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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Lord Peep, the Pervert-frog, Goon-hideout Tag: Ylria, Luna, Jec

Alas! Ylria was not defenseless! With nothing better to do after molesting Luna, and the same molestation being interrupted, Peeps superior animal-senses felt something afoul with the magic used upon Luna.. and thus, even if the Anurian was forgotten about.. he did not forget.

He pursued the Goons to their hideout.. barrel shoveling over the ground, slowly.. clattering down and pretending to just be a barrel when anyone looked..

(Peep hides with a stealth check of 13 the goons will have to beat.. or Ylria could try assist too.)

DM note:
You successfully lured Ylria into her hideout.. as long as she is charmed, you can easily guide her into any not -too weird- seeming situation .. whatever will you do with/to the horny kitten?!?
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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21735 "Oh, is she Captain's true love?! She is so pretty! You should invite her for dinner, sometime!" Marnia offered, unbothered by the Captain's blade.

"eh...I could teach you some nice bitch-slaps, Captain! I slapped Brownface too, even if he turned his face to stone, hehe! It feels better than stabbing, I bet~" she offered!

"So....what does this mean? The ants won't starve to death after two days? Wouldn't it be better to trap you in the hourglass? No wait, humans can't do that..." she mused. The previous genie of the lamp could have easily done something like that, but Marnia obviously couldn't.

"Wait, so, this means that the bad guy wants to make ants eat Sayi?!?"

Marnia was shocked! This was really too cruel! She would throw that captain to the sea-ants!!!

"Don't worry Sayi...I will not let him touch you!" she said, stroking Sayi's head.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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Sayyida.jpg Tag: Rovana, Marnia
The mental image that Sayyida had of Rovanan, was of a sea monster in human form. A cold hearted captain who would kidnap puppies just so she could drown them in sacks. Possibly the furthest thing from the sentimental image she was given when first being brought into the captain's cabin. This did not change her reverenced actions toward the captain, or her respect for her.

Feeling the lewd stares of her captain Sayyida wiggled her butt a little, her soft tail wagging happily. Her intentions of, 'My body is your property, do with it as you like' written on her face. She was a little surprised at her lowly body attracting such stares. Even her former captain didn't look at her that way anymore. Her mind began to wander. Just what would her captain do with her, she would of course enjoy it, no matter how perverted. After all, captains are even above mistresses.

The tirade that Rovana launched into sounded very much like her former captain indeed. She stifled a small giggle at the mention of his elaborate traps being particularly ineffective. This was around the time that Marnia started stroking her head, fully relieving her of the anxiety of talking to her captain. She stood back up and once more explained, "Marnia is Sayi's mistress now, she made doggie pledge it. Since captain Rovana is Marnia's captain, that makes Sayi Rovana's doggie now... Not bad captain's anymore. But bad captain still is trying to hurt captain Rovana. He sent Sayi, Luna, and Jec to do that. Nice kitty lady went with Luna and now is probably captured..."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"Whaaaat? But who's Jec? And whaaaat? You whaaat?"
Marnia asked confused!

"You....you tricked me?!" she said, with teary eyes!

"I thought you were good doggie...why you break Marnia's heart....ah...why...?!" she lamented "Now Ylria will be eaten by hourglass ants...and we will never never see her again....*sniff*"

"And what about all her little kids...they will have to grow up without a mom...oh noooooo...."
Poor Ylria...she had dieded a very unfortunate death! But what could Marnia do? It was too late to save her, wasn't it?


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Captain Rovana, The Red Dawn, Tag: Marnia, Sayi

"Heh. Call her 'me true love' or somesuch again and I just might." Rovana smirked, with an oddly threatening subtone, but almost a hint of emberassment as well.. which she quickly hid behind a lewd smirk. "Let me tell you, she's a real sucker for pretty ladies." Then, she chuckled and added:
"I be kinda envious about Brownbeard's slapping, not gonna lie, but I can find ways to amuse meself, don't ye worry.

... Anywhooo, try and dun think too much about captain Ventus plots. Ye'll get a headache.

