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Re: Monster Girl Island

Woah days... thats mean the whole island will be nuked !
Re: Monster Girl Island

Just don't expect next demo too soon.
I released the first one exactly 3 weeks ago and people are already spamming me asking for the next one :(

Yes, next demo you are gonna start at day 1 with the introduction of Ophelia, Ara and Faranne. Then Suzu day 2, Eris day 3 and the new girls on day 4, and that should be the demo.

So what site will you be distributing the game on?

Any early ideas on cost?
Re: Monster Girl Island

That's not a bad thing unless they over do it :D
I guess :D

Woah days... thats mean the whole island will be nuked !
Stop spoiling the plot :(

So what site will you be distributing the game on?

Any early ideas on cost?
Kimochi and Itch.io.
I don't discard a censored steam version (with a conveniently uncensoring patch up for download on the website), but it would be a lot of work, so only after release.

About the price, no idea yet. Maybe around $10-20? Don't quote me on this though.
Re: Monster Girl Island

@ Redamz, maybe you should edit the first post to say something regarding the timeframe youre expecting your new update to be in, i think that would help with the spam.
Since i know some developers (most notably Sierra Lee) that publish like a new update every month, people might get curious and stuff.
Re: Monster Girl Island

dat new avatar

the femdom in me is dying to play more of this
Re: Monster Girl Island

@ Redamz, maybe you should edit the first post to say something regarding the timeframe youre expecting your new update to be in, i think that would help with the spam.
Since i know some developers (most notably Sierra Lee) that publish like a new update every month, people might get curious and stuff.

No, the spam is not here. It's mostly on tumblr.
Also, I don't want to give dates. I can't possibly tell how much work is gonna be required for the next demo.
Re: Monster Girl Island

Just verifying, demo is just food collection > suzu > demon slime scene(s), right?

Nice job on game design Redamz. Good art, good motions. Animation and environment improve naturally with time and practice but you're off to a good start.
Re: Monster Girl Island

All hail the spider queen, footjob fetishists rejoice :eek:

PS : did you put "new gril" willingly or typo'd ?
Re: Monster Girl Island

All hail the spider queen, footjob fetishists rejoice :eek:

PS : did you put "new gril" willingly or typo'd ?

I love seeing hot grills on the internet they make my day =P.

I really hope there will be a footjob scene in the new demo. AHHHH I can't wait I am so excited!!
Re: Monster Girl Island

Kimochi and Itch.io.
I don't discard a censored steam version (with a conveniently uncensoring patch up for download on the website), but it would be a lot of work, so only after release.

About the price, no idea yet. Maybe around $10-20? Don't quote me on this though.

So it's not possible to get the final through patreon as like an extra reward for one of the teirs?
Re: Monster Girl Island

Just don't expect next demo too soon.
I released the first one exactly 3 weeks ago and people are already spamming me asking for the next one :(
thats y i said "begins patient wait for nxt demo" im watching a dozen different things atm this is just my newest addition to th things im keeping my eyes on :)
so take your time.
Re: Monster Girl Island

Dem legs brah, :p

Well, no matter how many legs you have, leg's fingers usually subpar to hand's fingers, so for me "even with legs like these, hands is always a plus".
Hey, if you can have both legjob and handjob, why not? :D

With that said, the new arachne girl has side-ponytail and stokings!!
SIDE-PONYTAIL and STOKINGS!! Praise the God! \(0v0 \)

Now, i'm curious about the twins..
Can you treat us an info or two, Redamz?
Re: Monster Girl Island

Just verifying, demo is just food collection > suzu > demon slime scene(s), right?

Nice job on game design Redamz. Good art, good motions. Animation and environment improve naturally with time and practice but you're off to a good start.
Yep, that's all the demo.

All hail the spider queen, footjob fetishists rejoice :eek:

PS : did you put "new gril" willingly or typo'd ?
Intentional, of course, who doesn't like hot grills?

So it's not possible to get the final through patreon as like an extra reward for one of the teirs?
I might update the patreon rewards soon, but I have to discuss it first.

Now, i'm curious about the twins..
Can you treat us an info or two, Redamz?

