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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina's only reaction from Vanessa would be a stare, and her jaw dropped for a moment before she finally spoke. "I don't know if I should feel sorry for the bastards or revel in the fact they are being slaughtered right now. Or both. Anyway, how many of there are you fighting against them? Is this it, or do you have another fleet elsewhere?"

She stopped in mid sentence as she saw what happened to the hive. "Daina was it? Something tells me that big ship there is in serious trouble, look at her."

Veda's scans would show her that the hive was completely dead in space. No engines, no shields, no weapons. Minimal life support and massive structural damage would also show, and it seemed as if there were a significantly fewer number of biosigns inside the hive than there had been or should be. She would also note, disturbingly, that their hull was ruptured badly enough that they were still venting oxygen into space, slowly but surely losing life support. It would still last for some time, but unless repairs were made, eventually everything aboard that ship would suffocate to death.

She would also discover the hybrid mix of systems worked surprisingly well, with nearly no backfeed whatsoever. In fact, it almost worked BETTER than just her systems alone, and she might wonder just how advanced these ships were. When she fired the weapons, she got a taste of that as the powerful plasma beam carved an Enoly warship in half with a single shot.

Outside, the battle raged on heavily. With the fighters gone, the larger ships became sitting ducks for Ixack and the remaining Wraith Darts. To make it worse for the enemy, the Ha'Tak had all launched death gliders.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda takes a scan of the console, deciding to hybradize it into her ship as well when she gets a chance, then half turns to the only other person on the bridge. "Is there anything that can be done for the large ship, the one that blocked all those fighters?" She asks, turning back and slicing another warship in half as she waits for a response.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok shook his head. "Not until we can get rid of all the other ships. We can't risk dropping shields to beam them aboard. But if we can keep them from attacking the Hive, it should be able to regenerate given time. Ah shit!"

Siphon had woken, the drones finally accomplishing their goals. Sitting up straighter and taking note of the damaged Hive, there was suddenly a loud hum inside the ship, and the lights darkened.

"What the hell is this, what's happening now?" Vanessa looked worriedly, wondering if the enemy had finally done something.

"This is Siphon to all ships in grid six one five by two two one. Break off attack run and get clear."

Luckily it was only Thor's ship there, and the Asgard ship moved out easily, unchallenged. What happened next was difficult to describe, but the best way to was that space itself seemed to.... DISTORT in front of the Kara, in a rippling line. When that distortion wave touched the enemy vessels in it's path, they were either ripped apart, or were simply flattened into the thickness of a dime.

It would be several moments before the lights came back on, and Siphon finally answered Vanessa. "That my dear was the graviton emitter. Consider it tossing a gravity well at them with enough force behind it to rip a star in half. Unfortunately, we won't be able to use THAT again any time soon. It's a bit of a power hog and well... I fried out the conduits for it. AGAIN. Still working on fixing the distribution for that, but it's nice to have as a surprise one shot deal."

There were now a dozen of the Draque ships left, and they now did something that stunned even Siphon. With a sudden surge, the remaining enemy ships simply leaped into hyper-space, RETREATING for the first time that he had ever seen. Siphon stood up, jaw dropping down. "Uh... ok? Why the fucking hell did they do that? That's new."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"COWARDS! They flee the battle before finishing it. These.........Drague, as you call them, they are weaklings." Ixack broadcasts to Siphon, angered that he can't finish the fight "Should I head back to the station now, Mister Siphon?" he broadcasts again, his mental link with his ship broken for the moment to rest
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Avid viewers may notice that the stars in a nearby area have stopped blinking, seemingly frozen in time. A subtle green glow starts to appear in that area, outlining an unseen structure of some kind. Maybe something that is cloaked - or something that is not there. Yet.
A bright green flash cracks through the frozen region, and again, and again. The very fabric of space seems to distend along a seam before being torn open by another green flash. When it ceases a ship sits there - a sphere of steel rivaling many ships in size, and a spiral wrapped around the lower third of the orb. The spiral has a green pattern running along it's outer side, looking quite a bit like cracked earth.

An audio channel opens, and the onlookers are greeted.
"No no no! FUCK! Stupid piece of shit, that wasn't supposed to HAPPEN! What the- Oh hell! Disfield down, TDD down, Dyson computer offline. Wha- SHIT. Control of the upper segments lost. Fucking great, gonna have a field day with trying to. . . Wait, what is that light? Am, Am I broadcasting? Oh. OH.

Ummm. . . hi." The flow of profanity stops into awkward silence for a moment before the voice, a young adult male by the sound of it, manages to utter a a small greeting.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack, having seen the disturbance, but not possessing a radio with which to hear from, is already pointed directly at the ship, his engines moving him at half of maximum speed, his invisible Psi pulse released, as he passes the vessel very close to it, he senses a living being. He senses sentient life throughout the vessel. As if it is all one living being. "Unidentified sentient being inside that vessel. Respond. What are you doing here, and why are you so close the the sight of a previous battle?" he sends through thought to the ship, his weapons still armed and ready to fire "Mister Siphon, have you any idea what is going on?" he broadcasts to Siphon, a feeling of discomfort coming from his thoughts
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Siphon had heard the transmission from the Sphere, an amused smile on his face. "Yes you were transmitting, can we be of assistance?"

