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[WIP - Full] [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English) -- ON HIATUS; UP FOR ADOPTION 2018 --

Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Curse you Lilitales! :p
Guess we'll have something to look forward to next year, at least!

Haha I know, sorry! But Lilitales is awesome! xD

(Plus that project's over a year old, it's time she meet some closure. xP)
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Any news forthcoming on next update for this?
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Any news forthcoming on next update for this?

News, 11/18/2016: Translations on my side are on hold until January 2017! I'm focusing on my main (Lilitales) project; once that baby's complete (can check progress here), you can expect me to get back aboard the SR train. Again, dearest apologies for the repeated delays; trying to get back to it as soon as possible!

Front page!
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I've uploaded the latest unified translations between Strange and me (v2.20); the links in the OP ("Original Post") have been updated. My thanks to Krisslanza for prompting me. :)

It's not the huge update in terms of raw dialogues translated, but it merges in Strange's Item translations, and there have been many word choice/grammar fixes and revisions as well. And of course it now works with v1.16.

I've put off this release for quite some time, hoping that the next time I made a release here it would be significant in the amount of content translated. However, having the translations break the latest game version brought to my attention the urgent need to update; so here you go. xP

(News, for those whom haven't read it in the OP):
For those that haven't already read the little news updates in the OP (which I do instead of posting so that I don't needlessly bump the thread), I'm still occupied with my main translation project (Lilitales), and Strange is currently busy with real life matters. Unless the SR makes another update, I don't expect to make another release here until at least March 2017.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Thanks again for at least getting it to work with the newest release!
Hrm, I could've sworn the 'character creation' intro was completely translated, but it seems it wasn't... am I just imagining that? I think thats when you pick your 'type' and weakness
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Thanks again for at least getting it to work with the newest release!
Hrm, I could've sworn the 'character creation' intro was completely translated, but it seems it wasn't... am I just imagining that? I think thats when you pick your 'type' and weakness

It was translated, however it was on a map file that got changed; I couldn't figure out what changed, so I adopted the new map file. I haven't migrated the translate dialogue over to the new map file. So, while the translation progress is made (I have the old files on mirrored backup drives as with all my translation files; rest assured), they are just currently unimplemented. I'll slip 'em back in at a later date when it's less of a chore. :)

I don't see it as anything too important at the moment, and versioning them is a headache until there's a an extractor for map.rxdata files, so working on map files are my lowest priority right now, whereas script and talk files are of higher priority.

For a general idea of my agenda, in descending order:
1. General Combat messages (skilltext, statetext, error messages, general in-combat Talk messages)
2. General UI and Inventory (graphical or text interfaces, skill/item/NPC names and descriptions)
3. Detailed Talk messages (enemy-specific in-combat Talk messages; the stuff in the .rb files)
4. Out-of-Combat Notifications and soft UI
5. Story and any other map-based Dialogue

The latter two priorities are most map-dependent (which change almost every patch), ergo I keep those for last. The hope is that by the time I get to them, Wiz will have long since finished working on most map files :).
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

What encoding do you use in folder "Scripts - manually insert these" on github?

When I edit with notepad++, I get random character but I can edit mod just fine.

Currently I'm trying to check if there is bug interfere with marriage event trigger.

According to wiki we need to bought Rejeo to the fire ball in hell to trigger event but I cannot trigger it. I think it probably hard code to check for リジェオ, Rejeo in Japanese name.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Most Japanese games use SHIFT-JIS encoding for their characters. I've found unicode to sometimes cause issues.

But damn - if there's indeed an event that calls for a specific name/string, it's most likely in the map .rxdata files, or maybe in commonevents. I was pretty thorough with scripts.rxdata, but haven't done much with the map files.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Most Japanese games use SHIFT-JIS encoding for their characters. I've found unicode to sometimes cause issues.

But damn - if there's indeed an event that calls for a specific name/string, it's most likely in the map .rxdata files, or maybe in commonevents. I was pretty thorough with scripts.rxdata, but haven't done much with the map files.

Could try asking wiz on Twitter about it. He does know English well enough, and seems pretty open to an English translation.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I confirm the bug.

I re-download the original v1.16 and load English-patch save to trigger marriage event.

The marriage event trigger just fine.

Unfortunately I already overwrote my save.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Just to bring this to people's attention:
It's also official: I'm late.

And I apologize; I cannot give any accurate projections for translation project releases at the moment. While I never give up on projects I've started, it would be unfair to promise any more estimates for SR when the one for Lilitales is uncertain. I encourage you seek out any alternative translators if need be - because SR's combat scripts are somewhat complicated for some, I'll be more than happy to advise them on SR's scripts and design based on my experience with it. I just know that I cannot meet my promised date; I'm sorry.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Checking for a pulse. Any life left in this project?
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

It's in my profile comment things, since I jokingly teased him about it being March, so he's just letting me know the status.

^Yup. It's under the user profile's "visitor messages" section.

Checking for a pulse. Any life left in this project?

Currently dormant, I'm afraid, as Strange and I are currently preoccupied for the forseeable months.

I still haven't finished a single playthrough of SR though (true story >.>); if nobody adopts this project's progress, I'll resume it when I get back to playing it. However distant my current priorities are from SR's translation project, my love still lies with it.


-- Update, June 28th 2018 --
**(Editing in reply to darktemplar2403 in this post, so that I don't needlessly necro either <xD)

Sadly my situation hasn't gotten better over the last year (well, in some respects it has, but not in a way that gives me back my free time...).

Ergo I've edited the thread's title; the project's up for any adoptors that aren't daunted by a little bit of code. If any guidance is needed, I can offer some via PMs.

If the project hasn't been taken up by the time I get back into translating, SR will be the first translation I'll be getting to. However it may be at least a year before I can foresee the next crack of light in my life, lol.
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Another necro, with unsurprising news: I should officially say I'm out...

That said, I've been adapting stuff to the mod - which has recently come up with a change which drastically improved the initial loading time (horray!). I'll leave here what I've got on my side, if anyone is interested. It's awfully incomplete, of course.

It should (strong emphasis on *should*) work with scrpm_1363.atc & its two sisters, which should be the latest (2018/08/25) mod from the usual repository (scrpwiki.net/mod/uploader/).

Make sure you pay attention to the list of changes in changed_files.txt, as these **will** disappear with each patch, though I've tried my best to decentralize the whole thing. If anyone wants to keep working on this, please feel free.

edit/howto: to use this, you'll need
1 - Succubus Rhapsodia 1.20
2 - having the modded version (current repository is compatible with scrpm1361.atc / scrpm1362.atc / scrpm1363.atc These 3 archives contain all the required files, or so I think)
3 - extracting my zip to the game's directory. Overwrite when needed. I strongly advice making a backup of (at least) the Mod/Mod_Scripts folder.
4 - any later patch will overwrite a few files. Those mentioned in changed_files__log.txt need to be edited again, if they were modified.


  • 平原と丘と檻MOD_0825_to_eng.zip
    565.9 KB · Views: 117
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Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. This includes asking for download links to the games or asking where to find a game (especially if it is already purchasable). Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
hi guys, good day

can someone give me the game already stranslated pls ?
hardly find Ver 1.16 now, mostly in ver 1.19

somehow, can you make it / tell me, how to make it compatible with ver 1.19?