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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
21964 Mario, the Treasure Hunter. Tag: Plan A. Mood: Casual
HP: 38 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 40ft. CMD: 23

"Peeeeeeep! It's me, Marnia!" Marnia said, delaying her tying up Luna, to remove her disguise!

"Noo....don't try to make me forgive you by licking my pussy!" Marnia declared, while eagerly catching the girl by the horns to push her face deeper in her pussy!

"Marnia. Will. Remain. Strong." she braced herself. She wouldn't lose that easily!

"Exceeptifyoujoinourcrew." she grasped, rubbing against Luna. "ThenIcouuuuuld forgiiiive you."

After all, they had to pick up new crew...and having the lewd goat-witch with them seemed like a good option.

"AH REPLY ALREADY DAMN IT!" Marnia was determined to get her reply before she came! She wouldn't lose!

However, Luna still had her mouth occupied...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Sayyida, Mood: Fearful, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Traphouse
Important numbers: HP:
40/40 Armor Class: 18 Initiative Bonus: +3 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 15(-? because tied); Abilities: Bombs: 8/10, Elixirs Repaired: Cure Light Wounds

Having been sobbing quietly into Sayyida, and hearing Sayi blame herself Jec was disheartened further, he didn't blame her for joining a clearly superior crew, after all if this blue creature could do all that she had done, who was he to think he could trap Rovana? but that was not the issue at hand. "Oh, fu-fuck it," he muttered then turned up to Sayi's face, tears still moistening his fur, and dust lightly coating his snout, and kissed her. His front teeth clicking a little with Sayi's teeth jolting the two of them as the inexperienced mouse tried to maneuver to comfort his crew-mate. and friend. The taste of mint filled their mouths, he chewed mint every morning to clear his senses and the flavor was still fresh, but he kept his eyes on Sayi the whole time (having a snout gives some advantages) knowing she could pull away if she wanted, but trying to beg with his eyes that she wouldn't. His soft whiskers lightly tickling her face and his ears moving to a more relaxed position. He wasn't sure if he loved her as a friend, sibling, or a partner anymore, but as he ran his tongue along her beautiful canines the pain exquisite to him in this moment, he knew he loved her.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
21971 Sayyida the Good Doggie; Tag: Jec;
The sudden kiss caught Sayyida by surprise. For as long as she had know him, he never so much as tried to touch her. The obvious answer, at least before Jec's kiss, was that mice where to small to breed with dogs. That is why Jec only watched, that was why Sayyida never got to suck on his cock, that was why he wouldn't put it in her. It was the only possible reason she could imagine. This kiss though, it was a sign of affection she would never dream of denying. Jec was her friend and she wanted him to be happy. With a little more experance Sayyida moves her mouth to comphortably kiss. The mint flavor filled her mouth as she pressed her tongue deeply into Jec's mouth. Savoring the the unique texture of his tongue.
She broke the kiss, licking his face clean of the last of his tears. "Jec... Sayyida knows mice can't fuck doggies.... but, does Jec want to try?" She nuzzled her face on his, "Sayyida wants to make Jec happy." Provided Jec says yes, she frees him from the sack, undoing his bindings. She than lays back, exposing her belly to Jec as a show of submission.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score
Luna Oldblood
Tag: 'Mario'/Marnia, Jec, Peep, and Sayi. Location: Trap house
HP: 34 Armor Class: 13 Initiative Bonus: +8 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 12 Initiative: 21

Marnia's conflicting words and actions only drove the horned girl to drive her tongue deeper in the blue girl's sweet folds!

Her hips started to buck slightly as Luna worked to clean up the continuous stream of nectar, yet she manged to stop herself shortly after which only served as a challenge to Luna! She instantly started to kiss, lick, and tongue fuck Marnia's slit, easily reaching farther than normal thanks to Marnia pulling her face into her pussy!

She started to grind her pussy against Luna's face one again as she offered Luna acceptance to the crew. She would say yes, but her mouth was busy with something much more important!

