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Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)

Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Well, then wouldn't this deity be super tough to deal with since, like, roughly half the country would currently have some level of faith in her? At least, that's what it seems like, though I guess if you have something that would be unable to be affected by her powers, it wouldn't really matter anyway... But if I ever have to fight you when you're a Goddess, I'll remember to throw a whole lotta paperwork at you... that would need to be done at least 4 times over!" Isa would say, waving her arms a bit dramatically to make her point on the evil of paperwork. "Double edge sword then, from the sounds of it. Being a Goddess would mean that you'd have all the crazy abilities and magic and stuff, but you'd have to follow some very specific rules and rely on certain things and be unable to affect certain other things. And that's before you get to the fact that being a Goddess apparently makes you MORE vulnerable to the Cloaked One's powers." Though that part was actually very specific, only being a drawback in this situation, as it wasn't exactly every day that someone with the power to destroy multiple realities attacked you with the intent of devouring your reality in its entirety.

After that, Isa wouldn't ask more questions, figuring that the angel deserved her space every now and then, especially when it seemed that they had hit upon a bit more of a touchy subject. While Isa might ask some questions that lead to her learning some major things about Deva, she rarely, if ever chose to pry when she could tell the other person wasn't exactly eager to share that information.

Silver seemed to calm down only a little bit when pet, unable to keep himself from being very concerned about its owner. Though once it recognized the salute coming from Deva, it would return the gesture before standing tall to properly guard Viola, vowing to itself that no harm would come to her without a fierce fight with him. Another part of the owl was rather sad to see Deva go, as Silver really did like having someone else around that understood things a little better than even its owner.

"From what I've seen, you walk the line better than anyone else I've had the chance to watch over. And I've looked through a lot of stories, so I suppose I at least know about what it looks like when someone completely crosses that line..." That was another part of the reason that Isa was so adamant that Deva was a hero, as no one else had been able to walk that line without giving in to the major temptation and going down a darker path. And normally no one else wielded as much power as Deva had without abusing it in terrible ways. Sure she may not do heroic things, but the ice mage was certain that anyone with that kind of resolve to do what's right had to be considered a hero. Deva would get an apologetic feeling from the Tome, as it understood the amount of temptation and thought that a weapon like it could provoke in people. Well... it didn't see itself as a weapon actually, more like a tool, but nonetheless it could cause massive amounts of destruction, seal places away and all sorts of other things that tempted even the strongest of souls. There was a reason that it had been so particular about the person that it chose, and there was a reason that the war it came from had even happened in the first place. When someone had a Tome, they held the fate of multiple worlds in their hands, and it was up to them if they'd use that power for good or for evil, or even use that power at all.

Isa's eyes would go a bit wide when Deva said that NOW was the time to start taking things seriously, realizing that up until now she HADN'T been doing that at all. She made another mental note, which was quickly becoming a mental list, that Deva was someone that she wouldn't want to face for any reason whatsoever. How could one do so much without even being completely serious? The ice mage wondered if the Cloaked Woman had any idea what she was dealing with. Then again, another worrying thought crossed her mind, if it was possible for one of them to be not truly serious about this whole thing, it might be entirely possible that the Cloaked One wasn't as well. "A second agent then? Makes sense I suppose, it'd be easier to ensure a shattered balance. Frost Goddess sends out more power than is necessary, while at the same time the Flame Goddess is unable to send any sort of response to maintain a balance. But this also means that we'll never know how many agents are in each story..." That made her at least happy that Deva was going to put even more effort into this, as it might soon be required with how tough things were getting.

"Err... Uh... Hello broom?" The ice mage would respond, before looking even more confused when Deva explained that she hadn't meant that at all. Something seemed different, but she wasn't sure what, was this what being serious meant for Deva? Because in literal terms this was anything BUT being serious, but with what she had seen so far that was probably a good thing overall. "Well then here's hoping that you and your broom keep that perfect record..." How in the world were you even supposed to stop evil and powerful monsters with a broom? It didn't make any sense... but little did once Deva used her intelligent ideas, so maybe Isa would just have to go along with it and see what happened, that was one of the only safe bets she could make with the angel, and even then it wasn't completely safe to just see what happened.

Isa would catch the broom, looking it over for whatever hidden trick was supposed to be inside it, finding nothing and just seeming more confused by this whole scenario. She nearly shouted out in surprise and warning though when Deva just let herself fall into a spiderweb, figuring that was the very LAST thing that they should do. But maybe that was the trick? The enemy at least wouldn't be expecting that much of a 'blunder'.

But she'd then find a good place to hide, away from any spider webs that might alert whatever was deeper in the cave. She'd be out of sight, close by enough to hear and see, but not touching any webs that would alert anything. With that done, she'd nod and remain silent until something important happened that would require her help.

The webbing would be rather strong, able to hold her tight even if she struggled for some time. Though it wasn't indestructible, as Deva would notice that some of the webbing would weaken ever so slightly if she pulled hard enough. The taste test would yield an interesting result, showing that the webbing actually tasted... sweet. It was somehow quite tasty, and if Deva wasn't carefully she might find herself instinctively going for another bite. Thankfully she'd still be able to get to her Tome, one of her arms being completely free, with the other having only a little bit of webbing that kept it from reaching out too far.

"An angel pun". The Tome would joke, literally answering her with 'an angel pun'. Though it hadn't looked too deeply into her past out of respect for her privacy, it looked for long enough to figure out if Deva would be a good choice. The moment that it had seen enough it had stopped looking, essentially only invading her privacy because it felt that it HAD to in order to stop the Cloaked One from causing any more destruction and chaos. But now that it had permission, it would look a little closer at all the creative things that Deva had done throughout her time. It was actually rather impressive the she found new ways to handle things almost all the time, and had done so much. It proved to the Tome that it had made the right choice, as it had found someone that wasn't part of a traditional story structure. She was neither a hero or a villain, she was Deva. That meant that she did what was right, even if it wasn't great for her, or even those that were around her. But despite doing what was right, doing what could traditionally be called 'good' she did terrible things sometimes as well. Neither a hero or a villain, and therefore left without something to easily manipulate. Heroes could be tricked easily or persuaded into joining a cause that wouldn't be entirely heroic. Villains could be bargained with, promised power, and fooled. Some of those things MIGHT work on Deva, it knew that, but not like it would work on those that weren't like her.

Eventually Deva would hear the sound of eight legs moving in rhythm towards her position, drawn over by the vibrations in its web, and it wouldn't take long for it to come into view of the 'trapped' angel.


A creature that was half-human and half-spider would walk into view, her upper half being almost entirely human aside from having multiple eyes and fangs where certain teeth should be, likely to inject venom into her prey. Her bottom half was that of a spider, though much bigger, with an abdomen and eight long legs, leaving her quite a bit taller than Deva. "Well you've gone and RUINED my plans... I was going to be properly dramatic once you got further in and be all like 'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly'. But instead you get yourself captured on the walk in and are basically already in my parlour... A shame, but at least I will soon have a new angel slave to show for it..." She'd say, speaking Common now that she was presented with someone that she had been told would speak that language. "You're lucky that I don't just decide to eat you for that little joke..." The spider woman would mutter, before her eyes would move along Deva's body, as though they were carefully appraising her. "Hips seem wide enough to support a smaller clutch... Breasts a bit small, but could likely still feed children... Could work out... Oh this is going to be so much fun..." The woman would smile sinisterly, still looking the angel up and down.

"Oh, you wish to speak with MY BroodSlave? Very well then... Glacia! Darling, come out here!" "Of course Mistress! One moment please!" And once again the sound of footsteps would sound through the cave, this time being two feet rather than the eight from earlier. And the Frost Goddess would soon come into view.


While the Flame Goddess seemed passionate and lustful, the Frost Goddess looked to be more calm and refined, her outfit showing that she carried herself with her head held high. She held a large ice sword in one hand, which right now she carried just in case her Mistress needed help dealing with any sort of threat. Deva would notice that the Frost Goddess' belly was rather large, as though she were pregnant, and an even closer look would show that it wasn't a normal 'round' that one might associate with having a child, instead it looked as though there were multiple small orbs filling her womb, likely meaning that she was filled with eggs right now. "Don't forget to keep the cold flowing... If you do a good job I think I can fill you with a few more eggs. Wouldn't that be nice?" The Goddess would nod eagerly, standing by her Mistress' side as she thought of being filled up with even more of her Mistress' wonderful eggs. "Now what to do with you? I think I could have another broodslave... That'd be nice, that way I won't be all backed up on eggs..." She'd lick her lips a bit and approach closer to Deva, though definitely still out of kissing range if that was her plan.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Fear isn't faith. Passive acceptance isn't faith. Nuuuh paperwork!" Deva explained, then squirmed a bit. "It makes sense, now that I think about it. A deity is bound by her followers. Without ones followers, you are just a powerful mortal, if you still have a mortal body you ascended from, or, if, more likely for many, you have been created and changed by faith, you are defined by it. Still, most deities have powers you and I could barely dream of."

Devas smile, as Isa claimed she was one better at walking that line than any, was a bit weary and cheerful alike. Fitting, almost.

"I had entertained the idea that it was odd for the frost goddess to not -try- and adjust the icey output, and that there had to have been a reason for it. As I said. Worst case. Bleh!" Deva bleh'd heartily with her ... serious side showing.

Deva chewed a bit, suprised at the webs taste, chuckling inwardly at Isas reaction. None could feel her brooms magic, because it wasn't magical unless she willed it to. Only a true experts of either spells or artifacts could tell what it even was, but if she had known of a certain trilogy of books, and had to come up with an analogy, she'd claim the broom was her One Ring. Except.. not to the point of soul-sucking or it making her go poof if thrown into a vulcano. It showed her being ready to get serious.. because it was an actual weapon, if a very special one.

Deva narrowed her eyes at the tome. "Who taught you to be clev.. eh nevermind." She had chuckled, putting her tome away and humming..

Until her eyes fell upon the one set out to 'catch her'. Devas eyes grew wide, a smile on her lips as she enthused. "Woah! Not so itsy-bitsy." With a focus on the spider-womans mammaries.

"I know. Hold on." Deva fished in her dress.. but not going for a weapon, she pulled out a cup of tea, attempting to hand it to the spider.. "Peppermint, please. Three sugars. Cubes that is, not grains, never understood why people shortened that, dangerous misunderstanding,.. wait.. silly of me, you don't have warm tea, do you. uhm.. iced tea? Forest fruits in that case. touch of peppermint there wouldn't hurt either. Anyway, I figured you'd try to web me up down the line, wanted to cut to the chase." Deva chuckled.

"So is that why the ice-guardian folks are webbed up all the way, for food? .. ah, nope, spider breeding. Kinky." Deva mused, then grinned. "Hah! I knew her name would be glacia, gotto translate fire and ice properly. By the by, you're helping me a lot giving an amazoness a firm helping of I told you so down the line. It Isa shame though I have to wait a little longer." She said, with just a subtle slurring of her words. "So, let me guess, next you'll bite me, inject me with lustful poison, and have the godess guard your back, just in case, because at the point of biting me you'll be rather vunerable, before you proceed to om nom nom me with eggs, eh. Well, seeing as I'm trapped, little I can do but try to appeal to the deity you have throughoutly enslave, I'ma do that now!" Deva chuckled and squirmed as if to emphasise her helplessness.

"Please miss deity lady." She cooed, then switched to celestial, .. a language, that, considering there were no angels here, was likely known as a tongue only gods could speak, or nonexistant at all. That said, a deity could innately understand nearly all languages, after all, they needed to listen to prayers even not spoken in their native peoples tongue. Interestingly, Devas celestial was better than her common.. in the case that celestial had about ten words for hope and thirty for love, but not a single one for hatred, befitting how Deva liked to speak.
"I'd like to remind you of the pact you've held. You swore to keep this world in balance and right now its not, and for what. " Deva waited a moment, squirming, a look of panic filling her eyes as she looked at the spider, at the godess, back at the spider, playacting with the godess expected response.

"Oh, I know my heroic appeal is not getting through to you. I just needed(really enjoyed for) you to say it. By the way, this may sound insane(not happy of mind), but I had a lot of time, and learned a lot of languages, you do that when you are bored(not having fun)!" And with that, Devas voice switched from cheerful happy divine, to the only lanaguage the frost-deity could not understand. She didn't like this strategy. She didn't even know if it would work. But knowing the nature of these pacts.. it was worth a try.

"Hear me." She continued, babbling in a language of fire and flames, winking briefly to the spider woman, and reacting with a moan .. if the same was doing what she proclaimed she would do. .. still, Deva would force out what she wanted to say.

"Hear me, I come from the palace of (generic) fire. In the name of Ignis, I invoke the pact Primeval binding the deities of this world! I stand in the palace of (opposite)ice. I look upon she who calls herself the deity of (opposite)ice and find her lacking(not hot enough). She has neglected her duties in a manner most foul(impure flames). Yet, there is one here more fitting to wield her powers. One that would maintain the balance and stay true to the pact." Deva hesitated, then added, in common. "It really isa shame I got trapped like this, if I had remembered all the things about how to control myself I hadn't gotten trapped like this. I got reckless. Man.. when you have great power, its really important to focus on the basics, and have even greater control, don't you think so.. miss.. spider, errr.. whats your name?" She mused, reminding Isa, keeping the opponent busy, feeling.. alife, in the danger, just doing what she was good at, living in the moment, her eyes subtly wandering over to the ice godess. It was just a try, a guess, a lucky shot, far shot too, perhaps, but likely, breaking a pact.. had reprecussions of some sort. Now, she knew nothing of it, and when facing the amazoness she had been.. too distracted to focus on developing a strategy like this throughoutly, plus, she had lacked a fire mage by her side, but right now,..
"By the right of our pact, by (generic)fire and (bright burning)flame. Let the betrayers might be the truthful ones by right! The balance of this world must be maintained at any cost. So I promised on my (divine fire)flames. So she promised on her (icky, cool) Ice. Let that promise be fulfilled and one that would maintain the balance be chosen instead!" Deva intonated, just.. winging things. But, with her having two of these, she wasn't all that bad at winging, of course. Still, divine power was a lot to drop on someone suddenly, unpreparedly. She placed a lot of trust in Isa, even if her plan worked. Isa wouldn't just have her powers boosted a little, or even a lot. She'd have her mind boosted, empowered enough to hear every prayer, every question addressed at the ice-godess.. and right now, likely, most asked her why.. and to stop. At the same time, she'd feel every icycle, every glacier, every snowflake, like hair on her body. And that wasn't the worst of it. She could sense things beyond a mortals grasp. For example, she could see the brom as what it truly was, an artifact, powerful enough to destroy evil with but a touch, enchanted to be disguised, nonmagical, only truly usable by Deva herself, filled with a shard of her own soul and essence to create a weapon that could unravel evil itself. Still, if even half of the ice-godess power was transfered.. that would even the playing field quite marvelously.
"P.. please don't hurt me spider miss! I.. I don't think I make for a good breeder at all. Mostly flat, really, those are brely b-cup breasts and I don't diet healthily, too many sweets all in all.." She gulped, acting as if she had only put on a brave-face that was now crumbling..
the only question and worry was who'd act faster.. if Deva was right at all. The transfer, or the spider. A part of Deva, the submissive side, tickled out by the amazoness earlier, couldn't help but have her eyes wander down to the ice-godess swollen belly and wonder about the latter... indubitably, transfering power would take time.. perhaps she should.. delay the spider a bit more..
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"True enough, I suppose. Though we still wouldn't know how many people have legitimate faith in the Goddess, especially considering how much this world is built on these two Goddesses." Isa would admit, shrugging a bit when she figured that worrying about how much power the Goddess they were going to encounter had was rather pointless. They would need to face the Goddess no matter what, and they wouldn't have any basis for how powerful she was, so worrying would do them no good. After that she'd just find herself a proper hiding spot and listen carefully, making sure that she didn't miss anything just in case Deva would need her to hop out and help with something.

"Hmph... I pride myself in a lot of things, and being larger than my common brethren is just one of them..." Though the spider woman didn't seem to notice Deva looking at her breasts, which were indeed quite large, for a variety of reasons, one of which being seduction.

The woman would narrow all of her eyes when Deva suddenly pulled out a tea cup, taking it and just placing it on a rock somewhere close by, but out of Deva's reach just in case. She had heard that she shouldn't underestimate the angel, though from the looks of it she had just bumbled into a web without needing to. "Unfortunately for you, I do not consider you a guest yet so my 'hospitality' is going to be quite limited... Though even knowing that I would've tried to ensnare you in my web later does not mean that it is a wise idea to simply fall into one of my webs. Perhaps the stories of your intelligence was exaggerated..." The spider would wonder aloud, not planning on getting Deva any tea while she had her trapped in a web.

"Oh, the knight's bodies are just being properly prepared to be even better Broodslaves... Their wombs are becoming more fertile and made to hold so many more of my children. Perhaps I'll even evolve one or two of them when I get the chance..." Then she'd smirk and chuckle a bit herself, finding something amusing in what Deva said. "Oh, are you talking of my comrades desire to not harm others? You realize that the knights in my webbing aren't suffering in the slightest. On the contrary, they're far happier now than they've ever been before. Perhaps you'd need me to bring one of them out of their little cocoon to tell you that themselves?" The spider would ask, knowing the way the Amazoness thought and having already done things in a way to satisfy both her and the Cloaked One. "Mistress orders are that no harm be done unless in self defense, and further that under no circumstances are we to break up true love... Well, my bites aren't painful, and everyone in this cave had already come to enjoy my treatments. But if you wish to try and get my favorite little broodslave to betray her Mistress, go right ahead... It's a futile effort, but I suppose that you need to see that for yourself..."

Glacia would raise an eyebrow when she heard Deva talking in a language that she wasn't used to hearing, one that she could still understand, but one that none of her followers had ever spoken. "I swore to keep the world in balance in accordance to the agreement between myself and Ignis. However, Ignis seems to not be keeping the balance in any way, so I can not control the balance by myself. The fact that I now WANT a lack of balance is irrelevant considering that I couldn't create balance even if I wanted to..." She would say, trying to justify her actions, and speaking in the same language as Deva. "And I disrupt this balance for the ecstasy of my Mistress. My purpose is not to create balance, it is to breed. I am meant to have a womb filled with the young of my Mistress, I am meant to obey as any broodslave should, and that comes before anything else. Mistress wishes me to continue using my powers, and if I do not then I might not be bred. And if I am not bred then I am not fulfilling my true purpose in the world. So, that stands to reason that I need to obey my Mistress and keep causing a shift in weather." She'd explain, smiling a bit vacantly at the thought of having even more eggs filling her, helping her do what she was MEANT to do her entire life.

"Is it truly a 'heroic' appeal when you wish to do something that would cause me to go against my true purpose in life? Semantics aside, however, you are right in thinking that your attempts at making me abandon my wonderful Mistress are rather futile. She is so wise... Using my inherent loyalty to her own advantage, helping build my obedience up... It's so wonderful..." She'd say, giving a glimpse into her personality, as even with how cold and refined that she seemed, the Goddess was very loyal to those that she cared about. And apparently the spider woman had found a way to turn that loyalty into obedience. Either way, that would give Deva confirmation that the Frost Goddess wasn't just going to restore balance simply because Deva was pleading for it.