I don't know, I just want twins next, I'll leave the species for a poll.:D
Re: Monster Girl Island

@Redamz Your work is Amazing... my dreams become true ...... Thank you :D
Re: Monster Girl Island

Intentional, of course, who doesn't like hot grills?

A herbivore..? No wait, unless they like their "vegetables" barbecued. :D
(The sentence above does not held any intention to offend any of the respectable vegetarians)

I don't know, I just want twins next, I'll leave the species for a poll.:D

Is the species is the only thing the voters can help decide?

Naturally, when it comes to a twin characters, they can have many possible concept and trope compositions. I am sorry in advance if it looks like i am bragging and for the incorrect grammar, but i just want to write something about tropes surrounding twin characters in media (most of these are exclusively for 2 twin character, not 3 twin, 4 twin or more):

-Wrapped within Spoiler Box because of Wall of Text-
-Sex with Twins: Threesome.
I guess everyone here mostly agree that this is like a golden unwritten rule :D. A H-game with twin characters without at least one threesome scene exclusively with the twins are a total wasted opportunity. :(

-The Gender of Twins.
I think its kinda obvious that the twins in Monster Girl Island will be both girls. But hey, if Redamz tried to troll us by making so that one of the twins is actually a delicious trap.. honestly i don't even mad. :cool: (But i cannot say this about everyone though.)

-The Trust Between Twins.
IMO there are 4 categories about this: Trust, Normal, Distrust, and Unequal.
(Trust)> It's acceptable for twin to develop an unbreakable trust on each other because reasons. No matter what, they always on the same waves. Always supporting each other. This relationship usually used for twins that act like they're a single entity.
(Normal)> A twin are also acceptable to have just a normal trust like everybody else. They can occasionally on bad terms, but they also help each other on times.
(Distrust)> Because reasons, the twins hate each other guts. This level of Trust usually reserved for between a protagonist heroine and an antagonist heroine, that's why this trope are the least used on twins.
(Unequal)> This means that the level of Trust to each other are different. One can trust deeply on the other while the latter didn't have any strong trust on the former as example. This could lead into an unhealthy and annoying relationship though. This trope also rarely used on twins.

The effect of this is the behaviour the twins acted on when it concern "The One Lucky Man". They can either: 1. works together to secure The Man's love or to keep The Man as their exclusive lover, or 2. Catfighting to steal The Man's love from each other or to show who's better woman.

-The Twin's Visual Concept.
Honestly there are so many variations, but i tried to generalize them to a few categories: Identical, Minor Differences, Unidentical, Opposite, and Complement.
(Identical)> There are no difference between the twin at all, visually at least. In this case the twins are really love to wear matching clothes, so even their clothing are perfectly identical. The point of this is to confuse the audience along with the characters in-universe, and to give allusion of one character having two entity for some doppelganger shenanigans. ;)
(Minor Differences)> The twin's appearance are mainly identical except for a few details, like eye color, breast size, hairstyle, clothing accessories, mirroring, and so on. The differences are free to be permanent or not. The point of this is to establish an identical twins, but the audience are able to tell who's who.
(Unidentical)> The twin's visual doesn't suggest they're twins at all, saves for some easily-missed details. This one purpose is basically for shock value when it was revealed that they are actually twins, and then the audience can finally recognise the many minor details that strengthen the fact that they are truly a twin, and then for the climax when the twins finally dressed up similar to show how similar they really are. ;)
(Opposite)> The twin's each visual design theme are actually oppose each other, obvious or not, but usually creates a harmony. Like a Yin Yang motif, Angel and Demon, Hare and Terrapin, Water and Fire, and so on. The difference with Unidentical is that, no matter how opposing it is, there ARE actually some design similarity between the twin's visual. For example a Yin Yang Twins actually have the same visual design, but the colors are reversed on each other. The point of this one is to give an impression that even if they're twins, they really are two different character with their own personality and/or powers. When they're conquered, they will give the audience feeling like they just won a two in one lovely package. :D
(Complement)> The theme of each of the twin complement each other. This is very similar to Opposite in base but there is a difference. If one of the twins are to disappear, the Complement Twins will felt incomplete, while the Opposite Twins looks okay on their own. The examples are Left and Right, where each of the twins only have major traits (like horn, spikes, or wing) on either their left and right, so if one are to disappear, they'll felt incomplete. Another example is Arm and Leg, where the twins have special traits on their limbs, but one only on her arms while the other only on her legs.

