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Possible Reboot

Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

While the Red Woman may have gotten a lead due to slipping out while the harpy's attention was elsewhere, the difference was made up quickly as he dove to the ground, building up a lot of speed and momentum and dramatically shortening the gap between them. Noticing his approach, the Red Woman dives down a different side alley, causing Drago to whirl the corner and lose much of the gained momentum, but the damage was done and he was much closer to her now.

((Chase status: -2. You rolled fittingly well.))


"Aah... I can't... not here... not in front of the guests..." the harpy half mumbled, half moaned as she leaned over one of the padded benches customers would lay on, grinding herself against it slowly. Her eyes focused on Atair and she bit her lower lip gently, her blush deepening. "Please... don't watch..." she begged, although her movements were only intensifying, as was her voice itself.

By this time, the Sirens were in motion, as Violet sent a wave of air towards the curtain, trying to blow away as much of the intoxicating scent as possible; a difficult feat given how thickly it was present in the room. Still, it would serve to protect them at least a little from it. Keti, meanwhile, concentrated his magical energies, putting aside the momentary distractions to channel his energy. Direction his will towards the door blocking their escape, he brought his flute to his lips and began a quick tune, growing in speed and volume as his fingers danced along it. When he reached the final notes, a burst of energy flew from him forming into a wave of displaced air, slamming with incredible force against the sliding door and breaking it off the railings. The door tore away the curtain as it flew and slammed heavily into the hallway wall, the noise crashing through the entire building. The way out was clear.

Unfortunately, the time spent within the perfume was not without its dangers as the creeping scents came back to assault them just as quickly as they were displaced. Keti's focus and the large displacement of air near him leaves him only minorly affected; enough to know the substance is still present, while Violet feels herself fall further under its influence.

((Keti successfully defends against the perfume's attack
Violet rolls a -1, and takes a 3 stress hit))

Violet - Mental O / /
Keti - Mental / / O O
Atair - Overcome with Lust
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet blinked in confusion as Keti spun her around and gestured around, not understanding in the slightest. She understood quickly enough when the other Siren's magic came into effect though, and the door that had blocked their path was blown clean off of its hinges. She turned back to Atair to get the nekomata moving, and found him looking.... Rather less than sane at the moment. Still breathing in the poisonous perfume, Violet's eyes widened, wild fantasies beginning to play themselves out in her mind. 'Got to get out of here...' She thought, and turned away, covering her mouth with her hand and trying to edge away from Atair and get out of the room. 'Can't help him if I go crazy too.... Even if I want to.'
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"Well, I haven't cried in years, but Blood, sweat? those are easy..."
Saying this Ar lightly ran the tips of two fingers across his blade, causing beads of the crimson substance to rise and run down his hand. Kneeling over at the foot of the bridge he inscribed his name on the floor, the blood glinting slightly in the dull light.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The harpy's voice, or more particularly, her moan caught Atair's attention. His ears flicked forward, up and alert at the sound, his eyes, open again, bright and wide with something of a predator's stare. Rocking on his knees, the movement grinding his hips some, he growled at the friction his clothes brought, frustrating and enjoyable at the same time.

Leaning forward, he goes to hands and knees in a slow stalk toward the harpy, tails almost snapping behind him.

"Now, now, little dove, you'll hurt yourself that way. Let me help." The expression on his face is quite the cat who very much would like to eat the canary, though at least in the fun way.

((I'm figuring Atair's effectively "out," so if you guys want him out of the room, you're likely going to have to drag him out in some manner. Or knock his ass out.))
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

The subashi sighed lightly and undid the leather straps of the glove covering her left hand. Her armor was a thin hauberk, chain set between what was essentially two tunics sewn together. In her homeland it was light and flexible, and allowed her skin to breathe. But here in the damp and dark halls of this forsaken place it merely stopped her sweat from pooling beneath her. With her glove removed, she let her sweat run down her arm and drip from her clawed fingers onto the stone. When she was finished, she slid the glove back on, sliding the straps back in place.

"I will let you work out the rest," She sighed, turning to the oracle. The nekomata rested one hand on the hilt of her blade as she moved to examine the broken door. "I don't like the idea of having all of our backs turned in this place."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The door exploded outwards, surprising Keti with just how dramatic the effects of his magic were. He'd practiced it, sure, but he'd never smashed something like that... but then again, he'd always cast his spell out over the waves, or into stony cliffside.

Wasting no time, Keti covered his mouth and nose with the hand holding his flute, while the other he looped around one of Violet's arms and pulled her through to fresh air. Atair... it looked like he'd already been taken by the strange smell. Keti didn't know what to do with him, but if he didn't get out of their now, he would end up the same way!

