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Pathfinder, anyone?

Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I wasn't sure if it was addressed, but was my request for IronAnt's game considered? I really don't mean to be a nag or an annoyance, but I just wanted to check in. Thanks again.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Sunday is the only day I could do this it looks like.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I think if the scheduling winds up on sundays, then I'd probably let you have my spot there, Aust. no guarantees yet, but I really want to play the character i made for Maikop's, so i'd push for those to be held on the weeks i don't LARP. if it winds up not sundays though, I'm good for both.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Oh, and I need to make this explicitly clear. If you want to play a race like kitsune or catfolk, they will look like this.

I saw a link to a picture when I quoted you, but there is no picture.

Or was that the point? I unno.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Would either game have room for a Cavalier? I have at least 2 sheets built from previous games and those ones long since ended. I figured I could put her to good use. I built it as a defensive fighter and intended her to be sorta the party tank with heavy armor and making her part of the Order of The Blue Rose. If there is no room, that's fine, but I figure I'd toss my hat in.

Cavalier's are basically mounted fighters aren't they?

I can allow this.

I passed out in the middle of typing stuff up so this'll take a few more hours, sorry everyone.

I saw a link to a picture when I quoted you, but there is no picture.

Or was that the point? I unno.

What? No. There was just suppose to be a picture of a kitsune. I uploaded one to my gallery.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Basically add animal bits to humans, instead of making animals humaniform. something along the lines of mamonos, was pointed out to me.

not sure if my character is gonna work, under that. i guess i'll poke around, see if i can find another race. would you be okay with more anthro-y races of sex isn't really on the agenda?
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

For my game, it doesn't matter how animal-like one of the beastfolk is. As long as they're still humanoid.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

You may want to fiddle with your album settings, Ironant. Might be set to private or friends only, because it won't show for me. I say this cuz I wanna seeeee iiiiit.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Yes they are. Order also helps define abilities as well. Blue Rose Cavaliers for example gain defensive abilities but are also diplomats as well. They aim to try an resolve a situation peacefully if they can. If not, they will fight though. But enough about that. I dig up my old character and sadly she's only level one. If I post it here, would I be able to get recommendation on how to adjust/suit it for this game? The other Cav I have is level 3 and I'd rather not try and level someone down.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

yeah. if ya got AIM or steam, i can help ya level them in realtime. ASHout works too, i guess.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

The World
"The World" or "The Material Plane", or "That place a lot of people live", is a planet very similar to the real world earth in that is has all of the same seasons, oceans, rivers a lot of the same general nature, and so forth. There are of course many anomalies. Some of which are ranges of mountains where it is always night, a forest made of crystals, and a maelstrom of arcane energy out in the middle of the ocean. Many of these things are only known to well traveled adventurers, certain locals, or scholars of world knowledge and history.

Beyond mirroring nature, the world also has cultures and nations similar to real ones. One example is where player characters are intended to come from, Bretanna. It is a country similar to medieval Europe. Unlike Europe as a whole, it is mostly ruled by a single king, though cultures tend to vary in different areas. Aside from Bretanna, there is the nation of Aeneth, a country that takes after real world Medieval France. It is ruled by a council of five wise woman.

Poverty is currently heavy is many parts of Bretanna as well as Aeneth. This is due to various places just falling apart, droughts, famine, and it generally just being a slow point in history. Adventure there isn't quite what it use to be.

I'm having trouble thinking of a name for it, but then there is fake Fantasy China. It is rumored to be a place of excessively brightly colored clothing, strange food, mysterious monsters, and large bounties of treasure from ages past.

Humans: One of the most common races in the world. They are found in almost every known country in the world. At least half of the known world is ruled by humans. They are as you expect, diverse and colorful and can be found doing anything.

Dwarves They are second to humans in how common they are. There are several Dwarven kingdoms across the land, one near Bretanna and another being in the harsh freezing north lands. They hardly differ from Tolkien's work. Female Dwarves have beards. Except the ones that shave, which are considered kind of weird but trendy.