Heh, ain't you the cutest thing?"
Rovana mused, stepping over to Sayi.. and began unashamedly slap-feeling out her bottom! To the captains credit, she seemed to only be slightly drunk, right now.
"Properly captured, eh?" Rovana chuckled.. and focused her eyes on Sayi.. for all her flamboyant demeanour and swaying about, there was a determined sharpness to them, suddenly making it believable that one like Rovana could be commanding an entire crew of rowdy pirates.. and then, she grinned.
"Is that so.. Let me guess, you came here, set up some nasty elaborate trap-thing and then stuck yer thumbs up yer poopers waiting for us to arrive and wander into it, eh?" She chuckled, finally releasing her hand from their new loyal dog-pet, after another throughout squeezing, before tilting her head and asking.
"So, Marnia, you found the puppy, brought her to me..
Then whats Ylria up to right now?"
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
21739 Tag: Marnia, Rovana
Sayyida knew she had been bad. She was suppose to be Marnia's good doggie, but even still she had made the choice to see Rovana with Marnia, before revealing Ylria was in danger. Her ears flattend when Marnia confirmed that she was no longer a good doggie. To clarify she explained, "No, Ylria only captured, not eaten. Bad captain only say to teach Rovana and crew a lesson, no murdering..." she paused for a long few seconds, clearly thinking hard, "and has to be in style!" She decided. "Sayida was bad mistress... mistress should punish so doggie obeys better next time. Then can be a good girl again!" She knew Mistress would have to punish her for being bad, she would accept anything so long as she could be a good doggie again after.

When Rovana slapped Sayyida's bottom and began grouping her she let out a moan. Thoughts of getting used by her captain already flooding into her head. She accepted the grouping by lightly grinding against Rovana, moaning softly as her body started to heat up. She met her captains gaze and held it until released. "Y... yes. Mistress found Sayi right as she was going to tell Jec. But that not matter now... Kitty put under spell by Luna... Makes body hot, and Luna's words seem like the smartest. Right now Kitty probably having sex with Luna while Jec watch, than she used as bait to make us go to where they are."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"Ah...so she is alive, just getting fucked! That's good!"
Marnia instantly from her grief!

"Hmmm.....so they set us a sex-trap! I would say that we could go and get captured too...it sounds fun." Marnia mused.

"BUT we would spoil Ylria's fun! ehhh....Damn I want to sex a tet-trap too! No I mean to set a sex-trap! But I also want to see their trap...hmmm" Marnia, said, walking up and down like an ancient general.

"Captain! I ask permission to start operation honeypot! I guarantee to bring back Ylria and out-trap their sex-trap! And out-sex it too! I will need a piece of string, four sacks, scissors, a large pot, 11 pieces of candy, few wooden planks, 50ft of rope, and captain's boob-print on an old looking scroll! Also, I will have to visit a barber! Operation honeypot...lets call it 'OH', will surely work!" Marnia explained!

"As for you...you were a bad doggie, but you can still be good. Since Ylria is getting fucked, the appropriate punishment will be for you to get the same." Marnia nodded.

"First you have to describe to me exactly what you think that would happen to Ylria...so we can do the same!"

(If Marnia is asked why she needs Captain's boob-print, she will explain that only Captain's boobs look big like mountains!)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Tag: Luna, Jec, Peep

Ylria followed along happily as Luna led her through the alleys and streets of the city. As they walked she reached over and held Luna's hand and even let her hip or breast brush against the horned girl who was now her very best friend. Indeed Ylria was so happy with Luna that she found her loins oiling and heating with interest in her new friend. Even when they left the city Ylria didn't think to question their destination or why they were heading so far from the docks. Enamored of her new friend Ylria didn't notice the jumping, hopping, suspiciously familiar barrel as it followed the two besties as they made their way hand in hand.

"Oh... how cute," she gushed when they saw the small house in the woods. It was a bit dicey but if her friend Luna loved it then Ylria loved it as well. Heading inside Ylria squealed prettily as Luna pulled her inside, pushed her against the wall and then began to nearly rape her mouth. Ylria responded enthusiastically to the kiss pressing back hard with her lips and tongue almost bruising Luna with her need. One long, sleek leg came up and rubbed Luna's hip and then in an impressive display of dexterity moved further up to wrap around Luna's bottom and pull her friend into an embrace. When Luna came up for air and a mousey looking face peered down at them from above Ylria waved at her newest friend while the other hand gripped the back of Luna's neck and held her tight against the squirming pirate. "Hey Jec! Any friend of Luna's is a friend of mine? Do you want to stay up there and watch or come down and join us?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Luna & Ylria, Mood: Nervous and Horny, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Traphouse 2nd Floor

