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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"As you wish, Siphon." Ixack broadcasts back to Siphon, his engines firing as he shoots towards the planet for a bit of recon, scanning over the planet with his limited sensor equipment "From what I can tell, there's not much damage. It could just be me, though."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Alright, the power is rerouted from the damaged section. . . aaaand DONE! Hah. The sector is back under my control in 3-2-1."
A panel next to the Ingrali slides open, and a cube, about three feet high, is pushed out. A cable is attached to it. "Right, gonna send this little bugger of to repair the drone. There's. . . hm. There's a concentration of drones near the other core. It seems the back-up has become wise - You little son of a so-and-so, you're planning a coup aren't you? You're messing with the wrong man/spaceship here. I'm not going to let you take over what I created", the voice muses. "You may want to call in some back up, my shapeshifting friend. Brain-for-brains means business."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina had actually taken a moment to relax, to sit back, close her eyes, to ease both the stress of combat, and the headache that gravity weapon had inspired. Linked as she had been to the space around her, the chaos it caused in her thread-lines was rather devastating. The pulse of Siphon's unique thread was comforting, though.

I'm fine.. just a little achey. It'll sort itself out in an hour or so.

Through closed eyelids, the Asari spots the lights flashing on the console, and stabs at the channel key with a blue digit.

"Daina here, on board the Kara. What is it now?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Alright Ixack. With any luck here there isn't anything you haven't picked up that is wrong. Fairly soon we're going to want to head down there and tend to any injuries though."

The Ingrali nods on the screen, speaks several words into a small device, and a few moments later several more appear. "Right then. Let's teach them a lesson shall we?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda stays quiet for a long moment, considering the implications of this news. A moon base might have a few meteor hits, but would otherwise be in perfect condition any danger she could think of was worth the risk to be able to examine that base. "Alright." She says finally, turning to face Talvok and letting the helmet disappear once more. "Whatever it is your doing, count me in. I have also just found the component I've lost, it's marked now, how do we go and get it?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok nods to her then replies, "What are the coordinates for it? Send them over to me here and I'll just beam it here for you."

There is a moment pause on Daina's end and then Thor speaks, a visual to go with it. "I am afraid I have bad news. I managed to track the Draque ships to a system at the fringe of the galaxy. This is what I have found."

The image pans over to show what appears to be a constructed circle in space. A moment later, a massive wormhole appears from it, and the ships that had retreated from the fight flew into it, vanishing. The wormhole then snapped shut, having opened and closed much like a stargate would.

"I believe we now know how the Draque and Enoly got reinforcements into our galaxy so fast. They have a space gate."

Elsewhere near by, any ships with half way decent sensors would be able to detect the massive charge of energy released by the outgoing wormhole of the gate.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

One such ship is actually already there, just far enough to be out of notice of the hurrying ships. Almost entirely powered-down, and sporting a dark color scheme, the Shadow Wind sat with its port side facing the space gate. A docking bay on the same side stood open, and an armored figure sat in just inside what appeared to be a bay door track. The eye-like lenses on the head faintly gleamed red.

Kaar sat in the control pod of the Revenant Armor, still watching the now closed gate. On one side of his view, data ran up, detailing the TAS report on this...device he'd noticed. "This should be interesting, once I report back..."
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Kaar's sensors would soon also register that he was not alone. A single, large vessel, graceful by design yet clearly not a science vessel moved into range, becoming visible. It was possible that his database would register the energy readings from the ship with a match. If they did, it would show that the ship was an Asgard vessel, and clearly a newer one.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There wasn't an immediate reaction, since the Shadow Wind's sensors were powered down, and the Revenant Armor's were focused on the device. Once Kaar switched off the TAS, he likely saw the incoming ship. At the moment, though, he chose not to shift, or order the Shadow Wind to raise power.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"There." Veda said, pointing to the specific piece of debris on her monitor, stepping back and letting Talvok beam it down to the bay. "Might as well send me down as well, I need to install this manually." She says, her suit reappearing in full. She planned on collecting data on this transprtation technology this time, as she had nothing like it on her ship.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Now that his ship was closer, Thor began detecting slight energy readings. Scanning the area, he discovered a smaller ship near the backside of the gate, seemingly just sitting there. A quick secondary scan determined that the ship was neither Draque or Enoly in origin, so Thor chanced a communication.

"This is commander Thor of the Asgard vessel Beliskner, hailing the smaller vessel near the space gate. Are you in need of assistance?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Hm...Asgard...Think I've seen references to them in the Warden's database...I'll chance it. Toryn thought, before sending a quick command to the Shadow Wind's main computer, ordering standard operating power levels. He then returned the hail. "Negative, Beliskner. Just trying to keep a low profile. There were a few too many warships for my tastes."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Very well. Yes, those warships will likely return at some point I am afraid. I am amazed however that they have left this gateway unprotected. I am surprised to find any other ship here, and only slightly surprised they did not detect your ship. Had they, they almost certainly would have fired upon you."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"I've got some experience playing a hole in space." Toryn responded. "Still, I've got what I was here for, so I can leave...in about two, maybe two and a half minutes. Drive takes a while to get warmed back up from a cold start like this."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Very well then. Safe journey to you."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

After two minutes, something happens. It seems that a rectangle of blue hued light appears in front of the Shadow Wind. It travels across the ship, leaving a glow of the same hue on the ship. The rectangle vanishes after it passes the ship, and then the ship itself vanishes.

About ten minutes after the ship left the gate area, the blue rectangle appears suddenly a distance from the planet where the battle had been. It travels slightly, revealing the Shadow Wind, starting from the back and traveling forward. Once the ship was fully revealed, the light vanishes.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina covers her eyes with one hand, then looks back at the com screen.

"Things always have to get more complicated, don't they.. Ok, Thor. Stay there, keep a watch on that Gate - if anything comes through, don't stick around to engage it... warn us, and retreat immediately."

The channel closed, the Asari reaches out for Siphon, knowing he couldn't be far away.

Siphon? They have a Space Gate. Looks like they've been porting in reinforcements from somewhere. This is a good opportunity..."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda appears in the hanger bay, immediately getting to work on fixing her ship. she carefully repairs the microfactory to get the ship back to repairing on its own, then proceeds to interface with the ship itself, dumping all the scan data she has collected since the battle began into the larger system. It takes a few moments, during which she sits there patiently it the partial ruins of the cockpit, watching a crack across the front viewport slowly disappear.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There is a fast acknowledgement from Thor, and he adds, "There was a smaller ship here that was observing, most likely a curious passerby. The direction he left in would likely send him towards your current position. I will inform you if anything...."

The channel suddenly closes on Daina, and not because she closed it. The visual remains though as the space gate suddenly becomes active.

Run that by me again Daina? They have a WHAT?
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Ingrali nods on the screen, speaks several words into a small device, and a few moments later several more appear. "Right then. Let's teach them a lesson shall we?"

"Right on, just let me. . ." The little metal cube whirrs and comes to life slowly. The eight corners are splitting away from it as legs and arms push out and unfold, using the corner segments as knees and elbows. The two in the upper front end in small crystals, probably serving as antennae. With an electronic chirp it wanders off into the direction where the drone lies.
"Alright. I've unlocked the door in front of you. Pass it, Take the next hallway left and go through the door on the right to enter a storage room. The panel is on the far side."