Rushing out into the street, Keti looked upwards, trying to find that black-winged Harpy, Drago.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

((Figured I'd just go ahead and post since all Drago is doing is continuing the chase. That said, damn, Red Woman has been rolling awful...))

Drago continued after the Red Woman, taking a series of twisting corners with agile ease and rapidly gaining ground on the increasingly irritated looking elf. Finally, Drago rounded a corner to see a short, dark alleyway with her standing towards the end, facing the entrance with a scowl upon her face. "You know not what you a trifling with, little bird," she says in a soft voice that carries to him over the background noise of the festival.

Up close, he could see her closely for the first time and there was something unsettling about her, although it was difficult to pinpoint exactly where for a moment, but her golden eyes seemed to glow, brighter than the alleyway around them; something that would only be obvious in darker areas such as here. Her limbs were long and lithe but that was expected from an elf and her skin was so pale it was almost pure white. She took a half-step forward with her left leg and from the split down the leg of her dress, a sheathed blade was visible; short and thin with an ornate hilt, strapped to the leg with a garterbelt. "Why don't you just turn around and we can both walk away, hrm? I think it would be best for the both of us..."


Back at the bathhouse, Keti and Violet burst from the room and made a dash for outside and the fresh air that would help them to calm themselves and come to their senses. Chaos and confusion seemed to grip the bathhouse and the staff member they encountered on the way out, the elf youth who had brought the fruit earlier, Zael, was it? He shrunk away from them as they passed before bolting deeper into the bathhouse. For the moment, the pair of sirens were free and stood gasping in the outside air, although neither could spot the dark winged harpy overhead...


The pink harpy stared at the approaching nekomata, still chewing softly on her lower lip. "You... want to help... me?" she asked, puzzled for a moment before shaking her head. "No... you're a guest here, I should be... mmr... helping you..." She seemed to shrink back away from Atair, although in the process she ended up leaning backward over one of the padded benches. Still blushing heavily, she almost hesitantly glanced up at him, "You may... make use of me however you wish... I don't mind... please hurry..."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"I dunno about that. I've got a hunch you know enough to tell me what the hell is going on in the world these days. The others may seek other information. But you just might know what I need to get home." he says, landing on the ground and folding his wings together against his side, before pecking at one of them with his mouth, then lifting his head to stare at the woman as she revealed the weapon she carried. "Oh, you don't want to do that. These talons aren't just for show, Elf. Now, are you going to come back with me to the bathhouse and explain yourself, or do I have to pick you up and carry you there?" he asked, realizing the only reason they were chasing this woman was on a hunch, nothing more. But now that his heart was racing from the chase, he wanted her to put up a fight.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Gasping in the clean air as she leaned against the building, Violet nonetheless had the presence of mind to glance back at the doorway in confusion. Excitement still ran through her body, and the perfume had worn away a sizable portion of her inhibitions, such that she had been having less than wholesome thoughts about the loincloth clad elf as she had passed them. That had also helped her notice how the man.... What was his name.... Zial? Xial? Zael? Zael sounded right... Why had he recoiled away when she and Keti had run by?

"Keti.... Did you notice how that man... Zael... How strangely he acted?" The siren said, glancing at her mute comrade.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

(And, because he's a cat...)

Continuing to crawl toward the harpy, Atair grins a little at her words. "Maybe we can help each other, then, dove." Given the way she was leaning, it made it easy for him to lean over her, bowing close to her neck and starting to nip there some with his fangs, sliding his tongue against the skin there as well. While doing that, his fingers start pick - and shred - at her shift, wanting to expose more of that lovely unfeathered skin of hers and take his tongue to it, his lower body likely in enough of a position to grind against hers, making him growl and purr as he tends to her.

((I'd do more, but I'm not 100% on harpy anatomy. Are they like RJ's avatar or can he go down on her without getting a mouthful of feathers?))
Re: OOC Thread

Re: Harpy anatomy

Truth be told, I'm not entirely sure. I used the harpies from YAFGC as my original concept, but it's not exactly clearly because I haven't seen a harpy in any of the colour strips that have been done. (Colour comes and goes, but the harpies haven't been seen in a while, probably because the comic has shifted away from the common nudity it once had)

It does seem that from the hips down, they're feathered, but ultimately, I'm open to input and preferences. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it starting a little lower in certain areas.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti coughed and snorted as he cleared out into the clear air of the street. He'd never thought he'd dread the smell the smell of flowers...

...Strange... he couldn't see Drago anywhere up above. Did... did that mean something had happened? He had to find him...

