bufoons would have wandered to free a group of hostages to fend for their own or better, given them to the hand of the trustworthy goblin, whilest the woman who you claim under threat would have experienced the fate she is experiencing right now, but with no one around to stop it. Have you considered just what would've happened to her, had we come a few minutes later, if you so desperately wish to deal in what ifs and maybes?

This situation was unsalvageable, because frankly, befriending the orc planning to raid and pillage a town to feed his army of raping kobolds and goblins was, shockingly, not the perfect sollution and if you think otherwise you are feeble of mind. I was frankly, not in the mood to wait for one of you capable and uninjured fighters to demand to take the hostages place, which in turn you didn't, so either go all the way, fight honorably with all it entails, no poison to start with, wouldn't you think that poisoning the entire place had ticked them off while you went for the hostages by the by, or fight dirty but fight dirty all the way. By going half half, fighting like assasines but thinking yourself heroes, all you will do is endanger yourself pointlessly without even getting to feel better than thou. So, unless it was not your idea and decision to join in on the poisoning attempt, how about you stop questioning my methods you insufferable berk. Battle was inevitable, striking at him when he had his guard down was the quickest way to a resolution of conflict.

Do not blame me for understanding this and taking the initiative faster than you, just like a man warning of a catastrophe you couldn't see might not be its harbinger, but instead the only one able to anticipate it."
She shook her head.
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"How bout you both talk less, murder the greenskins more. Who cares about morality, we can hash out the faults and shit after they are all dead."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 120
: Defeated/Chained
Trauma: 22 / 100
Orgasm: [x][x][]
HP: 0/9
AC: 14

HP: 9/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 4/10
AC: 14

Xarkana: Fine
HP: 10(+4)
AC: 13

: Nude, Defeated/Unconscious
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [x][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

Grumash: Attacking Kiera/Kat, taken 38 damage
2 Hobgoblins:
B Attacking Talia, taken 8 damage

Kiera comes in swinging, and strikes the orc for 7 damage.

Weiss tends to Vylyra's wounds, and the chains and tentacles seems to vanish, and her torture ends. Though, it would seem she would fall unconscious right after.

Kat charges at the orc, swinging her blade, and she deals a powerful 15 damage.

Laya struck the orc she was facing, and it made a few steps backwards, before collapsing against the pillar and sinking to the ground.

Talia cast her magic, but missed.

Enemy Turn

The hobgoblin in front of Talia swung his sword. His blade hits her and not even her should can protect her. Talia falls to the ground, strength leaving her as her ability to stand up abandons her. The hobgoblin piles on top of her afterwards, easily spreading her helpless legs and plunging into her depths, as the light of her chains shines, and quickly begins to fade.
Tohit: 23
Damage: 3, Talia is defeated
+7 Trauma

Grumash swings at Kiera with his two weapons, striking her twice.
Tohit: 21&14, 2 hits.
Damage: 4+2=6
(Roll vs DC13 to avoid Violation)

Your turn
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya managed to knock her opponent out, before cursing as she sees Talia go down. "Is this a story or whack a mole? Hey! Outta there, that's not for you!"

Talia helped her before, so she'd help Talia in turn, her moving over to strike at the hobgoblin.

(22 to hit, 6 damage)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xarkana The Vile

"Now then, back to the matter at hand." She took a few steps back, her hands glowing purple. "Death and demise, to the fool and the wise, suffering and curses and.. screw you for puking on me." She folded her hands in an intricate pattern, reached out to touch her book, then reached out towards the goblin, a dark claw shooting forth from her hand, attempting to grip its forehead with sizzling, dark energies. "You got plastered, now you shall get blastered."

(11 to hit, 6 damage)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The hobgoblin fell over dead.

The goblin gets blasted and falls into a pool of his own blood, unmoving.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat grinned as she struck the orc hard. Bringing her blade back around in a vicious backhand to see if she couldn't take the bastard down with another swing before he could harm Kiera further.

(To Hit: 18+5 = 23 to hit
Damage: 5+2+3+2 = 12)
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia screamed in pain as she went down, the hobgoblin assaulting her again. Damn that bastard, how did he do that? Thankfully, she was swiftly assisted by the bard before he could do much more to her. While she was still in pain and unable to stand, at least she was not in danger anymore. "Ow... Thanks, Laya." The tiefling grimaced. This was disgraceful. To fail this much, she simply fucked up today, badly. It's like fate wanted to make her mistakes bite her in the ass. At the very least, her condition didn't seem to be getting worse.

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 220
: Defeated/Chained
Trauma: 22 / 100
Orgasm: [x][x][]
Escape: [x][][]
HP: 0/9
AC: 14

HP: 9/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 4/10
AC: 14

Xarkana: Fine
HP: 10
AC: 13

: Nude, Defeated
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [x][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

All the enemies were defeated. With a final blow, Kat split the orc's head from his shoulders. As his knees hit the floor, a shiver went up their spines as a passing feminine chuckle seemed to come with a dark wind, a similar pool as the one that currently gripped Talia forming under Grumash, a singular chain worming around his body, and taking what was left of his figure and soul to somewhere else, even his head was missing in the aftermath.

"Well done." the voice uttered, before the magic passed, leaving as soon as it came.

