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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

At least they're going to be more true to the source when it comes to the Deadpool movie. Oh, and it's not going to be fuckin' PG-13.

Cuz Origins Deadpool was beyond terrible.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

This is falling firmly into "do not know if want"

Just read the link. Yes, it probably is the one you're thinking of. No, it is not live-action (and in a way, I'm very glad for that fact.)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fuck that, give me Emperor Joker
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Guess I'm not that much of a Batman fan to get excited one way or the other. I mean, I enjoy the movies (though I wish Christian Bale would have left the three packs a day voice out) but this isn't a "fuck yeah! it's getting an adaptation!" or a "fuck all. It's getting an adaptation." Guess it's something to watch and see. Meanwhile, I'm going to get all atwitter about Deadpool, X-Men and possibly go see Ant-Man in the near future.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Ant-Man was a fairly tolerable movie. Not quite up to the level of the more established characters and their fairly overdone stories, but it is certainly a movie that I would watch again when it shows up late night on FX.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Ant-Man was a fairly tolerable movie. Not quite up to the level of the more established characters and their fairly overdone stories, but it is certainly a movie that I would watch again when it shows up late night on FX.

I really liked Antman and I feel like this is a good way to describe it. It has very good rewatchability.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So, Copper's going on a movie rant again. I was scrolling down my FB page and saw notification for a "Stonewall" movie, which perked my interest. And then I happened to look at the splash pic.


And I thought "Are they making it a musical? Wtf?"

Turns out the "announcement" that I saw wasn't directly about the movie itself, but how it pretty much erases the entire history of the 1969 riots.

The article sums it up well but it's pretty much how "the first stone" was cast by a (fictional) gay, white, cis male. The casting choice was apparently to help "appeal to Middle America" but...that's not who this movie is about. If you're going to create a movie about things that actually happened, especially when people who were there can be and are still alive (one of the patrons was celebrating their 18th birthday that night. That makes them 64...about my mother's age) don't freaking whitewash the damn thing (literally)l I'm just sitting here going "Guys, just...no. No." I actually just looked at the splash pic again, for preview purposes, and the timing is just perfect, considering the black members of the cast look the *least* enthused about being there.

My mother made an excellent analogy when trying to explain my ranting to her boyfriend. "It'd be like if they made the with a bunch of white pilots and one black general who's just there in the background.

Buzzfeed's also got a decent thing up on it, too. Though I still don't plan on seeing the movie.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

But, all those white guys getting Oscars keep saying how awesome and progressive they are in Hollywood.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I think my sarcasm meter is ringing. Let me go check on that, heh.

This. This is also why I hate the notion of "creative non-fiction." Aside from the fact that I don't believe it exists as a genre, I would suppose I have to say this is a good example of it, considering they're getting awfully creative with the non-fiction here.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It's a ROLAND EMMERICH movie. I don't think much more has to be said.

Expect, perhaps: Sorry, on behalf of all Germans, for Roland Emmerich.
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

His movie about Shakespeare wasn't bad.

Regardless, being a certain director known for certain types of movies does not excuse what's being done.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

His movie about Shakespeare wasn't bad.

Regardless, being a certain director known for certain types of movies does not excuse what's being done.

Unless it's Uwe Bole. Then that's your explanation and your excuse all rolled into one.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fuck Shamalan! He made a good movie for once and he ruined it with some cheeky squicky scene near the end of the movie!
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fuck Shamalan! He made a good movie for once and he ruined it with some cheeky squicky scene near the end of the movie!

Are you talking about the Visit?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Technically, isn't Shamalan's only one-trick pony to make a interesting setup and hook and then try to fuck it all up with some out-of-nowhere 'twist' ending?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Technically, isn't Shamalan's only one-trick pony to make a interesting setup and hook and then try to fuck it all up with some out-of-nowhere 'twist' ending?

Actually, the twist in this movie wasn't as bad as the others.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Technically, isn't Shamalan's only one-trick pony to make a interesting setup and hook and then try to fuck it all up with some out-of-nowhere 'twist' ending?

The twist in the Avatar adaptation was that it was shit.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Actually, the twist in this movie wasn't as bad as the others.

To be fair, I don't think anything can get as stupid as 'the aliens cannot break down wood and are vulnerable to water on a WATER-BASED PLANET.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

For those who want the twist ending for The Visit click the spoiler below.
The whole movie is the kids doing a film documentary about their grandparents and all the footage is from their camera. Basic premise the kids' mother fell in love with a guy and had a big falling out with her parents and never spoke to them since. She learns her parents were right when the father leaves her for another woman after having two kids. Much later, the grandparents look up the mother and contacts her saying they want to meet their grandchildren. So, the kids are sent to the grandparents via train while the mother goes on vacation with a guy she's dating. So, the kids get meet their grandparents at the station and they're taken to the house. After the first day, the grand mother spilled some stuff on the labtop they video chat with their mother with and stuff is stuck over the camera. They discover the grandmother has some form of nocturnal dementia that makes her do some crazy weird stuff but after voice chatting with their mom, she assures them it's because their old. A bunch of other stuff happens but on the fourth night,they finally decide to hide the camera. But the grandmother finds the camera, grabs it and a knife and stands outside the locked door where the kids are sleeping and pounds on the door all night long before putting the camera back. The kids watch the footage and try to keep their distance that day. They then manage to get the stuff off the computer's web cam and when the mom asks where the grand parents were, and the kids point the web cam out the window at the grandparents, and the mother states that those aren't their grandparents. In the climax of the film, the girl finally goes down into the basement where they were told to keep out of because of mold, and they find the dead bodies of their real grandparents and all photos of them. The old people who they've been staying with were escaped patients from a mental institution or wherever the grandparents volunteered at. This twist is actually kind of horrifying because this could actually happen.