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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

In contrast, Indiana Jones IV was on free TV tonight. I watched it, thinking "this can not POSSIBLY be as bad as people make it out to be." And it wasn't.

It was so, so, SO MUCH WORSE. This movie is so riddled with plot holes and stupidity it looks like somebody emptied a tommy gun into it. Shia La Beouf said that if he'd mess this up, he'd be the Jar Jar Binks of Indiana Jones. Oh no. THIS ENTIRE MOVIE IS JAR JAR BINKS.

Well... Doesn't change: how many good movies Spielberg has made? So few i can't remember their name.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

In contrast, Indiana Jones IV was on free TV tonight. I watched it, thinking "this can not POSSIBLY be as bad as people make it out to be." And it wasn't.

It was so, so, SO MUCH WORSE. This movie is so riddled with plot holes and stupidity it looks like somebody emptied a tommy gun into it. Shia La Beouf said that if he'd mess this up, he'd be the Jar Jar Binks of Indiana Jones. Oh no. THIS ENTIRE MOVIE IS JAR JAR BINKS.

Last Crusade is my favourite adventure movie of all times, and to think that they BESMIRCHED it with this piece of GREASER MONKEY shit (no seriously, there is an entire species of monkeys with a greaser haircut in it - THIS IS A CRUCIAL PLOT POINT) makes me downright furious if you can't tell.

Yup. That movie sucked.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well... quite a lot actually.

Duel is good; Private is nice but fuckin' propaganda. I always forget one or two but that's mostly propaganda and dumb USA things... i had to Watch some american movies, I'd never pick any Spielbergs' ones.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm curious as to how a modern movie about WW2 can be considered propaganda. It was a bit retarded, yes, but I would hardly call it propaganda.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Aside from soiling the name
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm curious as to how a modern movie about WW2 can be considered propaganda. It was a bit retarded, yes, but I would hardly call it propaganda.

Come on... The only people of the whole movie are American. They never cross the path of anyone else although there was canadians and damn englishs. And the whole movie is nice but only turned on americans who fight and win.

A contrario, the two shows he produces, Band of brothers were nice, I have to admit it.

Even ET is so childish you can only watch it when you're 8 years-old.

But as I'm fair *chuckles*, his other watchable movies: Minority Report - action movie but there's Michael Caine; Jurassic Park - dumb and not so good but watchable; Hook - midway between childish or not, nice on that point; Third Kind - there's French people...

For the Third Kind, i should watch again, i don't remember.

But I don't know a lot of people who likes Spielberg around me - i work in cinema industry.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

They're an American company looking for an American soldier. It doesn't make much sense that they'd include a lot of other nationalities.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

They're an American company looking for an American soldier. It doesn't make much sense that they'd include a lot of other nationalities.

Well... They could meet some people.

Anyway, as always: camera ain't bad at all but actors' direction still lacks of something cinematographic. But as always, when he's got good actors, it is enough - Daniel Day-Lewis or Tom Hanks don't need Spielberg to play well or bad.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

To what point or purpose? If you work in the film industry, you should probably understand the basics of story structure in regards to film. Squeezing ancillary extra characters in there would have added nothing to the movie, and would have come across as token. Also, I recall plenty of Germans and a few French people in Saving Private Ryan. What Toxic said holds up in regards to the main characters, given their relative geographic location on D-day.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Actually, I was just tryin' to troll... I know how Americans love Spielberg. i did it wrong it seems Oo

Spielberg's movies? Shitty 'cuz of this propaganda, sure,
but i never talk about this - like subliminal things in communication, people never trust anything even when you work on it -
and mostly, it doesn't make these movies bad ones.

He's a good director, with good scenarios, good actors, good technicians and a lot of things that come with money - for most people Duel is still his best because he had less of it - but he lacks of actors' direction for sure.

Nothing to add except that he destroyed my childhood dreams with his Tintin movie.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw a kinda indie-ish movie called "Safety Not Guaranteed." It's about a girl working as an intern at a magazine, and she gets assigned to research this guy that's looking for a time traveling partner in the classifieds.

It was a little weird, but I had a lot of fun with it. Really kind of a cute story and I laughed outloud at least five times. It also manages to be serious without seeming like it's taking itself seriously, if ya know what I mean. Kinda cool.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw a kinda indie-ish movie called "Safety Not Guaranteed." It's about a girl working as an intern at a magazine, and she gets assigned to research this guy that's looking for a time traveling partner in the classifieds.

It was a little weird, but I had a lot of fun with it. Really kind of a cute story and I laughed outloud at least five times. It also manages to be serious without seeming like it's taking itself seriously, if ya know what I mean. Kinda cool.

I saw this movie just a few days ago. It really was amazing how despite the first impression you eventually just have to root for the guy. After all him failing (with all the implications) would just be heartbreaking.

Also Aubrey Plaza was a perfect cast for this role in my opinion.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Why? Why is this a thing?

Also, this is pretty interesting. It's about how Clue became a cult classic.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well... Doesn't change: how many good movies Spielberg has made? So few i can't remember their name.

Bit late to this party but... how did everyone forget to mention the first three Indiana Jones, Schindler's List, Jurassic Park, Jaws, Empire of the Sun, Hook... and some of those don't even focus on Americans (but funny how an American director would focus on American people).

The man might not always strike gold (Indiana Jones 4, looking at you), and I understand not everyone liking his work, but to be enough of a troll to ask that kind of question? Mayhaps talking about the American film industry is something you should refrain from in the future, as you seem to know very little about it.

Oh yeah, he also helped bring us Pinky and the Brain, and Animaniacs. Guy's done quite a bit.

Also @Copp... yeah money is probly why that is a thing.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Nothing to add except that he destroyed my childhood dreams with his Tintin movie.

I sort of enjoyed the Tintin movie actually, and I grew up on the Herge comics.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

'4th degree burns over 80% of his body...'

Kieth? When did you change your name and take a level in badass?


In all seriousness, my interest is piqued, but by the offhand glance it seems they're doing a major story shift- trying to put the man vs. machine dilemma over the issue of the megacorperations issue the original mostly featured.

Still, could be fun, at the very least the trailer's bleeding the MB Transformers levels of tits and explosions.