Though both the Goddess and the spider woman would get a look of suspicion when Deva spoke in a language that neither of them could recognize. Which was even more strange to the Frost Goddess as she normally could understand any language that people spoke. Which either meant that Deva was just spouting random gibberish that vaguely sounded like a language, or that she was somehow speaking FIRE, which didn't make any sense either. "Spouting at me in any language isn't suddenly going to change your fate, little angel. You are not going to be able to easily escape this with words alone..." Though as Deva spoke, she'd start to feel a shift in energy around her, something minor right now, but what she was saying was seeming to work, the violation of such a sacred pact not being ignored. It couldn't take the power AWAY from the Frost Goddess, but it could give that power to someone else as well that might better keep the ancient pact upheld. So the Frost Goddess wouldn't start to get weaker in the slightest, but Isa would feel something changing in her as her mind shifted to better accomodate the pact that had been made. She could feel the ice and snow around her, the pure energy of cold flowing around the room. She could hear every prayer made in her name, and the powers that others called upon by invoking her. And it all swirled in her mind at once, changing her deep down as new found powers would fill her body. Her perception as well changed as she realized the power of the broom that she was currently holding, part of her very glad that Deva actually had a tool that could be used to stop evil, rather than just holding a regular broom as a distraction. That being said, Deva would be able to feel that the power was slow, and that Isa would need a bit of time before she was even able to do anything about the new power she was holding. For right now she would need to focus, and Deva would still be on her own for a little bit, needing to buy a bit of time before the playing field was properly leveled like she wanted. And even then, Glacia had thousands of years of experience with her magic, so Isa would be able to match her with most of her power, but Glacia had the upper hand in experience. Still, it would be much better than just going up against a Goddess and a spider woman with just an ice mage by her side.

"My name is Neith, little angel... And don't talk down on yourself like that! B-Cups are still pert and beautiful, and could still properly feed a few children, and we could very easily fix up your diet to support my children. You're beautiful! And I promise you that you'd make an absolutely wonderful breeder..." The spider woman would encourage, looking over Deva approvingly. "Ah but if that's what you really want, I suppose we could only give you one little clutch of my children and then make you a guardian slave, or even a hunter for me... Would you prefer that instead?" The spider woman would ask, and before Deva could even answer, the woman would sink her fangs into Deva's leg, which strangely wouldn't actually hurt in the slightest. Perhaps those fangs had some sort of numbing effect, or maybe it was the spider web or something, but either way it wouldn't hurt in the slightest. Though Deva would feel something warm starting to flow through her veins, flowing without any resistance, increasing her blood flow ever so slightly as it worked on flowing towards her sex, increasing the blood flow there in particular, and strangely it would feel as though there was a gentle tongue lapping at her clit... A venom that could cause phantom sensations, odd but certain pleasurable as it felt like a careful, passionate, and experienced lover was starting to eat her out, more teasing her that pleasuring her at this point. "Let's get your body nice and ready for my eggs... Though if you're still having some problems, just let me know and we can get some of that nice venom into your brain as well..."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Deva saved Isa the details of divine worship.. If people just -accepted- The godesses being there, like the seasons, that likely ment that there were very few -true- believers, only their clerics, which ment only those gave a deity true power. Demi-deities. Still powerful, but managable. Deva, at the height of her power, had reached the rank of a lesser deity. Above her had been intermediate deity, and above that, the Greater Deities, of all but the dark, Moradin, Creator of Dwarves, , the Halfling mother, , the light of life(and one of Devas favourites), and , the reaper. Each representing huge aspectes of reality, like life and death itself. Facing one of those was futile. Try attacking a god that could kill you by just thinking about you..
Luckily, Deva doubted all deities were that strong, even the greater deities in most stories. And if they were, they were uninvolved.. The only one that might take note and grow concerned would be , The Lord of all Magic, who was called the Uncaring Archmage for a reason. As long as the fabric of magic itself wasn't threatened he'd not get involved.. which was the first sign that these tomes weren't as destructive as the people left behind thought. If they destroyed without reason.. they'd not exist. Deva figured, chances weere Boccob actually made them, or at least observed their creation. He had a habit of approving of any and all magic that was created.. good or bad.

"Yeah, no kidding.... so thats a no on the tea?" Deva responded to the spiderwoman, peeking at her tea-cup. This one was genuinly unmagical. Deva rightfully sulked at the lack of tea. "Last villainous looking person I asked made me tea. Was pretty good too!" She complained. The spider could not know that this was a subtle test.

"Eh, you know how it is, people like to go overboard in describing the foes that defeated them, that way their victory seems less pathetic, right?" Deva would not normally use words like pathetic to describe those she had overcome, but it was so easy to manpulate people if you talked in words they would use themselfs..

"Evolve one or two of them? Interesting, what can you evolve people to? Also, .. wait, so you say you could easily circumvent the ward I praised upon my womb to prevent pregnancy for.. reasons?" She gulped in .. worry.

"I see.. sounds logical enough.. and Kinky. stilll." Deva chuckled at the deities explanation. A kinky life.. if.. a one sided one. Not what she desired certainly, there was no going to war against evil, aiding her powerful mis... she really needed to get the amazon out of her head. perhaps she'd catch her picking her nose or something. That'd help ruin the romance a bit. "I'm not asking you to do anything going against your purpose. If all you want to be is a spider breeder, not an ice-deity." Deva said, a calm smile washing over her lips, perhaps too short for the spider to note, certainly not for the deity..

"Oh, excuse me, I just .. brabble nonsense when I'm panicking. Doesn't that ever happen to you? So whats the endgame here? turn the whole palace into breeders, scuttle off to your web of happily enslaved servants from another story? Or are these your first victims? I doubt the cloaked one will just let you turn this into your personal brood-world no matter what." Deva mused, quite good at buying time, in a way... well.. not until Neith sank her teeth into Devas leg.. "huh.. doesn't hurt.." she mused...

"Neith? Just Neith? Aww thanks. I think I'm average but have a lot of inner beauty, you know." And she wanted to speak on, something among the lines of: "Guardian slave? Well you lack in those, never seen any.. and hunters.. I see, so you would prey on the surrounding villages eh? But you realize that this can't succeeded in the end.

Lets say you have only three, just three children per person. And those grew up and want to have children themselfs.. You'll quickly run out of people to fill up, no? Unless you make your children .. AH! Thats it. The kids are regular spiders, aren't they? Loyal swarm to you, for loyal breeders? Anyway, I make for a bad guardian, and hunter, you realize someone could catch, disenchant and then use me against you? You can only use properly enthralled hunters, and my mind is -waaaay- too reslient to be one hundred percent enslaved, unless you offer me something I like.. no, not just am tricked to like, really, really like... I usually rebel against basic programming."

But instead, she panted at the sudden, suprising biting and the feeling of something pumping into her... she expected venom, sure, but not venom with such a sudden strength.

Deva nodded. Casually chatting on, adding: "Haah.. pfeww... So, what about my tea?" Deva managed to bring out, now actually slightly worried, as her legs subtly parted in response to the teasing and poisons, as if to make space for a lover right there. "Sorry, but I'd rather not have a brain poisoning." She really had taken the spider for more of a talker, most likely, Isa needed more time. well, she just had to brave it.. think of a distracting question Deva...

"So, your mistress orders you to not hurt anyone, huh? I can think of plenty you've hurt. Plus, you began this counter by wanting to eat me. Admit it, you aren't all that loyal to the cloaked one, if you could, you'd just want to break fre and do your own thing, now I doubt I'd make for a good averge slave, but if its freedom you want.." She tried. The mistress had propably empowered this one too.. she never heard of spider poison working just like that, but perhaps that'd busy Neith with explaining how great her mistress was and.. if she talk a talking, she couldn't be bite a biting.. which Deva worried.. yearned to find out how that might feel, considering how tingly her body was right from the phantom-licking beneath her dress. The spiders praise, if in a wicked way didn't help much either, she realized, as she glanced over to the ice-godess vacant smile..
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Neith would stop and begin to think for a few moments as Deva continued on about the tea, contemplating something. "Perhaps we can get you some tea AFTER you're properly enslaved. You never know what you'll manage to do with the things that I could give you. Once you've got some nice children in your womb, we'll get you some tea. It's nutritious, and you need to be able to support all of them." The spider woman would think aloud, caring quite a bit about the kind of nutrition that her children would be getting, and willing to give tea once she was sure that it wasn't going to be any sort of risk.

"I suppose they could have been exaggerating your abilities... But even Mistress was concerned about what you could possibly do to her plans, AND you have a Tome at that. There's something threatening about you... even if you've just fallen into one of my webs... Plus I was warned that you had managed to escape Valerie... Which is even more concerning to me." It seemed that Neith was still quite suspicious of her, reaching a hand out to gently pinch her leg, as though she were checking if the angel was real or not.

"I can evolve all those knights in so many different ways. If I wished I could make them like me, or I can give them natural insect-like armor, venomous fangs, multiple eyes, whatever that I think would be most useful for them. Sometimes I just improve their womb, make them much more fertile and able to support so many more eggs. It all depends on what happens." Then she would chuckle a little at Deva talking about a ward that would protect her from pregnancy. "Yes I can. Years ago something like that might have stopped me, but after being empowered by Mistress, my eggs can get through something like that without any issues. She told me something about changing my eggs to be considered something other than a regular pregnancy, but I really don't need the details." She'd explain before licking her lips, an inhumanely long tongue stretching out as she imagined all the things that she would be able to do to Deva once she was properly converted.

"Thank you for understanding then. But really I would prefer to remain both an Ice Deity AND the breeder slave that I was meant to be. My powers are much more useful to Mistress when I'm a proper deity. So not only can I hold her young, but I can also use my powers to help her achieve her goals." The Ice Goddess would explain her views, not seeming to realize that Deva was planning on giving her powers to another. Instead her mind just focused in on her Mistress and being bred, not thinking any further on the issue as she just continued to fantasize about her Mistress. "Soon you'll understand your purpose too... Once Mistress gets you nice and full of her venom and her children, you'll understand just how wonderful it is to be her slave, filled with her children... Oh I promise you that the process alone is so wonderful..." The Goddess sighed blissfully, remembering her own enslavement and the amount of pleasure that had come from being bred.

"The end game is to save all these slaves and bring them into my nest to live a life of bliss and pleasure. It's either that or they are sealed to live their lives happily, either way they're happy. I'd just prefer to have a few pretty little Ice Knights to breed and spend my time with, building my nest for them and my young... I don't need this world to be my personal brood world, I have somewhere I can take these ones. Mistress doesn't want us doing anything to the stories once they're sealed unless they're OUR original stories, so I won't be taking things over in here." Neith would shrug, having accepted the rules that the Cloaked One had given them without any trouble. She didn't mind that she wasn't able to do any of these things, as she could still get the things that she wanted, a large amount of slaves for breeding and evolving all for her extensive little nest. So long as she could get that, she'd be happy. "These aren't my first 'victims' as you call them, but I don't bring my family out on these missions, as they could end up getting hurt. As their mother, I don't exactly plan on putting them in danger just because of my goals."

"You're beautiful! Don't go calling yourself something as mundane as 'average'! Look at you, beautiful wings, a slender form, pert and pretty little breasts, nice hair, and a perfect face. You're an amazing looking angel, and you'll be a PERFECT broodslave! And of course, I'm sure you're very beautiful inside... Which just makes you an even better broodslave to be. Never sell yourself short like that, you're more than attractive enough to get me interested..." The spider would encourage, not wanting anyone that she planned on enslaving to be so down on herself. Her slaves should be confident in how beautiful they were, they were hot enough to be considered wonderful broodslaves, they desreved to take some pride in that fact! "Maybe we'll do something about the confidence as well. Nothing to drastically change your personality, but enough to make you understand just how beautiful you really are."

Once she pulled her fangs away, Neith would look the angel up and down as the venom went to work, making her feel as though someone were gently teasing her sex, insistently working to make her aroused. And no matter how she moved or tried to shift her positions, since there wasn't someone actually teasing her, no position would slow it down. The sensations were coming from within her, and yet made her feel as though something external was toying with her.

"Tea... Hmmm... you know what, yes! Let's get you some tea..." Neith would grin deviously, snapping a finger and having Glacia head off real quickly to bring back some iced tea to the specifications that Deva had asked for, pouring a cup of it. But before either of them gave the cup to Deva, Neith would take the cup and open her mouth wide and sink one of her fangs into the tea, a slightly purple tint filling the cup of tea before Glacia would smile, take it, and use an ice spoon to mix the venom into the tea properly. "There you go, a nice bit of tea for you... Just let me know when you want a sip." She'd place the cup down, smiling seductively. "No brain poisoning, well where's the fun in that? Very well, how about we get the really fun venom into you then..." Once again she'd quickly sink her fangs into Deva's thigh, still no pain shooting through her from the bite, venom coursing through her once again. Yet... this time she wouldn't feel any more pleasure or heat in her body... What was that supposed to do then? For the moment it seemed as though the venom did absolutely nothing at this point. "Oh, and it's not JUST Neith. I was always called 'Neith the Fleshweaver' for a variety of reasons. It was a bit harsh really though... It makes me sound as though I kill people or use them to make my webs, which is ridiculous! I still haven't killed a single person!" She'd protest a bit as she explained the title that her story had given her.

The power was still working with Isa, as it took quite a bit to turn a regular mortal into a deity, especially when that mortal wasn't even meant to be a part of the story. It took some time to give her knowledge, power, and the right connection to the story for her to even be on par with the Frost Goddess, though Deva would see ice forming letters behind the Glacia and Neith, Isa writing something and managing to make it so that Glacia couldn't even FEEL that ice, which was a good sign considering that a deity of ice should always be able to sense ice magic. The letters read 'I need more time... It's working though. Hold on a little longer.' And then the ice would vanish into nothing, letting Deva know that things were going properly, so long as she could withstand the two before her. "Any hurt that I've caused has been inadvertent, and if that counts then I could name so many that you've harmed as well. We aren't trying to do that kind of thing. But you misunderstand things... I am very happy being enslaved to Mistress. I used to be angry, bestial, and had purposely harmed many in my stories to be left alone. Now I've been better taught, not planning on harming you all, and instead bringing both you and myself so much pleasure... She is an absolutely wonderful person that has changed my life for the better. I do not want to be free, for I am very happy where I am." She'd moan a little bit, and a fleshy organ crossed between a tendril and a penis would extend out from underneath her abdomen, pulsing slightly now that the spider was thinking of her own enslavement. Her ovipositor would twitch slightly, and Glacia would lick her lips a bit before falling to her knees, licking the fleshy organ and stroking it a little to get it properly prepared for breeding, turning occasionally to look at Deva so she could see the absolute bliss in her expression as she started to pleasure her Mistress.
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"Oh come on, do you think I could kill you with peppermint tea? .. you need at least Earl Grey for that." Deva nodded, having a talent for not sounding seriousl.. mostly.

"Hoh.. Well, I got lucky in escaping Valerie, my magic for that ran out.." So the communication her enemies used was fast. Windwalking over a country took a while, but not more than a day for certain. She mieeped innocently when pinched. which, if that had been an illusion, would have disspelled it, unless Deva had focused actively to make the illusion react to the fake pinch, and even then, stronger minds would see through such things if suspicious. But this was why Deva DIDN'T use illusions all the time, that made one predictable. "Well, the fight against Valerie was exhausting, I wasn't expecting someone here when I decided to go for the ice-mountain instead." She said, semi truthfully. The beauty of her Morphea spell was that at least the spells used during the fight agains the amazon had also recovered.

"Interesting, so its not just a basic likeness, but adaptive evolution, what do you think would fit best to me?" Deva inquired, in the hopes of keeping the spider talking. She wasn't sure how distracted the ice-godess was from what was going on. Still, she couldn't help but gulp slightly at the.. detailed description.

"Oh I'm kind of curious about the details, you see, had a lot of fun in my past, just a simple protection.." She was curious to learn about the extend of her foes powers, but.. as she feared right now, it was pretty much omnipotence.. as long as her book had juice, and she could imagine it.. Deva wasn't afraid of a duell of creativity, but she was still quite outnumbered and outpowered right now.. there was a reason she made sure her tome conserved its powers.

"Yeah about that.." Deva mused to respond to the ice deity. "You do have a duty to this world and.. problem with being a deity, you can't just.. neglect that.. but I guess you're just thinking about your mistress, huh?" Deva didn't want to get to know more about the.. progress up close, but she wasn't sure she had a choice. She remembered when she ascended to become a deity, it has kind of overwhelmed her, she looked at an oak and saw the accorn and the roots growing deep, she liked to say to try and make it understandable to non-deities.

"Good to know. So.. a world full of spiderwebs, imagining lots of flies, propably trees, no watersprouts, are there songs about spiders?" She remarked at the spider.. so there was no need to destroy this one. "Wouldn't like hurting you, making your family lose its mother, then again, I doubt anyone asked to be yours." She mused on, still playacting helpless, though, perhaps a little unusually unconcerned at times.

"Aww you, don't be such a charmer, you're making me blush." That much was true, Deva almost started to feel bad for tricking the spider as she was showered with compliments. Deep down.. she hadn't recieved many of those often enough, so they were an indirect weakspot.. What the spider didn't know was that Deva wasn't caught at all, there was magic to escape these webs, nor was she unarmed.. one of her brooms enchantments allowed her to call it from afar, as long as there were no solid distances blocking all the way... but with Deva still being horny from earlier, she did hesitate, just a bit.. perhaps also because she hoped to learn more about her foes.

"I'm happy with.. average, I guess, but,.. trust me, I got reason not to be proud of everything in my past." Or present.. she mentally added, though only with a shifting of her legs, a part of her pondering about just what that poison was, though, she couldn't help but glance between her legs, as if wondering if a tiny spider was there, licking at her.. no.. just her imagination. Fascinating, she had expected arousal, sure, lethargy and things like that, not.. phantom sensations. Even as the first time shifting about didn't help she tried once more..

Deva watched the purple-fied tea cautiosly, the way the spider injected her venom.. the color and viscosity could tell her more about the poison, after all.
"Well, thats not iced berry, but spider-poison, not my .. cup of tea.. hah!" Deva grinned... though then she hesitated at the promise of a more fun kind of poison. Geez, the spider had multiple types? She could counteract only one at a time. She'd have to.. wait and see.

"Huh? Your poison has a malfunction, .. hey, its ok, happens to the best of spiders sometimes.." She mused, focusing on counteracting the phantom lusts.."Fleshweaver? thats an interesting title, I have heard of fleshwarpers, com.. haah.. combining that with your earlier explanations..." She shifted slightly.. these phantom licks were distracting. Mentally she sent a command to the spider-tatoo, right between her navel and short tuft of pubic hair, hidden under the dress, though for now she answered, with a hint of approval. "Not killed a single person? You sure make it hard to fight you lot. Even obliged my request of no head-poisoning. I think that justifies mercy. But at the same time, I need to make very clear you can't handle me, so you don't try again.. hrmnn... .. hahh.. an.. interesting show, though.." Deva blushed a little at the licking display, pondering herself.

