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Re: OOC Thread

Eh, general depictions of harpies do have them as birds from about the waist down, so I suppose it's up to you whether or not that holds true for all of them or not. About the only other suggestion I could make would be for them to be feathered more like, well, stockings...around the thigh and down the leg but humanoid between the legs.

Your critters. Up to you.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

((Copper/Atair is pretty busy. And I'm guessing I'm not going to be finishing any time soon. Inc, if you really want me to write out the scene I will [Might take me a bit, tho. Not quite in the mood for such things.] but for the most part, just assume that Atair is "occupied" and carry on until you try to drag him out of there/the stuff wears off.))

"Only teasing if I'm not going to follow through, dove." Once her shift was off, his kisses started drifting lower, teeth grazing against her pale skin as he continued down to her breasts, little nips there and the light scratch of his fangs, but mostly it was his tongue playing against the sensitive nub of pink there, a different sort of scratch coming from that motion, which was accompanied by suckles that started growing in firmness.
Re: OOC Thread

Eh, general depictions of harpies do have them as birds from about the waist down, so I suppose it's up to you whether or not that holds true for all of them or not. About the only other suggestion I could make would be for them to be feathered more like, well, stockings...around the thigh and down the leg but humanoid between the legs.

Your critters. Up to you.

The stockings idea certainly appeals to me.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar, filling his role, moved without hesitation across the bridge as quiet as a shadow, keeping an eye and an ear out for trouble. Doing his very best to stay hidden from prying senses as he looked for possible trouble.
Re: OOC Thread

@Tass and Garblarg

Alright guys, seriously, how are you even going to track down Drago? Once you get into the alleyways, you're just going to be wandering aimlessly, is this what you want? ._.
Re: OOC Thread

I'mma cast flare. That's how I solve all of my problems.

Nah, seriously I imagine that, once the trail of people who've seen Draco runs cold, Violet will go off and try to summon something to find him. I doubt we'll get there in time to do anything, no matter the method we use. At least not unless Blarg can come up with a better plan.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Irla moved to the end of the bridge, watching the far side. She didn't trust whatever was now making the bridge whole. one hand rested on the hilt of her blade and the other on her hip. After waiting until the oracle was halfway across, she started over the stone. Despite the fact she could see over the chasm the nekomata was very curious to see what, if anything, was keeping the stone doors shut.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

((Drago gains +1 fate point as his barbarian or hot headed is compelled. I'm not sure which, all I know is you're definitely roleplaying your aspects out properly and it's causing problems for him))

The Red Woman gave an exasperated sigh. "Honestly, it's like some people don't even think about consequences..." she mutters, rubbing one eye before looking up at Drago once more. "Very well, we'll do this the hard way."

"Help! Help! Someone help! This ruffian has me cornered in an alley! Please! Someone! Send help!" she calls out, her voice sounding legitimately distressed, as if she was nearly in tears; a stark contrast to the calm and cool tone of voice she had been using previously. She then drew her blade, more of a long knife than a sword proper, and began waving it in the air feebly, back and forth, as if she had no idea in the slightest how to use it.


The trail for Drago dried up almost instantly, once they moved into the back alleyways the traffic was too irregular and changing for anyone who saw him to still be around and most there were busily moving about and not exactly eager to stop and chat, even to a pair of lovely sirens. If they wanted to find Drago, they'd have to resort to some other method.


The game between the harpy and Atair went on for some time, as he continued to tease her, a nibble here, a grind there, as she continued to beg for him to take her properly, doing her best to try and force his hand but unable to do so as he frequently paralysed her with a touch to the right place.

Eventually, she lay there staring at him, panting softly, legs wide open before the nekomata as he finally began to disrobe when a shout came from behind, loud and commanding. As he turned his gaze towards the entrance of the room, Atair noticed another couple, a pair of elves who had gotten much further than he had which he'd never seen before; they must have come into the room to investigate and been gripped by the perfume themselves. How had he not heard them?

Before he had time to consider this, a group of guards, their faces covered with handkerchiefs, made their way into the room and ushered each of them out, using as much force as necessary to do so; the male elf of the pair struggled against them and was dragged, but the pink harpy offered no resistance except to lean heavily on her rescuer, perhaps grinding against him a bit. It was all very strange and confusing.