-The Twin's Personality Concept.
Authors are free to give any kind of personality to their twin characters. From what i gather, the personalities pattern of twin characters mostly categorized as: Identical, Inverse, and Random.
(Identical)> Yes, if their appearance can be identical, why not their personalities as well? I think this is the easiest to manage, but seriously though, i also think this one actually limits the true potential of twin characters.
(Inverse)> Sometimes the twin's personality are a reverse of each other. Like for example twin of a Talkative and a Silent pair, or a Cheerful and a Gloomy pair. This could lead into an interesting dynamic.
(Random)> When the personalities pattern wasn't either of the two above. Basically, the twin's personality really are kinda random, for example a Bookworm and a Clean-freak.

-The Twin's Dynamic Concept.
Besides the visual and the personality, how the twins act also has its own tropes, again i try to generalize them to few categories: Single Entity, Conflicting, Lady and Maid, Ordinary, and Independent.
(Single Entity)> The twins act so organized like they can tell what the other twin is thinking. Like talking in turns, synchronized yell, expressions, even movement. They often seen doing anything together. They also always share new experience to each other, for example if one of them received a cake, then they will share them equally. They usually supportive and defensive with each other.
(Conflicting)> When twins for whatever reasons cannot work out together. They are always in disagreement, always try to deny what the other has said, and maybe mock each other. The matter if deep down they truly care for each other are open for debate.
(Lady and Maid)> When one of the twin obeys the other, but not vice versa. The personality of each of the twin doesn't matter. There maybe some heated fights, but at the end of the day, the Maid will not disobeys the Lady. The dominant one on this dynamic are not always the Lady, think of a situation where the Lady is actually very shy and indecisive.
(Ordinary)> If there is no special dynamic between the twin, then they are this type. Their relationship with each other is nothing more or less like a normal sibling relationship, that's all.
(Independent)> I think this is the least used dynamic, a situation where the twin prefers to stay away from each other.

-How to Win the Twin's Affection.
Just like the header said, here i give you some of known mechanics used for the process of conquering the twin, based on my knowledge so far.
1. They are one single conquering target. The developer treat the twin as a single union, where they share the same affection parameter. All the events to raise the twin's affection mostly involves both of the twin together. You cannot spends time only with one of the twin.
2. They are two but linked conquering target. The developer treat the twin with a linked affection parameter, where you can spends time with just one of them until their affection parameter are locked. In order to progress, you have to raise the affection of the other of the twin. Usually the affection lock will be unlocked with a special event involving both of the twin together. ;)
3. They are two different conquering target. The developer treat the twin as two different target, each with their own different affection parameter. You don't have to raise one's affection in order to progress with the other of the twin. Additionally, there are special events if both of the twin's respective affection parameter reaches certain value. Yeah, this is basically nothing different from the usual fare with generic conquering target.

-The Trick and Gag with Twins.
Lastly i will wrote about some of the trick and gags usually done with twins!
1. Only the MC Knows the Difference. Sometimes, the initial or primary reason of why the twins love the MC is because he is the only being alive that are able to tell who's who. Even the player doesn't know the difference!
2. Total Contrast between Visual and Behavior. It is a known gag to have an identical twin whose behavior are nothing alike, or a totally not identical twin whose behavior are perfect copy of each other.
3. Full Synchro Ability. Some twins are capable of doing full synchro, a condition where everything one of them receives will also be received by the other. If one gets punched, the other will too. In all seriousness you probably can control them to become somekind of advanced long-distance communication device, and in all perverseness you probably can do the deed to both of them at once. :rolleyes:

That is all i can write for now, can't believe i actually manage to wrote all of those. :eek: Please excuse myself everyone, and thank you.;)

The article above are intended purely for research, entertainment, and simply food for thought. It is alright to have a different opinion from what i wrote above.
Last edited:
Re: Monster Girl Island

A herbivore..? No wait, unless they like their "vegetables" barbecued. :D
(The sentence above does not held any intention to offend any of the respectable vegetarians)

Is the species is the only thing the voters can help decide?