As the catgirl calls up to him, as he was starting to settle down, and watch, Jec squeaks in surprise and scampers back from the edge, hiding from the two lovely (and rather forward) ladies. He wasn't used to people noticing him and he almost considered trying to make an elixir to disappear, but then remembers he hasn't figured that one out yet. Nervously he slowly peaks out over the edge again, his voice much more high pitched than normal, "You don't bite do you? Luna, what do you s-ssay?" He then disappears to check out the window calling, "Luna where is Ssayi, is sshhe with you, alsso di-did you make sure no one followed you? That isss weird when did the barrel get there?" He didn't put that there, it was probably one of the girls, wait was that a tongue, no just his mind playing tricks on him. With that he slowly returned over the grating, quietly and nervously waiting for Luna to tell him it is safe. You have clearly frightened him, and it seems he isn't coming down, but perhaps if you ask a little differently he will calm down.

Perception: 3+11=14
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
21757 Tag: Marnia
Without much trouble, Marnia had thought of a suitable punishment. It did seem fitting for her to be subjected to the same thing that Ylria might be going through. She thought back on her friend, and the plan. Fromulating for a few moments, she elaborated. "Frist Kitty would get kissing, breast and butt petting, other nice things like that. Maybe even pussy petting. Luna was kiss all the way down to Kitty's pussy, and start licking her there. After Kitty cums, it will be Kitty's turn to make Luna happy, but kitty has to be tied up to make good bait! So Luna will tie her up saying it is for fun. After that..." Sayyida took a pause she was exciting herself again, "Luna would tease kitty, using her mouth, fingers and toys. Kitty is tied up so she can't do anything but enjoy..."


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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When Ylria's bust brushed against Luna for second time, Luna turned her head and gave Ylria an equally perverted an excited grin. "Come now my little sex kitten, we'll have plenty of time for all of that, and more very soon!"

Even after making it all the way to the house, Luna still didn't notice the familiar hopping barrel following behind the two animals in heat.
Ylria's enthusiastic reply to her kiss and the her happy squeal only served to fuel Luna's need for Ylria. As the kitten's sexy leg managed to embrace her hips, one of Luna's hands slid down and squeezed her friends shapely ass hard, while the other found its way into Ylria's hair bun, using it to push her even deeper into the passionate kiss.

After having pulled back for air and to call out to Jec, she answers him"There a little bit of a problem with Sayi, shes been tamed by Ylria's crew mate and followers her now. But it shouldn't be to much of a problem. They will come here for... uhm, Sayi's stuff! Yah we can expect them here later tonight probably." She said with confidence in her voice, avoiding the word hostage quite easily. "I didn't see anyone follow us out here, Im sure yours eyes are just playing tricks on you. Anyways Im busy!"

She turned back to Ylria and stared into her eyes. "Ylria's no threat, shes completely harmless. Just a horny little kitty" Her hand on the kitty's ass moves and starts to pet Ylria's dripping wet flower. "Right? You just want to be fucked silly." A finger slips into her pussy, slowly moving and then starts to gain pace. "I'll make you feel like your in heaven, but you have to admit it..." Another finger slips in, and her hand in Ylria's hair moves to start petting her head. "Your a slut for Luna. Your body certainly already loves me!" A third finger. Luna is quickly and skillfully bringing Ylria to an orgasm! Though just as she about to cross the edge, Luna stops. Grinning evilly, she continues "Ill let you cum if you play a game with me... Come here!" Unwrapping Ylria's leg from her waist, she puts a hand on her ass which snakes down and starts to lightly finger her once again, but only enough to keep her on the edge, and quickly leads her out of the door they just entered, and around the back of the building. Entering through a backdoor and to the left where a bed big enough for two people to comfortable lay sat.