Gribbles soon returned. "H-hurry, hurry! Dey's coming for the women! L-leave, have to leave now!" he demanded.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Fair is fair, friend. You helped me, and I have helped you. Pity this is how this chapter ended, but it's not my story. Hm, gonna have to make his part into a soliloquy I think to make this work.," grumbles Laya, giving Talia a hand up and using her other hand to strum a few bars, sighing a bit. "They talk about the healing power of music, but I'm not sure how they work with evil magic chains."

(Cast Cure Wounds, regain 7 hp)

She looked over and shrugs.

"Out friends right, we need to slip away. But we do need the hostages still. Gribble, with everyone running here, do you think the hostages will be left unguarded and we can grab them?"
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia let out a groan as she felt her injuries mend, strength returning to her body. She stood up, casting off the corrupting influence that took hold while she was weakened. "Thanks, Laya. I still think you helped me out more, all things considered. Might want to check if others need a pick-me-up as well, just in case." As Gribbles came in, the tiefling frowned. Who were those "they"? Was the group discovered, or was someone coming to pick up the hostages? "Let's go grab the captives and get out of here, the sooner the better. It seems we no longer have the luxury of time to waste." The sorceress stated.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Gribbles looked one way, then another. "D-did you not look behind the curtains?" he inquired. "T-they's right behind the curtains! A-and the others are behind da mob comin! H-hurryyyy!" Gribbles said, rushing off down the tunnel towards the exit.

Should the girls check both sides, they'd find that there were indeed girls aplenty on the other side of the curtains. In fact, they were all members of the farmer family they saw in the portrait, minus Xarkana and Vylyra who didn't see such a thing.

They were all chained to the wall, the mother on one side, and the daughters on the other two. They all looked weak, offering fleeting desires for aid as their arms were chained by shackles above them, and their ankles much the same, as if to behold their slightly gaping genitals to the world and their legs made to curve around their plump bellies, full of unwanted children no doubt.

There was no immediate sign of a key. They'd have to spend some time searching the bodies to perhaps find a key if one existed. Though there was no telling where the key could be. Lock picking would go perhaps more quickly, taking about less than five minutes, if they wished to risk it. There were also plenty of other shackles in the room, if the girls wished to be so bold as to pretend to be Grumash's latest captives. If they were even bolder, they could face the group that was incoming.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"We LITERALLY just stopped fighting, Gribble. Of course we haven't looked behind the curtains.," groans Laya, hurrying over to look. The girls seemed to be there.

"Wasn't there a husband or something that got kidnapped too? Where are they, Gribble? Kiera! I need your fingers over here! I don't have the tools to pick locks!"

She instead started strumming on her loot as she searched the main boss for the key, since she doubted anyone else would have it, and if not on him then on his throne.

"Reminds me of the hunt for the one non sentient stool in the animated furniture shop.," she mumbles.

(Inspiration on my search. Damn. Dice liked me. 20+6 for 26)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''I-I couldn’t agree more, I-I need to teach you a thing or two in private.'' Weiss responded to Xarkana.

Weiss sighs when Keira and Xarkana started to argue with each other while others are fighting for their lives. Even if Weiss agrees with what Kiera had to say, this wasn’t the time to do so. W-Weiss frowned when Kiera threatened Xarkana. She agreed that Xarkana lacked tact, but actually threatening to turn on her was a bit much. At most she deserved a slap on the wrist or a spanking. ''I-I know how you feel Kiera, t-trust me, b-but we can’t start fighting each other. W-We at least need to have each other’s backs while w-we’re fighting, o-or else things could turn ugly for us fast. S-So please, d-don’t talk about things like that. Y-You can do what you want after we finish fighting, b-but I warn you, I-I will protect her.'' Weiss warned Kiera. Hinting at Kiera if she wanted to do something, she’d better do it out of Weiss’ sight. ''And c-could you please stop trying to provoke her. Y-You have some serious attitude problems to the once that rescued you, a-at least stop talking to us in such a condescending manner.'' Weiss said to Xarkana.

Seeing what happened to the half-orc frightened Weiss a little, was that going to happen to them if they were dragged down? Hopefully they never had to find out. Weiss picked up Vylyra from the floor when Gribbles showed them the hostages they kept. ''T-Thank you Gribbles, t-this looks like the missing family.'' Weiss thanked Gribbles, though she had no idea how to get them down from there. It looked like Laya was already searching, and Weiss joined in. Hopefully if they didn’t find all the keys, Kiera would be able to pick the lock in time. ''If w-we don’t make it in time, w-we might be able to intimidate them. T-They were afraid of their boss after all, it would only be logical for them to be afraid of the people that killed their boss.''

[Perception: ]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Gribbles gave one last note: "I dunnooooo!" then he was gone.

Meanwhile, with her impressively impressive search, Laya found an obvious and completely out in the open treasure hoard. Seemed like nothing else of note was on the boss, only a treasure chest in the back of his throne.

2400 cp, 1100 sp, 80 gp, Iron Ring (25 gp), Painted Glass Miniature (of a Ship) (25 gp), Fine Cloth Choker threaded with Silver (25 gp), Feathered Belt (25 gp)

Seemed to just be money and trinkets.