Naturally, when it comes to a twin characters, they can have many possible concept and trope compositions. I am sorry in advance if it looks like i am bragging and for the incorrect grammar, but i just want to write something about tropes surrounding twin characters in media (most of these are exclusively for 2 twin character, not 3 twin, 4 twin or more):

-Wrapped within Spoiler Box because of Wall of Text-
-Sex with Twins: Threesome.
I guess everyone here mostly agree that this is like a golden unwritten rule :D. A H-game with twin characters without at least one threesome scene exclusively with the twins are a total wasted opportunity. :(

-The Gender of Twins.
I think its kinda obvious that the twins in Monster Girl Island will be both girls. But hey, if Redamz tried to troll us by making so that one of the twins is actually a delicious trap.. honestly i don't even mad. :cool: (But i cannot say this about everyone though.)

-The Trust Between Twins.
IMO there are 4 categories about this: Trust, Normal, Distrust, and Unequal.
(Trust)> It's acceptable for twin to develop an unbreakable trust on each other because reasons. No matter what, they always on the same waves. Always supporting each other. This relationship usually used for twins that act like they're a single entity.
(Normal)> A twin are also acceptable to have just a normal trust like everybody else. They can occasionally on bad terms, but they also help each other on times.
(Distrust)> Because reasons, the twins hate each other guts. This level of Trust usually reserved for between a protagonist heroine and an antagonist heroine, that's why this trope are the least used on twins.
(Unequal)> This means that the level of Trust to each other are different. One can trust deeply on the other while the latter didn't have any strong trust on the former as example. This could lead into an unhealthy and annoying relationship though. This trope also rarely used on twins.

The effect of this is the behaviour the twins acted on when it concern "The One Lucky Man". They can either: 1. works together to secure The Man's love or to keep The Man as their exclusive lover, or 2. Catfighting to steal The Man's love from each other or to show who's better woman.

-The Twin's Visual Concept.
Honestly there are so many variations, but i tried to generalize them to a few categories: Identical, Minor Differences, Unidentical, Opposite, and Complement.
(Identical)> There are no difference between the twin at all, visually at least. In this case the twins are really love to wear matching clothes, so even their clothing are perfectly identical. The point of this is to confuse the audience along with the characters in-universe, and to give allusion of one character having two entity for some doppelganger shenanigans. ;)
(Minor Differences)> The twin's appearance are mainly identical except for a few details, like eye color, breast size, hairstyle, clothing accessories, mirroring, and so on. The differences are free to be permanent or not. The point of this is to establish an identical twins, but the audience are able to tell who's who.
(Unidentical)> The twin's visual doesn't suggest they're twins at all, saves for some easily-missed details. This one purpose is basically for shock value when it was revealed that they are actually twins, and then the audience can finally recognise the many minor details that strengthen the fact that they are truly a twin, and then for the climax when the twins finally dressed up similar to show how similar they really are. ;)
(Opposite)> The twin's each visual design theme are actually oppose each other, obvious or not, but usually creates a harmony. Like a Yin Yang motif, Angel and Demon, Hare and Terrapin, Water and Fire, and so on. The difference with Unidentical is that, no matter how opposing it is, there ARE actually some design similarity between the twin's visual. For example a Yin Yang Twins actually have the same visual design, but the colors are reversed on each other. The point of this one is to give an impression that even if they're twins, they really are two different character with their own personality and/or powers. When they're conquered, they will give the audience feeling like they just won a two in one lovely package. :D
(Complement)> The theme of each of the twin complement each other. This is very similar to Opposite in base but there is a difference. If one of the twins are to disappear, the Complement Twins will felt incomplete, while the Opposite Twins looks okay on their own. The examples are Left and Right, where each of the twins only have major traits (like horn, spikes, or wing) on either their left and right, so if one are to disappear, they'll felt incomplete. Another example is Arm and Leg, where the twins have special traits on their limbs, but one only on her arms while the other only on her legs.