"I too have changed the mind of wicked beings, insofar we are not different, no. But theres a crucial difference between stopping evil and doing good." She watched the ovipositor, worriedly, then squinted her eyes, briefly, her legs relaxing as she extended a hand, dipping a finger into the purple, tinted tea, having a taste... just a taste. She needed to analyze that poison too.

"Your venom has a supernatural component to affect me like this. Fascinating, I presumed I could simply neutralize it. Buuut I think its best I take my time with this. So Glacia is perpetually keeping the cold coming? Can you focus on that and.. ahem..." Deva smiled, innocently.. she -wanted- Glacia to use her powers. "Well, I think its high time for some desperate effort attack." Deva raised her hand. She intonated, creating a few orbiting, miniature stars, only to throw them at the spider.. first one, then several, fully expecting Glacia to easily absorb or freeze the magic before it could even hit. But instead of surrendering and accepting that, she switched around, chanting: " "To send a large icycle crashing down.. even more futile against an ice-godess. Perhaps the reports truly were exxagerated.. or perhaps Deva tried to slowly exhaust what was normally an inexhaustible pool.. without being too obvious at it.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"You never know... so I'd much prefer to just not take the risk and refuse you that tea. And even then it's not a complete 'no', just wait until I can be sure that you're not a danger to myself and my new broodslaves." Neith would explain calmly, showing that she was rather cautious when it came to people that were supposedly large threats to the person she considered to be the most powerful.

"A shame then... Valerie had been looking for someone worthy enough to serve her on a more permanent basis. Well, her loss is my gain after all..." The spider woman grinned, somehow still managing to make Deva think of what she had to give up in order to be here, even being this far away from the Amazoness. Though Neith was happy to see that the Deva that she had pinched was the real deal, rather than something intended to trick her. That was at least a good start in her mind, as she was really dealing with the angel that had supposedly been so dangerous up until this point. "Well, I owed Valerie a favor, and in her own words 'Two of us working on that story will help wrap things up quicker, and lead to less suffering overall... If we go now we can stop the conflict before it starts'. And as I already said, I owed her a debt, so I was more than happy to come here and work with her." Which would either mean that she left the story she was assigned unattended, or that she was never assigned one to begin with. Though she did believe Deva when she said that she had used up all her spells at this point, not even considering the fact that she could be lying on that. In her mind it made sense, to escape one as strong as Valerie you'd need to use up a good deal of magic.

"You? Oh that's a tough one... I think honestly you'd fit best as a Spider Princess for me... Breeding clutches only when I think you deserve the pleasure of it... Your womb being slowly altered to properly incubate a new Queen, birthing them and helping them find a new nesting ground. Which also means that your outward appearance will be mostly the same, only your insides being altered ever so slightly..." She'd explain, already imagining Deva in that position and seeming to quite enjoy the fantasy.

"Well unfortunately, if you want the details of Mistress' powers, you'd have to go to her more powerful agents to know anything more... I was never one to really ask anything on the matter, nor would I be told about it anyway." Neith shrugged, never having all that much interest in the ways that Mistress' powers worked. She had never been one to care for gaining large amounts of power. So long as she could breed and enjoy herself with her children and slaves, she could enjoy her life. Though now she also had helping Mistress as a higher priority, which was another thing that she didn't particularly mind so long as it eventually led to the life that she wanted.

"Did you criticize Ignis for failing in her duties as well? As far as I see it, we are still on equal footing on that matter... We are both just embracing who we were always meant to be, who we really are. After all, even if I used the full force of my ice, she could have countered it with the full force of her fire. Yet that didn't seem to happen, did it?" Glacia would explain, still seeming to try and justify and rationalize her actions. Apparently deep down some part of her cared about fulfilling her duties, and so her mind simply came up with an excuse for how she was definitely still trying to fulfill those duties, even if she was happy that the imbalance was happening.

"As far as I am aware, there were no songs about spiders where I come from. Though I didn't really visit any human towns or cities to learn about that kind of thing. And actually, a few members of my family had heard of what I could do to people, and actively sought me out for that express purpose..." Which she was pretty sure was true, perhaps they were put up to it by someone else, but they had come to her and asked her to transform them and bring them into her family. They were also rather odd people, but she was never one to judge, especially when they were willingly offering themselves as members of her family, therefore increasing her nest even more.

"I'm making you blush merely by telling you what I actually think of you? You're beautiful, sexy, with a pretty pair of wings that help put the whole look together. You have a cute face, a sexy body that would be perfect for supporting my children, and I bet you'd look even more beautiful when my babies fill you up, giving you a healthy glow to add to your already absolutely beautiful appearance." The spider wasn't even lying about what it thought about Deva, while it had initially evaluated her a little harshly, she was looking more at initial suitability for mating. But in terms of her actual physical appearance, and how much she could still support life, Neith was quite happy with how Deva looked. "I could get you a nice silky dress to make you properly look like a Spider Princess as well, a beautiful white that accentuates your features, but wispy and seductive, making you look even more erotic. We'd even have the little added touch of some of my children crawling through that dress, making you look even more beautiful, showing your connection to life and your connection to me... It'd look absolutely lovely. If there was ever a way to make one as pretty as you even prettier then that would be it."

The spider woman would cringe a little as Deva made the cup of tea pun, partially wanting to just force her to drink some of that tea right now and keep her too aroused to make those kinds of jokes. But otherwise she'd not comment on it, thinking of more important matters that she wanted to attend to right now. "It's just my own little special edition to make it taste so much more wonderful... Give it a few sips, I guarantee that you'll love it." Glacia would pour a cup of tea for herself as well, which Neith would inject her venom into before the Frost Goddess took an eager drink, shuddering and moaning as she drank it down, her smile growing wider and much more blank from getting even more of that wonderful venom.

"Oh my, how unfortunate, I suppose that venom must need some time to properly refill..." She'd lie, knowing how her own venom worked, and therefore not at all concerned about it apparently not working on Deva. Then she'd stare a little closer down between Deva's legs, the phantom tongue picking up speed once the spider woman focused in on it, circling her clit and teasing her folds. Strangely enough, that was still an effect of the initial venom, as Neith would be able to increase the effect in certain parts by carefully controlling how her injected poison affected the angel. "Why on earth would I ever choose to kill? It's messy, provides me with nothing, is excessively cruel, and is just all around a poor experience for everyone involved. I can't think of a scenario where I'd need to actually kill someone, the 'eating' you thing was more just a joke considering the fact that I didn't like the little pun that you had given... Though I doubt how you'd manage to defeat me considering that you've gotten yourself stuck in my web and injected with my venom. I guess I am thankful that you would be willing to spare me if you even were able to defeat me."

Glacia would lick Neith's ovipositor with the same amount of passion that Deva had seen from Ignis earlier, as though that fleshy organ was the most wonderful creation in the universe. Reverence filled her eyes as she looked it over, licking it more and more as it pulsed a bit, Neith letting out a few more moans as her whole body shuddered. "Alright Glacia... You can... Uuunnngghh... stop for now. I know how much you want more, but we need these eggs for your soon to be fellow slave." And so the Goddess would pull her lips away, looking a bit disappointed, her saliva still glistening on the fleshy tendril as she was forced to just stare at it in awe, unable to be bred again like she wanted to. When Deva took a small taste of that tea, it would be one of the most wonderful tasting things she'd ever tasted. The flavor was strong, sweet, delicious, making her crave another sip... just one. The small dose would cause her breasts to tingle a little bit, feeling slightly sensitive, but since it was such a small dose, nothing more would come from it.

The spider's eyes would widen as Deva suddenly case a spell, but Glacia would simply wave her hand, barriers of ice appearing to encase every single projectile sent at her Mistress. Then when the icicle fell down she'd react just as fast, sending it flying in the opposite direction, impacting a wall of the cave and actually embedding into the solid stone. And yet it seemed as though none of her energy was drained even in the slightest, causing her to smirk a bit, knowing Deva's attack had failed. However, what she didn't realize was that because she used her powers even more, Isa would start gaining the powers of a Goddess even faster, the ice energy being thrown around, flowing into Isa. It seemed that while Glacia wasn't losing anything from this, Isa was still rapidly gaining power, and now that the power was being used, she was gaining it at an even quicker rate than before. "Oh my... I think that I might have to punish you for that... Such defiance shouldn't be tolerated..." She'd bare her fangs a bit before opening her mouth, starting to step forward towards Deva for another bite, before she'd find that some of her hind legs were stuck. Looking down they were frozen to the ground, encased in ice, though if Deva looked closely she'd see that it was actually an interlaced lattice of ice, small holes in the casing, but not enough to compromise the integrity of it. Neith would struggle a bit against the ice, looking confused as Glacia tried to break it open, finding that her control over ice wasn't working. So she lifted her sword, ready to break the casing and free her Mistress, which was when she'd be hit straight on with an ice bolt, being knocked back a bit and looking over.

Isa stood tall, looking the same as before, but FEELING different. She seemed more confident, more ice-like in her stare, seeming more calm than she had been before. And Deva could feel the power of pure ice coming off of her, the power of someone that was perfectly in tune with the power of ice. "Sorry that took so long..." She'd fire another bolt of ice at Glacia, seeing her getting pushed back by it, which would only confuse her further, as ice shouldn't have affected her at all, but here she was being pushed back by it. "How about we put things on a more even playing field now?" While she hadn't been given an exact order to do that, something deep down told her that right then was the perfect time, plus she could see that things weren't exactly heading in a great direction. Isa would close her eyes and focus for a moment, causing some of the webbing around Deva to shatter, having been frozen and broken with just a bit of focus from the Ice mage that now had the powers of an Ice Goddess.
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"Interesting." Was Devas only response, after all she wasn't interested in discussing with the spider.. too much talk made deception obvious, but talk was the goal, of course. Still, the memory of Valerie stung a bit. The spider was hot and, sure, other thrones had pretty mistresses upon them too, but there had just been something about the amazoness that had spoken to a primal part of Deva.. and not just in her seductive scent and musk.

"Interesting too.. what kinda debt would a spider-woman owe a fighty amazon, what, did she beat up someone that dusted away some of your webs?" Deva guess-chuckled, trying to reign in her squirming. Her spider tatoo, obviously, was more than just that, a semi-animate familiar, supposed to help Deva when her normal angelic poison resistance (slightly nothing too impressive) failed her, but it wasn't designed to deal with story-breaking powers.. so that was how deities felt? In reality, Deva had used about a third of her spells, including getting here and protecting herself, though almost half of her more powerful spells. Unlike Isa, she couldn't summon ice repeatedly, her power was more sophisticated, but also had a clear limit. The higher the spellgrade in power, the less she could use, and energy immunity was a pretty high powered one, unsuprisingly. None of that would return without a throughout rest.

"Spider-princess?" Despite all her plans, or rather, because of them and her flighty nature she had to try and imagine a spider-crown for a few moments. Something web-ey? She couldn't help but blush as the spider went on to describe.. perhaps not the best thing to think about, despite her focused mind, she still needed to concentrate on spells, truth be told, if Valerie had pushed her mid-fight she might have not been able to cast her magic at all in her mixture of arousal and brawling with a capable opponent... so for just a moment, she too was distracted, the spells on her that had a long duration, fire immunity, ice immunity and one or the other hidden trickery, the only thing she could call up, as she cleared her throat. She did note that, apparently, the spider was below Valerie in ranking. No suprise.

"Didn't criticize Ignis, that you too would be.. occupied was only a distant concern in my mind. So you are happier as slave?" Deva admitted to her miscalculation openly. There was a chance Deva could out-reason the ice deity.. she could out-talk anyone that hadn't specialized in diplomacy and the way of words, infact, Valerie had been the first of those she had met from the cloaked one to hold her own verbally, but.. that'd surely take more time than Deva had with the lewd spider well.. ontop of her, more or less...

"If some sought you out, that is fine then. But you weren't satisfied with that alone." Deva stated calmly, eyes narrowed. Deva knew a lot of people were into.. a lot of things. She herself enjoyed darker, subserviant fantasies, she had to admit.. not an advantage against Valerie or Neith, certainly. "Ahem..." Deva cleared her throat, mixed feelings about the description of her as beautiful and good breeding material in the same sentence. Deva did have a hidden lifeforce that most mortals lacked, looking in her healthy twenties, if one didn't notice the age hiding in her eyes, no scars or blemishes on the healers body, magic could take care of all of this after all.

"Now I'm no arachnophobe, but spiders crawling all over me sounds a bit extreme.." She coughed, hesitating, thinking about a few drow-priestesses that liked such a design, like her short met third wife..
Deva watched the frost godess drinking her drink.. deities could lower their resistances, but a lot were unwilling.. so the cloaked one had mostly worked on the spiders venom.. which was bad, as that was what was flowing through her, right now. She could indubitably ask Tomey for a fixing help, but that might get dangerous if the spider got snatchy.. perhaps a few quick purifications and restorations, would those be enough? She mused, watching the moaning frost-godess. She'd... "Ahmnnn!" She gasped at the tongue speading up, rocking a little, her movements held steady by the web as she bit her lips slightly.. this was definitly not how normal poison was supposed to feel! Still, she couldn't help but exhale, her legs spreading slightly, her.. mission of delaying the spider forgotten for a moment, giving no rebuttal to the spider-womans words, instead, her eyes falling upn the lewdities the Ice-deity was committing... it reminded her of Ignis, but with a far.. less human appendage, making her gulp slightly.

Meanwhile, her .. plan to analyze the poison more would backfire, making her pant in warm arousal for another moment, hesitating and trying her best.. her hand actually forcefully clenching to a white fist as she needed all her power just to not take another sip.. a good thing too, normally both Stars of Arvandor and Telekinesis were a continous spell, ment to attack opponents repeatedly.. but right now the angel was a bit too.. distracted to do such. More worrysome, whilest Deva couldn't read a godess weell (Try to judge if an ocean was emptier after you got a few bukets ouf of it) she seemed to still control her powers with perfect ease.. Deva was almost reliefed she didn't test ignis.. she was resistant to cold to some degree, but not fire..

Unluckily, without a message of sorts, Deva didn't know of Isas power-gain either, not with the.. molested state she was in.... and she exhaled, not quite sure if it was in relief or disappointment, as the spiderwoman hesitated in her approach. "Aaalrighty then." Deva exhaled, clasping her hands together, with a cracking of ice. "Truth be told, that was pretty kinky, the whole.. spider princess bit I mean." Deva picked up the goblet of spider poison, moaning wantonly.. . "But... but it feels so good.. no.. I have to fight it..."

Then the looked at the spider. "Thanks to Isas power, I got lucky.. I wont let you seduce me, now you will feel the full weight of my vengeance you mean spider-thingie you! Now wicked villain, you shall be defeated.. and I will make sure your mistress never hears of it! For Justice! Tomey, shield us from prying ears and eyes best as you can!" Deva smirked, her tone shifting, as she stared at the tea.

"Alright, listen up. Hear me out, for a moment, it'll be worth your time. Getting trapped in your web was all part of my plan. Looking weak, and as if your poison could actually work on me, was as well. My friend here, right now, is as strong as Glacia.. granted, Glacia has far more ability, but the only way for her to keep up, is to withdraw the power she expends maintaining this winter-wonderland.

I'll tell you what happens then too, because I am very clever. Valerie will bend the stories rules to rush here and check on you, because she is a hero... well, she will try to."
Deva crossed her arms.

"I'm betting, that as soon as she expends that much of her given powers, she'll be ambushed, propably taken by suprised, either killed, or, far more likely, brainwashed. No, no, not by me. But you see, theres a conspiracy in the ranks of your mistress, to take her out, take her powers for yourself. Telekinesis!" Deva shouted, the broom suddenly flying out of Isa's hand into hers.

"The Dryad Azalea. A colorfully winged angel with an over-extreme fashion sense and a penchant for beauty, and likely a few more, they plan to use me to take you loyal ones out, so they can strike at the mistress. I plan to have them succeed. How else to get all traitors together, without a shadow of a doubt? So here is the plan." She presented her broom. "This broom is, actually a holy, merciful, fiend and undeadbane longstaff that disguises its magic to anyone but me. To translate.. it hurts, but it can only kill demons or undead. You wont kill, so I wont kill you. I wont lie, I don't like this place, I don't like you or your mistress methods. if I win, I will take the next opportunity to defeat her.. but I like the methods of those after her even less. If I lose.. you'd to best retreat, and let this story mend with my tomes aid, with me, Isa and the frost-folks as price, because we can't risk the betrayer of your mistress having stolen a page from her tome to power his own agenda.

You can claim that you didn't finish the story because I was the more important price, or because I injured you because.. frankly, neither of those is a lie."
Deva flexed, after her explanation, giving the tome a mental nod as she attached it to a web. "Enough friendly catching up. I want to stop your mistress, no matter what. I will punish her for everyone she has hurt. Let the new and the old Ice-godess wrestle it out. Isa wont win without me telling her how to control things.. and we both know that if Glacia has to dig deep enough for long enough, she'll find corners of her mind you hadn't subjugated properly, so the fight is on us, show me your abode as you planned.. and better take me serious, because... you've never fought anything like me." Deva grinned, then pushed the book back, hanging on a strand of web, her tone switching, she cussing.

"Damn spiderbitch! You think taking my tome is going to stop me? Do you want to call your mistress for help? I wont give you the time.. Telekinesis is still active you know!" With that she extended a hand, pushing the spider away from the two struggling ice-godesses, sending her deeper into the icy cave, more moving her, than forcing damage upon her with her thrust, before lowering her broom, rushing forward, slamming it against spiderwebs.. which burned away in divine fire, werever they hit the brooms bristles, as she charged to her .. heroic battle against the spider.

Again, this was all assumption. That Glacia had to resort to withdrawing the cold to stand against Isa proper. That there'd been an attack on the amazoness when she let her guard down as soon as something was off, readying herself to help her friend, knowing things she shouldn't after encountering the angel..
Deva was good with assumptions.

Not so good trying not to think about lewd spiderbreedings, but luckily, perhaps with her speech, the teasing tongues had, more or less, left her in peace, as she rushed at moderate speed, to challenge and 'kill' the spider...
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"Valerie did me a favor. One of my broodslaves was finding themselves unable to get aroused no matter how much venom they got in them. And I'm not going to just fuck one of my slaves when they're not aroused, that's simply far too cruel. So Valerie promised me to help them get that drive back, and as such I promised that I would owe her a favor. This story was that favor." Neith would explain, having had quite a few favorable reactions with the Amazoness.

"A beautiful spider princess, you have the look of beautiful royalty, without all the boring 'refinement' that normal princesses would have. Seductive, beautiful, but still so dangerous... Oh it'd be absolutely lovely..." The spider woman would still fantasize, picturing how wonderful Deva could look as a proper spider princess. "Of course I'm happier! Happier than I've ever been in my entire existence. Being a slave has made me the absolute happiest that I can ever remember myself being." The Goddess said honestly, switching back to common now because she saw no reason to not speak in a language that her Mistress could understand, letting the spider woman know just how much she truly loved being enslaved.

