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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Pretty much what was said. If you don't mind waiting, you get to see the movie cheaper. Slight downside (not that I've tried, mind you) is that ours doesn't do 3D movies, I don't think, not like the big theater. The runs, though, do tend to be shorter, sometimes only a week, but it still gives you the movie theater experience without laying down all the cash. Unless the film catches on fire and melts, like it did when we went to see Fantastic Four 2. That was awesome!

As for the spoiler, well, I got nothing, then.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

This week I watched "Ted," starring Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis (SO hot...) and Seth McFarlane as the voice of the eponymous bear. It's the story of a 35 year old man who still owns his teddy bear... a rather remarkable teddy bear who, through a "Christmas Miracle," came alive 28 years before the main action of the movie, give or take.

It's the first movie directed (and conceived and co-written) by Seth McFarlane, and a few of my co-workers dragged me off to see it. I greatly enjoyed Family Guy until it got predictable and tiresome, and I still watch it for the occasional laugh that it gives me. I expected more of the same.

I was pleasantly surprised. The movie had me laughing my ass off from beginning to end. The basic plot is overused Hollywood tripe... man and woman in love, man has loser friend who drags him into irresponsible fun, woman wants friend gone... bleh. Obviously, Ted is that loser friend.

I wouldn't recommend thinking too deeply about this movie. It doesn't have any answers for life's questions.

With that said, I was amazed to see a 3-D animation and live-action combination that worked well together. It's obvious that it's Seth McFarlane... the writing has him all over it, and the teddy bear sounds almost exactly like Peter Griffin. And yet it works. I won't spoil any of the gags or jokes, but the movie works, and if you feel like laughing for a solid 106 minutes (well, give or take), you could do far worse than to go see "Ted."
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

James Franco eh? I'm in.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw Total Recall a couple days ago. I've been in kind of a Sci-fi mood lately, so I went to that one instead of others I was thinking about.

The best thing about this movie in my opinion is Kate Beckinsale. She plays an AWESOME villain. Something that I think she should definitely do more often now. The future world concept with the colonies was pretty cool, and the action scenes were really fun.

Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, and Jessica Biel were all really yummy. I absolutely LOVED Jessica's outfit. It was so great that I wished she played the role a little better than she did. Oh well - we can't have it all I guess.

I think the biggest disappointment was the dialogue was a little hit or miss. Sometimes it just didn't seem to flow the right way. I think the story could have developed better, and they may as well have just deleted the Chancellor character. I couldn't stand him at all.

Overall though, I had fun, and I guess that's the most important thing.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just got back from the live broadcast of a Manos: The Hands of Fate Rifftrax thing. It was pretty funny. It was determined that in the same way Citizen Kane revolutionized cinematography, this did the opposite. It is a clear guidebook on how not to make a film, ever.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I found out they were doing that in one of the theaters here and I thought about going, as my friend and I decided since I was a little frazzled to game, we'd do a movie instead, but there was no way I was paying 24 bucks (price of two tix) to go see that gawdawful thing, even if they were MST3King it.

So we went and saw Snow White and the Huntsman for $3 (for both of us.) and wound up rifftracking it ourselves. We were also playing "spot the ripoff" from other movies (Like the pan-backed walking scene where my friend leans over and goes "Replace her with Frodo and you've got LotR" or the Hart of the Forest that they *admitted* was taken from Princess Mononoke as a "tribute" to Miazaki.) We were also having fun with the "Snow White as Christ" references, too. It made the movie pretty damn enjoyable, actually. And, of course, it all starts when she's making her escape at the beginning and I lean over and go "Pretty damn spry for someone who's been locked in a tower for 12 years..."

So, actually enjoyed the movie. Though not entirely in the way I think it was meant to be enjoyed.

Also, i-mockery.com has a great write up on the wtf-ness that is Manos, for those that aren't willing to torture themselves with it in moving pictures.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

24 bucks (price of two tix)

I paid 12.50, and normal tickets are usually 10. Your theater's a ripoff, or concessions are cheaper than normal. Of course, I can't judge that, because I've never bought a movie snack at full price.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Expendables 2.

Just.... corny as fuck delivery in everything. Depending on your mood, this will either make you chuckle or slap your own face.