He adds to Ixack, He's fine. I think he took a wrong turn and blew out his engines though.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Battle? There was a - Oh yes, yes there was. It seems like I dropped further than I wanted to. . . Fucking TRG, if I had legs I would KICK you." A heavy sigh is transmitted. "I think - yeah, could a few of you board me? The ship, I mean. I have lost contact to the upper deck, and I'd need somebody to reroute some power nodes. I just hope - no, they still run. Shit." Another curse. "Well, looks like the back up systems took over. I'm afraid you're gonna run into some defense drones."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There is a strange voice, almost hissing like that transmits. "What kind of weaponry do they come armed with?" This seemingly came from an Ingrali ship.

Thor in the meantime had recovered enough to suddenly leap to hyper-space, leaving behind a short transmission. "I will attempt to follow them and see where the Draque ships retreated to."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"They're equipped for melee. Hydraulic hammers, KinAmps, Claws. I'm trying not to shoot at my own ship from within, or cut a cable." A moment of pause, and then "Uh, KinAmp stands for kinetic amplifier. If you see some with a glowing green ring around their fist try not to get hit."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"So they are purely melee? Perfect, this should be a walk in the park then."

A moment later the young man would hear, "I am in the upper levels of your ship, direct me from here as to where to go and we'll get this baby online in no time."

If he could view the area, his eyes would not be really believing what he was seeing.

((Dunno if he can, so leaving this open ended.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Right! Hmmm. . . ah, there you are. Short range sensors work at least. The next node should be to your left - that's through the door."
The Ingrali finds himself in a rather dark corridor. The air is slightly humid. A thin green line runs along the roof and gives a little light, illuminating steel pipes and segmented cables on the doming walls. To his right, actually, he can make out a slightly translucent door - and something moving behind it, coming into his direction.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

((Oops, should have made that more clear, it's one of the Ingrali on your ship, not Siphon.))

The Ingrali tilted it's head, almost curiously, though such a motion was strange to see on a creature that seemed to be mist. It pretty well ignored the noises and sight, heading instead for the node mentioned. "Understood."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Wha- no no. Sorry. I meant MY left, YOUR right. . . Hm, there's a drone coming towards you that way. Try to cut the cable, that'd spare me putting them together again."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There is a nod on the screen. It would seem the being he was watching was simply choosing to use body language since it seemed the young man could see him anyway.

Still, despite this it didn't change what he was going to do to accomodate the request. Moving forward and spotting the cable mentioned, his arm seemed to ripple for a moment, and then took on a more solid shape. Specifically, a blade roughly six inches long. So this was why the creature was made of mist it seemed, it was a shapeshifter.

((Not sure if EVERY drone is attached to one behind it or if it's like a conduit in the room, so I'll forgo having him go directly for the cable now and wait for more info until doing so.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Ah, you're- hm. There it is. BEHOLD!"
The door opens, and the drone steps through. It looks surprisingly much like a human at first sight, and like a human skeleton at second. A human skeleton made of steel, wrapped in black cables and chunks of a green crystal. Two pieces of those are implanted into its "eyesockets" and both focus on the Ingrali. The right arm, significantly bigger than the left, ends in a flat round plate. A complicated mechanism sits behind it.
The Ingrali can see an optical fibre cable running from the back of the drone's skull to a kind of cable roll on the roof. He also sees that there's plenty of cable left as the drone stomps into his direction, the club-like right arm slightly raised.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Ingrali watches for a moment, then just as the drone was about to be on top of him, casually flows his body around to one side, attempting to bring the blade arm down on the cable. If it struck, the cable would be history. If not, then he'd have to try again.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Mister Siphon. What are we going to do? He doesn't see too dangerous. But I'm sensing something. It's like......his entire ship is sentient. I can't explain it, but when I used a Psi pulse to detect his whereabouts in the ship, his entire ship felt like a sentient being." Ixack broadcasts to Siphon, his ship staying within a sensing distance of the ship "I have a bad feeling about this, Siphon."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Copy that Ixack. Be advised however that the Wraith Hives are also alive as well, so it isn't new. Still, point duly noted."

In the meantime, the Hive had regenerated and was now moving again, and moved closer to the new ship. It would be close enough for Ixack to sense things now most likely.

Vanessa shook her head on the bridge and turned to Daina again. "So... forgive me, welcome to Velokia. Sorry for going off on you earlier. My name is Vanessa, I... WAS one of our interceptor pilots. Course that didn't go so well here."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The drone seemingly anticipated such a move and turns around, blocking the blade with it's left arm. At the same time the right arm comes up and punches seemingly without effect into the Ingrali - before releasing a shock blast that tears the smoke-like being apart.

(Siphon agreed.)