"And that is why I was not just satisfied with those that come to me on their own. I see people that are upset, sad, hurt, and I help them in the only way that I can. Ever since Mistress showed me a better way, I have wanted to help those people, make their lives better, whether they come to me or not." In the spider's mind, good breeding material and beauty very often went hand in hand. She considered those that were perfect breeding material to be the most beautiful people that anyone could ever meet. They were the same thing, so she saw nothing wrong with complimenting both in Deva, as it was essentially using synonyms to describe her beauty.

"Oh come now... I promise that my children won't harm you as they gently crawl through your beautiful dress, tiny legs gently brushing against your body as they live with you in harmony, only wishing to be close to their princess. Feeling them gently tickling and caressing your skin, knowing how happy they are as they live peacefully, occasionally keeping flies and other bugs from landing on you, but otherwise just wanting to be near... Oh it would be marvelous..." The spider woman would describe, watching Deva squirm helplessly under the affect of her poison, a lover that she couldn't get away from because it was pumping through her veins... A tongue that would never cease its pleasuring no matter how much she covered herself, only strengthening or weakening whenever Neith focused carefully on her. This may not be how normal poison was supposed to feel, but something told the spider woman that it it didn't seem to be too much of a problem to Deva.

Her eyes would widen as everything seemed to suddenly fall apart around her, a new woman that she hadn't even noticed was here now, and Deva managed to escape her webbing. Finally, the agent would get a bit annoyed and use one of her legs to shatter the ice encasing her legs, looking at Deva now with a rather annoyed expression. "Buy WHY do you have to fight it? I'm sure Valerie must have asked you the same question... Allow yourself to be happy, to enjoy the things around you. Drink that cup and welcome a happier life with open arms, rather than constantly fighting it and growing more and more upset, sad, pained... I don't do this out of some desire for power, I do this because I want to help you and everyone else be happy. Years ago I might have had some ulterior motive for this, but after Mistress found me I realized how much more fulfilling it was to make others happy!" The woman would tell her, almost sounding like she was pleading with Deva to submit and let herself relax and be happy.

The Tome would expand a bit of power to ensure that no one would be able to see what was happening in the cave, barely able to accomplish that considering how many different ways there were to view this event. But it had to do that, as any chance of observation left them both open to observation from the Cloaked One or her betrayers. Either way, no one would be able to see into their section of the story right now, the only possible way would be if the Cloaked One wished to see things through Neith's eyes, but thankfully she had no idea which story Deva was currently in, and as such had no chance of knowing that was what she should be doing right now. Meanwhile, Isa and Glacia would already be throwing spells and ice powers back and forth at one another, both able to do the same amount of damage to one another with every ice spell that connected. Which meant that it was a collision of two Goddesses, shooting icicles, throwing bolts of pure ice, trying to freeze each other solid, but neither would be gaining any ground immediately. And Isa wouldn't even try to hold on to the broom once Deva called it to herself, knowing that it had power in Deva's hands, and not wanting to keep it from her.

"Traitors? Wait... that arrogant little Fop and the overzealous idiot of a Dryad?" She'd ask, showing that she didn't exactly have the highest opinion of the two of them. Though it would cause her to pause for a bit as she thought of the idea of people wanting to betray her Mistress, frowning a little. "Those two are traitors to Mistress? How is that even... Hmph... And how am I supposed to know that you're telling me the truth?! You'd be at quite the advantage if we were unable to trust one another! I suppose you have some sort of proof of this whole thing?" She'd challange, not wanting to believe that those she thought she could trust were planning on betraying the one that had done so much for all of them. Many of them even owed their very lives to Mistress, as they were villains that were destined to be destroyed, and if not for Mistress they'd have all met their fates at the hands of heroes. Or the heroes that had joined up would no doubt suffer so many losses... "If I defeat you... I won't leave this story permanently as you might suggest... But I suppose a break would be required to properly process you..." It seemed that at the very least that she was ok with that part of the deal, planning on ending this with a victory over the angel.


At the other side of the nation, Valerie lounged and thought about the encounter with the angel, contemplating the things that were said, and feeling a little saddened by the fact that she couldn't help the angel be happy. Right up until Ignis informed her that the pact had been broken and that someone else had received Glacia's powers, and was currently fighting with her. The Flame and Frost Goddesses had a connection with each other, and thus could sense one another in a limited way, and now Ignis was sensing someone completely different on the other end. Valerie would come up with a conclusion for herself based on that one. She had hoped that the weakened angel wouldn't be able to handle Neith, but it seemed that she was still formidable despite using up quite a few spells. With that in mind, Valerie would quickly get up from her spot and rush out of the cave, ordering her slaves to stay behind for now while she worked to save a friend. The moment she got outside of the cage she'd focus on all the power that Mistress had given her, the story breaking powers, the regular enhancements, and every bit of energy that she had in her. "Hrrggh... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" She'd shout at the top of her lungs, purple energy beginning to glow around her as she suddenly took off at absolutely inhuman speeds, snow melting before her as she rushed at top speed with the intention of reaching the Frost Temple within 2 minutes, which would be child's play. But when she got about 3/4ths of the way there, she'd hear a voice. "Now now... How about you slow down for a second, we have something to discuss... something about the things that you know..." "You?! Get the Hell out of my way, I have a friend to save!" "I'm afraid that won't be the case..."

Back at the Cave

"Hmph... Very well... While the Goddess and your little upstart usurper battle it out, I'll face you myself and show you what it's like to allow yourself to be happy!" Though any more talk that she could've given was cut off by being pushed back, sent deeper into her cave, a den full of webs all over the place, hanging off walls and in every crevice of stone that the cave could provide. She'd smirk a bit as Deva came further in, a bit surprised as the broom caused the webbings to burst into flames, but otherwise not seeming all that intimidated. "Better late than never I suppose... Ahem... 'Welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly. Tis the prettiest little parlor that you ever did spy. The way into my parlor is up a winding stair. And I've many curious things to show now that you are there!" Neith would say, smirking once Deva charged at her, turning her abdomen so that she could fire a thread of her webbing straight at one of Deva's legs, trying to trip her mid charge. Though whether that worked or not, she'd rush quickly over to one of the walls and start climbing up it, her legs keeping her steady on her durable web, crawling so that she'd be more difficult to reach and hit.

"I wonder if you realize why I wanted you to fight me in here rather than anywhere else... This is my home away from home, and you are disturbing it, messing up the home of my family while trying to harm their mother... I wonder how they feel about that..." She'd smirk, as hundreds of tiny threads of webbing would shoot out from all around the cavern, coming from all different directions as the tiny spiders would carefully fire threads at Deva to throw her off balance and try to restrict her movement. "I don't let my little children run out to the entrance of this place, they could get harmed... But in here they are given room to roam, and I'm sure that they're so very upset that you're after me..." If Deva looked, she could see where the spiders were residing, and they looked different from any spider she could remember seeing. Their color patterns were the exact same as Neith's, showing that they were definitely her offspring, and as such likely had her same venom in their fangs. Though it was a much weaker, smaller dose of it, but Neith didn't feel any need to tell her that, better to see if her opponent assumed they were just as potent, instill a little caution and fear when it wasn't as needed.

"I'll be kind, however. Surrender now, as you've no chance deep in my little nest... You would make such a fine princess... And my children would love to have you, even if we have gotten off on the wrong foot." She'd offer, still clinging to a wall, though if Deva got close she'd still be within reach of that broom. The only issue was that the other normal spiders were trying to impede her movement as much as possible.
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Deva sighed a little inward, at the idea of being a spider princess.. knowing the weight of responsibility and abstinence on the godesses shoulders, the desire to be.. well.. as they were. It didn't seem like the ice godess was -made- to say any of this either..

"Some people are happier without having to worry about choices, yes, that doesn't mean we can take their choices away without knowing. I've met people your mistress, if not you yourself, have not treated so kindly." Deva nodded, though she was not quite sure how the spiderwoman made spiders crawling over her sound.. desireable.

"Valerie asked the same, yes. I fight it, because its the right thing. My happiness is less important than the happiness and safety of all those the cloaked one has already harmed, the many futures she has denied. She may send heroes to deal with stories going bad, but I don't doubt that she isn't also sending villains to stories that are going good. Your mistress has an ulterior motive and I will stop her.. as for pain.. you think fighting you and Valerie makes me sad? This little quarrel? You have no idea the sorrow I've been through, because I did what is right." Deva said, serious again for a moment.

"If you want to make me happy, then give up, retreat, and leave this story be in peace." Deva demanded, not expecting that to work.

"I don't need to prove anything. If you believe me or not, the outcome will be the same. That said, there are two possibilities, you will face soon. Valerie wont come, for one of two reasons. Either, I managed to defeat her, yet stand here, still able to fight, in which case you should worry. Or, I'm telling the truth, and someone else is taking care of her, in which case you should worry more." Deva had explained in the zone of silence created by her tome.

Deva charged after the spider-woman, looking at the webbing catching her, spinning around and catching herself, unbalanced, but not falling, a poke of her broom taking the webbing out. There was a spell to slip through such webbing, but Deva wanted to preserve her magic. Hide some of her powers for future fights.. "They? Ah, I see, you're a distant controller type, not that strong by yourself, support and mid-range." Deva mused, looking about... at.. unusual spiders. "Spiderswarm hmnn.. I'd prefer you not bring the wee ones into this." If she was intimidated, she did not show it. She didn't expect all these spiders to have the same.. unusual poison Neith had and normal poisons she could counteract.

"Imagine if you would, a veteran soldier. His armor is dented from many wars, his skin scarred from many a foes blade. Then, he comes to meet a group of young village youngsters, would be bandits, lead astray by a more powerful kingpin. They draw sticks and little kitchen knifes at him, they look frail, and hungry, yet they threaten the old soldiers life, demand he lay down his weapon and surrender." Deva mused.

"What should the old soldier do? Should he hold back, and risk a knife in his neck? Certainly not, but what adult would fight children? Or should I strike down a mother before her young ones? That you put this choice upon me, the deeds of your mistress.. you can't decieve me into thinking you are good, even if you decieve yourselfs.

Yet, if I don't take action, you will destroy this story, mercilessly, cruel, because you think thats the right thing to do."
Deva exhaled heavily. "You misunderstand one crucial thing. By pushing me like this its not that you force me to surrender, rather, you take away my chances to fight in a way that wont see anyone hurt. You are clearly dangerous enough to not just ignore you." Deva sighed inwardly. She could use a short ranged combat teleport. She could attack the webs, she could try an army of illusions, but every spell she revealed.. the cloaked one would know. Yet, if she attacked from here, the spider would simply retreat up the web.

"Arrgh.. I don't like it. Well.. If you were to win, you'd have a justificatin for wanting to grab me, eh?" She sulked, crossing her arms, her mind a storm of options, as she pondered, halting in her attack, potentially giving her opponent an opening, before she finally lowered her broom, pushing it behind her, one hand infront, in a combat ready stance. Her eyes closing for a moment. "Here I go again.." She finally whispered. If she hadn't been beset upon by spiders, or, even if she had, she now mumbled: "Quickened Haste. Divine power." Her body infusing with energy, then, her stern, determined look was the last one of the closest spiders saw, before the broom impacted it, sending it flying into the air, depending on if the spider had been evil this would be enough to knock it out with a concussion and a few broken legs. If it was evil, however, it would catch on divine fire, taking thrice the damage of the normal broom impact, likely burning into nothing mid-flight. There was little pause as Deva swung her broom back dow at another spider, her other hand lifting, creating a simplistic holy energy shield to protect her flank.

Deva had fought in more than one war, granted, not against a tiny swarm, but more demons of her size(and far larger) But still, if Neith hadn't taken the initative, fast, half a dozen spiders would be knocked out or worse in a single moment, Deva using her broom with an expertise that only hundreds of battles could bring, not as strong or trained as Valerie, but her magic could help her catch up to this. If the spider tried to disarm her broom with a webbing, she'd findt he same tearing under the weapons divine energies unless she gave it her all, it seemed as if in proper direct combat, she'd most certainly not end up victorious, even with her swarm. They were, after all, not trained warriors but for lack of a better word, monsters, and Deva had defeated hundreds of those, dozens of which had been giant spiders as well.
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"Not 'some'... From what I have seen, ALL are happier without having to worry about choices and stress. Even I will admit to being happier when Mistress is the one to make all of the choices. The difference is that I wish to give that to others rather than just receive it." Neith would explain a bit, considering what she was doing to be right, though she herself was unhappy that some ended up being harmed because of it. In her mind, removing choices from people was the only way to ensure that they could live a happy life, free from all the problems that they had to deal with in their stories. "Each and every person that I've seen properly enslaved has been thankful to have had it done. Sometimes we don't realize how much something has burdened us until that burden is properly removed from our shoulders." She explained, giving Deva some further insight into her view on the world.

"Valerie had told me the same thing when I asked her why she wished to help Mistress... And this is my biggest problem with just saying that it's the 'right' thing. For that you need to follow your own heart to the fullest, and what we think is right differs quite a bit between us apparently. As I see what we do as right, and Mistress may send villains into stories, but it is in order to save them. Perhaps she does have another reason for wanting to do it, but I wouldn't know. The villains sent are meant to still do good overall, ordered not to inflict intentional harm, and ordered to minimize unintentional harm as much as possible. You cause yourself so much sorrow... for what you think is 'right'. But if it causes you so much sorrow then how are you so sure that it is right? Wouldn't a solution where both you and everyone else is happy be a much better one than one that brings you, and sometimes others, sorrow?" The spider woman would ask, her view a little simplistic at the end of the day, but that was how she felt about things now that she was given the ability to be happy with her Mistress. Plus, despite everything that she could do, she was still a bestial creature, and had a very simple outlook on life overall, only growing a little more thoughtful once she was enslaved and made to properly think about these kinds of things.

"We both know that I won't be leaving this story unless I have to. As I said earlier, there is a way for all of us to be happy, even if you don't wish to accept it. I will work towards that happiness for both you and I, rather than just one of us being able to be happy."

"Or Valerie simply knew that I would be able to handle you myself." Neith would posit as another answer as to why the Amazoness wouldn't suddenly show up to help her out. Though, knowing the heroic woman, if there was even a risk that one of her friends would be in danger, she'd come running. Especially considering that she'd blame herself for Neith being there, since the spider woman was there on a favor for the Amazoness. "I don't wish for my children to get into this fight all that much myself. But by dragging the fight in here and threatening their mother, there is little I can do to stop them. When I said that I wished to bring you in here, I meant that because my children could easily keep you tied up and keep the both of us from being harmed in any sort of conflict."

"You offer the children something better, you get them to believe that you have something that would be much better than the squalor that they currently live in. And then, if you can't do that, you fight them without harming or killing them. You find a way to bind them rather than harm them, and if you can not do that either then you flee, and as you do you make plans to find the kingpin and bring them to justice, for there is always an option that causes the least sorrow, while simultaneously bringing the most happiness. Search it out, work with all your might to ensure that others are happy, that is the only noble goal in life." The spider woman explained, having been put into difficult scenarios before and understanding how tough it is to find a proper solution, but to her one would always exist so long as you were willing to work as hard as you can to make it work.

Though the moment that Deva knocked one of the spiders away, which wouldn't catch into flames and instead just hit the wall, Neith would hold out her hand and shout. "STOP!" Though the shout wasn't directed at Deva, it was instead directed at the spiders that were now trying to swarm and bite her, which would cause them to stop their movements and look at the spider woman, a few of them hopping up and down in place. "I don't care what she plans on doing to me, you all need to stop NOW! No, that isn't what I want from any of you right now. You heard me, stop it now! I'd sooner she do all of that to me than any of you try fighting her like this! Go and hide! GO!" It seemed that all of the woman's concentration was now focused on communicating with her children, apparently using up all of her own power in order to get them to properly listen. If Deva wanted, she'd be able to get a rather solid strike in on the woman right then and there. "If none of you are going to listen to me, then I will simply have to MAKE you listen..." She'd close her eyes and suddenly all the spiders in the room would retreat, running to different crevices in the cave wall, crawling through and even sealing the way out as they went in, leaving them 'trapped' for a good while. Long enough for the fight to finish at least, then they'd be allowed out. "I'm not going to use them against you like that... Even if it means that I'm left without my power or energy, they will not be a part of this any more..."

With that done, Neith would begin climbing the walls of the cave even further, reaching all the way up to the ceiling before she pulled a few icicles down and threw them directly at Deva's broom, testing it to see how certain things would work against it. "Even if it means I am defeated... My children will remain unharmed..." Though if Deva pressed the attack, she'd find that the spider woman was just trying to flee, as though she were essentially stalling for time rather than keeping a steady attack going, only throwing ice and a few balls of webbing at the angel to try and slow her down.
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"All would be 'happier' if you force-fed their brain happy thoughts, that doesn't mean its the right thing to do. We need struggle and adversity just as much as we need happiness, too much struggle is bad, but none at all is worse.. just look at me. Been fighting all my life without wanting to, not a fan.. but it has made me strong." Deva was slowly getting used to finding a counter-argument to the line of reasoning her opponents used.. it wasn't a bad one either, sure, one could point out that Neith was struggling, right now, but what about the amazon-tribes and those folks? And why was Deva just a little envious of them?

"Whats that? After you made them happy slaves they are happy to be slaves? Now riddle me that." Deva said with an unusual bout of sarcasm. It had been a long day. "Just because people smile at you doesn't mean you make them happy. They smile to the cruel king as well, just that you put his guards in their heads." Deva shook her head.

"Your mistress sending villains to try and help them is admirable.. in cases like Priselias it might help, but she needs to accept that not everyone can be saved. Some.. things are just incarnations of evil. I've ever seen a handful, but they exist." She then narrowed her eyes.

"Minimize unintentional harm? Now thats a tyrants words if I ever heard any." Deva shook her head.

"I can bear being unhappy. Others can't. And if you wish to reiterate that I'm not so different from the cloaked one.. I don't leave people behind to suffer." Valerie, admittedly, could match Devas intellect. The spider-woman was by no means unengaging, but she couldn't hope to outwit the angelblood.

"You are wrong. If you win, you will kill happiness itself in this story. I accept making the two of us unhappy in exchange for that. You see, theres no light without dark, theres no happiness without sorrow to contrast it, I, who was once a godess of Twilight, should know best."

When Neith claimed Valerie would assume the spiderwoman could handle that, Deva smirked. "I fought the Amazoness at almost my full strength at her best, if without weapon. She -knows- you can't handle me easily." Deva said, not boasting but.. with an unsettling certainty.

Deva smiled at the spiders answer and encouragement. "Sorry, if I flee, this story suffers.. and to bring out the kingpin, I have to beat all you children up. Worse, some of you are more teenagers with swords of your own than children." She mused. Still, that the spider, once a mere beast, acted like this, said these words, when awakened, solidified her belief that the cloaked one was, innately, not a bad person. Still, her actions lead to bad things, to people left behind, trapped without no future or past.. and Deva assumed that those in the stories had no future either, even if they were artificially happy. Understanding, and emphatizing with someone didn't mean you wouldn't have to stop them. That just made it harder.

