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RPG Fantia Active [raredrop100] Yume no swimmer

Well it does already have a day 0 bugfix ongoing, so it's likely.
I asked about translations awhile ago, he confirmed that a full translation of an english version was already planned and to come out shortly after the initial release.
Ah, then I wonder if Kagura is handling it.
Hopefully so.
Didn't consider that, actually (and I think the limit might be 2GB or 4GB depending on how RPGMaker was compiled). I suppose that changes the situation from "needs more RAM" to "the caching script might crash the game if done badly". I guess we'll find out once the demo comes out. My specific concern is if using the Kayzee caching plugin there's no upper limit on how much it will try to cache in RAM, and given the sheer quantity of outfits in this game repeatedly changing outfit + triggering the walking animation may use up a helluva lot of memory - perhaps more than 4GB, which would crash it (especially considering cached images are uncompressed).
didnt he moved to either rpg maker mv or unity cos the older rpg maker couldnt keep up due.... reasons that a professional dev could explain?
didnt he moved to either rpg maker mv or unity cos the older rpg maker couldnt keep up due.... reasons that a professional dev could explain?

No. The game is in VX Ace. But Raredrop has experimented with a high quality animation thing in Unity (jury is out on if this ever sees the light of day though), so I understand where the confusion comes from.
No. The game is in VX Ace. But Raredrop has experimented with a high quality animation thing in Unity (jury is out on if this ever sees the light of day though), so I understand where the confusion comes from.
oh my god, the game will kill my pc. XD
Oh, raredrop100 had deleted his twitter account, the very same pattern as the last time he announce something big, I hope this is it.
Based off of the small progress reports he was putting on his twitter he was very close, and towards then end hit one really frustrating problem that he'd later let us know about. So he's either really close or really frustrated with that wall he hit hah.
Based off of the small progress reports he was putting on his twitter he was very close, and towards then end hit one really frustrating problem that he'd later let us know about. So he's either really close or really frustrated with that wall he hit hah.
His last report was about a compression delay, I would think its about the zipping of the file drags on so longer then he thought.
2013年から成人向け同人RPGを制作してます。 もうすぐ体験版を出します。twitterやめました。今後はこちらで情報を公開していきます。
I have been producing adult fandom RPG since 2013. A trial version will be released soon. I stopped Twitter. We will post information here.

(I ’m from Taiwan. I understand Japanese well, but the English translation is not very good.)
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He also had a picture of the issue he was dealing with. It looked like 20+ layers of the same character in different poses all in one spot, and I believe it was caused by the missing equipment issue he was trying to fix. He definitely expressed frustration about the bug multiple times.
As someone who doesn’t understand Japanese this is difficult. I thought the demo was supposed to be released on the 20th but now there’s a problem? I wish he didn’t get rid of twitter.
As someone who doesn’t understand Japanese this is difficult. I thought the demo was supposed to be released on the 20th but now there’s a problem? I wish he didn’t get rid of twitter.

Raredrop doesn't seem to handle their self-imposed deadlines well, really. The goal for releasing the demo was actually by the 10th, but bugs have kind of wrecked everything.

As to why bugs...? By Raredrop's own admission they aren't a good programmer, and this game is incredibly technically advanced. When I introduced the caching scripts to Raredrop, I got the distinct impression that they had tried to avoid any Ruby programming and implemented as much as possible using RPGMaker's event system. This is the kind of thing which would make bugs both easy to accidentally introduce (due to far too many strings being duplicated) and hard to detect and fix (due to the presentation in the editor).

(Incidentally I did message Raredrop on Fantia with an offer of help - I can quickly bash out a tool which can find the problems which match what was described, assuming that was the extent of it and my guess at the cause is correct - but there's been no response so far. I think Raredrop has completely withdrawn from all forms of social media for now.)
Probably busy bashing his head against a brick wall trying to finish what he knows is the trial's final stretch. The picture of part of the bug I saw was... How does something even get to that point?

I'd also wager that the March release date is going to be delayed. A LOT. Which sucks because it'd be pretty fuckin sweet if that and Bannerlord released at the same time, or around about.
i absolutely don't like the sound of that.it's like a "NEVER EVER" MEME becoming a reality.
Anyone have any updates? I don't speak/read Japanese so I can't see updates if he's made any.
I don't know for sure; basically to the best of my knowledge there's no posts anywhere.

The only thing that might be an "update" is that I think the status on the Fantia has changed sometime in the past month, adding a "Demo coming soon" to the end of it. Of course, I'm not sure about that, because that's relying on my memory and there's no date on when the Fantia status was last changed.
Ya he left twitter for...Some reason, nuking his account, and therefor all signs of progress for at least the third time since Is tarted follwing this game, then went to fantia and that was the last i ever heard from him, the fantia page is still totally blank
habisan is remembering right, there has at least been that change, raredrop did add that part about a demo soon.

We're a month off the last known ETA, with no answer on what happened to the demo which is over a month MIA, I wagered the demo would be delayed (holy fuck was I right), and I'll wager the actual release will be too.

There is an account on DLSite for raredrop with nothing on it, I suspect the biggest hint that things are close is when the game appears on there. That will either be the game fully released with a demo, or a demo with the release date.
It seems we won't see it anymore, it passed more than a month without notice. It remeber me the release of SinoAlice worldwide.
I guess the autor died because the cancer, sad we never will see the game.