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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina staggers, one hand coming to her temple as the gravity weapon detonates. After a long moment of disorientated pain, the Asari regains her focus.

"Thanks for the warning, Siphon dearest.. The small-grade weapon on the Normandy never hurt that much. It was discomforting, but never painful."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Yeah... sorry about that."

The Ingrali seemingly was gone for a few moments, then suddenly it's body began to reform. It took a moment, but it did. With a somewhat annoyed growl, it brought it's arm down once more towards the cable, now behind the drone thanks to having to reform.

"That hurt fucker."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda breated a sigh of relief when she saw the Hive ship start moving again, and calmly stood from the firing console, all targets having either been destroyed or fled. She turns to the symbiote on the bridge with her and allows her helmet to dosappear once again.

"So, now what?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Now we wait to see what Thor reports back and see how much damage those ships did to the indigenous people of this planet before we got here. How are you with medical treatments if we need it?"

It was clear that something about the enemy retreating was bothering the hybrid though, and very much so.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"I can help with most of the minor injuries, or perhaps act as nurse under someone more experienced. I used to be a doctor, but its been a long time since I've even had to treat something on myself." She admits with a shrug.

"So what's bothering you? They retreated, right? We won."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok nods then after a moment finally answers her question. "This is the first time they have done so. Their MOD has ALWAYS been to never retreat from a fight, they are incapable unless ordered by their 'gods' to do so. Which means that they must have been ordered to, and that can't bode well for us all."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Huh. Well, I'm no military strategist, but if you're not retreating, and wish to make your enemy think you are, its usually to set a trap for whoever follows." She says nonchalantly, and then it sinks in what exactly that meant. "Who exactly decided to follow them again?" Sha asks carefully. "Can they handle themselves?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Thor of the Asgard followed them. As for if he can handle himself, unless they have over sixty of those ships fully functioning waiting in ambush, then yes. That ship of his should be able to handle the retreating fleet easily."

He shakes his head though, still wondering why the ships had left like that. "I don't even think they have enough thought of their own to set a trap. Everything they do is commanded by the Sentinels."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Then it isn't their intelligence that we should be examining, is it?" She asks with a smile. "Tell me what exactly is going on here. I have spent my time closer to the dead than the living, and find myself woefully uninformed about galactic events. Hell, I don't even recognize half the races among those in the battle, with the exception of some of the older ones."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok nods. "Well the Draque and Enoly, those were the races that fled, serve ascended energy beings called the Sentinels who want to enslave or wipe out all other races. Supposedly they want most of the races in this galaxy dead for something the Ancients did to them, stopping their empire from taking over this galaxy millions of years ago. They all hail from another galaxy called the Triangulum Galaxy, Three Million Light Years from here."

He pauses then continues. "As you don't know many of the races here I'll try to name them off. The Asgard, Velokians, Wraith, Tiberions, Ingrali, Asari and The Alverans are all represented in this fleet of ours. Also there is a Protoss and well.... I'm not entirely sure WHAT Nebula, that asteroid throwing ship really is."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Interesting, could it be the Sentinels were what wiped out the Chozo? Veda thinks to herself as she continues to listen.

She nods through most of the explanation, speaking back up after he finishes. "I see. I recognise the Ancients, Ingrali, and Alverans, though I have never met one in person. I have personally met an entire group of Protoss, I spent almost a year around them in their home galaxy. As for the friend with the asteroids, I believe the race calls themselves Travellers. They spend much of their time wandering the black between galaxies, which is why they aren't well known. You said this one calls itself Nebula? I'll remember that. What about youself? This is an Alveran ship, right? And you're something else, one of the races I don't recognize." She asks, more out of curiosity than anything else.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Yeah... sorry about that."

The Ingrali seemingly was gone for a few moments, then suddenly it's body began to reform. It took a moment, but it did. With a somewhat annoyed growl, it brought it's arm down once more towards the cable, now behind the drone thanks to having to reform.

"That hurt fucker."

This time the drone was not fast enough to react - it spins halfway around before the cable is cut. Propelled by it's own speed it twists around before clanking to the floor. The glow in the crystals cease. "Ah, well done. The panel with the Energy Node should be down the corridor, around the bend."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok nods. "Yes, this is one of the newer Alveran ships. Your quite correct that I'm not Alveran though, I'm actually a Wraith. You see that large ship there, the Hive? That is normally the kind of ship my people use. In my case there were circumstances nearly a century ago, one hundred years by human terms, where I became stranded away from my own people. Thankfully I was found by the Alverans, and stayed with them. Eventually I ended up being sort of a representative of my own race towards them, and a year ago I was finally given this ship. As you can see, I've finally been able to contact my kind again, and here we are today. I am not surprised that you didn't recognize our name since we originally hail from the Pegasus Galaxy. I'm half surprised you haven't heard of the Asgard though, they were once in an alliance with the Ancients before they left our galaxy. Now the Asgard inhabit the Ida Galaxy, which is quite some distance from here."

The Ingrali stood there for a moment, and had it had the capacity, one might have sworn it was tempted to spit on the drone's prone form. Finally it turned and walked in the indicated direction, this time with a more alert tone to it. It would appear that it had not come across anything that could actually hurt it in some time, and this had made it reconsider it's carefree movements throughout the ship. "Very well, on my way."