When the spider concentrated on directing her little spiderlings away, Deva instead rushed up to her, but she let the spider-woman retreat.. recognizing she simply wanted to save her little spiderlings.

"That you use these delay tactics means you too wait for Valerie to come.." Deva mused, as the snowballs and stalagtites flew at her broom, mumbling.: "Greater magical weapon!" Before effortlessly slamming the simple ice-constructs flying at her away. A secret of her broom was that, without magic enhancing it, it couldn't really damage such mundane objects easily, being designed to be a bane to evil, not a tool of destruction. "You had your chance when I was in your web, but, as usual you wasted it, talking, showing off your conquests. You know, if you hadn't gotten the ice-godess to admit she had neglected her duties to be your breeder, you might have a chance. Anyway." Deva narrowed her eyes.

"I don't like doing this to a good person, but I tire of you misunderstanding what you are up against. I'm not your friend. I may be kind and curteous, but this is war, and, by what I've seen, not a war you are winning. With every one of you I take down, your mistress.. diminishes. With every story I deny her, her power cannot recharge as she's used to. Fifty two stories and you claim all of them she did only good? I've seen the misery she has caused, the things you know of, yet blissfully ignore, one of them is with me, she doesn't know her past, she wonders about her future and you've taken both. Do you think she's happy? Do you think I am happy, after your mistress consumed the world I happily relaxed in, a calm little island that had harmed none? Yes, those enslaved are happy, because your mistress uses their dreams and hopes to enslave them. You, with your children, taken from wombs of so many stories, how dare you keep on blathering about good and evil?" Deva slammer her hands into the ground.

"It's time for you to feel a fraction of the sorrow your deeds have caused in others. TRANSMUTE ROCK TO MUD!" Deva shouted, though, apparently, nothing seemed to happen, just like with the spiderbite she had recieved earlier.

"Now.. Transmute MUD TO ROCK!" Again, nothing happened.. wait, was there a cracking in the walls?

Deva stood up, extending her hand. "Don't fight me in natural caves in the future. Your children are suffocating. Not all of them. Just fifty two. One for each story your mistress has destroyed. Do you understand that, Neith? You go through these stories, harvesting peoples hopes and dreams, turning them into slaves, using them as your personal tools and wombs... that you make them enjoy it makes you benevolent monsters, but monsters nonetheless. Don't give me this nonsense about how much you care and want to better their lifes. You do it because you are having fun. True benevolence takes work, and struggle and defeats and trying again." Deva raised a finger.

"If you try to teleport away I will know. you will make it. The 52 wont. Now, you will get down. You will kneel... err, the spider-equivalent. And perhaps, finally you will understand a fraction of what I feel about your mistress. That is what your stories truly are, trapped, enceased in eternal stone and ice, unable to move, change, unable to breathe. Better hurry up, how long can a spider hold its breath?" Deva narrowed her eyes.

"This is the nature of war. The nature of invasions. It's not always fun and games." Deva looked at the spider. "You want to help people? You want to make them feel good, save them? You aren't even strong enough to safe yourself. You don't even understand the struggle of saving someone. If you've seen them grow up for generations, gently, subtly influencing them for the better, but fought through the sorrow of their mistakes without ever giving up on them, THEN you might dare call yourself a protector. Now. Surrender to my magic and I'll release your children, infact, I'll do you one better, I'll use my tome to send them back to wherever they belong. But you.. You'll be my price. Well.. or try throwing more snowballs, if you think you have the time." Deva exhaled. She didn't like getting so.. direct, but counting the spells she had just used, that was nearly half of all her powerful spells, and whilest she could do a lot even with weaker spells and bluffs, the unnatural poison she could still feel a little worried her... and giving Isa ice-powers had been a long shot, sure, she had one, two, maybe three things up her sleeve, but those were things she didn't want to reveal yet, not to the cloaked one, less to the betrayers. She knew this made her more vunerable.. and that in turn forced her to get more aggressive.. even towards one seemingly kind as the spider, regrettably..
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Neith didn't seem to have too much to say in return to Deva talking about her force-feeding happy thoughts to them, as in her mind that was the same thing as being happy. Personally she didn't care where the happiness came from, so long as people were happy she didn't really think too hard on where it came from. Though Deva might wonder if the arguments that they were able to make had anything to do with the one that had taken over them, as if the Cloaked One was teaching them to think a little more than they once did, then perhaps that had something to do with their thought process on the matter. "Hmph... I see that we won't be agreeing any time soon... A shame really. Mistress taught me to use my brain a little more often now... but the others and you don't seem to feel like talking about it this way..." She'd say, sounding a little sad at that, while also giving insight to the way that she saw a few of the others agents that Deva might be coming in contact with.

"I can't say much on people being unable to be made better... People would've said the same of me a few years ago, in fact a few of them did. They thought I was some sort of Spider Goddess of pure evil and stuff like that... part of why they ended up calling me the 'Fleshweaver' and all that." The spider said, having remembered how much people didn't like her before, though they were justified in a way, as she knew that she used to be rather mean and bestial back then.

"Do you not try to minimize the amount of harm that you do, intentional or not?" Neith asked genuinely, not sure how else one was supposed to phrase an order like that.

"Valerie is never one to hold back I suppose... Though at the same time she might just think that her battle with you exhausted a lot of your magical powers..." Though from the sounds of it she didn't really believe that herself, and was just trying to come up with a reason as to why the Amazoness hadn't showed up to help her. She didn't want to believe that her friend could be in danger, and didn't want to believe that there was a chance that the people she trusted planned on betraying her Mistress. Neither of those ideas were all that good in her mind, and she was absolutely terrified that something terrible might happen.

"So then you've made your choice, if you truly want a conflict between yourself and I, then that is merely what will have to be." The woman may not have wanted things to come to a direct confrontation, she was more than able to put up some kind of fight. Or more accurately she was able to work her best at avoiding her opponent for long enough for things to happen the way that she needed them to.

"Ah... seems that you've found me out on that end of things..." She'd lie, when Deva said that she expected to have Valerie show up during the fight. She had her own reasons for wanting to delay things, make this take longer for some of the things that she had planned. Though it was an added advantage that there was now a chance for Valerie to show up and help her in case the Amazoness thought it was necessary. "Was that what you two were talking about back there when you were both sort of just spouting gibberish at one another?" Neith said, not really understanding their celestial talk, and finding it to be a genuine surprise that they were talking about those sorts of things. "Mistakes were made, I must admit to that... But I'll just have to take that in mind and learn from it to do a much better job next time. Oh but 'there won't be a next time' right?" She would guess, figuring that her opponent would not plan on letting her get a second chance at the types of things that she planned on doing.

"Do you think that we WANTED any of you to be left outside of your stories when they were sealed away? Had things gone according to plan you'd have been allowed to live peacefully on the island for as long as you lived, and she'd know her past and be able to live her life to her own happiness." Neith felt that she had to explain that, as no one wanted any of the people to be cast out from their stories, they still didn't entirely know why that happened, but sometimes it just did. But other than that she would stop talking about good and evil, figuring they'd get nowhere any further than that.

Though her eyes would widen in horror as Deva described what she was doing, using her spells to entrap her children inside the walls of the cave, essentially putting them in danger just for being in a hidden place. Plus... plus she was the one that had made them hide in the wall, told them to get out of the fight and find somewhere that they could be safe. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that in some way it was her fault that her children were in such peril. "No...No... NoNoNo... You monster! You don't get to call me into question when you put innocent children in danger! No... No... Please... no..." She'd say, beginning to cry, tears running out of her multiple eyes as she knew her children were in danger now, caring deeply about them beyond anything else... "I don't do this for myself! I don't do this just because I enjoy it! If this made me miserable while making others happy it would still be entirely worth it!" She'd shout, her voice filled with fear and anguish, wishing that she could break and claw through stone to allow her children to be free from danger. But there seemed to be nothing that she could do, other than what Deva was telling her to do, which seemed to be her only possible option in a situation like this.

"Fine! Fine! Just... please... please just don't do anything to my children... let them go... please... they've done nothing but try to protect their mother... they don't deserve this..." Her large abdomen would fall to the ground as the spider woman bent her body forward, a strange equivalent, but still kneeling down before her, surrendering now that her children were in danger. While she still felt that the things she was doing were absolutely right, she wasn't going to risk the lives of all of her children, the tiny spiderlings that she had raised from hatching, the creatures that she cared about more than anything else in the whole world. "They haven't done any of the things that I have done... Even if I have sinned, even if I have done wrong, they have done nothing that they could help. Leave them be... Please... Even if you wish to take my life, let them live..." She'd cry, her face still wet with tears.

But then when Deva tried to do anything, speak, move, anything that wasn't completely necessary to her survival, she'd find her body just refused to respond. Nothing would move, no matter how hard she tried her body just refused to follow her directions. Though if she focused hard enough, with all of her mind, she might be able to open and close her hand, but otherwise her body just didn't respond. Rather than usual paralysis, however, she could still completely feel her arms and legs, they weren't feeling numb, they weren't tingling, they were there and she could somehow feel them completely. And yet they just refused to move, she would just stand there, having control of where she looked, and able to breathe. It was as though she were a passive observer in her own body, able to see and hear and feel and think, but unable to move her body. Neith wouldn't look up immediately, crying and continuing to beg for her children's lives not noticing things yet until she looked up, wondering why her opponent hadn't said anything yet. But that's when she realized what had happened, and she'd wipe her eyes a bit, needing a few moments to calm down after that huge impulse of absolute fear, shaking that off and slowly standing herself back up to look at Deva, not smiling yet considering that she had just thought that her children would be harmed.

"I suppose now might be the best time that I explain to you why I was referred to as 'The Fleshweaver'..." Neith would lift her hand and focus on Deva intently, making her left arm slowly rise without her wanting it to, reaching up and caressing her own cheek, running against it softly as her other hand would suddenly open, dropping the broom unless there was some sort of magic that would keep it in her hand. Though, if Deva could keep her focus strong and intent then she'd be able to not do those things, keeping her body still. While it wouldn't regain her any control, it at least meant that she could resist the things that the spider woman was trying to force her to do. "My most powerful venom... Never take too many risks, as I had said. Did you stop to wonder WHY Valerie needed me rather than one of the more powerful agents? Because, my power is so wonderfully unique. You could have hundreds of people stronger than Valerie or smarter or more tactical. But my venom doesn't discriminate based on strength, intelligence, magical energy, it simply keeps you from using those strengths of yours... But it takes some time to affect you, and unfortunately it doesn't last forever... though it seems to last long enough." She'd try to make Deva take a few steps back, looking at her with a hint of anger in her eyes now. "The old me might have made this the very first time that I've ever taken a life... But I know now that no matter how angry I am, that is very wrong... So I will ask you politely, will you free my children now?" And with that, Deva would find that she had a bit of control, but just enough to nod or shake her head to answer that question.

"I think that leaves us both at one mistake? I talked far too much before and gave you the chance to learn and act. Now you assumed that my venom did nothing, and that I was delaying you for the sake of Valerie getting here... I think it's high time that we get things settled correctly..." She'd close her eyes and focus, trying to force Deva's hands to move, to strip her out of her clothes and bear her body to the spider woman, that seemed intent to take all of her prizes now that her strong venom had started to affect her. Of course, if Deva was still focusing carefully enough, she'd be able to not move, which might help considering that she knew, from Neith's own words, that the venom driving her body wouldn't last forever. And chances were that such a potent venom wouldn't be easily produced...
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Oh, everyone deserves a second chance, but not everyone takes it." Deva answered, then chuckled. "Minimize the harm? That's just a backdoor for excuses. 'Oh, I only killed as many as I had to'!" Deva narrowed her eyes.

"Neith.. I've used not even half my spells against you and her combined." Deva shrugged. No one had to know that a good third of her spells, like the wind-walk weren't really fit for combat anyway. As far as straight out combat powers went, she had used up half, if not more for sure by now.

"I don't want a conflict between us. I want to stop your mistress.. no, not just stop her, stop her, and make sure she'll never start again, as dark as that might sound to you." She nodded.

"Yeah, it was my plan to bring an ice-magic user into the centre of power of an ice deity, and make sure that ice deity renounced her duty.. well, that was not -the- plan, it was one of the many possibilities I had to prepare for.. and..yeah, sorry. I don't plan to kill you but there w..." And then, Deva stopped, narrowing her eyes.

Usually, it was her that predicted what others were saying, thinking. That the spider-woman did that now.. did Deva miss something? Well, it just forced her hand to act...

"If you wanted people left behind or not, you knew it was a possibility, and happily accepted this outcome. You kept, and will keep destroying stories.. and no, I don't want to live happily anywhere.. if its not -real-." Deva insisted. She wasn't.. angry, but frustrated. It had been a long day of conflict.

"I've warned you, all of you. I've asked you all to stop." Deva said, hardening her heart against the spider-womans tears. "You destroy story for story, without mercy. You trap them, to keep them safe, but prevent them from ever moving on.. like fossils in stone. I don't do this for myself either." Devas eyes fell upon Neith, burning blue but cold.

"Do you think any of the stories your mistress captured deserved it? T-..." Deva hesitated, struggling to go on. She... struggled to move but.. it didn't work. The poison that hadn't done anything. The spider hadn't just waited for the amazoness, had she? Deva realized.. but she could barely move, it took all her effort to even blink.

Mutual destroyed annihilation then, she mused, inwardly. The little ones were still trapped as well... but that the spider was hiding such a trick... she really couldn't underestimate any of the cloaked ones servants... Sure, Deva could cast spells to cure paralysis easy enough.. but to do that she had to -move- herself. She even had an emergency healing spell.. but that only worked on wounds...
Alright.. not numb.. I can feel everything.. some sort of supression, my thoughts aren't reaching the rest of my body... she mused, watching her own hand caress her cheek.. and hearing the broom fall to the ground. Fleshweaving.. it did sound like an odd nickname for a spider, yes. Deva conserved her focus for now, observing what was going on.. feeling it out.. was this a poison, or something else?
It was a venom.. good.. that ment..

Deva nodded slightly, then took her steps back, and found herself stripping nakedly, clumsily, opening her dress up, revealing her b-cup breasts and her cute tuft of brown pubic hair above a pink slit, still slightly wet from the encounter with Valerie and the recent lickings, the dress falling down.. up till the point where Neith could see the spider tatoo. Except, it wasn't a tatoo. Well, it was, and it wasn't. It looked like a spider half coming out of Devas abdomen, and... biting into her skin.
"Hmnn.. Thats an impressive venom." Deva mused... she shouldn't be able to talk, should she. "You did suprise me, this was one of the least likely scenarios. I expected the venom to be flesh-forming or the like." She noted. "Withdraw." she told her tatoo. "Thank you.. its exeptionally powerful, isn't it? I could -barely- neutralize 10%.. oh, I owe you an explanation, don't I? First of all, your spiders aren't suffocating. I lied about that, always lie, though they might be claustrophobic. I am very good with spellshaping, to the point where I can leave just enough pokets of air for.. well, if you keep them trapped for more than half a day you'll have a problem. But now you understand how I feel. Do I care for these stories as much as you for your children. yes.. actually, each story has so many innocents, and you've ruined all of their lifes. But this discussion is going nowhere." Deva nodded.. weakly. She clearly still couldn't move much.

"Long, long ago, when I was a young angel, I was in love with a drow. She was cute.. it wouldn't last long, differences attract, all that. However, she gave me a little present, this tatoo. Really, a magical spider familiar. Can turn into an actual spider, but, more importantly, combined with my experience as a healer, it can absorb poisons. Normally, anyway. Didn't get your first venom and all and even with you explaining it, I'll need at least a day or two to fully use this one.. still, thanks for the present. If we tally up mistakes, that makes it you talking too much twice, because I didn't know if this was a venom at first, and I admit, not quite what I expected. Albeit even more useful. I assume this one is potent enough to even affect your mistress?" Really, Deva just -wanted- to keep talking. She was rather exposed, literally, and had used up her teleport and false gravity mobility spells. blinking magic? She couldn't move well enough to cast that. Word magic? Not effective on the spider. Lesser restoration? Wouldn't be enough...

"Hah.. quite the tricky situation. And my tome is hanging back with Isa and Glacia." She'd shift if she could, blushing, just a little bit, at her exposed nature. "Then again, I just need to wait this out.." She nodded.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"And let me ask you then, have I abused that order to minimize the harm that I do? I do everything I can to ensure people do not get hurt. Until now I didn't even think that interpretation was possible." Though Neith's eyes would widen a little when Deva told her that she hadn't even used half of her spells yet, realizing just how powerful her opponent could actually be. So she made a further note to not make the mistake of underestimating the angel, as that seemed like just asking for a disaster.

"But I don't want Mistress to be stopped... Which means that we have to have some sort of conflict, since our desires are just completely opposed to one another." The spider said, accepting that sometimes she'd come in conflict with those that didn't agree with her Mistress. "I didn't even know that anyone could somehow get the powers of a deity just by one of them breaking their pact like that. Good thing you didn't try that against Valerie, eh? You'd end up with two Fire Goddesses sucking her off." The spider would chuckle, both from the fact that she found the idea of Valerie having two Goddesses to be rather amusing, and from the fact that she had accurately guessed exactly what Deva had planned to say.

And once it fully set in that her venom had properly paralyzed data, the spider woman would laugh a little more, surprised that she had barely held Deva off for long enough for that to work. Normally she'd be able to stall a battle for quite some time before that set in, partially because few ever realized that they were on a time limit when fighting her. "I may be one rank below Valerie, but power is such a strange thing to measure, is it not? In a fight I may not be able to stand up to Valerie, as her power overwhelms me long before she can fall to my venom, and the others have ways to deal with it. But I can still disable one that is far stronger than Valerie..." The spider explained, showing the problem that might arise from simply ranking them by their power, as different powers would work on different people. Though they all had abilities that could be a danger if they managed to find solutions on how to deal with Valerie and Neith. "Ah but perhaps I shouldn't waste any time with my talking. Like I said, I'd remember not to do that next time..." Of course she hadn't thought that next time would be so soon.

She'd smile and look Deva's body up and down as she stripped down, admiring the body that she had under her control now. Though her eyes would grow a bit wide when she saw a spider at Deva's torso, both confused and a little enticed by the prospect. Did her future princess have an affinity for spiders already? Any thoughts on the matter ended when she heard the angel talking, and the spider was nearly sent into panic all over again before she noticed that Deva was still having some trouble moving. While being able to talk alone was quite impressive, she'd have been worried all over again if her opponent had found some way to counteract her most powerful venom. If this had failed she'd have truly had nothing left. "I do have some other venoms that can do some... quite interesting things. Perhaps I'll show them to you now." Neith would seem to visibly relax just a little bit when she heard that her children weren't really suffocating where they were, having still been quite worried about the little things when she had heard that threat. But now she knew they would be safe for a good while, which was what she wanted more than anything really. "I'm relieved to hear that you didn't actually harm my little babies... I've raised them for so long... and I care for them so much..."