But it also had Scott Adkins in it, and that dude is the fucking dog's bollocks.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I paid 12.50, and normal tickets are usually 10. Your theater's a ripoff, or concessions are cheaper than normal. Of course, I can't judge that, because I've never bought a movie snack at full price.

Special event tickets like that tend to run in the $12 range (so for me and my friend to go, it would have been around $24). A regular ticket is around 6.50 or 7.50, so you can see my reluctance to pay the jacked up price, with matinee being cheaper than that.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Special event tickets like that tend to run in the $12 range (so for me and my friend to go, it would have been around $24). A regular ticket is around 6.50 or 7.50, so you can see my reluctance to pay the jacked up price, with matinee being cheaper than that.

Oh, see I thought you meant that the 24 was the cost of the ticket, and double what normal tickets cost. That makes more sense. Regular tickets down here are expensive, unless you catch a matinee or something. If I drive for 45 minutes I can find a theater that does five dollar tickets on weekdays. Otherwise, I think a student is generally 8.50.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So there was nothing on TV today and I decided to rewatch "Spaceballs." The movie is hilarious, that goes without saying. What fascinated me, however, was how good the movie looked. Its practical effects, especially the model for the Spaceball-1, still far exceed any present-day CGI-fest.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Hence why I prefer the Ridley Scott method (that he uses commonly during films like Kingdom of Heaven), where CGI is only used to enhance a scene. For example, in the very film I gave as an example, the final battle had way too many siege towers to be financially feasible, so many in the background were digitally added, though the ones in the foreground are real.

Also, just watched Expendables 2. I was certainly amused through the whole thing. It really just doesn't take itself seriously, which I actually think is a strength in this case. It's just a fun movie. Chuck Norris telling a Chuck Norris joke did make me chuckle.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So there was nothing on TV today and I decided to rewatch "Spaceballs." The movie is hilarious, that goes without saying. What fascinated me, however, was how good the movie looked. Its practical effects, especially the model for the Spaceball-1, still far exceed any present-day CGI-fest.

My mother was watching that today, too and while I'm writing, comes in and goes "I forgot how *funny* that movie was." And it saddens me that you can't *make* stuff like that any more. Blazing Saddles would get him lynched and people just don't go for that type of comedy any more, which is a damn shame.

That being said, one of these weekends, we're dragging my cousin over to my house and having a Brooks-fest for her, since she hasn't seen/doesn't remember seeing many of his movies.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

My mother was watching that today, too and while I'm writing, comes in and goes "I forgot how *funny* that movie was." And it saddens me that you can't *make* stuff like that any more. Blazing Saddles would get him lynched and people just don't go for that type of comedy any more, which is a damn shame.

Yeah, I showed Blazing Saddles to a friend who had never seen it, and his very first comment at the end of the film was that they'd never make it today. Though it might make it on the indy circuit, so long as people weren't too busy being offended to laugh.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah. Sadly, the only people doing parody movies anymore are the "movie" movies guys (what's their name, Friedberg and Seltzer?), and they're universally regarded as fucking bullshit. Sadly, I've never seen Blazing Saddles - it came out too far before my time. The two Mel Brooks movies I own are Spaceballs and Robin Hood- Men In Tights.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

You need to fix this, Rule, especially if you love the other two. Brooks does for the Western what he did for the Space Opera. History of the World, Part 1 is good, too.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Silent Movie was good as well from what Sly tells me.

I'm also a big fan of Mel Brook's son's work.

In actual movie news, just watched The Raid: Redemption. Damn, Cops in Thailand are hardcore.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Not to sound a dick, but it's a bit more south. Indonesia, right under Thailand. It was half built as a showcase of Silat, which is quite the brutal art from that region.

We just got the DVD of it too. It's still incredible.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just watched The Hunger Games tonight. I really really liked it. I wasn't so sure I wanted to see it but ya know... It's me and the movie is about a girl with a bow and arrow... so yeah. :p Jennifer Lawrence did a great job. Props to Lenny Kravitz too (and to me for recognizing that it was him and having a fangasm about it ;) )

I'm glad I watched it. Totally worth the $1.62 I paid to rent the blu-ray from redbox! My only regret is not having someone to hold me during. Really could have used that at some parts because of the subject matter - which was quite jarring as expected.

I guess I do have one other regret and that is that only about... 5 or 6 of the contestants acted like you'd expect someone to act in such an event, but it wasn't such a big deal because the most prominent ones did.