While Marnia was determined to get a reply before she came, Luna wanted, and probably needed Marnia to cum so she could respond!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Sayyida, Mood: Hopeful and Horny, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Near the Traphouse
Important numbers: HP:
40/40 Armor Class: 18 Initiative Bonus: +3 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 15; Abilities: Bombs: 8/10, Elixirs Repaired: Cure Light Wounds

Jec chuckles at Sayi's comment of mice and dogs not being compatible, his chuckle almost sounding like a hiccup, still recovering from the dust and chaos of these last minutes, "I th-think I would be wi-wi-willing to t-try." He worked with her to get the rough canvas bag off, it was really too constricting, and when freed he stretched his tail and wrapped it around Sayi's leg lovingly, the smooth unblemished skin of his tail warming her soft thigh and calf. She had then lain down, belly up and while it was an adorable and suggestive position, he realized it wouldn't do for them to be interrupted during this. Taking her hand in his surprisingly clean hand (which had all of its fingers, a feat that made him proud) and lightly pulling her after him, "C-c-come this way, I, mm, I don't want to be interrupted for this, Thank" Sniff "Thank you Sayi. You, you are t-too kind." He then led her out of view of the house to a place that he had found some weeks back and went to be alone from the two girls.

The little glade was warmed by the sunlight streaming through the trees, and the soft ferns tickled bared skin as they moved to a little indent in the undergrowth that had been made by the hours of Jec alone with his thoughts. He smiled at Sayi again and gently licked the underside of her jaw, the thin, rough tongue showing his affection as he began to unbuckle belts and straps that held his supplies securely to his body, such that the wouldn't accidentally explode. Letting go of Sayyida long enough to finish removing his clothes and equipment safely he stood in-front of one of the only two people he trusted in his furred, nude glory. His fur taken care of, and reasonably well groomed for their current assignment, his member peaking out of its sheath as he looked over Sayi, she realized that she had never seen him nude before, he always wore some level of clothes, and she could now tell why. Across his chest and his torso was a terrible chemical burn, misshapen and fur-less skin now clearly on display. "Are, are you su-sure you ssstill want t-to do this? I, I wo-would understand if yo-you think th-this is t-too strange, after all, I am a-a fr-freak." He stood there waiting on Sayi's final judgement his tail curling around his leg, in nervousness, and the soft fragrance of the lavender that Sayi had smelled in his hair was all around them now, gently blowing in the breeze of the glade.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
21986 Sayyida the Good Doggie; Tag: Jec;
Sayyida grabbed Jec's hand, and let him lead the way, only once glancing back at the house to see if Marnia had come out yet. The thought that Jec might escape had already crossed her mind, but it was more important to make Jec happy right now, since she could always make it up to Marnia latter. She was lead into a beautiful meadow. When Jec began undressing, Sayi followed but having far less clothes and being a fair bit more practiced in stripping, she finished with time to help Jec undress as well. Seeing him nude for the first time Sayi was concerned. "Did it hurt?" She frowned, leaning in to lick the largest of Jec's burns. "Jec's not a freak, Jec is Jec." She assured, now on her hands and knees she had to look up at him, her ears perked at attention, and tail wagging excitedly. "Jec might not be Sayi's master, but he always nice. Sayi... Sayi trust Jec, and that why she wants Jec and Luna to stay with Sayi." She nuzzled against Jec's thigh, waiting for him to begin using her.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Mario, the Treasure Hunter. Tag: Plan A. Mood: Casual
HP: 38 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 40ft. CMD: 23

Marnia tried to resist the witches tongue, but it looked like she was well versed in the arts of pussy licking!

"Ahhhh~~~" she cried, as she couldn't help any more, her sex fluids rushing out of her.

"I....have....to....." Marnia grasped for air. "I have....to...get....up....her tongue...is too dangerous!" she cried, steeling her will to remove herself from Luna's mouth!

However, just as fast as she removed her pussy from her mouth, she stuck her foot in Luna's mouth!

"Damn! Her mouth is really bewitching...I can't let her use it!" Marnia said clearly shocked.

"I have to tie her fast!"

Marnia picked up the rope, and swiftly started tying Luna! She tied her left leg with a rope, and then she tied that rope to her left horn...and the same with the other horn and leg! Finally, she tied her hands on her her legs! The end result was Luna in a very awkward position!

[Check to resist cumming: Natural 1, Will save to get up: 27]


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score
Luna Oldblood Tag: 'Mario'/Marnia, Jec, Peep, and Sayi. Location: Trap house
HP: 34 Armor Class: 13 Initiative Bonus: +8 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 12 Initiative: 21

Satisfaction flooded Luna as she finally managed to make Marnia cum with just her tongue! The genie's juices were surprisingly sweet, a delicious reward for her work.

She actually wouldn't have minded if Marnia continued to have sat on her face allowing her eat her out even more, but unfortunately she managed to stand up even after cumming.