"Oooohhh... So you can replicate my venom just like that? You'd be an even better princess than I thought, able to replicate my venom, able to use my strongest power to help me... Oh it'd be absolutely wonderful... Though I'm really not sure how it would work on Mistress, I've never tried." With that being said, Deva would start walking towards the spider, the woman holding out her arms to welcome the angel that had no choice but to get closer. And once she was close enough, the woman would hug her close, suddenly sinking her fangs into the woman's shoulder, once again not causing any pain as she was filled with that warm, teasing, erotic venom from earlier. It'd pulse through her body, and that tongue that had seemed to have left her earlier returned in full force, teasing her intimately, this time feeling as though it were a familiar lover that had learned all of her most sensitive places. "How about I make the most of the time that I have?" Though she wouldn't give Deva any details about how much time she would actually have to wait on it. As that might give her a goal, and sometimes people would give in mere moments before the poison wore off. Deva would sink to the ground, kneeling down before the spider after that bite, her body spreading her legs a bit and presenting herself to the spider woman, still outside of her control. "Mmmmmm... such a delectable little body... I think I'll give you a little gift as well... Though it'll be a surprise..."

Then she'd sink her fangs into Deva one last time, once again filling her with a venom that she couldn't feel doing anything, though considering what the last one had done to her, that might be cause for concern. "Oh! Since you can talk, you can tell me what this feels like!" One of Deva's hands would once again gently caress her cheek, before sliding down across her stomach, reaching in between her spread legs and starting to gently tease her sex in time with the phantom tongue. Her own hands and a tongue that didn't exist working together in rhythm to give her pleasure. "What's it like to know that I am the one touching you, and yet at the same time it's the familiar touch of your own hands doing the job? That your body is sending pleasure to your mind, and yet I am the one in control? I've never had someone that could talk DURING it before..." Neith would say, sounding both aroused and fascinated as she watched the things that she made Deva do. Her fingers would trace the outer lips of her pussy while the tongue flicked her clit, but then the two would switch with the tongue licking along her lips while her own fingers circled her clit. And this time she couldn't move around to even try to get anything to stop, her legs instead spreading out a little wider, as though inviting her hands and the tongue in to keep it up. At the same time, there'd be an odd mental sensation... Deep down she knew that she wasn't in control of her body, and yet she could still feel herself moving, still feel her hands teasing her body, as though it really was Deva doing all of this. Often times Neith found her captures mentally starting to go along with it just because their body FELT like it had when it was under their control, despite them having no say in the matter now.

Neith would open her mouth, showing off her long, wet tongue, which she would slowly trail up the side of Deva's face, giving her cheek an erotic little lick before things advanced even further. "How about we invite the family in for some fun as well? They're gonna have to meet their new princess after all..." A few spiders that hadn't been sealed away would crawl over to Deva, stopping near her and looking at her a bit, somehow seeming to know that their mother was actually in control now. The free hand that wasn't busy pleasuring Deva would reach down to one of the closest spiders, letting it crawl onto her hand, lifting the tiny arachnid up to her body, where it would hop off and crawl over to Deva's left breast, biting her, once again with no pain. Part of her might even wish that the bites would actually hurt, as that might give her something other than the teasing, wonderful, delicious pleasure that the venom and her fingers were giving her. But instead she'd have a tiny does of venom around her breasts, causing them to tingle a little more, like they had when she had taken a small taste of the poison. "How about you just give in and allow yourself to be my little princess... You could have those little ones crawling through your dress all the time, giving you tiny little love bites and letting you always feel this wonderful pleasure... I guarantee that it'd be absolutely wonderful..."

Once again that ovipositor from earlier would start to protrude out of the spider woman's abdomen, and this time Deva's head would turn to look directly at it, making Deva stare at that long tendril. And still her hand wouldn't stop furiously working between her legs... teasing and teasing before occasionally sliding a single finger in for just a moment, and pulling right back out to leave her wanting. At the same time, her other hand would reach to start groping and squeezing her breasts, rubbing them and pinching her nipples every now and then, finding that her chest was more sensitive than she could remember it being. The whole time she'd be facing that ovipositor... the promise of a clutch of eggs just within her eyesight... and she might actually feel some annoyance at not being able to reach out and touch it, not without Neith's permission...
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"True, you have not, but others might. But yeah, I did use that startegy on you because I figured your methods of.. enslavement take more time. Oh, you are rank 13? See I had sorted you at like number 20, definitly understimated you. Geesh, I really don't even have a spell to get out of this, or rather, can't move enough to cast any." Deva said, mirthfully..

"You got me good, I'm impressed, you know it has been quite a while since anyone managed to corner me like this? Well, seeing as I'm not going anywhere, how about I tell you a tale. " Deva mused, her body.. nothing amazing, but certainly beautiful in its own right, pale, smooth skin betraying her inhuman nature at close examination, a healthy complexion, cute, perky breasts.

"So, long ago, a king had two sons and although they were twins, one of them looked like the king, one did not. The people asked the king.. who shall be your heir? And he responded 'I shall test them when the time is right'.
-And I can't replicate your venom, the spider can. Duh. I just need to understand it. Glad my talents are appreciated though."
Deva went on, smiling.

"So,.." Deva hesitated a moment as she noticed her nude form stepping forward, but went on with the story: "The king was biased however, giving the son that looked a lot like him all the best books and teachers to teach him." Deva gasped when she was hugged.. and bitten, but went on nonetheless: "The princes grew up, one learning many things, to the point were he grew confident in knowing all the answers, better than any of his teachers. The other son, however, was thought of as a fool, for without proper teaching, all he did was look up the more complicated words in his dictionary... hamnnnn!" She gasped out at the feeling of the intimimate lover returning, shivering and quivering lustfully. Deva actually struggled for a short moment, before kneeling down before the spider. She.. didn't seem like she was giving up though, simply continuing her tale for some reason..

"So one day, the king grew ill and he decided, now would be the time to put his sons to the test. He called them before him, and said.. he who finds the crown will become the king." Deva continued, kneeling.

"Oooh a present? Anyway.. The king gave his sons only one clue, a piece of paper reading 'hickory, dickery, dock'." She explained. Deva gasped at another bite.. with no immediate effect, that was reason for concern.. but nothing she could do about it either.

"Hah.. what it feels like? I'd imagine a lot of people are overwhelmed easily by this, its quite erotic, and makes me feel not in control, which is arousing to a degree of course." Deva answered, in her enforced masturbation. "That feeling is overshadowed by the triumph of you giving away how your venom works though, you just said you control my mind.. but I have a tale to finish.

So, the son that looks like the king laughs and shouts 'this is far too easy, 'tis a rhyme. Hickery dickery dock, the crown is in the clock!' And he goes to smash the large clock of the king.. but no crown is to be found."
Deva moaned out, writhing slightly under the phantom tongue and her own hand. "Hammnn... so .. t.. the younger son, not as smart as his brother, opens his dictionary, and reads up.. a hickory, thats just a tree. Dickery actually comes from Dick, a grouping of ten, and a dock is an old name for a weed. So the young son remembers the trees in the courtyard, were he sat as his brother was taught, he.. hmn.. he goes outside, and indeed, there, in the largest trees, he finds the crown." Deva went on, gasping and blushing as her legs spread..

"R.. really hard to tell a story like this.. so the son returns, and the king cries.. 'I have neglected you, I am sorry, you are my true heir' But the son says 'No by not giving me everything easily, I have learned how to work for what I desire'
The morale of the.. hamnn.. story is that if you give someone too much power, they might not learn how to use it, conversly, if you give someone very little to work with, they might grow with the challenge.."
Deva nodded.. well, tried to. She was distracted a little by the trailing of the wet, long spiders tongue, adding to the sensations of what felt like herself touching.. herself, a more lustful than forced moan escaping her lips now.

Deva watched as she let a spider crawl up her hand. It was really hard to focus like this. "My point is, you seem to think you have won just because you stopped me from moving." Deva looked over to her pile of things, smirking briefly, watching as the spider crawled up on her. "Simulacrum!" She intonated, and.. another, nude Deva, suddenly stood there, winking and picking up her clothes, putting them on swiftly, though leaving the broom. "When really, all you did was make me use one of -my- trump cards. Now, I could simply use this illusion to cast a spell to affect my mind.. your poison controls my mind, so if I overwrite it with a control of my own, I'll be able to move again, right?" Deva informed, grinning, also considering having the Simulacrum rush off and help Isa, though she couldn't help but gasp at the spider sinking its teeth into her, waving her hand to her copy to withdraw and assist Isa.. The Simulacrum was semi-independent, so it'd be just enough to turn the tide, she hoped, though she doubted that it'd happen all too soon. Devas tingly breasts had her nipples harden, matching her quite aroused clit as she shivered, looking up at the lewd spider-mistress, her body clearly teethering at the edge of a climax.

"Hah.. tempted. Maybe if your mistress releases her stories I'll consider it." Deva nodded, not surrendering easily, though Devas eyes, unbidden, wandered to the lewd ovipositor.. "Haah.. aaaah..." Deva panted, looking at the fleshy appendage, so full of life.. she wanted to reach out for it.. but couldn't.. Well, her illusion could have, but she had enough discipline not to revoke her mental command towards it, gasping as 'her' teasing just kept her aroused and at the edge, wanting to go on, sweating slightly and struggling in the poisons grasp. "Haah.. no fair.." She panted, actually envisioning herself with more spiders lewdly crawling over her, her sex drooling and ready.. sure, the spider-woman didn't have the amazoness.. presence, the feelings of enforced lust and helplessness weren't all too dissimiliar...

"Ugh.. why am I doing this.." Deva complained, falling for the venom.. she was resistant, not immune, and such a potent venom overcoming her basic resistances hit her all the harder for it. She was at the point of willing her body to give herself a release to properly focus again, after all, her illusory copy, as useful as the ability was, couldn't use any of her magic or abilities nor could it strategize much of its own, it'd simply follow the command Deva had given it mentally 'try and disrupt Glacia, enslave her if theres an opening'.. Deva could even use her illusions senses to see what was going on.. she could, but she lacked the concentration for that.

"Haaah.. I want.. I want.." She panted, not going on, showing some impressive mental fortitude, considering her situation, her cheeks flushed and arousal clear in her voice, as well as frustration at her current situation, her teeth gritting as she teethered at the edge of her own submission, images of a pretty-spidersilk dress, more see through than anything else, showing the little ones crawling over her princess, caressing her full tummy..... yet, Neith, for all her strength and her swarm, was no Valerie. These images paled in comparison to the idea of the mighty amazoness, beckoning Deva over with just a look, wordlessly ordering the angel to massage her powerful physique, warmly recieving her cockslaves submission.... a lucky thing that Neith was fighting Deva alone too, if the amazoness had Deva kneeling like this.. ".. I want to congratulate you. You are kind, hot, and frankly, I feel real bad for threatening you and being so harsh, was a bit frustrated about.. something earlier, I don't like fighting heroes, I guess I hoped for you to be a monster so I could justify doing what I did to Azalea to you. Oh, its kinky, the idea of swelling with your eggs, perhaps snatching Isa and Viola to share that fate, but, tempting as it is, you lack a certain presence that just makes me want to kneel and submit. I'm sure you can find a better princess for your swarm. But let me tell you another secret, for pushing me this far..

Long ago, I was adopted to a temple of Bast in the desert, my first faith and although I have outgrown it, it focused on love, pleasure, sexuality. I.. hamnn.. applaud you for catching me off guard, but you will never.
make me submit just by making my body feel good. You're kinky, and your venom might overcome lesser minds easily, but I wond yield. Come on, try it, have a dozen of your little ones hop on me and nibble on me, I might very well moan out in arousal and drool a bit about, but as soon as this pleasure ends, I'll be right back where I was.
Now, this was.. hamnn.. hot, but sorry, you don't have Vale... what it takes."
Deva caught herself a little late there. To be fair, she was.. quite distracted. "y.. yeah.. haaah.. definitly not thinking about.. hmnn... aa.. aaaaah!.." Deva closed her eyes, suddenly moaning out, imagining herself masturbating for her beautiful amazon mistress, her body tensing up, mouth watering... It wasn't much of a 'resistance' she put up against her opponents, but it did help get her focus away from all the spiders. Yeah.. that Ovipositor was beautiful and promised life, yet it didn't ooze precum and virile musk, demanding a slaves attention. She was incredibly horny, her legs parted and ready to have her body filled, but other than that nothing made her -need- to become an eager spiderslave. Sure, the spider was in control of her body, but what she die was, technically, nothing Deva wouldn't do on a bored, lonely night, she didn't feel in control and was kneeling submissively, yes, but that alone would not break her, she was inwardly determined.. as much as that unknown spider poison worried her.. she couldn't alllow herself to submit to the spider here!

So instead she thought about the amazon tribes, all mighty warriors.. many almost as well hung as Valerie, she wondered? Would Isa enjoy becoming a happy cocksucking slut as well? Would they.. welcome Deva amongst their midst proper, train her to belong to the tribe and their chieftain and... Not.. not that Deva was into those things or anything like that, this was... just her trying to not give in to the spiders temptations.. yeah.... or what if the betrayers had indeed attacked her, had corrupted poor Valerie into a darker version of herself, with oozes.. or tentacles, or demonic and bestial aspects.. obviously it'd need Deva to rescue her, even at the cost of the things she might do to the angel..
Deva moaned and writhed, kneeling as she was, though perhaps the spider-woman could easily figure out what was going on here, having seen Valeries.. effects on people, a lust that had never been properly sated after Devas retreat, now stocking high with no chance to masturbate as she herself had said when facing Valerie, encouraged by the sight of the inhuman ovipositor before her.., one way or the other, with Deva not succumbing at this pace and her illusion off doing.. whatever, Neith would have to come up with something quick, unless her poison persisted longer than it seemed and Deva, whilest lost in lewd fantasies, was certainly still in control of her faculties.. mostly.


Devas Simulacrum rushed to the caverns entrance, wielding Devas lipstick and rescuing the tome, observing the deities struggle from a distance. It's orders had changed, it would simply make sure that none of the traitorous faction would show up and cause trouble, a distinct worry for Deva right now. The Simulacrum also waited for an opening to Give Glacia a mind-bending kiss...
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Yep, lucky number 13! Mistress was really impressed that I made it even that far! She had thought that after making me smarter I'd barely even crack the top 25, but I did it!" Neith would say proudly, standing tall a bit as she knew that she had managed that. It had been quite a bit of work, training her powers and trying to learn some actual strategy rather than attacking her opponents head on. But after a long enough time she had proven to be one of the better agents out of them all.

The spider woman would smile a bit when Deva acknowledged that she managed to catch the angel off guard, hoping that meant that she had this won. "If you really want to tell a story, I guess you've made it so I can't stop you... But be careful, it's really easy to get distracted during this..." She'd say with a chuckle, knowing that she would be the one that would be causing that distraction. Part of the spider woman didn't want to hear the story, because she had seen quite a few stories already with the journey of her Mistress, but she didn't want to just tell her princess to be that she wasn't allowed to tell those kinds of stories, that'd be mean.

Neith would pay attention to the story, listening closely as she still took her time to play with the angel, having learned to multitask with how much she needed to split her focus to properly direct her children. "You've got a little spider friend of your own... And you thought that you wouldn't make a great spider princess! You'd be so amazing, having your own little spider-y trap for anyone that tries to kidnap you from me... Using the very venom that you had for yourself... Oh it'd be wonderful!" The woman would praise, fawning over the one that she was so eager to turn into her own little princess. While she was attracted to many, those that she found to be the most beautiful, the most worthy, were the ones that she even considered making her princess. So far she had only found 3, and currently Deva was the only one that she'd have any chance at turning.

Once Deva knelt down properly, the Spider woman would smile and reach her own hand out, gently petting the angel for kneeling before her... even if she had no choice in the matter. "That's a good little princess... Well I can promise you that I won't be making you compete with anyone else, once you're my princess, you will be one for life. Once I am gone you will become the matriarch of my nest... Though that won't be for a very long time considering both our lifespans..." The woman would pet her some more, and as she did that tongue would push inside her for a few moments, ramping her pleasure up just a little bit while she was praised by the spider woman. "Oh you'd be so beautiful and happy... Living in my nest, given a soft, silky blanket and bed to rest in whenever you wish, always allowed to enjoy yourself... Being waited on by all my little children, willing to bring you anything that you ask for..." The woman said, while Deva would gently caress her own cheek again. Though she did wonder why her opponent wasn't giving up at all, normally those that had no control of their own body simply decided that they had lost. Did she have something that she thought she could do? Or was this just some type of bluff to waste time? Either way, the spider woman would keep her work going.

"A wonderful little present... It might take some time to properly kick in, but once it does you'll love it..." Neith would grin, not giving Deva much of a hint as to what she had in store for the angel. Though once again she knew that Deva would learn a little more about why she was called the 'Fleshweaver'.

"Would you mind being a little more specific in that little description, my princess? The feeling of not being in control of your own body... of masturbation and erotic molestation becoming the exact same thing as your fingers move without your control, touching you intimately. Being touched by me, but with your own hands..." She'd ask, making Deva pinch her clit while the spider asked her questions. Then she'd move her hand in front of her mouth in order to mask her soft giggling at the kinky sight before her.

Neith was following along with the story, but made sure to continue focusing on toying with Deva. The angel would start to lean back, lying on the ground, spreading her legs some more and gently thrusting her hips into the air, giving the spider a better look at her dripping wet sex, and at the fingers that only now were beginning to very slowly thrust in and out of her most intimate of places. "Oooh... A classic 'The one that had the disadvantage wins it in the end'. Mistress always said that the story of an 'underdog' was really easy to cheer for... Took me a while to figure out that 'Underdog' wasn't just some mammal that like to live underground." The spider would comment offhandedly, before moving down to take a closer look at Deva's nude form, getting an up close view of her as she would gently move the angel's body in order to better see certain beautiful parts of the naked angel. "Your body is even more beautiful, sexier, than I had thought that it was before. It's like you're a work of art... Mmmmmm..." With that she would reach her hand out and rub Deva's belly, caressing it softly while she pleasured herself, the pleasure increasing slightly, pulsing through her as that phantom tongue grew a little more passionate once her body was touched.

"An excellent moral... Personally I'd have simply had both the children rule together, but that's just me." She'd compliment, actually enjoying the story quite a bit, but not having too much to comment on it. Besides, she was having far too much fun with Deva's body to think any further on that argument. She'd bring her long, thick, wet tongue further down and run it along Deva's side instead of her cheek this time, licking up and down the entire length of her body. Part of this was a slight instinct that she once had when she hadn't been taught better, when she normally wanted to eat those she captured, another part was just how erotic she found the act. Thankfully she now had no desire to eat those she had captured, as there were so many more fun things that they could do. She'd have Deva's fingers pick up a little bit in intensity once she had licked the angel, but the moment that her tongue parted, Deva's fingers would slow right back down, ensuring that she never went over the edge of climax unless the spider woman decided to allow it.