Siphon turned to Vanessa finally. "Well, my apologies Vanessa. Welcome aboard the Kara. Let's go and see quickly just how damaged your fighter is shall we?

At her nod he spoke to Daina quickly. "Daina, if you would watch over the bridge here let me know if anything comes up?"

Mentally he reached out to her only though. She was the one being he could at will communicate like this with easily, due to their... shared nature. I hope your going to be alright, I'm sorry. Didn't think the gravity weapon would affect you that badly after the tests we ran for it together. I must have underestimated it's power at full. We'll be back soon.

Vanessa started down one of the halls, Siphon behind her, heading for the hangar bay.

In the meantime, Thor's ship had discovered something disturbing. He sent out a communication, and the panel that was directly in front of Daina would now light up like a christmas tree, a sign a message was coming in, marked urgent. This would occur several minutes after Siphon had left the bridge.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Ingrali stood there for a moment, and had it had the capacity, one might have sworn it was tempted to spit on the drone's prone form. Finally it turned and walked in the indicated direction, this time with a more alert tone to it. It would appear that it had not come across anything that could actually hurt it in some time, and this had made it reconsider it's carefree movements throughout the ship. "Very well, on my way."

The Ingrali eventually comes to another door, this one unresponsive. "Right. . . Um, there should be a panel on your right, and it should glow. Could you remove that please?" Sure enough, there is a panel to the Ingrali's right which glows. Or rather, something glows through the translucent material of the panel.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Interesting. I may have heard of the Asgard, there was mention of the Ancients having a fair amount of allies, not all of them were by name, however. I myself am more or less Human, though I probably represent the Chozo more than my own race now. They're a dead race, I study their ruins and use their technology. I've heard them called Furlings, if that helps." She says, before receiving a beep in the back of her head.

"Excuse me for a second." She says, holding up a finger as her helmet reappears. It was a status report on the repair of her ship. Apparently, a critical piece of the microfactory was blasted right of the ship during her little stunt, and was now floating somewhere in the debris of the battle. The ship couldn't fabricate more without it, and so repairs were ground to a halt. She told it to start scanning in an attempt to find it, then sighed as the helmet disappeared.

"Sorry about that. Apparently ship repairs are at a standstill, there's a critical piece I need to find that got blasted off my ship in the crash, its floating around in the debris out there." She says, indicating the massive debris field left over from the battle.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

When she mentions the word Furlings, Talok's eyes seem to widen for a moment. He politely waits until she speaks again before replying. "Perhaps we can find it on the main sensor array? Your welcome to input specific search into the sensors. Now, you said the Chozo as you called them also have been referred to as Furlings? Interesting. There is mention in the Ancients database found that they were once in an alliance of four powerful races originally from this race. Themselves, The Asgard, The Nox and The Furlings. Little is known about Furling technology, and what little we know of THEM suggests they vanished several million years ago, seemingly without wishing to be found again. One of the planets that was attacked by the Draque several months ago, which is now under the control of a defector named Sivok, an informant of ours, holds several large scale ruins of what we believe to be Furling made constructs. There is also some technology left behind, including what seems to be a transporting gateway, using both aspects of Asgard beaming technology and the Ancient's workings for the Stargates. Perhaps when this is all done we can arrange for you to get there and see if it matches with what you know of them?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda's helmet appears again as she sits at the scanning console and begins coordinating both hers and Talvok's ships scans. As she listens to the rest of his suggestions, her face lights up, though it's impossible to tell through her visor. Her voice said it all, however, crystal clear through the helmet, making you wonder why she takes it off to speak at all. "A ruin with intact technology?! That would be incredible! Didn't you say the war with the Sentinels took place around the same time? Everything I've found tells me they all died off from some great event at about the same time all across the galaxy. The Chozo were probably the most peaceful of the four, maybe they were destroyed in some preemptive strike. Some of the ruins I've examined show signs of large weapons damage, but $most are either too decrepit or overgrown to tell." She says, obviously excited.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Yes, the first war the Ancients had with the Sentinels would have occurred right around the same time the Furlings vanished. Unfortunately so too did a plague that nearly wiped out the Ancients before they were able to slow it's progress, and that we believe did not come from the Sentinels. It is possible though that one of those two led to the Furlings vanishing for good. Perhaps then we can help each other out. I know what to look for from weapons fire on ruins to determine what caused them, so perhaps at some point we can head back there and analyze it."

He thinks for a moment then adds, "We were also able to determine their gateway led to what may have once been a sprawling moon base. It was there we discovered what seems to be a small data center, perhaps a library of knowledge. We're not entirely certain because the device is out of power, and there just hasn't been time to hook another up to it with the Sentinels attacking. Hmm, come to think of it, they attacked right around the same time Siphon found those ruins too."

The Ingrali carefully removes the panel mentioned, then says, "ok, panel removed. Now what?"
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Okay, there should be a handle with an arrow pointing. . . anywhere but right. Pull that one out, turn it right and put it back in. I should be able to take over this sector then."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Ingrali looks for a moment, then grabs the handle, pulls it out, turns it and locks it back into place. "Alright, that's done. Let us pray it worked."

Siphon, from the hangar bay radios Ixack. "Ixack, do you think that you could swing by the surface and run a recon fly by to see just how much damage was done before we got here please? We need to know what kind of damage we're looking at, and if you get a chance to talk to anyone see if they know what the casualty and wounded counts are."