"Ill call the game... Ylria goes to heaven! No no no, not in any dangerous way." She pulls her over to the bed and pushes the cat girl onto the bed. Licking some of the love juices from her fingers. "I get to tie you down to the bed and see how many times I can make you cum in an hour." As If not even waiting for the girl's consent, Luna pulls some cuffs with leather ropes out of a nearby night stand. "You trust me right? Of course you do." If Ylria's not resisting Luna attaches a leather cuff to one of her hands and ties it to the corner of the bed. "I wont hurt you and it will feel good, so just relax." She continues to do so for her other hand, and both feet, sliding a pillow under the cat girl's lower stomach to lift her ass up.

(Luna cant force Ylria to do anything she wouldn't normally do, but Im pretty sure Ylria is pretty much in heat right now.)
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Tag: Luna and the Big Bed of Exciting Toys

As Luna spoke to Rec Ylria continued to rub herself against her friend. Her hand continued to hold the back of Luna's head tightly but not so much so that she couldn't talk to the mousey companion. Leaning in, Ylria bit and nibbled at Luna's neck and ear rather aggressively and to the point of leaving little hickeys. When Luna turned back to her Ylria pulled away reluctantly and smiled with open friendliness and a glint of lust in her eyes. "Oh, I'm not a threat to anyone; not to my friends anyway." She arched her leg further up to expose her juicing pussy to Luna's touch. "Ohhh... I'm... I'm very horny right now. Seeing you with those men... ohhhh... that turned me on. They were so powerful and well hung."

Ylria's sex is surprisingly tight and exceedingly well lubricated. Luna's fingers are gripped tightly by Ylria's intimate passage in a way that speaks of skill and even training in lewdness. "Oh Luna, Luna! That feels... ahhhh!" Her exclamation was cut off as a second and third finger was slipped into Ylria's eager channel. "Yes! Yes! I'm a slut for you Luna! You are such a good friend and so... ohh... ohhhhh... ohhhhhh!" Ylria squirms and fills the room with her loud cries of pleasure as Luna brings her right to the brink of a shattering orgasm. "Please... please bring me to a peak Luna. I'll play any game you like!"

Unwrapping herself from Luna at the horned girl's urging Ylria gladly follows her as Luna leads her by the finger in Ylria's pussy. She barely has time to look around the room as Luna pushes her onto the soft surface. Ylria doesn't object or resist as Luna positions her in the middle of the sheets; if anything Ylria seems to understand what is probably coming her way. "Heaven? That sounds like a wonderful game." Ylria spreads herself out as Luna begins to pull out cuffs and straps. "I trust you Luna, of course I do." If anything Ylria seems hurt that her friend would doubt Ylria's devotion. "I will try my hardest to cum for you like no one else has ever done so." Ylria seems to anticipate Luna's efforts to tie and display her; again she seems experienced in being tied down and displayed.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Captain Rovana, The Red Dawn, Tag: Marnia, Sayi

"Let's not get hasty, this Dog looks tasty, so I say we three first get nasty." Rovana objected, in lymeric.. before reaching out, to remove Sayi's clothes, and give her a closer inspection. To Marnia she added: "You can have the planks, rope, string, whats left of the grog, and me parrot, Joe. But first..." Rovana smirked.

"So Sayi, would you like to see my.. captain's log?" Rovana smirked, leaning back and tugging her pants lower.. only to hop back, and present a large, leatherbound tome that had most certainly been abused as a table and or napkin at some point.

"Kidding aside. As cute as this dog is and as much loyalty as you've proven to me by revealing that." She jutted her finger to Ventus emblem. "I feel like we need to ensure your loyalty. And I mean, I could just enchant your mind, having hours of wild sex to ensure your loyalty, or, considering that Marnia is also pretty new and her whole lamp-stick makes me suspicous..