Though all of her fun would be quickly interrupted as she saw another Deva suddenly appear near her, making Neith's eyes go wide in surprise and worry, not expecting her to be able to do anything without control of her body. That was actually really bad, as that meant there was some way out of this predicament, and that Deva could still stop all of this. Neith was preparing to actually lunge at the simulacrum and try to stop it as well, before Deva ordered it to run off and do something else. As much as she wanted to chase after it and deal with that potential threat, she didn't have an infinite amount of time to deal with Deva either. So she'd just have to hope that Glacia could hold her own for long enough while Neith enslaved Deva properly. "I can see now why you were able to deal with the other agents you've faced... You're quite the clever one... A clever little princess that could help me learn so much more... Mistress made me eager to learn more... and one as clever as you could help me with that even more..." The spider would say, smiling down at her as she continued to masturbate. "But maybe it's time that you were honest with yourself... You sent that clone off, not because it was the best option... but because you WANT this... you WANT me to fill you with eggs and turn you into my wonderful little princess... Well I'll make sure to give it to you..." Though she wished that Deva hadn't met Valerie first... As Valerie had been the one to teach her the trick of telling your opponent that your powers only affected them if they WANTED to submit. But the spider knew that Valerie would have already tried that trick, so she couldn't trick Deva into thinking that her control over the body was limited only to what the angel wanted deep down... a shame that.

Another spider would crawl on top of Deva, biting her just like that last one had, giving her a tiny dose of venom to increase the tingling in her breasts, her nipples remaining stiff under her own fingers. Once Deva started fantasizing about having the lewd spiders crawling all over her, her pussy dripping wet for whenever Mistress wanted to breed, she'd feel an odd sense of comfort in the back of her mind... like such a vision was proper... it just felt... right. If she was able to think through her own arousal, she might realize that those sensations were probably the work of the new venom that she hadn't noticed before. If not, however, it'd just feel like her new fantasies were right, proper, wonderful. And she'd be unable to pass over the edge of climax, her fingers and the tongue slowing down and even stopping if she got too close to cumming, keeping her from finding her release just yet. And no matter how hard she tried to will her body to drive itself over the edge, it seemed that the venom just wouldn't let her, it wouldn't allow her body to push itself that far, and deep down something would tell her that it wouldn't happen until she got that fleshy, throbbing, erotic, divine ovipositor into her. That was the key to her release... It held the promise of pleasure, breeding, and release from the edge that she was kept at right now.

The image of herself, womb full of incubating eggs, a silky, see through spider dress with dozens of her children clinging to her and crawling through her dress, and a blissful smile on her face while her pussy just kept drooling in pleasure, would feel like one of the most beautiful things that she had ever imagined. Though she would soon find the way to counteract what Neith called the 'Fantasy building' poison. As she thought of the Amazoness, and her own desire for that, there'd be a pulse of warmth deep inside her, and the other fantasies of the spider, while still there, would slightly fade into the background. "Well thank you, darling. And you don't need to feel bad for being threatening and rude to me. I have learned to forgive... and my children aren't harmed at all, so I won't be angry. And I would absolutely love to have your friends sharing your fate, filled with my children, though... none of them would be my princess. I think I could still pamper them like I do dear Glacia... Though... I think you may change your mind in a little bit actually. Don't go deciding that you won't be my princess while I still have you in my grasp... while I still have you vulnerable like this."

Neith wasn't all that convinced that Deva wasn't going to become her princess just because she was very familiar with lewd and kinky pleasures. Sure she thought that she'd be the same once everything wore off, but so many thought that even right before they were properly turned into eager little spider slaves to her. But her thought on that matter was ended rather quickly as she caught Deva's tongue slip. Deva was still thinking of Valerie, of what the Amazoness could do to her... The spider woman would close all of her eyes for a moment and smile a bit. "Looks like you beat me to this one... old friend..." She'd whisper to herself, careful to make sure that Deva didn't hear her when she said that. The problem with her poison, the one that would cause fantasies, arousal, and even some changes in the physical brain was that there was a simple way to counteract it. While the poison created fantasies in tune with what Neith wanted, strong ones at that, if one had fantasies that they could hold even stronger, ones that they found even more erotic, then there was nothing that her poison could do in the end. It couldn't shift her to new fantasies if she had a strong enough one there already, one that she wanted even more than what the spider wanted. Though the spider would smirk again as she thought of something, preparing herself properly for what was about to come.

Meanwhile, as Deva imagined the Amazoness' village, full of strong warriors that were likely only slightly less endowed than Valerie, she'd find that fantasy growing a little stronger in her mind. While the venom may not be able to remove her existing fantasy, it could still strengthen it, still imprint it deep in her mind, making it just that much more desirable to the angel. She could see it now, Valerie sitting in the chieftan's hut, lounging on her own seat as Deva worked tirelessly between her legs, sucking her Mistress off while she made decisions for the tribe. Sitting at her feet as much as possible during the day, massaging Valerie's powerful body, the other villagers growing used to seeing her with Valerie to the point where they considered her just as much a part of the village as anyone else. And meanwhile, she'd see Isa nearly every day, the ice mage finding her place as a cock licker for another Amazoness, one a little less impressive compared to Valerie, but still powerful enough to keep Isa happy. The both of them could occasionally meet and talk about how happy they were, all the while living happily in a village where the musk of dozens of Amazons would mingle together in the air... But cutting through all those delightful scents would be Valerie's powerful, dominant, ecstatic musk...

Though she'd be so caught up in her fantasies that she'd end up not noticing that Neith had lifted her up and bit her one more time, another venom that she wouldn't notice filling her. "Time for the main event!" Deva may have been able to control her fantasies, but her body was still under the spider's control. She'd spread her legs wide as Neith put her down on the ground, and Deva would find herself presenting her body to that ovipositor, her fingers no longer working between her legs. The spider would take a few moments to line herself up before thrusting into her tight folds, the fleshy, tentacle-like appendage would push deep into her. And Neith would start thrusting, picking up right where her fingers had left off, the tongue still giving her clit attention while the woman fucked her. It wouldn't take long for either of them to reach their climax, the spider thrusting deep into her one more time, the tip of the appendage reaching Deva's womb. An oblong, spheroid distortion would appear at the base of the ovipositor, moving down until it passed inside Deva's sex, sliding into her womb as more and more would follow along with it, spraying into Deva's womb and attaching themselves to it, causing her belly to swell a bit as more and more would fill her. Then the spider would pull out slowly, panting a bit and smiling at Deva, who would find that she'd have control of her body once again. "Welp... You've won this! I've got no more tricks up my sleeve, and you've done an excellent job. Plus the other you has probably already beaten Glacia... Much as I wish I could save her, she will simply have to wait until Mistress is successful before she can return to my brood... I doubt you'd let me keep her even if I asked really nicely anyway. I've left you with two little parting gifts... But alas! I must find myself a different princess! I shall leave this place now! So... err... bye? I'm gonna leave and take my kids with me. Errr... warning though, as Glacia isn't gonna be happy about being freed when you manage that... Probably not gonna see me again. Once Mistress knows you can handle me, she likely won't send me after you." The spider would crawl away, looking a little disappointed that she couldn't enslave Deva, starting to slowly fade out of existence, likely returning to her home, and if Deva looked she'd see that all the spiders started to do so as well. It was a combination of them being called back by the Cloaked One, and a spell She had cast to allow them to get out of a situation like this.

That'd leave Deva on her own, meaning that she could go catch up with the simulacrum and deal with the rebelling Frost Goddess that was likely still fighting with Isa at this moment.

(Would respond to the simulacrum, but Deva already won at this point. Lewd Spider must retreat before is too late!)
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"I wonder if your mistress will start to withdraw anyone above 15 after a little more effort on my part." Deva mused genuinly. It'd be a bother to keep dealing with folks, counting Priselia and Azalea in the higher twenties, by feeling alone.. then again, Priselia was weak physically, but had been relatively formidable mentally. Her weakness came from a reliance on shadow and corruption magic with which Deva was all too familiar with. That said, it seemed the cloaked one judged her servants based on a multitude of factors, and Priselia, for all her power, was a bit of a one trick pony, whereas Neith had shown a certain variety of tactics.. straight forward approach, retreat and support, delay tactics..

The petting was quite distracting, and Deva couldn't stifle another moan at the tongue-licking. "Well, if I had been born a drow you'd already have me, many of them are really into spiders, you see." Deva chuckled, still, she couldn't see her ambition being stopped at being a good spider-matriarch. Fighting evil together with a mighty mistress finally telling her what was good and what wasn't on the other hand.. or just relaxing, retiering, having fun.. perhaps a mix of both? "Aww does sound comfy."
She had to admit. She almost felt bad for the spider wanting her. Then again, she might grow all too complacent being pampered like that.

Deva was rather suspicious of the present, though, with her pleasures being teased high, it was hard to form proper ideas on what that might be.

Deva finally couldn't help her blushed emberassment when she was positioned lying back on the ground, though her own position had no impact on the simulacrums, unless she willed it to, she did not welcome the spider becoming more sympathetic as she learned more about her lack of understanding of common tongue phrasings.. it had been a while for her to figure out that 'tell me about it' was not actually a request for a more detailed description at all. "Yea.. aah.. language is weird like that. So, who do you think is the underdog in this situation, me or you?" She grinned, though she really didn't think herself a work of art. There were blonde angels with large, powerful wings and hope blazing in their eyes, or little coure-Eladrin with rainbow wings and cheeky smiles. She always found herself looking too tired in a mirror and whilest she was a beautiful average, she was certainly nothing extreme with big breasts and round hips and all these things. She didn't feel like thanking the leering spider though, not in the helpless pose she was at, it felt weird enough as it was. What she did however, was moan out a soft: Haaah!" under the belly rubbing, having a suspicion what the spider-woman was going for with that...

Deva also squirmed at the wandering tongue.. her luck of course, she was still wearing the suggestive lipstick, but this one wasn't a tradidional kisser and trying to make her would only arouse suspicion. Plus, the wet, warm feeling on her skin was.. distracting. "There are abilities you can use, even whilest completely restrained. They are hard to learn and few to come by, but one of them arises if you devote yourself to illusions. This is usually ment as a double, not a combat assistant, but it'll do the job. That said, I don't feel inclined to teach you.. not if you stand with whom I oppose." Deva .. well, would have chuckled, if she could. "Except perhaps this, Isa and Glacias powers are, right now, completely equal, but Glacia has more experience with them, I'm the counterbalance to that, interesting you'd chose to stay, that tells me that you don't have the time to hunt my illusion down and come back and work on me proper, and that means, all I need to do is hold out longer than you think I could for your poison to wear off, right?" Deva explained, if interrupted with another soft moan. She did things randomly, but there was always a method to the madness, never do one thing to reach one goal if it could reach two goals, like testing the strength of the spider web and distracting her with the Deva-lure by falling into it.

"You misunderstand. I sent the clone off because keeping this story safe is more important than keeping myself safe. Also, to make sure we aren't ambushed whilest fighting, also to test your poisons duration. Finally, if I needed rescue, I have methods to provide it, even with an illusion, depending on how easily Glacia can be subdued.
I think you misunderstood from the beginning. Admittedly, I did not expect you to have such a power with your venoms, but everything, from me falling into your web to me pushing you to this area was planned, by me. I avoided being close to the two godesses, because, frankly, I doubt either of us wants to be in that cross-fire, but also because I wanted to see if there was anyone else trapped here, also, your spiders are a liability, not an asset against someone using area magic, you might want to look into that, also, when I first fell into your web I tested its tensile strength and properties, its laced with a weak aphrodising poison and can withstand a weight of about three times your own body, sounds about right?"
Deva chuckled, coherrent, if with a touch of emberassment.. infact, her explaining these things helped her think more clearly.

"Still, I .. haah.." She gasped at the other spiderbite tingling her now.. "Miscalculated, and.. between you and me, thats not something I do often. Lucky thirteen indeed. I'll make sure to not drop my guard against future agents until I figured them out." Though, that all said, Deva couldn't help but feel like the idea of being a spider-slave to be bred, a princess to be cared for wouldn't be all that bad, as her hands kept wandering over her body, and she squirmed in building lust. Resistance, to lust, didn't mean she could keep enduring this tease -forever- after all. "haamnnn.. ooh ..." she moaned out freely, gritting her teeth as she still didn't get to cum, clearly aroused and frustrated alike.. not quite to the point of begging, where perhaps the spider womans victims usually were at this point, but it was clear that Neiths attempts were working on Deva. "Ughh.." She panted, staring at the beautiful, throbbing ovipositor.. would that help, a proper appendage, deep in her, giving her.. life...

"Aaah.. haaah.." She panted, her tongue half hanging out lustfully, trying to shake her head free of the literal cobwebs of the spiders powerful venom. "Ch.. children.. ugh..." She panted. "So sweet and.. strong.." She writhed, though.. the fantasies.. changed? Yes.. beautiful Valerie, strong, muscular, wearing a tribal loincloth that Deva lifted to get to her price, that magnificent cock, the memory of which the venom invigorated and dug deeper into Devas mind. Her eyes getting a little glassy as the fantasies filled her, fantasies of beautiful cock-slaves, happy, willing, aware, if just a little empty eyed in their amazoness loving servitude, marked with tribal markings, Deva imagined herself joining them, tatooed and painted with her mistress markings, taught to keep herself pretty but never shave, so her mistress could enjoy her natural musk, just as she basked in hers, allowing her more primal desires to reign free, the scents of the amazons keeping her, Isa, everyone contently enslaved.
Of course, it were all just perverted desires, with Deva knowing little of Valerie other than her strong yet good hearted nature and her workout routine, still, in the moments Deva was taken by lustful masturbation Neith could see the fantasies sinking in.. she might get the feeling that Valerie would owe her one, after this.
Deva kept thinking about the amazon tribe for a while longer, imagining how they.. greeted new initates, displaying all their shafts for worship, to make clear to Deva who owned her.. who owned her.. yes. Valerie. The image shifting, focusing on Valerie, strong warrior, dominator.. but not just a one sided mistress, no ready to listen to her smart slaves ideas, always training herself to be better, the proud warrior, her cock 'hidden' by a loincloth a spear by her side.. and..
No.. no that was wrong, Valerie was a human, and not so scrawny, she was a powerful warrior, muscular, impressive.. one worthy of worship, with an impressive shaft, drooling virily..
Yes.. though, perhaps not that powerful.. plus, her haircolor had been black and long, a bit unruly perhaps. With a thick, beautiful cock and a dominating gaze that told Deva to kneel before her..
Yes.. that felt more right.. though in her lust-heightened state she imagined the amazons cock almost too large.. but.. The Amazoness had been captured by the betrayers of the cloaked one, most likely.. a hero, loyal, strong, Deva doubted they'd kill her. A rank 12, only number one and two would be able to easily defeat her, she had said, and those two could likely not take action without the mistress at least getting suspicious (Deva fully expected one of them, propably rank 2, to be the leader of the anti-cloaked ones group.. because that was just her luck). So, likely they hadn't fought Valerie who was propably higher in pure combat potential than many of them.. they had tried to capture and convert her.. what would happen to the poor amazoness? What could happen to Deva? Was she, right now, captured by a more wicked spider demon than Neith, corrupted to be a wicked demon?
Deva thought that unlikely, Neith had had the greatest power of any spider-creature she had ever seen.
Or, what if they had turned her into a werewolf? More of a beast, even further enhancing her natural instincts and musk, but making her.. tameable. A human in apperance at first, but with a beast slumbering beneath, a mask of civility. One bite.. and Deva would begin becoming hers, finding herself changing, becoming a beast, just like her..
Deva could fight that. She thought. She hoped. But the idea of a wild beast, hiding under a mask of calm, refined and classy civility, empowered by the strength of her own iron will.. to a point.. was even more tempting than the amazoness by herself, in a way.
And what if worse things had happened? Some sort of gooey-creature? Deva had seen the goos early, clearly, they must have had a leader. A good, bonding with, empowering, yet controlling Valerie, making her a force of dark corruption as she slipped perversions into the amazons brain, a desire to clad Deva into the same dark, always molesting gooey embrace, linking them, even if they weren't together.... did this fantasy come from Deva, or where there remains of Priselias efforts and goos still in Deva? The latter was more arousing, to the orgasm-denied angel...
Or what if Valerie had been posessed by wicked tentacles, designed to ensure Devas.. loyalty, as a tool against her? Deva could endure lusts, sure, but creatures ment to make a woman fall to her lusts were still formidable. Valerie alone was an impressive foe, in that regard, with her having help... if she had lewd tentacles or parasite creatures to.. share with Deva, the poor angel would really be hard pressed to even continue fighting..
Or, even worse.. even lustier, what if they hadn't done anything so extreme, just made sure to enhance Valeries desire for cocksluts. With the things Valerie had called her, and, that one lie of her actually enjoying it because it was her nature slipping past, thanks to Neith not using it again, the venom had an easy time conjuring images of Deva lusting for Valeries shaft.. no, all the amazons beautiful cocks. A beautiful, blonde haired Valerie giggling cheerfully, inviting Deva.. her mind was her greatest blessing, but also such a burden.. why not.. relax it a little, allow herself to be dumb.. not all the time, but sometimes, with a yummy infusion of her mistress nice cockslut-juices. Valerie herself wasn't dumb of course, to the contrary, she just enjoyed acting that way to lure in her sluts and make them feel welcomed, seeming harmless and hiding her strength under a cute pink dress, only to trick and let poor Deva suckle her worries away as her hair now turned the beautiful blonde of other angels.. it wasn't that she wanted to keep Deva dumb, not at all she treasured the angel very much, but she'd be so cute and obediant when calmy suckling on her shaft, her own breasts swelling with mind-melting milk.
However, that didn't quite sound like Valerie, to act all weak.. plus, none of those perverted fantasies played out before her, the spider didn't reinforce them, so luckily, Devas mind defaulted to a more.. romantic than sexual image, slowly calming down from the poisons influence, envisioning...
Valerie fighting hordes of wicked monsters, with Deva, as was original her place and power, standing behind, empowering her mistress to greater heroism with powers, both of them standing side by side, with Valerie shielding Deva from harm and Deva healing her of all harm, coing lovingly in their victory, then, wild and riled up, turning around to Deva, marked as her mate and property for the tribemembers, picking up the angel to release her build up emotions and lusts, lifting her and..

Deva blinked, looking at not Valerie but Neith, moaning at the feeling of .. finally, warm, fleshy pleasure. "Wha?" She gasped, her body writhing in climax as she felt those eggs wander into her, finally.. her tight, warm folds massaging the ovipositor delightfully, feeling the eggs flow into her.. and attach themselfs...

"Haaah.. oh yes.. wait.. I want more.. more of these wonderful eggs.. no.. no.. wait.. that.. thats the poison." Deva finally realized, panting, if a little late, basking in the thoughts of kneeling before the amazoness.. "It doesn't con. haah.. control the one using it, it supresses rationality and enhances emotional responses exspecially sexual ones. Theres no such thing as a poison that takes away your ability to move, but you can disconnect my rational mind from my subconscious and act as the rational yourself!" Deva panted, holding her slightly swollen belly, shouting out to the spider for one moment..