-The Twin's Personality Concept.
Authors are free to give any kind of personality to their twin characters. From what i gather, the personalities pattern of twin characters mostly categorized as: Identical, Inverse, and Random.
(Identical)> Yes, if their appearance can be identical, why not their personalities as well? I think this is the easiest to manage, but seriously though, i also think this one actually limits the true potential of twin characters.
(Inverse)> Sometimes the twin's personality are a reverse of each other. Like for example twin of a Talkative and a Silent pair, or a Cheerful and a Gloomy pair. This could lead into an interesting dynamic.
(Random)> When the personalities pattern wasn't either of the two above. Basically, the twin's personality really are kinda random, for example a Bookworm and a Clean-freak.

-The Twin's Dynamic Concept.
Besides the visual and the personality, how the twins act also has its own tropes, again i try to generalize them to few categories: Single Entity, Conflicting, Lady and Maid, Ordinary, and Independent.
(Single Entity)> The twins act so organized like they can tell what the other twin is thinking. Like talking in turns, synchronized yell, expressions, even movement. They often seen doing anything together. They also always share new experience to each other, for example if one of them received a cake, then they will share them equally. They usually supportive and defensive with each other.
(Conflicting)> When twins for whatever reasons cannot work out together. They are always in disagreement, always try to deny what the other has said, and maybe mock each other. The matter if deep down they truly care for each other are open for debate.
(Lady and Maid)> When one of the twin obeys the other, but not vice versa. The personality of each of the twin doesn't matter. There maybe some heated fights, but at the end of the day, the Maid will not disobeys the Lady. The dominant one on this dynamic are not always the Lady, think of a situation where the Lady is actually very shy and indecisive.
(Ordinary)> If there is no special dynamic between the twin, then they are this type. Their relationship with each other is nothing more or less like a normal sibling relationship, that's all.
(Independent)> I think this is the least used dynamic, a situation where the twin prefers to stay away from each other.

-How to Win the Twin's Affection.
Just like the header said, here i give you some of known mechanics used for the process of conquering the twin, based on my knowledge so far.
1. They are one single conquering target. The developer treat the twin as a single union, where they share the same affection parameter. All the events to raise the twin's affection mostly involves both of the twin together. You cannot spends time only with one of the twin.
2. They are two but linked conquering target. The developer treat the twin with a linked affection parameter, where you can spends time with just one of them until they affection parameter are locked. In order to progress, you have to raise the affection of the other of the twin. Usually the affection lock will be unlocked with a special event involving both of the twin together. ;)
3. They are two different conquering target. The developer treat the twin as two different target, each with their own different affection parameter. You don't have to raise one's affection in order to progress with the other of the twin. Additionally, there are special events if both of the twin's respective affection parameter reaches certain value. Yeah, this is basically nothing different from the usual fare with generic conquering target.

-The Trick and Gag with Twins.
Lastly i will wrote about some of the trick and gags usually done with twins!
1. Only the MC Knows the Difference. Sometimes, the initial or primary reason of why the twins love the MC is because he is the only being alive that are able to tell who's who. Even the player doesn't know the difference!
2. Total Contrast between Visual and Behavior. It is a known gag to have an identical twin whose behavior are nothing alike, or a totally not identical twin whose behavior are perfect copy of each other.
3. Full Synchro Ability. Some twins are capable of doing full synchro, a condition where everything one of them receives will also be received by the other. If one gets punched, the other will too. In all seriousness you probably can control them to become somekind of advanced long-distance communication device, and in all perverseness you probably can do the deed to both of them at once. :rolleyes:

That is all i can write for now, can't believe i actually manage to wrote all of those. :eek: Please excuse myself everyone, and thank you.;)

The article above are intended purely for research, entertainment, and simply food for thought. It is alright to have a different opinion from what i wrote above.
Nice, that's the best wall of text I have seen in a while :)

About the votings, yeah, mostly species, but maybe some random stuff too.
Re: Monster Girl Island

Yeaaaaa... I huh. I dropped the ball on that one. *coughcough*

To develop a bit my opinion on spider bae; I absolutely adore arachnea type characters, and she is incredibly cute but... I don't know. Her abdomen unsettles me. I don't know if it's the spikes or something else but... Heh.

I'll still 100% seduce her tho.

and put her in a maid outfit