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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

Jackson turned hearing someone call out. He quickly looks around and spots a girl running up to someone else sitting off by a another tree. As he turned he noticed the smell getting far stronger. He places his guitar lean into the tree he had been playing and starts to walk over but is careful to watch of any movement.

"Everything OK...?" He called out as he stopped about fifteenth feet away from the pair. He finally saw the blood covering Art but didn't show any outward sign of shock or worry at the sight.
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon had headed for the courtyard, intending to head out elsewhere for some time alone to himself. He planned to meditate out doors where it was peaceful and quiet this time of night, rather than in his room. However when he reached the courtyard, he spotted Art's appearance. His face twitched slightly, almost an amused smirk before calling out to him.

"Art you dog. I thought we agreed you would be more careful not to slip and fall into the remains of eaten roadkill?"

Nevertheless, he was moving closer to ensure the young man wasn't actually injured himself.

((Had nothing better to do, and he has to pass through here anyways so ... Unreasonable to assume he wouldn't notice.))
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Re: School Courtyard

"I've been better," Art says gruffly as he stands back up now that Trixie had arrived. "It's nothing serious. Just had to put someone in their place." Art gives Trixie a simple explanation, not wanting to tell her the whole story of what happened.

"Oh for the love of god," Art thinks to himself as he hears Jackson call out to him. "Just what I need, witnesses.."

"Yes, everything's fine," Art calls out monotonously, not wanting to draw anymore attention, though Trixie may have picked something up in the way he spoke.

"You better wa-" Art begins angrily though he cuts himself off, after all Siphon wouldn't have known that Art had to stuff a mutilated corpse into a body bag only a little while ago. "It would've been more bearable if it were roadkill." He changes midsentence quickly.

"Listen, Trix, I don't think I'll be up for tonight after all. Earlier was a bit....stressful. And I just want to wind down and release all this stress." He says quietly to Trixie as he leans closer to her, mindful about not touching her just in case he covered her in blood as well.
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Re: School Courtyard

Siphon's eye raised ever so slightly, a clear indication Art had piqued his interest.

"You alright? All joking aside it your injured let me help, and if someone did this to you just point me in their direction..."

The implication was clear there. From day one of his arrival, everyone had found out that trying to rough Siphon up was an absolute death wish. It was further a stupid thing to do so to anyone he considered a friend. Art would know that Siphon was something of a total mountain when it came to being moved from his beliefs, and he always seemed to be there when needed.
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson watched as the new guy show up and with what he heard he knew the two at least wore friends. He turned and started to walk back to the tree for his guitar. Whoever the wounded one was had friends who would take care of him. Jack grabbed the guitar and continued on to the dorm. He waved a hand back to the group without turning. He didn't want to know anymore then he had to right now.

As he walked his stomach let out a growl due it him having not eating anything all day. He would have to fix that.
Re: School Courtyard

She nods, still seeming a bit preturbed, to the point that when he gave her a not-so-close hug she blushed and he noticed her ears go a tad more pointy. "Just be careful more, sometimes we got no idea what people can be like..." she said quietly. "I'll see ya tomorrow then..." she murmers as she goes back to the dorms
Re: School Courtyard

"I will," Art mutters to Trixie as she tells him to be careful. "Yeah, seeya tomorrow.." Art watches her leave, seemingly ignoring Siphon's comment. Though as she fades into the distance Art lets out a low scream and slams the side of his fist into the tree, the wood splinters as his hand connects, which would probably seem srurprising to Siphon as most humans, especially one of Art's build would'nt have the strength to damage the tree so much.

"Don't worry. That fucker won't be messing with me for a long while." Art says quietly to Siphon, anger creeping back in his voice.
Re: School Courtyard

The reaction from Siphon was immediate, and most likely shocking to Art.

As soon as Art turned, he'd note that Siphon was coolly looking at the damage done to the tree, which in and by itself wasn't anything special. However his eyes ....

Art would notice an unmistakable glow of what seemed to be FIRE inside the other mans eyes. It might take him a moment to realize that the eyes really were glowing fire red. If that wasn't bad enough, the voice clearly gave things away.

"Impressive, I can see why they wouldn't mess with you again. So tell us your story will you?"

Art would be able to note immediately that the voice clearly was NOT Siphons, yet it had come from his mouth without a doubt.
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon's dramatic change did indeed have an effect on Art. Glaring at Siphon, he quickly jams one hand into a pocket, blindly groping inside before muttering 'Shit,' and pulling it back out.

"Alright, I'll give you to the count of three to tell me what the fuck you are, or I'll flash fry you." Art says angrily to Siphon through gritted teeth. "I've had about enough of you monstrosities for one night."
Re: School Courtyard

He blinked in surprise, then realized he must have slipped up.