"Keti.... Did you notice how that man... Zael... How strangely he acted?"

Keti whirled at the question. Had he acted strangely? The flower-covered Siren hadn't really taken notice of him... the elf had just fled from them, hadn't he? Keti shook his head in response to her, a puzzled look on his face, and then merely pointed at the ruined door, slammed against the opposite wall along with the curtains.

He had to find Drago, if he had chased after the Red Woman... but... could he just leave Atair here? And now that Violet had mentioned Zael, the way he'd run... ...That's right, scaring people and blowing up doors would get him into trouble too, wouldn't they?!

Oh no! What was he going to do?! He communicated his thoughts to the raven-winged Siren, but in his panic and given his inability to speak, it mostly came out as a frantic flailing as he wildly pointed up to the sky, at the ground under them, where Zael had been, the room Atair was in, and at the door he had liberated from whatever had been holding it in it's place.

Easier to understand was the way he looked at Violet, searching for guidance, worry and panic in his eyes.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet watched Keti's frantic flailing, and then said; "So you want to find Drago, but you're not sure if we should just leave Atair here to fend for himself?" She said quizzically. Violet quickly glanced around, and then continued; "Maybe finding Drago would be a good idea... I certainly don't want to be here when the guards show up, and I don't think that there's anything we can do to help him at this point anyway. He looked pretty gone to that perfume."

Violet glanced around again, and then said; "Lets get out of here.... We can come back and find out what happened later."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti nodded. He he started flapping his wings to pull up into the air. His distressed little flutters from before simply did not compare, his wings now beating hard enough to take him off the ground. A few of the looser flowers adorning his wings scattered, but somehow, the majority managed to stay set in place. Now, they just had to find Dra...


Wait... what? How'd she manage to decipher what he'd been... nevermind. Drago!
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Oh really?" the Red Woman practically purred with sarcasm, a cruel grin upon her lips. "Care to think about that little scenario of yours? You, an out of towner with the look of a ruffian,a re you to grab me from a dark alley and drag me kicking and screaming through town? My, my, I wonder how that'd look to people~" she said in a mocking voice. "With the festival, people are everywhere. All I have to do is scream, and someone is bound to come running and here we are, you having me cornered in a dark alley. Come now, don't be a fool, give up your little information digging expedition and go back to whatever it is you do..."


Outside the bathhouse, the fresh air helped to clear the fog from the minds of the two sirens and they felt themselves return to normal. And, it seemed, they were in agreement about finding Drago, although the question of exactly how to do so remained. With nothing else, they resorted to asking people in the area if they'd seen a black winged harpy overhead and which way he went, starting with nearby vendors who were likely in the area the entire time.

After the first few vendors, they found one who had seen the entire thing, apparently Drago was seen diving towards one of the minor lanes, before disappearing behind a corner, moving quite quickly. It wasn't much, but it was a starting point.


The harpy all but melted under the touch of the nekomata, letting out a series of soft gasps as he kissed and nipped at her neck. The shift pulled away easily, exposing her milky pale skin and she arched her back, pushing her chest towards Atair even as she gently wrapped her wings around him. "Mmm... it's not nice to tease..." she chided him softly, between soft gasps even as she ground herself back against him needily.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago tapped the ground idly with one of the talons on his right foot, a smirk crossing his face. "Well, I guess we've come to an impasse. You don't want to talk, and I can't go home until I learn more about the Accursed." he says flatly, deciding to reveal his intentions to her. "If you know anything about them, just tell me, and you'll be free to go. I'm willing to risk being jailed for my kin and my family, so don't think screaming for help is going to help you."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

'Great. Almost nothing. Well, at least someone's seen him.' Violet thought to herself, and then turned toward Keti and said; "Lets go try and find him. We can ask as we walk."

(I'm guessing we now have to wait for Occ and Copper to finish what they're doing unless we want to start something else.)
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren gave the other two a rather unamused smile before he dredged up the memory of his first (and only) failing grade before he threw himself into study. The single tear slid down his face as he remembered his despair. He caught it on his fingertip and added it to the already damp floor. "If this doesn't work, all three substances may have to come from each of us to let us proceed."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

As three of them each touch one of the named substances to the plinth, the humming that resonated around the temple crescendoed, reaching what was almost a low rumble. The gap in the bridge began to shine as a smooth black and reflective substance filled the gaps, making the bridge whole once more and allowing crossing. The doors at the far end also gave a groan and shifted slightly before falling silent once more; it seemed like they had tried to open, but were unable to.

Either way, it seemed this was as close to a path revealed as they were going to get.