Elves A nimble and intelligent race of humanoids. In this world they hardly differ from how most of popular culture perceives them (As in like Tolkien work, not cookie gnomes that hide in trees) and tend to be pretty, slender, and live very long lives. Most elves people find today just live among humans. Usually in close knit communities, or off in forests in small tribes. Nobody really knows if there is a greater elf kingdom elsewhere. {B]Half Elves[/B] exist, but there is generally about an 80% failure rate whenever humans and elves try to breed together, making them rare.

Kitsune: They are usually only found in Eastern nations that the western ones are more unfamiliar with. They are generally tricksters and mischievous, but generally hold loyalty very high. Appearance wise, they look like humans, except with fox like tails and ears growing out from them, as well as possible fangs and claws.

Catfolk Basically the same as Kitsune, only cats, and found in savage jungles civilization has yet to touch.

Tieflings Tieflings are rare, but most common in Bretanna. They are demonic looking creatures that range from looking mostly human but with fiendish additions, to looking they just crawled straight out from hell. Other races tend not to kill them on sight anymore thanks to laws being made against that sort of thing, but most humans and dwarves tend to hate them. Elves are less racist. Kitsune and Catfolk generally do not give them trouble. Tieflings can be wealthy or even in a place of power, but it is extremely rare.

About a thousand years ago, there was a war in which the current king of Bretanna initiated a brutal policy of ethnic cleansing. Orcs, Gnomes, Halflings, and many other races too weak to protect themselves as a whole from an entire pissed off kingdom, were wiped out. This ended when a heroic knight stormed the castle of the wicked king after an ensuing civil war with his companions and promptly stabbed the king straight in the heart.

I'll edit this later.

This too.

If anyone wants to give suggestions for the setting and stuff like that, feel free to. If you have an idea for a character that is a race I didn't list, talk to me and I'll consider adding it.

Tassadar, I may steal some of your Dark Gate material for my game. :D
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

On that note, I'll be making a special ULMF only AIM soon! Then all of you can directly contact me and everything.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Maikochan, would it be possible for my character to use a playing instrument for the fluff of the music and have it double as a club for melee combat?
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Maikochan, would it be possible for my character to use a playing instrument for the fluff of the music and have it double as a club for melee combat?

Of course! Call it a reinforced instrument or something.

Just a note, some fluff stuff will go up shortly. Also, gunpowder weapons do exist in my setting. They're an invention of the westerners, and easterners are generally prohibited from carrying them.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

For maiko's game.

Not finished, just need to know if mounts are available, and of any errors I made due to rushing when I found out it was taking me four hours to make this god damn thing.

edit: fixed core stats when reminded of Maiko's rules
Last edited:
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

There may be room for you. There should be plenty to split between Maiko and I anyway.

That's fine. I'm mostly just looking for a change of pace. Anyway, to help out Maiko and Ironant with campaign setup and the likes, I'll look over the submitted sheets for errors or the likes. I'll try to avoid commenting on builds and the like too much, barring certain specific oversights like a spellcaster not having spellcraft or the likes which will hurt the character from being playing as intended.

Note, this includes only people who have their sheets on an actual site, as...sorry, but blocks of text hurt my eyes.

(this is assuming the times suit me, etc)

For IronAnt's game, I'm planning on making a human fighter(tactician), a middle-aged ex-soldier turned innkeeper turned adventurer.

For Maiko's game, I'm currently building a fetchling Necromancer with Shadowcaster archetype. I plan to make him a buffer/debuffer type of thing.


No errors really to note. My only warning is that remember Conjuration is more than just summoning, and barring that hurts your ability to fly, teleport, and so forth which are usually considered party staples at specific intervals. ((I.E, most parties are generally required to have flight in some form by level 6.)) Beyond that, it works out nice.

Am currently working on the bones of sheets.

Ant's game, I'm not sure yet. Am bouncing between a nonviolent quarterstaff wielding Paladin, a Summoner, and a rogue-spy type. Sex would be male for the paladin, could do either male or female for the other two.

For Maiko's game, I'm working on a human male barbarian. He is here to fuck shit up.

No problems here at all, checks out perfectly.

