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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Daina grins, and moves past Siphon with an easy grace.

"You know I always like your ideas. Let's move. I want to meet the redshirts."

((Pheonix, who's that drone addressing? We're in the hangar bay..))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon nodded, then quickly led the way to the conference room. Handing her one of the devices, he sat down. "Alright, we're going to get this started here, but first I am checking. Ixackael, is the computer system properly sending you everything we are saying in mental format to you?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"I can hear your words as if you were thinking directly to me, Siphon." Ixackael thinks to Siphon, his eyes opening as he finishes his thinking to himself "This device of yours. It's amazing. I'm glad the Prelate decided to send me." he relays, his eyes looking at Siphon "I'm ready if everyone else is ready. I'll try and broadcast my thoughts to everyone. Now, let's 'get this show on the road', as the phrase goes."


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Daina winces, though imperceptibly, behind the glass of her helmet.. glass that has inexplicably become reflective, and one-way somewhere between the hangar and the briefing room. Perhaps she trusts these newcomers less than she appears to.

"Little loud, there. Tone it down."

A moment later, she realises she was standing just a little too close to Siphon, and was picking things up from him, rather than anyone else.

"...Apologies, my mistake. Introductions all round, then. I'm M'Shari Daina Eil'Mori, commander of the SS Florence. The little one."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Ixackael the Valorous." Ixack broadcasts to the entire room, his right arm raised as he does so "Sorry for the hassle with the devices. It's fairly difficult to read five sets of lips at once." he says, his right arm lowering back down to his side "Pleased to meet you all." he broadcasts, a slight grin would be on his face if he had a mouth and facial movement "I'm hoping my blade isn't required anytime soon." he broadcasts, his body seemingly frozen as he does so


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Talok speaks, "I am Talok/Nevish, commander of the Alveran vessel Daina Eil'Mori. Beside me is my mate, Narlina of the large Wraith Hive ship you saw earlier."

Next up was Thor. "I am Thor, supreme commander of the Asgard fleet. My vessel is the silver colored one parked some distance away."

Next of course came the Ingrali, who each spoke with names that were fairly well unpronouncable, and since they didn't know enough of human names, decided to simply just state, "simply incline your head towards us when you need to ask us something."

Finally was Siphon. "I am Siphon/Talvesh of the Alveran's, my ship is currently on the other side of the station and has been cloaked for now. Now that most of our introductions are out of the way, onto the reasons we are here. As some of you know, seven months ago a pair of races called the Draque and Enoly both entered the galaxy and began trying to enslave planets, as part of a conquest on behalf of their 'gods', powerful energy beings called the Sentinels. Now what some of you may not know is that there are those amongst the Draque who oppose this, and have contacted us. They have been unable to join us due to a recent skirmish they had, but they have informed us that the Draque and Enoly have begun more aggressive tactics, likely meaning they now have viable reinforcements. We can only assume this means they have a working cloning facility for Draque warriors and ship yards within our own galaxy."

"We have of course already attempted negotiations, but it appears neither race truly has much in the way of free will over their decisions. My contact inside enemy lines, a Draque known as Sivok, has told me this is a direct result of implants in their brains that allow the Sentinels to communicate with them directly. This has led us to one conclusion. Until these Sentinels are taken out of the picture, we won't be able to reason with their followers. As such, research has begun on a device capable of destroying them, and recently there has been promise shown."

"The device has been named 'Sangraal', for lack of any better pronouncable term. If it works as we have planned, all we will have to do is send it to the Sentinel's galaxy and detonate it, and they will be dealt with. Unfortunately, until it is ready, we have to prevent their followers from enslaving or destroying our own galaxy."

A map comes up on one of the screens and Siphon directs them to it. "The planets shown in red color are planets we have encountered the Draque and Enoly forces before, while Green indicates planets that are known to be entirely under their control, and heavily guarded. We can only guess that one of these planets houses the cloning facilities and ship yards, or perhaps all of them do. Blue represents planets that have not reported, nor have been known to have had any kind of contact with these aliens. Our goals here are clear right now, and the request simple. If you are willing to help, then what we need do is hold off these forces until the Sangraal is ready. Once it is, we should be able to effectively free the Draque and Enoly and show them what free will really is. From there, we should be able to negotiate with them and also prove to them that their 'gods' are in fact not truly gods. We know they can be beaten, there is historical evidence that my ancestors, called the Ancients, once fought them as mere flesh and blood and forced them out of this galaxy. How we're not sure, but we do know they did. It's not anything the Sentinels have forgotten, and they are looking for revenge on the entire galaxy, since they, and perhaps rightly so, believe any human or humanoid life in our galaxy was created and sheltered by the Ancients. So I ask each and every one of you, what say you? Your help would be appreciated, but in the end it is your own decision to make. I understand some of you may have questions, and I would like to take this time to extend the first of those to our two newcomers, who are likely more in the dark than anyone about the situation."


