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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

*No, no, no. You don't play catch by being hit. You're supposed to grab the asteroids and send them back. Here, I'll throw another and you try again.* Nebula broadcasts before flinging another large asteroid towards the enemy vessels.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina sighs, and turns away from the viewscreen, reminded of another race who simply would not give in, who fought to the bitter end.

"Then they leave us no choice. We must destroy them all, with neither mercy nor respite. May the Goddess have mercy on their souls."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


"Greetings Veda, I am Siphon/Talvesh of the Alveran vessel Kara. Any help you can render would be greatly appreciated."

It was then he noted a grouping of the ships breaking formation, and heading for the planet. "Son of a bitch, we've got thirty or so ships making for the deck. Stay clear of the yellow lights everyone."

There was a strange glow around the Kara, and suddenly what appeared to be thousands of small, glowing yellow squids emerged from his ship, tracking the ships heading for the surface. The results were sheerly amazing for anyone who had not already witnessed this. The squids simply smashed into the enemy ships, punching through their shields as if they weren't there, slamming into the hull and obliterating their targets. More disturbing was, even though the ships were destroyed, not a single drone appeared to have been taken out with them, and they just kept moving from target to target.

Vanessa had just made it to the bridge of the Kara in time to see this, and her eyes widened. "What in the name of the gods is THAT? What are those things?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


Veda states simply as she surveys the battlefield. She chose one of the largest ships still in the fight, a Draque dreadnaught of some description. It was taking a beating, but was slowly gaining ground against the smaller ships it was fighting. An asteroid was heading for an impact on it, but it was slowly accelerating out of it's way. She came in close behind it, firing a salvo of missiles and following them in, lines or blue, crackling energy connecting the three forward points on her ship as she charged a Wave Beam. Seconds before the missiles impacted the weakened shield she fired, the ship-sized shot passing her missiles and impacted the shield, opening a gap large enough for her and her missiles to slip inside its defensive perimeter. The missiles impacted the rear engines, along with a trail of bombs left behind her ship as she blazed by, switching back to the rapid fire yellow shots from before. She strafed an area of the ship, punching a hole through it to the shield generator, which took three missiles before it collapsed, and she flew away, having taken several shots large enough to shake her smaller ship around, which didn't seem to hit any kind of shielding, as she left and took cover behind the massive Hive Ship once again.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina stands unmoved, watching the destruction with a cool gaze.

"Drones. As far as I understand, they are co-ordinated and controlled by the willpower of the pilot. They seem to literally.. dis-assemble anything they come into contact with, in a similar fashion to the replicators. Devastating weapons."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

As Ixack fights, he notices the drones disassembling the fleet "I have to get me some of those" he thinks, his stop to watch the destruction brought to an abrupt end as a blast from one of the enemy fighters impacts his shield and drains it almost fully "Siphon. You wouldn't happen to have something to get rid of these guys, would you? one of their shots drained almost all my shields." he broadcasts to Siphon, his thrusters firing as he resumes his fighting of the small ships, keeping an eye on his shield status as he fights
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Coraxus and Vulkoran make a dash back to their shuttle, and fly back to their ship. Another flash, and it is gone.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

A flash lights the area for a second, and Coraxus' ship joins the fighting.
"For crying out loud, is your watch slow or something?"
"Do you feel like firing at them, or are you going to stand there and complain until our allies have taken them all out? Siphon, what's happening out there?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

It would be Talok who answered Coraxus. "The Draque and Enoly are trying to level the planet, Siphon is busy controlling drones at this time and can't speak. It would be in our best interests if we could all shoot at the enemy."

In response to Ixack, a full quarter of the drones suddenly came swarming at his attackers, ripping them to shreds one by one.

Talok himself began firing plasma beams at the enemy, beginning to work into their lines himself, while the Ingrali continued their assaults. Narlina's hive continued blasting away with it's own weapons as well.

Vanessa shook her head. "Whatever they are, those Draque and Enoly are absolutely no match for them. Why don't they just give up? They have to know they are getting their asses kicked!"

