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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I have a performance today. Casting call is at 12:30 pm, and I can be cleaned up and home by 5pm. I have work tomorrow, and it's a busy day that I can't miss, so I can't be up past midnight tonight. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights from 7pm to midnight, I'm available. Then there's evening performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Thursday night I'm not available, since I get home a t 10:30, and in bed by midnight, but Friday night I can stay up until 5am Saturday morning. Same with the Saturday to Sunday morning after.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, D&D tonight (Monday) but Tuesday's still fairly open as far as I know. Spider? Keylo? How's that looking for you?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Tuesday's fine with me, but Wednesday will be a no go as I'm heading cross country.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Tuesday starting at 17:00 EST is fine.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Like I said, I may be a bit late if we start then (if I'm doing my math right), but it should hopefully only be travel time, onluss we get really busy, which I doubt. See you all then!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Tuesday works for me. Spider says he can start after 5, so would 6 PM EST not work for anyone?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Sorry for being unclear, I meant to say that I'm fine with starting at five, not with starting after five. 18:00 EST would be 1:00 for me. I suppose I can do that, provided it's not too long.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Hrm. So, assemble and start by 5, and then hope that anyone who's late can pop in ASAP?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm fine with that. 90% of the time I get out early anyways, so I doubt it will be a problem.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I usually end work at 5pm EST, which means I get home by 6:30. However, I'm sitting in on a class, and that ends by 4-ish, and I'm carpooling with the Boss's wife; I may be able to make it, if a little late.

I am getting the feeling that I wont be needed, tho.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I usually end work at 5pm EST, which means I get home by 6:30. However, I'm sitting in on a class, and that ends by 4-ish, and I'm carpooling with the Boss's wife; I may be able to make it, if a little late.

I am getting the feeling that I wont be needed, tho.

Lilu and Azieru are kind of in the middle right now. They're out of the catacombs, but there was enough time spent in there to prevent them from taking part in the events of the group of 4. Mostly, this is being done so as to prevent you and Loli from sitting around twiddling your thumbs next weekend.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Ah, in that case, I won't go out of my way to show up. I'll just pop in to spy, but otherwise, don't expect me on time.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, given that I get out of work *at* 5, I'm probably not going to be here until after 5:30 or so. Not to mention I have a feeling my mother is going to want dinner. I *might* be able to get around that and eat in the computer room, but it all depends on what we're having. If Spider's gotta hie out of here around 6EST, then that's likely not going to work.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

No session this week unless my mood improves greatly by Saturday night.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Tassadar, you are the like The #1 Guy



If that didn't work, I can run a game on Friday midnight/Saturday morning before dawn, provided people make characters for Agents of the Windy King.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Actually, just because I'm slightly irked with waiting for people in the forum thread, and it's alot easier to drive things along in a real time environment, I'm tempted to run myself on Friday or Saturday as a fill in, should the game still be off then. Would probably be able to get rewards, buying, and possibly a side quest/a good portion of a main quest out of the way in that time if people can let me know whether or not they'd be available then.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Apologies for disappearing from last week's session. My computer contracted a virus mid-session and forced my browser closed. Coupled with a day-long repair of said computer, yeah. Also, if there is a game, I'm pretty much available whenever.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, I'm popping in as part of a public service announcement that I'm likely going to have to bail on Saturday anyway (though I can do Friday) on account of having to shift around RL gaming. ST and I are planning a marathon session that's going to start sometime around 7 Saturday night and probably won't end until noon on Sunday. Maybe later, heh.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Can't make the game tonight, if it is tonight. I'm going out drinking with women.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Looks like it may just be a good week to skip it then. My roomie's sister who's staying with us has a birthday today, so we're apparently drinking tonight and partying tomorrow. I don't really understand the difference, but there you go.