We could do this the fun way instead. H̠̭̯̩ḛ̵̜͚̞̟͇̱ar͍̗̻̣͕̩͝ ͏̭̣m̱͖̗͚̖̱y҉̺̱̤ ̫͚̝͕̤c̨̭̤̜̩͉̼ḁ̶̦̣̘l͜l̹,͚̦ͅ ͅl͍o͓̳̯̠͇̖ͅr͞ḑ͙ ̟̺̺̤̥o͎f̟̘̳̻ͅ ̗̘̹̺ͅṭ̟͉̖̜̦ͅhe ̲͚̲̟͎̭̭d̪̘̻e͕̗e̠͚̱̻p̤͜s͍̭̞,̰͡ ̴̰͎͉̱̜ͅt͎͙͝e̯͚̠s̮̖̹̬̜̗̹t ͚̟͎͕̗̕t̩͍̙͔̕h̥̻̳͕̠̕e̯͚͈̝͇s̠̥͍e̦͢ ̱̻̘w̰̙͖̞͖͓o̗͔r̷̫̲th͖̼̳̲̦̭̀l̩̮͎̳͔͓e͖͎̱̼͞s̱̬̤͎̫̬̖s̩ ͎͉͉m̼̮̙͉͉͇o̭͓r̩̠̳̮̱͉t̩̝a͘l̰̖ ̦b͚̳͝o͔d̪͖͍͉ͅͅi҉e͚ś͚̖ ͖͙̞̼͙w̜̯̭į̜̩̺͕t͏̤͈h͇̦̰̬̦̪͕ ͏̭͚͔͉̟ͅý̟͇̙ͅo̥̟̣̟ụr͏ ̱̰͍̀m̹̯̪̥̫̣a̦g̳̹̩̲̀n̝͉̞͙i͇f̧̬͖ic̵̙̠̪̟͇͕̹e̘̦n̵͕̗c̩̙e̙̼̩!͖̹̥̻̪̦͢ "

Rovana declared, drawing her sword once more, the green gem decorating her swords hilt twitched.. and looked around, curiously, as the room grew significantly darker, water oozing from the sword and splattering on the ground.
"My broken sword retrains only a fraction of it's power, frankly, I feel like if I use it too much it might shatter soon, but I still got it, you know, for emergencies.. well mostly for emergencies. Well alright, I usually only use it for this." Rovana mused, before twirling her sword, the water turning into a dark, oil-like substance which she flicked forward, splattering it on the ground and, unless Marnia or sayi tried to escape, them as well.
"T͙̗͡o̵̖̩ ̭d̹e̶̮̯f͏͓͕͓̪̘i̘̩͚͇͈͈l̜e̤͖̲̣̞̝̖ ̝t̵̤̮͓͈h͇͕͉͕ͅe̻͈͈̤̫̯̻i̖͟r̸̹ ̝̯̫̣̦̘̺͠b̰̖̥͚o̤̲̖͝d͍̳͚̦̺͉̀ì̳̣̟e͖̪̺͉̲̕ś̭ ̻̦ͅa̼̙̯͓̳̩n̥̳͈d҉͖̜̙̞ ͕s̨̮o͏̘̳u͔̭̠͓l̟̱͓̮s ̴̣̯̥a҉̞̟̲̲͖͈ṣ͈̫̮ ̴̲y͍͈̫͕̼̫̘o̱̭̺͖u̘̯͉͚ ̞̩p̵̗͇̤͇̙̤l̘͔̭̱̹͇̭͞e̪̦̗̼ͅa̱͇̥̻̯s̝̦̤͉̞e͔͚ͅ,̩͖̤͕̩͜ ̯͔͚͍͕̻I͎̻̻̭͕̥ ̢͖̙c͖̹̘̠̜̰a̝̦̬͢l͓̪̪̘ͅͅl̼̬͍̀ ̨͙̺̪̙͙̻u̦͉͉̻̥p̨͕̟͓̠o̪̦͍̱͍̼̪ņ̼͓̻̻͕̫ ̨̫̺̟͍y̝̪͇̘̤o̭͔͈u͠,̀ ͚̝̯ͅD͖͟ag̱̘͙̦̗̹͟ͅo̷̩͔n̡͔̥!̛̭̫ "
Rovana shouted, and black tendrils began rising out of the oily substance, wiggling in the air and reaching out to grab at the pirate beauties, green, inhuman eyes forming where the oil had landed too far away from anyone.
The tendrils felt.. wet.. and slimey, a sensation that went under the skin, writhing and coiling around anything they could snatch... whilest Rovana just wandered back, sitting down on her large chair and kicking back her legs, hands wandering into her pants as she watched and grinned, with interest.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Lord Peep, the Pervert-frog, Goon-hideout Tag: Ylria, Luna, Jec

Lord Peep had been undetected, or ignored. The mighty Anurian used this opportunity of his skills being underestimated to edge close to the window.. those fools had left it wide open and thought hey could breed some of his pets undisturbed? OH NO!