At this time, things got even more interesting. With an explosion of light, a dozen Gou'ald Hatak class pyramid ships emerged from hyper-space, dropping plasma bombs on unsuspecting enemy vessels. "This is Camulus of the system lords, I'm glad you left some of these scum bags for us to shoot at."

Nebula's only reply to his game of catch was to watch more Draque ships get crushed by his 'ball'. Two of the survivors broke away to attack him, but ended up with Asgard Weaponry stuffed up their tailpipes, exploding.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Thanks for the assistance, Siphon." Ixack broadcasts to Siphon, his own ship's shields recharging slowly "Back in business once again" he thinks to himself, his ship darting back into the fray "Too bad I'm not carrying any greater weapons." he thinks, going back into battle against the weak fighter ships
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda smiled as the dreadnaught she wounded was struck by the asteroid, the hull buckling and wrapiing around it, small explosions running along it's insides. She remained out of the fight for a moment, allowing the capacitors in her ship to recharge themselves after taking heavy fire from the massive ship. A scan of the battle showed that the attacking ships were penned in and losing ships steadily, much faster than the defenders now. There was an anomaly underneath the plane of the battle, however. No emissions, no scan rebounds, but a series of stars were blinking out of existence only to reappear seconds later. The anomaly was heading towards the planet at drifting speed. She made a quick recording and sent it to Siphon on the Kara, along with a quick message.

Is this one of ours? There's no engine emissions, and the anomaly is not reflecting any wavelength of light or sound. Best estimation, a corvette class ship with a blacked-out hull, either running silent or drifting.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Asari's aura flares around her for a moment, like a living thing. The bridge suddenly seems like a much smaller room... and then she relaxes, with an audible hiss of breath.

"They won't. They're being driven by a race of ascended beings. They'll fight until every last one of them is dead. And, what's more.."

She breaks off to step to the comms, her melodic voice cutting across all frequencies.

"Veda, this is Captain Daina Eil'Mori, aboard the Kara. Siphon..

She glances over at the preoccupied male.

"Siphon can't come to the phone right now. Confirming, the Florence, our only stealth-capable vessel of that size is currently -docked-. Stealthed vessel, you have thirty seconds to identify yourself or be treated as hostile. Friendly forces, stay clear and engage at range - it could be a bomb."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Camulus's voice comes over the radio a split second later. "It won't answer you, it's not a ship. It's a modified planet cracker bomb. It's a tactic the other system lords once used in our civil war. It's yield is enough to rupture thee crust of the planet, but it is also useful for us."

At this time a single Al'Kesh Bomber decloaks, and latches onto the shimmering point in space with some kind of beam. Firing it's thrusters, the ship turns the device, then suddenly lets it go. It would be a moment before everyone realized that the bomb was now moving right at the largest cluster of Draque and Enoly ships, the only cluster they hadn't broken a hole through yet. Again Camulus's voice broke the silence. "HAHAHA, Catch motherfuckers!"

The ships did indeed catch the bomb.... right down the throat, obliterating a good half of the remaining fleet. This left only around eighty of the enemy ships left, however that was when the unthinkable happened. The mini fighters the enemy had out suddenly veered off, breaking right for the planet.

"This is Thor, my sensors are indicating the Enoly fighters are breaking off and heading for the surface of the planet. If my calculations are correct, they are on what you humans would call, a kamikaze run approach. Their impact velocities will be in excess of six thousand kilometers an hour. There is no part of the Velokian capital that can withstand that much force."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda curses out loud, though not through the comms.

They're like shriekbats! she thought as she assessed the situation.

She had gone to intercept the bomb before it had been diverted, and was now one of the few ships that didn't have to catch up to the suicidal ships. She did a quick calculation, and figured most of the defenders would arrive in time. It would be trouble trying to pick off every single one, however.

She shrugged mentally and pushed her ship to top speed, firing lancing beams of plasma two different directions as she passed in front of the approaching wave of ships, dropping a staggered string of five bombs. Then she dove right into the groups, taking multiple hits as she unloaded an entire salvo of missiles and a ball of plasma nearly the size of her ship, completely vaporizing two of the fighters before that fizzled out. She then physically rammed the ship dorectly in front of her, putting her into a spin and impacting a second ship, almost completely tearing the left side of her own ship apart from the inertia shifts. She drifted out the far side of the group of ships, and did a tally of damage to both sides.