Luna was about to say that she accepted the deal when a foot was suddenly stuck into her mouth. 'A foot? What?' Luna didn't except it at all and was a bit dumbfounded for a second. Then the realization of what Marnia was doing came, the genie was still going to tie her up!

She flailed her arms trying to get her off of her but it seemed to do little at all, they were just grabbed and easily tied up once her legs were tied to her horns! She was only slightly miffed that the girls foot was still shoved in her mouth.

With no other way to retaliate, Luna tried licking one of Marnia's toes. She had seen someone else that was into that. Maybe the genie was too?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Mario, the Treasure Hunter. Tag: Plan A. Mood: Casual
HP: 38 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 40ft. CMD: 23

"Oh no!" Marnia cried! The lewd witch was at it again!

Marnia was too weak to resist such spells! She had to find a solution! Fast! Her toes were in trouble!

Looking around, she found the solution she was looking for! Someone more resistant than her!

She removed her foot from Luna's mouth, and kissed her to keep her mouth shut, while she swiftly picked her up from the ground!

Then, she turned her around, and placed Luna on Ylria who was still tied on the bed....with her mouth straight on Ylria's pussy!

"Ylria! I will leave this one to you!" she explained. Ylria was strong! She would endure!

Now...where was the doggie again?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score
Luna Oldblood Tag: 'Mario'/Marnia, Jec, Peep, and Sayi. Location: Trap house
HP: 34 Armor Class: 13 Initiative Bonus: +8 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 12 Initiative: 21

Ha! She is weak against this too! The thought crossed her mind as Luna gave some special attention to one of Marnia's toes. She only got a few seconds of play in before Marnia suddenly pulled her foot out and leaned down.

Luna's mind went blank as she was the one on the receiving end of a kiss for the first time today! She pouted as Marnia broke off the kiss and put her right up against Ylria's pussy. She slightly shifted around, enough to be able to speak not directly into Ylria's pussy.

"H-hey! Don't leave us here!" She called out as the genie wandered out of the room, looking like she was searching for someone or something. Luna wasn't confident she was going to stop and come back though.

"Heh, look at us Ylria, both tied up on a bed together.... Gods your sopping wet mess back here." Ylria's juices were everywhere, and Luna easily got some on her when she was put up against Ylria. "I guess there no helping it, such a perverted girl need to be punished." Having the perfect opportunity to continue the game while they waited for the others to come back for them, Luna started licking and slurping up Ylria's naughty juices once again. Tongue fucking her till she came once again then while she mid orgasmic bliss, once again switch to gently sucking her clit that stood proudly out of its hood!

She would continue this, until Ylria was a literal quivering mess or someone else came and interrupted/saved them.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Sayyida, Mood: Hopeful and Horny, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Near the Traphouse
Important numbers: HP:
40/40 Armor Class: 18 Initiative Bonus: +3 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 15; Abilities: Bombs: 8/10, Elixirs Repaired: Cure Light Wounds

"Did it hurt?" she was so caring and the smoothness of her voice was so calming, "Y-yes, but it ha-has been a long ti-t-time since then." She then licked his scar and the rough texture on the misshapen flesh sent shivers up and down his spine, his hair stood up and his member came to full attention, it seemed that his nerve endings were still intact in that area. He smiled at the kind words, tears welling up in his eyes again as he wiped them to keep the overflow at bay. He then kneeled down, the ferns feeling nice and cool in contrast the the pleasant warmth of the sunlight, and he kissed her again, slightly less awkwardly this time as he had quickly learned to keep his teeth from meeting her's. He sucked on her rough tongue, and with his hands he gently reached out and started kneeing her breasts, the luscious feeling of filling his hands with them, then sliding his hands over her nipples and making loving circles around them. He reached out with his tail and entwined his hairless tail around the soft furred tail of Sayi, also gently rubbing her taut butt with it on occasion. He then broke the kiss with Sayi, to start making his way down her body, his whiskers tickling her a little as he made his way down, lapping and suckling at her breasts then kissing his way around them playing close attention to her breathing as he worked toward her navel, licking her bellybutton enjoying the taste of the sea and her mixed together, then kissing down one leg and up the other, finally settling around her puffy vulva. He made smooth movements with his rough and flat tongue along the joint of her legs, and with each lick positioned himself closer to the sensitive center, where he would continue the slow fluid rhythm along her slit and over her clitoris. His eyes watching carefully from between her legs, a smile on his lips and his tail caressing her legs lovingly.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
22016 Sayyida the Good Doggie; Tag: Jec;
Old wounds didn't always heal well, Sayyida was familiar enough with that. She wondered just how it had happened, but kept her thought to herself. It must have been difficult because he was still crying, and she was left wishing she could make him better. As Jec bent down to kiss her, she tilted her head so they met better. The taste of mint filled her mouth once more as Jec corralled her tongue, sucking on it. Only moments later Sayi was having her breasts kneaded, making muffled moans escape her mouth. Jec was surprisingly dexterous with his fingers, adding a talent to the massage that was a rare treat. She laid back as their tails intertwined, pulling Jec into a firm hug. When the kiss broke she cooed, "Jec really good at rubbing boobies..." The mouse than began working his was down her body, loving every inch of her with his mouth, tickling her with his fur and whiskers. Sayyida made a cute yelp when he kissed her breasts, encoraging her to wrap her bushy vulpine tail around Jec's lower waist. Soft well groomed fur bushing up against Jec's exposed member. His kisses had eventually settled on her pussy, and expertly he went to work. The tender care of Jec's tongue loving her lower lips was a pleasure that Sayi rarly felt from all the hard fuckings she got. Her breathing started to get short, wrapped her legs around his head, pulling him closer to her honeypot. She let out a soft moan as she began to climax.
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
Reputation score