His tongue snuck out and, with the dextrous speed that could snatch a fly from the air, it slashed out.. and before either Ylria, or Jec could respond, that tongue had already reached it's target!

And delivered a healthy spank on Luna's butt, only to withdraw, retreat back to the frog hiding in it's barrel, grinning with voyeuristic, mischievous glee!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"Eh....Captain you don't trust Marnia? Eh....I mean I get it, you got tricked by that Brownguy, but Marnia is blue not brown...."
Marnia complained.

"Also, who is this Dagon? Hmmm....Captain I think we should invite the portrait lady to fuck you, getting fucked by tentacle monster is not romantic at all!" she exclaimed, pushing the green-watery-tentacle away with her foot.

"Also you have us...I could dress up as a tentacle if you want...? Eh...Captain are you going to watch us and masturbate while Dagon fucks us?" she asked, giving a curious look to the Captain.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Luna & Ylria, Mood: Nervous and Horny, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Traphouse

Since the ladies were moving to the bed, Jec felt he would be safe enough to let down the back ladder, climbing down after Luna and the cat-girl 'Ylira?' had moved inside the back way. He would watch soon, of course, but that barrel was weird and it had moved, now it was at the side of the house near the window looking in at the bed. Jec readied one of his smoke bombs as he moved closer, not inserting the catalyst, but getting the pieces out, slowly peaking into the barrel he screams, probably startling the ladies on the other side of the window, and nearly drops the bomb pieces. Whatever Jec was expecting, it was not a huge frog wearing a pirate's outfit. He scampered back and around the corner, and was about the climb the ladder back upstairs when he turned and looked over at the barrel, again watching the frog, if it came too close he would drop his bomb, lit this time and go up the ladder. Jec was having none of this today.

Initiative: 11 (8+3)
Prepared action: throw bomb (aiming to put smoke down between him and the frog but not explode anything important, if it hits the frog, oh well...)
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
21770 Sayyida the Good Doggie, Tag: Marnia, Rovana
Sayyida made no resistance to having he clothed removed. With her wrap and panties now off, the last of her body was exposed. With a closer look she had several, mostly, healed scars from a whip on her back and belly. She had some bite marks on her breasts and a silver ring through one nipple. A few bruises where fading as well. She was clean shaven, well groomed, but still had the markings of a hard life all over her.

When offered the captain's log Sayyida's tail playfully swished back and forth. She stepped forward as Rovana pulled down on her pants. Stopping mid kneel when she realized she was being made sport of. Popping back up she forced herself to laugh and smile at the captains trick. When the conversation turned to her loyalty Sayyida burst out, "Sayi will be an obedient doggie! Anything that captain wants to do to her to ensure loyalty, Sayi will do!" Sayyida remained firm even when Rovana brought out her sword.

The oily substance landed on Sayyida as well, she didn't seem to pay it much mind at first. Rather she continued looking at Rovana, awaiting her fate. Her attention was drawn away when black oily tentacle where coming out of Sayyisa's aboman and the floor near her. "Wh-what? Does Sayyida have tenticle babies?" She puzzled at the black mass coming out of her where her womb should be. The ones on her waist coiled around her a few times, finding there way to her breasts. A tentacle tightly wound around each boob, flipping the nipple and milking Sayyida like a cow. "Ah, um, ahhhhhhhh" Sayyida moaned softly at the tentacles assaulting her breasts. From below two tentacle had begun winding there way up Sayyida's legs. The first coiled around her thigh, pounding the tip into Sayyida's moist exposed pussy. "Yes! Yes master, make Sayi a good bitch!" she screamed. The second coiling around her tail before finding its way into Sayyida's back door. "Oh!" she yelped, "Master likes that place too... Sayyida is yours t~" Her words where cut short as a tentacle filled her mouth, gagging her.

