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Pokemon Fighter

Re: Pokemon Fighter

C. fly all over it.
Re: Pokemon Fighter

Haruka takes her wing nervously, but before she could act, the Beedrill uses Twinneedle. The attack lightly stabs at both her breasts, causing a VERY tense sensation, as if her bust is trying to expand, but it isn't. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!" She pants heavily as she puts the wing on. She gulps as she glares at it. She backflips, then sends a forceful wind against the Beedrill, sending it back to a wall, making it fall on its front. The Beedrill gets up, then flies overhead, its Ability Swarm taking effect already. It summons several other Beedrills that aren't real. But they make his attacks more powerful. She watches it closely. The Beedrill then takes Haruka from under her arms, from behind. The Beedrill then thrusts its sting against Haruka's honeyhole from outside her shorts. "GHAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!" A double then uses another Twinneedle against her giant globes, tensing her body perfectly. She pants harshly. She then uses a windkick to disrupt the Swarm doubles and sens the real Beedrill back. Haruka pants hard as she holds a tense firm breast.

A.) Keep battling!

B.) Super Medicine!

C.) Medicine!
Re: Pokemon Fighter

A. keep battling she doesn't to be in to much danger.
Re: Pokemon Fighter

A. Finish him! It's too powerful at the moment. Then use medicine while she switches out.
Re: Pokemon Fighter

Haruka is on the ropes as she rushes at the Beedrill again, then stops as the Beedrill prepares another Twinneedle. It is then taken by surprise as Haruka sends a cutting attack fron her 'wing' arm. Similar to a sonic boom. The beedrill turns into Defeat Power as soon as it is cut in half, convieniently censoring the details while staying alive. Haruka gains EXP! She looks to Honey as she sends out a Vespiquen! "Hmmhmmhmmn..... You look so adorable struggling. Vespiquen, show me her struggling!"

A.) Medicine

B.) Super Medicine

C.) Nothing
Re: Pokemon Fighter

B. She needs medicine know.
Re: Pokemon Fighter

Haruka smiles to the Vespiquen, then takes out a Super Medicine, drinking it. It tastes like cherry. She then rushes in toward Vespiquen, doing a rising wind uppercut! Unfortunately, the Vespiquen has a good defense, despite the type advantage! The Vespiquen gets her bearings, then releases an Attack Order on Haruka. Several small beelike pokemon come from its honeycomb, then swarm her breasts, stinging onto them from all angles. Haruka yells out as her top becomes a bit moist. She then rolls around, but is stopped as some of them pin her down, releasing all the erotic poisons they have in her breasts. They then let her go as she is floored. She pants heavily as she closes her eyes. The Vespiquen moves over to Haruka slowly, then takes the zipper of her top, displaying her milky tan breasts. Haruka gasps, then gets up, sending wave after wave of cutting winds. But the Vespiquen uses Defense Order in the middle of the barrage. "Sheesh, that thing is powerful...." Haruka begins thinking about the Machamps due to the toll the Vespiquen's drones made on her. The Vespiquen uses this pause in battle to Bug Buzz, sending her back down!

A.) Super Medicine!

B.) Medicine!

C.) Do nothing. >:3
Re: Pokemon Fighter

A. Medicine is better then nothing.
Re: Pokemon Fighter

Haruka drinks the Super Medicine, the last one she has as she slowly gets up. She spins like a tornado, peeling the Defense Order drones off of Vespiquen's area. She then rushes up to divebomb the pokemon. Vespiquen has the defense, but she cannot retaliate well. She then uses Attack Order in a haste. The drones then focus on her hips! Her tush and honeyhole tingling madly. "GHAAAAAAAAAGH!~~~" She pants heavily as her thighs tense. She gulps as she salivates, sending wind slices to the Vespiquen some more, then she is brought to her knees again from the stimulations. "This..... feels good...." She gets up as she glares to Vespiquen. She rushes up at the pokemon, sending a flying kick to the opponent. This sends her back, the vespiquen hitting a wall. Haruka shivers. Honey then tilts her head. "Hmm! Looks like you aren't just there for the sex afterall." The Vespiquen slowly gets up and tries to use anther Attack Order.

A.) I.... I want that.... again. I got one more Medicine...

B.) Shake it off! I got her!
Re: Pokemon Fighter

B. Finish her.
Re: Pokemon Fighter

B. Time for some pest control! Were not bout to be turned into a nympho just yet!
Re: Pokemon Fighter

B. And then, Honey says, "Okay, 4 more pokemone to go~<3."
Re: Pokemon Fighter

Haruka shakes off her daze, then uses a whirlwind to blast the Attack Order away! This startles the Vespiquen as she slowly hovers back. Haruka then snaps a roundhouse against the lower half of Vespiquen, cracking her honeycomb! The Vespiquen falls down, flails a bit, then loses consciousness, giving EXP to Haruka, levelling her up to 12!


Honey smiles to Haruka. "You look broken. Let me give you something that'd help you with that." Honey then gives the Pokemon Fighter a spray of aroma. The sweet smell composes her mind back to normal. "Haruka then rubs an eye. "Whew..... Thank you. I don't know what came over me...." Honey then nods. "It is part of the challenge. Pokemon Fighters fight their urges, growing in mentality. In a way, it is an added bonus of sorts." She laughs. "I bestow upon you, the Bronze Badge. With it, your mentality should be higher than before. It also sometimes keeps Monster Mobs at bay. A rare occurance that makes you face all sorts of pokemon at once." She also recieves 1000p!

Haruka puts the Bronze Badge in her inventory. "Thank you! It was fun!" She waves to Honey, then looks outside. "This is awesome. My first badge as a Pokemon Fighter." She spots a sign near the shop that says "Flashlights for sale!" The guard to the west of Chassis Lane is gone now too.

A.) Hospital

B.) Shop

C.) West

D.) Train at the cave
Re: Pokemon Fighter

Re: Pokemon Fighter

A.) shop we could use some mess and a flashlight would really help