Tag: Luna and the Big Bed of Exciting Toys

Ylria watched as Marnia rather impressively dominated Luna, tied her up and thoroughly molested her. The horny pirate moaned and rolled her hips in equal parts desire and appeal to be fucked as her newest, bestest friend and her genie along with Peep the perverted frog all frolicked together. "Ohhhh!" Ylria squealed as Marnia manhandled Luna so that she was tied and sprawled over Ylria's body with her face firmly ensconced in Ylria's juice peach. "Yes, Luna, yes... we are both tied up sluts. I couldn't think of a better person to share...ohhh! Oh gods..." Ylria cried out as Luna found her tender, pulsing little nubbin. "A... ahhh... better friend to... mmmmm yes... share a punishm... Oh gods, oh gods ohhhhh ggoooooddddssss!" Ylria's words were lost in a sudden;y clenching intense orgasm! She tensed and pressed upwards until it seemed like the bonds holding her to the bed might snap as the intensity of her climax wracked her body. Any thought of how Peep might suddenly fuck the exposed Luna was lost in a haze of pleasure...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
"Rawwwk! Batten down the hatches!" Came a call from the sky above, before Joe landed.. on apparently nothing at all, floating in mid air.. until slowly, from his Shoulder, Rovana became visible, for some reason drenched wet, her dress very see-through at her generous, white bossom. Leaning, almost posing on a half-broken table amidst the rubble the goons had prepared and Marnia broke through.

Captain Rovana, Goon hideout, Tag: Allish

"Welp, this went better than expected. Guess you didnae even need me backup. Get them scallywags lined up for me and Ylria lined up for a spankin." She chuckled.
"As per the code, I cannae force anyone to join me crew, so I'll be givin a choice 'ere. Ye'll be getting on me ship for questioning either way, but ye'll leave it again either as me crewmembers.... or as free men' women

No promises where I'll be dropping you off though. I could use me some decoys for the Voodoo-island..."
She mused.

"That be our next target, by the by, unless captain Ventus gets in the way, I was planning to ask the Witches there a thing only they can help me with. But if you don't know their customs, you'll never leave the island, so..." She chuckled, grinning dangerously.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Sayyida, Mood: Hopeful and Horny, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Near the Traphouse
Important numbers: HP:
40/40 Armor Class: 18 Initiative Bonus: +3 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 15; Abilities: Bombs: 8/10, Elixirs Repaired: Cure Light Wounds