Silanced, Sayyida sucked hard on the tentacle in her mouth, using her tongue to lick as much of it as she could manage. The taste was unbelievably salty and bitter, with a hint of vinilla. She fumbled around with her hands until she found two more tentacles to begin stroking. All of the tentacler made her feel dirty, exposed, like she was naked covered in semen in front of her crew. exhilarated by the feeling of public shame she redoubled her efforts to please the tentacles with her mouth and hands. Her juice steadily dripped down the tentacle in her pussy.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score

Tags: Ylria, Jec, Peep

"Of course its a great game! Gods I'm looking forward to what you look like after Ive made you cum 10, 15, and 20 times!" Seeing Ylria being so excited about what was to come and her being tied down, Luna took the chance to make sure each restraint was properly tied down and locked perfectly, making her kitty suffer her arousal for a little longer. Once done, she sat down in front of her kitty, and lifted her chin slightly so she could look into her eyes with a hungry lust, right before giving another short but passionate kiss, biting Ylria's lip lightly before breaking it. Then moved her way to behind the kitten to where she couldnt see what Luna was going to do to her, scratching Ylria behind the ears as she passed...

Yet right as Luna got down on all fours and spread Ylria's ass, a wet smack sounded throughout the room. Something had slapped her ass! She wirld around looking for the source with wild eyes! Nothing! She knew Jec wouldnt be able to resist watching her play with her captive, so she called out. "JEC! Did you see what just slapped my ass? Where did it come from?" She was starting to keep Ylria waiting for a little too long, so she started to absentmindedly finger her once again as she waited for a reply and looked around...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Captain Rovana, The Red Dawn, Tag: Marnia, Sayi

"I trust ya, but this is a great opportunity to fuck two pussies with one tentacle-summoning... as for Ludmil.. as for the portrait-lady, if it was that easy, I'd do it, are you trying to tease me?" She flipped off Marnia for good measure, whilest the little kicked tendril grew into a larger kicked tendril and then a large tendril, which coiled around Marnia's leg, joined in by others that.. well they din't exactly have to stip her, so they instead tried to tug her downwards into a more receptive position... the same thing, if perhaps a little more gently, happened to Sayi, whilest Rovana commented:

"And don't be rediculous. If I were to give you a comparison, what you see called before you is to Dagon what a hair on your head is to you. You couldn't take him taking you, on any level." She chuckled.

And whilest these tendrils slithered over their captured females, there was a feeling of a sticky, gooey sweetness seeping into the girls skins, it felt good and forbidden at the same time, like a drink for the soul.
Rovana by comparison hesitated as she examined Sayi, her expression becoming.. unusually serious. "I guess Ventus' crew's been going downhill since last I've seen him. And I thought Dreadmaw was the worst of them. But that's what you get when you don't trust the code.." She mused.
"Well, she's certainly into it!" Rovana chuckled and watched the writhing fox-girl.

With several of the green eyes on the two girls and several tentacles playing with them writhing about and clearly trying to mate them throughoutly, Rovana moaned and touched herself, chuckling before peering over to Marnia. "As I suspected, stripping and molesting folks always finds new truths as to why they do what they do.. you had a plan? You are serious about it, right? Hmnn oh and do make sure to treat the lil dog-girl well. You know, normally the Code dictates that whoever falls behind is left behind, but I -feel like- dealing with this situation, so I'll be accompanying you too." She chuckled, whilest finally the tendrils thrust deeply into the girls, pumping and pouring their dark, oily seed that left a sensation of being wonderfully well fucked.. and used.. as ever so slowly the tendrils began fading away, with Rovana sighing.. "Lost way too much of me power..."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Lord Peep, the Pervert-frog, Goon-hideout Tag: Ylria, Luna, Jec

Peep turned towards the rat.
Peep looked at the rat.
Then, he licked his lips. "Ribbit."
He made, before hopping out from under the barrel. "Ribbit ribbit!"

It was unclear if his look ment that he wanted to sexualize the rat, or eat him, but Jec decided he would not explore either of those option, smoke-bombing Peep and retreating up the stairs.. with the frog in pursuit.

Well, Jec was lucky in that frogs couldn't climb. Was there anything else frogs were famous for though?

Peep landed besides him, with one large jump. Then, he blew a smoke-ring up in the rats face. Then he tilted his head. Then, he licked his frog-lips again.

(Jec's turn. Keep in mind you only have limited smoke-bombs.
To clear up mechanical details: You cannot ready an action outside of combat, but if you are on higher initiative you totally can do that. You did that too.. but whilest a smoke bomb marvelously obscures vision, you never clarified you'd back up stealthily,.. even if you did, it is arguable if you are completely out of view, atop the ladder. Finally, this is funner.)