"Haah... haah.. wait!... Neith.." She moaned out, stumbling to crouch up, her simulacrum asking tomey to cut out potential listeners once more, for just a brief moment, to make it look like a distortion from the shifting spell. For a brief moment she looked and felt as if she wanted to ask for more eggs.. to become a princess and pampered as promised, but, with again, a hint of a pained expression, she reigned herself in and said: "For what its worth.. you were very, very close to getting me. Catching me by suprise... I lost anyone I could think about but another one of her servants.. so long ago. If you.. mature a little, you will find your princess. Don't think you are weak, cause you are not. I've never faced anyone with more potent poisons. You just need to develope a technique called the poisoned strands, which allows you to infuse not just your protein, but also your stronger contact poisons in your webs. .. but more important than that, even if you don't believe a single word I say, please, inject yourself with a venom that slows your heartrate and breathing after a short while. When you return to your hideout, I estimate you will be attacked before you can talk with the cloaked one. Fight, like an animal, like the wild beast they .. and even I to some degree, mistake you for. You must make it look as if you were killed, because theres someone that will want to make it look like I killed you, if they can't control you over to their side. Do it for your mistress and Valerie, if you have to." Deva, requested, oddly insistent, before snatching up her broom, blushing a bit as she held her .. full feeling belly. Hadn't the spider said two presents? Another poison? Deva didn't remember being bitten... Well, right now, Deva couldn't worry about that. Her head was swimming with lewd visions of Valerie which she had to calm down, even after her orgasm, mixed in with worries and the realization that, sooner or later, Isa would be overwhelmed by a deities vast experience, thus, as the spider retreated, with those parting words, so did the angel.

Deva rushed to meet with her simulacrum, aquiering her clothes and gear from the copy, letting it fade away a little early. "Awakening a fleshweaver spider, showing mercy to the wicked.. just who are you, cloaked one... question for later." She decided, looking at Glasia.. if this had worked with Ignis, it would work with her.. "Heyo, got your mistress, your turn! Fireball!" She raised a hand, weaving arcaneries.. actually, a dimension door, short ranged, quick and dirty teleport, to get behind the godess.. and give her a good, deep kiss.

"Hmnaaah.. better, now, how about we both calm down... This is the harder part. Ok, Isa? You still with me? These powers can overwhelm the unprepared, though this world seems to be.. less extreme about it. I'm going to need you to let go of them, imagine it like you having held your breath for all this time and slowly exhaling.

Glacia! Good news. I spoke with our spiderfriend and.."
She took Glacias hand, putting it on her belly.. "As you can see, all is well now. You can relax. though.. I've been told your soldiers can be released. Also. You need to withdraw the cold now. Can you tell me if Ignis is still around in this world? Actually!" She opened her tome. "Tomey, all the servants gone? I figure Ignis has a contract binding her to Valerie now, is what I'd do, but other than that, this world should be in balance, with a slight .. adjustment of the godesses.. oh, that reminds me. Something even easier than creating an item, can you teleport over my wand of life unending? A rod of resurrection. Glacia here wants to disguise it as a relic of her church and we're going to hide it .. somewhere on this world, so that it can be found and help people rebuild after the clash of the noble houses.. thats not messing with the story, as everyone still dies... its just helping them rebuild. Deal?" She almost asked the tomey.. story fixing wasn't her expertise, after all.

Then, she focused on Glasia, with a sideglance to Isa. "Now, do we want to make this kinky?" She grinned.

(Spider was hawt, almost had Deva. If she had come first.. who knows. But yeah, despite kinky poison fantasy breeding, Valerie barely edges out for pure charisma, even being just a strong, musky futa technically. ^^ Perhaps spider will make a reapperance in a short one-off encounter, sometime when you have too much free time.. who knows! :p)
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Neith wondered as well what the orders of her Mistress would be after the two incidents. The Cloaked One would likely not want to take risks when she saw that Deva could handle a story with both the 13th and 12th best agents working on it. "I could see that really... Mistress doesn't like having to put us in danger, but she wanted to bring things about faster. With a real threat out there she's probably gonna slow things down to keep as many of us safe as possible." The spider would comment offhandedly, not really able to predict the Cloaked One in any way. She was honestly a tough one to read sometimes, even for those that were the closest to her, they sometimes couldn't predict certain things. "I've never had someone to properly pamper before... I mean, I give my children a lot of care, but they're easy and usually don't want a whole lot..." She'd explain, having wished for someone to pamper ever since she became more intelligent and started to understand the actual happiness that could come from caring for others rather than just worrying about yourself and what you wanted. Her animal instincts told her to only worry about herself, but her Mistress had taught her that others deserved a level of care as well.

"I know! Why do people say things that they don't even mean? Mistress said that I need to do a better job of understanding 'metaphors'. She likes to use those a lot, and ends up confusing me sometimes." The spider would agree, finding language to be one of the more difficult things to properly learn. It's why she liked it better when she had happy, obedient breeding slaves, cause she could just have them say what they mean instead of working with those kinds of things. It'd be the same with her beautiful princess, no need for layered language that meant things that didn't need to be veiled. If her princess wanted to breed then they could breed, if she wanted to rest she could say so, there'd be no need for them to not be honest with one another. "Considering that you did a real good job with Valerie, who is stronger than me... I figured I was the underdog overall. Though once you got into what seemed like a bad situation, I thought that you were the underdog."

Other than that, the spider wouldn't have too much to say on the matter of what Deva planned when she was doing this whole thing. The spider had taken everything that she had done to be a series of poor mistakes that she was just constantly trying to make up for with clever things. But if Deva had meant to get into this position from the very beginning, then the entire encounter they had would be at least slightly accounted for. Neith got the feeling that she didn't realize just how clever the angel could be, and was inwardly thankful that her opponent had underestimated her at all. Despite how much she had studied and learned tactics, reading all sorts of books that Mistress had recommended to her, and doing her best to adapt and think smart with her poisons and powers. But at the end of the day, she still wasn't the best at it, having a few tactics that she could fall on, but not being the most advanced at it. Either way, she made note to try even harder at teaching herself strategy after this, especially now that she knew she likely wouldn't be coming away with a new princess after this. She'd become better and better at this, and that way she'd be able to properly capture a good princess one day!

The spider woman made a note that Valerie and her would be even, despite the fact that the story was likely to be fixed really soon. Sure she wouldn't be able to break the story like Valerie had originally wanted her for, but she did help her get a proper slave for her. She didn't mind the Amazoness taking the angel, even if she had wanted her as a princess, at least that meant that the angel would be happy and have a Mistress that would be kind to her. It was almost as if Deva could smell that musk right now, the poison reaching her brain and imprinting her fantasies for the Amazoness deeper in... seeming like the most wonderful, perfect... correct... things that she could think of right now. While the effect wouldn't show now, Deva would find out next time she slept that her dreams would be filled with fantasies of Valerie and her tribe of stong, futa warriors. While she'd still get the rest that she needed, her dreams would be filled with that muscular, powerful, musky woman and her throbbing, beautiful cock. She could imagine massaging her strong form, slowly massaging Valerie's body, starting from the top and slowly moving down to the part she was most interested in. That stiff cock just waiting for her to care for...

She could imagine full orgies of strong warrior women fucking their happy, content slavegirls, seeing Isa in the mix as the smell of sex filled the air, meanwhile Deva would sit by a throne, watching the lewd display as her Mistress gave her full attention. The other women would enjoy themselves with all the other slave girls, but Deva belonged to Valerie... to Mistress... and so she'd get her full focus, the Amazoness' eyes not even lingering on the other slave girls because she was content with Deva. And Deva would be kept with her... only enjoying the other warriors if that was what she wanted, as even with how powerful and possessive the Amazoness was, she wanted Deva to be happy...

All her different fantasies would just increase her arousal and desire for the Amazoness she had met earlier. While she wasn't forced to focus on any of them, all of them would be just as wonderfully arousing. Which Neith would capitalize on in some way to properly give her a good fucking, filling her up with eggs, letting her have a proper orgasm as her womb was good and filled with her children. Afterwards she would be panting deeply for a little while longer, the act of breeding still being incredibly intense for her especially with how beautiful she found Deva. "Well, if you ever actually want to get some more eggs inside you, just let me know, I'm always willing to give you another nice filling. But I guess that you've got some other things on your mind now. Though you're absolutely right about my poison, it's quite a neat little trick... But it doesn't matter how much my poison takes control of your body... If you're resistant enough to that and my lustful poisons, then there's little I'll be able to do." She even smiled a bit at that, not wanting to seem too angry just because someone didn't want to be her princess. "Oh... when my children are properly born... you can use them to help you a little bit if you really need them, but after a while they'll find their way back to me. So just please try to keep them from getting harmed." The spider would earnestly request while she was gearing up to leave.

But before she was able to properly leave, Deva stopped her and called out to her about something, which would make the spider hold still for a moment and look at her. Neith knew that look, the look of one about to ask if they could be filled some more, if they could have more eggs like they knew they wanted, she had seen it many times by now. Though it seemed that wasn't meant to be, the angel reigning herself in a little bit to be able to tell her some other things, that would make the spider woman give a heartfelt smile that helped deal with some of the sting of losing a princess. "Thank you... but remember not to sell yourself short either, Deva... You're absolutely beautiful, a work of art in that you're uniquely beautiful rather than just 'pretty'. That's what that fashion obsessed fop never understood... Being beautiful isn't about being just like a single mold, you're not the common 'super beautiful angel' which is what makes you so good to look at. You're real, you're believable, and that is often times far more beautiful than anything else." The spider would encourage, wanting Deva to feel confident in her own beauty before she left her. Then she got some advice from the angel, stopping to listen and tilting her head a bit to think about what she was saying. "I... I'll do that. I doubt you'd still be lying to me about traitors in our midst right now... Hmph... that's concerning though. Thank you for the warning." Neith would agree as she left the Story, wondering if she really would run into anyone.


When Deva returned, she'd see that Isa and Glacia were still going at it, throwing ice magic around at one another in incredible feats that would show just how much power they were both working with. While they were both doing great things, Glacia seemed to have a slight edge, doing more incredible things since she knew how far her power could reach, but Isa was more than holding her own, though she would have likely lost if things had gone on for a good while longer. Though when Deva bluffed a fireball, the Frost Goddess would suddenly turn and throw an ice shield in front of her to intercept the coming fireball, not even realizing that the plan was to end up right behind her rather than hit her with fire magic. Then she was pulled into a deep kiss, struggling a bit for a moment before her body started to slowly go limp, her eyes growing blank as the lipstick went to work on her, causing her to return the kiss on impulse as her eyes grew glassy, simply standing there before the angel, completely open to her words now.

"Yeah... I'm still here... This is tough..." Isa would answer, struggling to handle the amount of power that she suddenly, not used to that kind of thing. Then she would close her eyes, focusing intently on what Deva was describing, the glow of power slowly starting to drain from her until she seemed to be back to normal at this point. She'd exhale a bit, feeling her mind returning to normal and her powers going along with it. The ice mage would stumble for a moment, and steady herself against the cave wall, the amount of power she had just gained and then released making her a bit dizzy before giving Deva a thumbs up to show that she'd be ok.

A blush would come to Glacia's face and she'd sigh happily when she felt Deva's belly, knowing that the eggs of her Mistress were inside the angel even through her deep trance. "Mmmmmmm... Ok... Can release them..." She'd wave her hand, all the web cocoons suddenly freezing and exploding open in a flurry of ice, a variety of women falling onto the ground, some naked, some in flashy armor, but all seeming to be perfectly fine, not having reached the later stages of their 'evolutions' to exhibit any major changes. Though a few of them would wind up being more fertile than before, and one or two of them would have longer tongues or glassy black eyes rather than regular ones. "Ignis is still in her home... She is currently feeling a mixture of sadness, tinged with patience and hope..." The Flame Goddess already knew that her Mistress would be gone for quite some time, but hoped that one day she might return, and make her happy again. The Tome would seem happy to have been returned to Deva, and would continue to write and reply. "I don't believe that there are any agents currently in this Story. The Amazoness is gone, the spider has left, and I detected a third presence leaving at the same time as the Amazoness." The Tome would explain. "I can in fact make that work. It would still repair the events of this story, as once the major events unfold, there is no need for the consequences to remain the same. Though, I would recommend this item remain hidden until after the political conflict is over... Reviving those that lose their lives during the story might cause the same problems all over again." The Tome would further explain, knowing that Deva's idea would actually work at both allowing the conflict to work as well as saving the lives of those involved. There'd be a few moments as Deva felt a shift in energy, her rod of life unending appearing right before her just as the lipstick had earlier.

Glacia would still be completely out of it, vaguely hearing what Deva wanted her to do, what she herself wanted to do. She wanted to disguise that item as a relic of her church? Otherwise it would seem that she'd not have much else to say... "Mmmm... Like... kinky..." except for that, since she still had thoughts back to her spider Mistress. For her own part, Isa was still a bit tired, smirking just a bit at hearing what Deva thought about doing, not going to complain if anything lewd happened right now, partially because she was too tired to complain, and partially because her past encounters had made her just a little bit more into the kinkier aspects of their adventure.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Deva was glad to know that the cloaked one would reduce her servants.. it would mean less stories.. likely.. ten tops, she had to go for, but it would also mean her future foes would be even more formidable.. and, admittedly, she could have taken either of them at her full strength, but, technically, both spider and amazon had pushed her to a worrysome degre. She even had to use her extended Morphea and her Simulacrum, granted, the latter she could use more, but she liked keeping secret that not all her illusions were just that...

"Sorry, I like being pampered too, again, just like with the amazoness I regret we must fight against one another. Still, you are nice, but.. we wouldn't fit." So the cloaked one liked metaphors, if and when she spoke.. Deva had a growing.. concern. "Being the underdog can make you strong.. you wont warn your mistress of this, but I've never grown strong through victories.. but through defeats. Getting up, trying again, trying better.. after a few dozen times.. you notice that things that would have taken you out easily barely affect you anymore.." Deva admitted somewhat a secret of her own power to the retreating spider.

Deva sighed, her memory.. fantasy of Valerie, bittersweet right now. Even without her tome telling her, she guessed, and usually guessed right, that Valerie would be in trouble.. but nothing she could deal with right now. For starters, after fighting these two she was genuinly getting.. not exhausted, but to that dangerous point where one could make actual mistakes if they didn't watch out.

"I try to keep all children from being harmed.. including those that will not be born in a story sealed away. Thats the ultimate struggle here." Deva nodded.

"I'm real huh? What a compliment you give an illusionist." Deva chuckled in her response at the spider-woman, her smile genuine.


Many people would be in awe at the icey display. Truthfully, Deva was pretty impressed as well, pulling her hat lower as a layer of frost formed on it by mere proximity.

"Good job, Isa. Real good job. You are good with Ice, I had hoped for that, not gonna lie, there was a 10% chance the powers would .. err.. lets not dwell on details." Deva quickly.. shifted the topic, glad Isa was alright. They'd both need some rest now.

"Got it.. thanks.. alright.. Glacia, you will enhance this rod of revival, then hide it. As the pain of the coming conflict comes to an end, you will send visions to Viola, leading her to the location of the item. Well, or.. worst case if Viola perishes, another fitting young plucky ice priest..." Deva had stepped to gently groping the ice godess,.. being smart enough not to touch the sword unless the godess dismissed it.. She wasn't in the mood to be perma-frosted by a blade that froze on touch or something like that.
"Now then.." Deva slipped her hand into the Ice-godess stylized dress slowly, nodding to her book. "Take your time to balance out the story once more and prepare another departure and resting for us... now then.. lets see.."

She looked at Glacia, tipping her chin."It's important you maintain the balance, more important than anything else. You are free to enjoy the new spidery aspects of your assistance but.. what if I told you there was something even more wonderful than your mistress for you?.. Come here." Deva guided Glacia to her lips. "Hmnn.. so good, nice, female lips." She cooed, chuckling, smooching the ice-godess, before.. grateful for her ice-immunity, stripping down again. "Theres something the spider can't give you.. nice, luscious lips to lick." Deva grinned and, with only a bit of effort, applied the lipstick to her nether regions.

"Thats right. Your friend Ignis is a cockslut, and you are her opposite in every way.. whats the opposite of a cock? Not an ovipositor, but a nice, juciy pussy. Thats what you are. A nice pussylicker slave.. Go ahead, give it a lick you'll love the taste." Deva promised, implanting the idea in the godess mind whilest at it. "Now I wont tell you things like 'you love only me!' Because.. you got so many beautiful pussies all around you.. and they all want to lick you or be licked, but I think you owe me one for showing you this.. truth." Deva encouraged, spreading her legs, presenting her soft, currently purple-colored flower petals to the godess. "How about.. oh, I know, a little ice-summoning pact, just in case I need to get your assistance, against Ignis for example. I wont use it often I promise.. perhaps I'll just use it to get my pussy licked, when the hot month happens and you are sooo awfully bored anyway, doesn't that sound good, pussyslut?.. Shh shh.. no no.. don't talk. Just lick. Show me how much you agree by licking harder. Thats it. Good slut." Deva encouraged, a hand gently petting through the godesses hair, a hand reaching out, stripping her naked.. why not enjoy the show, when you enslave a godess?

"Good girl.. so calm and compliant and hungry for yummy lips to kiss and lick. Lick and kiss. Hmnn.. I bet even if you close your eyes you just think and fantasize about them, right?" Deva encouraged, enjoying teasing the godess.. She had been dominant, dominating quite a lot of girls, heck, she had had a harem of many..(more work than fun in the end, she realized as she wanted to pay attention to them all!.. one, two partners tops was all she could get into.. sure, having fun in a group, sometimes, in the right situation could be fun, but still...)

She watched as, likely, the enthralled godess licked up a healthy helping of her enchanted lipstick, before .. actually handing it over, as soon as the godess obliged her pact. "Nothing wrong with liking the spider-mistress that taught you submission, but your true purpose is as cunt-licker.. ok.. which of course means, your knights serve that purpose too.. now you could just infuse that idea into them with your link, but heres a better idea.. how about you show them the beauty of that lipstick.. go, put it on them whilest they still sleep, it should be barely enough for all of you. Then, when they wake up, you can teach them the beauty of licking pussy.. oh wait, .. let me help you." Deva cooed, reaching down and applying her lewd lipstick to the godesses sex, smiling as she cupped it softly, massaging, arousing her, but without trying to push her or bring her to a climax, just letting her bask in the nice feelings, showing her the secrets of lesbian lovemaking.

Then, if her attempt to start a lesbian orgy went well, she'd wink to Isa. "So.. what do you think, leave for another story, or check on the in-between? Do you think they need.. or could help us? Could stay here too.. if you don't mind whats going to get started soon." She grinned.
"I think.. I'm ready to tackle another story, though I definitly need to rest. Tomey can rather easily and without expanding much magic up up some simple food. (I could too but mine would taste super bland)" She looked at Isa, grinning.. "Or do you want to stay and get a few smooch-marks?"