Once out in the hallway, those who had been victim to the perfume were assembled in something of a line, and someone walked down it, flicking each of them open the forehead lightly. As he felt the finger touch him, the cloud of lust vanished instantly, leaving Atair fully cognant once more. His senses returning, he could focus his gaze on the person who freed him, it was a silver-haired elf dressed in the uniform of the watch, a grim frown upon her lips. She was a little smaller than average but seemed to have a commanding presence about her which more than made up for it. "Now then, I don't suppose any of you have any idea what happened? I trust this isn't the usual service offered by the bathhouse?" she asks dryly.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti nodded, and continued to follow Violet's - Violetta's, he corrected himself - lead, though he still had a worried look on his face. He hoped Atair would be okay...

They continued following Drago's trail of witnesses for a while, but eventually their leads dried up, and Keti was left unsure how to proceed. Keti pondered in silence for a while, considering how to find him... but eventually, he came to the conclusion that there wasn't really anything he could do, beyond looking the old fashioned way. He wasn't even sure where he was.... they'd said he was last seen going this way, but that didn't mean he was still here... and if he wasn't, he could have left heading in practically any direction...

No longer in the middle of a crisis, he pulled out his slate again.

I could fly up and try to find him by
looking through the alleys from above,
but I don't know if I'll find him like that

He let her read it, before turning it around to reveal what he'd written while she read -

Any ideas, Violet?

A second later, though, he gave a little gasp, and turned the slate back to himself, rubbing something out and writing something in.

Any ideas,Lady Violetta?
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Not quite taking too terribly kindly to being interrupted, Atair does struggle against the grip some, but the watch does have the advantage of leverage and not being impaired as he is. Once out of the bathhouse proper, in the clear air of the foyer, not to mention whatever it was that the elven woman happened to do, he blinked, taking a moment to put his thoughts together, especially at her question.

Clearing his throat a little, he took a slight half-step forward. "It was a scent of some sort." He glances a little toward the harpy. "A perfume she didn't recognize. I think...another patron might have," he gestures with his hands, not quite able to come up with the proper word, "dispersed it." At that point he glanced down the row, looking for the red-headed woman. Come to think of it, he didn't see Keti or Violet, either. Had something happened to them? Or had they wits enough to get out of the fog, so to speak. "It was a red-headed woman who'd come in shortly before," he paused, remembering the story, "my lady, Violetta." His gaze trailed to the harpy again, as she likely would be the best one to remember the woman of any of them. After a second, he does cast about, then turns to one of the watch. "Did you bring her out, too? Hard to miss a siren with black wings."
Re: OOC Thread

Hooray for splitting the party!

Also, well, chica is yelling and *trying* to attract attention. Might get lucky? I've got my own problems convincing the watch that she's the villain here.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago merely unfurls a wing and begins nibbling at it when she begins screaming for help, as if indifferent to her cries. He had shifted to a seething rage that he struggled to contain in his voice. "Like I said. Calling for help won't do you any good." he says, his back shuddering as he stretches and sighs, then glares directly ahead of him, into what he presumes are the woman's eyes. "Keep it up and there won't even be ribbons left." he states, then begins tapping one of his talons on the ground, spreading his wings and preparing to take flight should she actually make use of the sharpened sewing needle she now fooled around with.
Re: OOC Thread

I can't help but feel the Black Pyramid crew aren't enjoying the game as much as the Festival group are...
Re: OOC Thread

I'm still game Inc, just been really shitty in RL atm, *Will try harder* :/
Re: OOC Thread

I can't help but feel the Black Pyramid crew aren't enjoying the game as much as the Festival group are...

School... I'm enjoying the game, but real life is always there.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Meaghan grinned as the bridge extended, and slapped Soren's back.

"Well done snakey," she said before beginning to move across the bridge, keeping her steps quiet but not bothering to conceal her form. Anyone actually looking would be able to see them all clearly, crouching or not.
Re: OOC Thread

Enjoying Soren's discomfort all the way.

EDIT: There's also less reason for us to act buddy buddy. Soren just isn't comfortable talking to anyone, they're on a mission. No idle chitchat
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren cringed away from the woman and ducked his head. He really wished he could have avoided something like this. Now he has to interact with woman, and not on a purely scientific base either! This journey is going to kill me. I can feel it. But he slithered along after them, trying to keep his gaze anywhere but on the people in front of him.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet turned toward Keti as the other Siren tried to get her attention, her own frustrations having grown swiftly as the trail of the harpy went cold. They'd never find him like this, but Violet blinked as Keti rushed to rewrite his question, applying a title to her name. Violet laughed quietly and shook her head. "Oh, no, my name isn't really Violetta, and I'm not Lady. That was all just a little fib to try and get us past the entrance without a fuss. It worked too! Mostly. Anyway, I'm just Violet, nothing more and nothing less."