Jec accepted the legs behind his head, his velvet ears rubbing them lightly as he continued on the task before him, enjoying any treat she gave him from the long, steady licks he was giving her, although he hadn't performed this before he had found a very informative book and watched some of the ladies, in the girl's dorms back at the academy, doing exactly this. He didn't stop until Sayi had reached her climax, and even then he kept the rhythm until she released his head. With that he crawled up to give her a hug and asked, "A-are you re-ready to keep go-going?" biting his lower lip in nervousness. His stone hard member rubbing on her stomach, leaking warm pre-cum on it. He was ready, but he needed to know that she was as well, the bliss of being able to share this experience overwhelming his senses in a place he enjoyed.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
22035 Sayyida the Good Doggie; Tag: Jec;
Even after orgasm, Jec had continued. Leaving Sayyida feeling even more dim than usual. She released him after a few seconds, and when he climbed on top of her, she quickly wrapped her tail around his leg. When asked if she was ready, words would not come to her, she laid there for a few seconds staring at Jec with a mindless happy grin. She leaned up, kissing him in the nose, letting his whiskers tickle hes face one more time. With one free hand, she grasped his cock, teasing it a little with her fingers. She than began to guide his member to the entrance of her waiting slit.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Mario, the Treasure Hunter. Tag: Plan A. Mood: Casual
HP: 38 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 40ft. CMD: 23

Marnia was sulking. She had tried to ask Peep to help her find the doggie that was been naughty again, but Peep had molested her instead. Marnia had already been weakened by the goat-witch, so....

However, now that Captain was here, she had someone to complain to!

"Captain! The doggie was bad again! She unbagged the rat and they run away!"

"Ah...it is Marnia's fault. Marnia shouldn't have trusted the doggie...but I had to save Ylria too..."
she complained


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Sayyida, Mood: Hopeful and Horny, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Near the Traphouse
Important numbers: HP:
40/40 Armor Class: 18 Initiative Bonus: +3 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 15; Abilities: Bombs: 8/10, Elixirs Repaired: Cure Light Wounds

Her kiss on the nose had surprised him and his whiskers twitched to speak to it, but it also pleased him to see her this happy, the joy diluting her pupils. She had grasped his cock and in doing so he oozed some more clear pre-cum on her hand, the guidance was enough of an answer for him, and he slipped into her moist, accepting hole. The experience was bliss and for a moment he couldn't think to do anything but lay there, the fuzzy thought formed that he was no longer a virgin, but that was quickly pushed away by his instinctual need to breed, even if their genetics were not comparable. His movements slow and caring as he took long thrusts into Sayi, watching her eyes with a smile, he soon reached up with his hands to hold her head, his lips once again meeting hers for a kiss, this time holding her to him savoring her taste as he caressed her head and rubbed, in a massage like fashion, the back of her head, focusing a little behind her ears. His movements slowly built, reaching a frantic crescendo as he jerkily approached his orgasm. The feeling in his mind fuzzed out except her beneath him, her warm breasts rubbing his scar, her soft vagina, encasing him and her loving lips, locked with his. He released suddenly, a final thrust pushing him deep to her core, and his warm seed shooting forth and mixing with her juices, mingling as the two of them had. Exhausted he simply laid there, not knowing how to go froward from there, and all of his energy drained, he thought he could stand if needed, but he would need water first, his parched lips still locked with hers as thought bubbled back into his cotton stuffed head.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
22043 Sayyida the Good Doggie; Tag: Jec, Marnia;
Still locked in a stuper, Sayyida only felt the need to breed. Her eyes where wide, ears splayed back. The first thrust made a soft moan escape her mouth, as Jec continued, he was very soft with her. Dimly Sayi could only wonder why he didn't thrust harder. Why he didn't pull her ears, or savage her breasts. This gentle approach was not one that she understood, but she could not deny being breed like the good bitch she was. Having her head pulled to Jec's she immediately started kissing him sloppily, soft pants and moans escaping occasionally. Once he stared mixing petting with sex, her tail started to wag again. Still being wrapped around Jec, it came loose with seval taught jerks, as it began frantically sweeping the ground behind them. Jec's warmth filled her, making her womb accept male seed for the second time that day.

Once Jec had exhausted himself Sayyida's mind came back. She leaned up, holding onto Jec so he didn't fall. "Forgive Sayi for being bad now?" She asked licking his cheek a few times. Regardless of his answer, she stood helping Jec to his feet as well. "Time to go back to Mistress Marnia. She probably going to be mad at Sayyida too..." She sighed taking a moment to clean most the dirt out of her hair and fur. She reached out her hand to Jec, saying, "Jec has to come too, or Sayi will be in huge trouble, might not ever get another pet from mistress again. Ever...." If Jec took her hand she would grasp it tightly, walking back to the trap house hand and hand.

Once they where within sight of the trap house, Sayyida ran ahead of Jec. "Mistress!" She jumped at Marnia hugging and nuzzling her. "Oh, captain, there you are. Sayi was all alone and wondered where you went."
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