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Not all of this was new to Daina, but she listened intently, transmitting images of the map to her AI for cross-reference with her own charts. She didn't have to say anything to Siphon about her loyalties. Those, should be fairly obvious. Instead, the Asari finishes imaging the map, then taps her wrist quietly. With a hiss, the helmet retracts into her suit, revealing the Asari's blue complexion, and... different.. cranial structure.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

The table like drone begins to speak, Enslave, detonate? Game? Like catch? Here the drone relays a mental image of an asteroid being hurled back and forth between two beings like the creature Nebula outside. Is fun?


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"So. You are in need of my help. Then you shall have it. It was by the sheer kindness and compassion of Humans through which I still live. I will support you in every way possible. Though, be warned. My own tribe cannot assist us immediately. It would take several days for them to reach this solar system, so their help is out of the question. But, should you need insight into our technology, I brought plenty of that. That will be the key to winning this 'War'." Ixack broadcasts, stepping forward and pulling back the wrap over the top portion of his head.

This reveals his large, hairless forehead and his bony crest on the crown of his head, as well as the long neural strands that had been hidden in the wrap, styled into a pony tail that now hangs to his shoulders, a piece of golden metal attached at the end of said ponytail "You have my word as a warrior of the Prelate Zeratul. I will fight at your side until my last bit of energy has left my body." he broadcasts, conviction showing in his eyes "So you can count me in on any form of plan you can come up with. I'll carry it out on the honor of my tribe." he broadcasts, obviously anxious to act and help in any way he can


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon nods to Ixackael. "Very well, welcome aboard then."

To Nebula he transmits a series of mental images, of how slavery was like on Earth before it was outlawed. "That is enslavement Nebula, what I thought to you. It's not fun at all, most eventually die from it. As for Detonation, think of this." He transmits an asteroid blowing up from a mine impacting it.

"Alright, are there any actual questions on your part Ixackael. Anything else you would like to know, and that last applies to you as well Nebula."

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

That bad, not fun. Why do? The drone says.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)


Daina's voice is sober, and muted.

"Because there will always be those for whom enough, is never enough. There will always be those that aren't happy with their little corner of the galaxy, and want everything. We're here to stop that."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"I have no questions. As for anyone that requires my technology, I can explain it as best is possible a Protoss." Ixack broadcasts, walking back to his spot against the wall and crossing his arms underneath his cloak again

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Not happy? Why not Travel? The drone says, although it is hard to tell whether it is emphasizing 'travel' or not do to its odd speech. Obviously, Nebula isn't able to make sense of what is being said, whether it is because of Nebula's youth or because its race simply cannot understand why someone would do something so unpleasant is anyone's guess.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Some races get happy from seeing other ones suffer. Many of them do travel, simply to find more planets to subject to their tyranny. In the case of the Sentinels, they believe themselves to be superior to anyone else, and that to them justifies forcing other beings to worship and serve them as their gods."

Pheonix Alugere

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Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

That bad. The drone states simply. Those who can feel psychic energy sense the thread connecting the drone to Nebula weaken as Nebula withdraws to think.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Coraxus and Vulkoran enter. Vulkoran looks a little shocked upon seeing everyone else.
"Alright, you can't tell me we aren't late this time."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon quickly fills Coraxus and Vulkoran in on everything so far, bringing them up to speed.

Then he contacts Nebula. "Yes it is bad. This is why we feel the best course of action is to free the Draque and Enoly from the Sentinels. If we can, we believe that with them once again having the ability of free will, they will be open to reasoning and negotiations to end this war."


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)


The grim resolve evident in Daina's voice is a stark contrast to her usual nature.

"If we are left without options, then we will not place the survival of their species over our own. Regardless of who's controlling them."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon shrugged. "At least some of the Draque should survive, I mean there IS Sivok's band after all. They would just be the last of their kind is all, and I really hope it doesn't come to that."

There is a sudden beep on the console before him, and there is a slightly annoyed look on his face. "Damn, I asked for no distractions."

Hitting a reply button he says, "alright, what's up?"

The voice, a male voice comes back a moment later. "Sir, you have an incoming transmission from a Tokra ship, marked urgent."

A nod as he replied, "very well, I'll take it on comm one, secure channel. Excuse me a moment folks."

He stood and left the room, entering a smaller room off to one side. All that could be seen was a gigantic screen come to life with the face of what was presumably, a Tokra.