Then, the black winged Siren smiled and said; "I think I do have a better idea, yes. Come on, we need to find a place with fewer people so I can work."

The first reasonably empty back alley or park or whatever she could find, Violet set to work. She brushed a section of ground as clean as she could using her wind gauntlet and a small brush she kept on her, and then drew out the steel line she used for her summoning circle. For what she intended, intense ritual preparations weren't really needed, but it was best to do everything that she could to make everything look official. She turned to Keti and handed the man a few coins, some of the few that she had left, and said; "Go and get a treat of some sort, preferably with honey in it if you can find it quickly, and come back here. Don't eat it yourself!" Then, she turned back to her circle and knelt next to it, adopting a meditative position as she waited for the other Siren's return.

The first thing she needed was a name of a local spirit, and at the time she was thinking of a sylph that she had known for a long time, Corelin. The tiny air spirit had a voracious appetite for sweets, but unfortunately that wasn't the only thing that the little man had an appetite for. The pastry was for him, meant as an offering, since she'd rather not attempt to bind him overtly for fear of earning his ire. She'd built up a degree of good will with him so far, and he was often a useful source of information so long as she could keep his mind focused. That, and the last time she had summoned him without payment in advance, he had demanded to see her naked, and the prospect of having to strip in the middle of a crowded city street was not one that she found appealing even with the lingering effects of the perfume still buzzing through the back of her mind.

Once Keti returned with what she needed, Violet took it and said; "Thank you Keti, now stand back a ways if you please." Still sitting with her legs folded and her seal skin draped over them, she closed her eyes and concentrated. Then, tearing the pastry in half, she placed half of it in the circle and then prepared the circle, pushing her will into it in preparation. Finally, Violet began to sing, though she kept her voice quiet so as not to attract any further attention, calling out to Corelin and readying to bind the circle about him as soon as he appeared.

(Summon a sylph, feed him delicious doughnut, demand the name of a local spirit who can lead her to Draco, whom she can bind safely without risk of serious repercussions. Also, if this is against local laws of some sort, assume Violet knows this and goes back to her room to do it instead.)
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Oh... so she wasn't a big important noble. She really had Keti fooled - he couldn't tell at all!

Unsatisfied with his own plan to find Drago, he followed Violet around, into a deserted back alley, where she picked a spot and started to clean the ground. He pulled out his flute to help - but when it was right at his lips and he was about to blow, he recalled the giant mess he'd caused when he used it earlier, and thought the better of it, opting to simply stand and watch her do... whatever she was doing.

When she bade him to go find something sweet, he gave her a puzzled look, but ran off to do so. Atair was stuck in that fog and they needed to hurry up and find Drago - now wasn't the time for snacks!

After a few minutes hurrying through the streets and looking at all the stalls, he eventually found what Violet wanted. An old elven man was selling some food - Keti paid him, and watched him work.

He squirted some kind of dough from a little bag into a little cauldron of hot oil - starting as a little ball, and then looping out around the sides, making it look sort of like a petaled sunflower. The dough floated and sizzled, and after a while the man flipped it over with some metal net-like thing on a long stick.

After spending some time flipped over like that, the man fished it out, dipped it in honey, and then put it on a thick piece of paper, honey-side up. As a finishing touch, he squirted a dollop of some kind of custard on the fried-flower's center from a different bag - this one having a scalloped, metal tip, which gave the yellow extruded cream a very pretty design.

Keti the man, and carefully hurried back to Violet, juggling the hot treat from hand to hand.


He brought it back and gave it to her, and then stepped several paces away, as she instructed. It kinda looked like some magic, like the kind some people did back in the school, though he didn't think anyone ever used metal circles like she was.

Then she started singing. He'd thought he'd gotten used to it by now... but, apparently he hadn't. He backed up further down the alley... but, in the empty lane, with walls all around them, it didn't really help much. Keti flapped his wings, trying to escape the sound by perching on a roof, instead - hoping the open space might help disperse the sound.