Eight ships destroyed, another six disabled but still on a collision course. I'm at 7% shielding, hull ruptures in every compartment, and no engines or weapons. I'll be drifting for a while, but nothing life threatening. Good luck for the rest.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There was an enraged hiss over the comms before it suddenly cut off.

The gigantic hive suddenly vanished, only to reappear a moment later. When it did, Narlina's hive was directly in the path of the suicide bombers, and there was no time for them to move. With sickening explosions, everyone could only watch helplessly as each Enoly fighter smashed into the Hive's Shields, collapsing them after only a few moments. Then the ruptures on the hull began, and one could visibly see great chunks being taken out of the ship. Pockets of white mist seemingly rushed from areas, and most would know the Hive now had multiple hull breaches, and was venting atmosphere. Yet still, somehow, the hive managed to weather every blow, the last of the fighters smashing into the ship finally. After a moment, every port for engines and weapons went completely dark, the Hive totally dead in the water. Any attempts to hail it would go unanswered, and it was unclear if there were survivors or not.

Veda would suddenly find herself swallowed by the hangar bay of Talok's ship, and herself beamed to the bridge of it. "Welcome aboard the Alveran vessel Daina Eil'Mori. I am Talok, and no, I'm not an Alveran. Your ship is in the hangar bay, and when there is time, I'll be glad to assist you in repairs. Until then, how much do you know about flying larger class ships?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda would see a gold object flash past her screen, Ixack dashing through the fighters at maximum speed, firing his cannons as fast as possible "Whoever is in that damaged ship. Thank you for doing your best. I'll handle them." he broadcasts to Veda, the effects of his shooting finally showing, a straight line of ships bursting into flames "Ixackael to Thor. I have neutralized as many as I could, but their numbers are far too great for me to handle them all alone. Do you Asgard have something up your sleeve for this contingency?" he broadcasts to Thor, not knowing who else to contact seeing as he has made no link with Camulus or anyone else, and Siphon is too busy with the drones to be bothered "Damn. And we were so close to saving these people!" he thinks to himself, cursing himself for not being strong enough
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda allows herself to be pulled into the cargo bay, knowing it was a friendly ship and not having much of a choice in any case. The transport to the bridge caught her be surprise, however. She drops into a battle crouch, levelling her arm cannon at Tavok in surprise before figuring out what happened. She straightens and looks around the room calmly, and takes her helmet off with a thought. It quickly disappears, showing a feminine face with hawk-like features, long brown hair kept in a ponytail, and yellow eyes with vertical slits. "Thanks for the assistance, Talok. As for repairing my ship, she's already started that on her own, though any help would speed that up greatly. Honestly, I can't pilot any other ship well at all, it took me almost two hundred years to learn how to fly that one, and look what happenned from that." She says calmly with a bit of a smile.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There is seemingly a flash to his eyes, and while she recovers from that, he speaks again, only his voice has taken a different flang to it. It would be readily apparent she was speaking to a SECOND being within the same body. "Then perhaps you would like to fire the weapons? The blue controls acquire targets, and the red fires. This will free me for the more.... complex maneuvers."

Vanessa turned to Daina with a stunned look. "They WON'T back down because they have been ordered not to? They are that blindly loyal to these Sentinels? What kind of manner of abomination ARE THEY?"

It was clear that while the Velokians were aware of what was going on, obviously this one was not in the least aware of how bad the war she had landed in the middle of really was.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina laughs, turning away from the communications console, though there is no humour in her eyes.

"What makes you think I was talking about orders? These things are no more than pawns. Robots, almost. They are being almost completely controlled by their overlords."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"A symbiote, interesting. The controls seem easy enough, I should be able to manage." Vera says, sitting at the appropriate console as her entire suit disappears, leaving a skintight bodysuit of some elastic material behind. After a moment, she decides the interface doesn't suit her, and her helmet reappears. She taps back into her ship's scanners, overlaying her usual friend-or-foe screen overtop of the gunnery display visually. She also has her ship scan the hive ship, trying to ascertain the extent of the damage.