Here's my character for Ant's game, if I'm able to play in it. Haven't done any fluffy stuff yet, but the basic idea is she's from a noble family of tieflings, but doesn't share their general views on the world. That, and she's got traces of angelic blood in addition to her infernal blood. So she set out to find her own place in the world. She can be naive at times, having had a sheltered upbringing, as well as being rather capricious and easily side-tracked, and has some underlying mental instability due to her mixed heritage.

I'll flesh out her personality, background, description and so on later, not to mention her name.

Edit: Oh, uh, if a Tiefling is okay of course...

Edit #2: Updated her sheet with some more detailed description, background and so on.

HP is wrong, base hit die for Sorcerers in PF is d6. Max of that would be 12, and with a Con Modifier of +2, it should be 14. Will also offer advice that having 12 CON and also putting favored class points into skill points is a bit dangerous, as you run into the threat of being one shot by a lucky housecat. If the player's fine with that though, then there's no issue (besides that the base HP should still be higher). Other than that it seems to check out just fine.

Here is my horribly prepared character. DnD veterans, be prepared to bust a vein as you are likely to immediately see 1000+ errors.

Less errors than expected to be honest, beside you being missing a spell known. You get Cure Light Wounds for free by just being an oracle, as well as all the other spells of the Cure X Wounds (or Inflict if you want that instead). Meaning you have one more spell known.

However, warnings to note:
You have dangerously low CON, see my note regarding Maiko's character, especially given that you're putting your favored class bonus to skillpoints instead of HP. Even with a larger hit die, as your HP will be rolled later, having no CON modifier means you risk having extremely low base HP, which hurts even more because oracles are generally semi-close range spellcasters. Generally, the rule of the thumb for "safe" HP is 14 CON, or 12 CON with favored class points to HP, or 12 CON + Toughness feat.
...And more importantly, it'd probably be a good idea to take spellcraft as a spellcrafter so that you know, you actually know what you're casting. Barring that, it checks out for the most part.

For maiko's game.

Not finished, just need to know if mounts are available, and of any errors I made due to rushing when I found out it was taking me four hours to make this god damn thing.

Same error as Maiko's previous sheet, you forgot your CON Mod per level to HP. Your HP should be 18 with a base hit die of d8 and a CON Mod of +1. Also same warning applies as previously, though to a lesser extent here.

Minor build commentary: Remember that you can get away with having less knowledge skills actually trained thanks to Bardic Knowledge, and that it may be worth investing into UMD as you have heavy CHA (and UMD is arguably one of the strongest skills in the game), and perhaps spellcraft as you 'do' cast spells.

OH. Fuck. Most important thing, take weapon finesse if you want your attacks to be based off of Dex instead of Str. Literally one of the most important skills when you're making an agile melee character instead of an ugga ugga brute strength one. Additionally, Dodge is a trap feat unless you're speccing for spring attack/whirlwind attack, don't take it till you have to.

Rest checks out though.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Here's my sheet for IronAnt's game

Also, I'm aware than banning conjuration hurts, I've already taken a note that a lot of crowd control spells are conjuration. Flight is transmutation and illusion has some teleportation-like options, though they're more limited. For the other stuff I'll just have to work around it.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

HP is wrong, base hit die for Sorcerers in PF is d6. Max of that would be 12, and with a Con Modifier of +2, it should be 14. Will also offer advice that having 12 CON and also putting favored class points into skill points is a bit dangerous, as you run into the threat of being one shot by a lucky housecat. If the player's fine with that though, then there's no issue (besides that the base HP should still be higher). Other than that it seems to check out just fine.

Heh, forgot it's not D&D. Was basing HP off of d4s. Also forgot about the favored class bonuses. I'll fix those in a bit.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I'm assuming the Con bonus to health is it's modifier times level. Ergo getting 14 up from 10 will net me an extra 4 health.

But this error really came from the COMPLETE lack of notice in the character creation section, which only talked about rolling the hit die for starting HP. I looked it over three times because I thought I was a tard, but it's not there.

The description for Con (on the site) mentions it's influence on HP, but doesn't tell me how much.