"I'm an Alveran, a humanoid lifeform from another dimension. Well, two lifeforms in one body actually. I doubt you know what a symbiote is so I won't try to explain that. My people fled our dimension from a zombie apocalypse, which unfortunately had spilled over to here. Your welcome to try flinging a fireball at me but it won't do you much good, though I won't attack you back if you do or hold it against you. Wait, what the hell do you mean monstrosities? You came across another like me tonight?"

From the sound of it, that idea didn't sit well with him, and the muttering after proved that.

"No, not possible, they all left. Could one have been left behind, could it be another pod released? Shit shit shit."
Re: School Courtyard

Art heard nothing after the words' zombie apocalypse', his face contorted into a rage unlike anything he'd experienced tonight, and only just as Siphon finishes his explanation does Art grab Siphon by the collar of his shirt. Swinging him around he slammed Siphon into the tree.

"You're the reason why there's a fucking zombie here?!" Art half shouted at Siphon, now letting all of his anger out though as they're in a secluded area of the courtyard there was nearly no chance of them being heard despite Art's loudness. "Your fuck up is the reason why I've had to cover up the death of over a dozen students!" Art then pushed Siphon back into the tree and let go of him. Spinning around Art points an accusatory finger at Siphon. "How do I know you're not in league with the freak? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you here, right now!"
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon's reaction to the information probably wasn't what Art had been expecting.

"WHAT?!? There's one HERE?"

In a flash the tree that Art had hit him against was half felled with a single punch, the crimson returning to his eyes. His voice took a dangerously dark tone to it, almost demonic.

"Where is it human? I will deal with it myself, painfully."

After a moment, his eyes darkened further, and his hand moved slightly.

"And how the hell do I know YOUR not going to turn? You've got blood all over you, so tell me, did it bite you? Because if it did ...."

The next thing Art knew, there was a very nasty looking pistol of some kind pointed at him, and he would get the impression that it wasn't a bullet type one. The question was, where the hell had he gotten it from?

"If it bit you, your life is over. I will NOT see another apocalypse start here, not after working so hard to END that threat and having to kill my own wife after she turned."
Re: School Courtyard

Corax had been surveying the damage to the N building, while Maria had wondered over to a secluded area and lit a cigarette. Both noticed the confrontation between Siphon and Art, and started heading in that direction.

"I'd advise you to lower the gun, Siphon. I doubt he's in the mood right now."
Re: School Courtyard

His reply came quick.

"If you can vouch he was not bitten I will do so, otherwise you know what must be done Coraxus."

His hand did not waver, but it was clear he was speaking the truth.
Re: School Courtyard

"And why the hell should I tell you? That would take the kill away from me. Besides, I promised someone I wouldn't kill the monster until it killed again. A promise I'm beginning to regret making." Art adds the last part quietly. "And do I look bitten to you? The zombie merely scratched me, and then my wounds were healed. This blood, for the most part isn't mine, it was the zombies victim."

"And I'd listen to Corax if I were you, put that tinker toy down before you get hurt." Art says as Corax joins them, still glaring at Siphon.
Re: School Courtyard

"I was there. He's telling the truth. He wasn't bitten."
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon for a moment acted as if he hadn't heard them, then slowly nodded.

"Very well, even without your confirmation Coraxus, I can tell this one speaks the truth. As much as he'd like not to I might add."

The weapon pointed away from Art, and at another tree. After a moment a high pitched blast sound emitted from the weapon, and a great red glob of energy slammed into said tree, vaporizing a hole into it. At the same time, the weapon simply vanished from his hands, as if it had been ghostly.

Siphon snorted slightly, a sound not ever heard from him.

"Coraxus knows as well as I do that your threats do not scare me. You can't scare one with threats whose already been dead twice now and returned. Though it interests me. Your protecting this zombie, why? Was it a loved one you hope to return to humanity with a spell? If so I'm sorry to tell you, but it isn't possible. We tried EVERYTHING, and it didn't work. Wait a second, it didn't bite you and let you live? What the hell?"

He seemed confused now, if not a little perturbed, turning to Coraxus.

"Is he serious? That damn thing let you folks off without so much as a fight or a bite and didn't try to eat you? These things don't get full Coraxus, you know that as well as I do. What the fuck is going on? Someone's pet spell project gone bad and a semi-transformation?"

He had noticed Maria, but was not saying anything to her since she had not addressed him, but he did however nod to her to acknowledge her presence.
Re: School Courtyard

"Oh, it fought. It's been killing students for weeks now and Art's been covering it up. Tonight he happened to catch it in the act."

Corax gestures to the hole in the N Building.

"That's the result. When he found it eating the student he went mad. We overpowered it easily, but we let it go because... it's different. It still seems to be sentient, can still feel emotion. Apparently it can remember its life as a student here, before it was turned. And it hasn't been eating non stop, so it also seems to have a degree of control over it's hunger. Art's vowed to kill it if it kills again, though we'll keep an eye on it to try and stop that from happening, of course."

"I'm well aware there's no cure for death, but for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to be completely dead yet. There may yet be hope to return it to the human it once was. We're working on ideas right now, though if it comes to it we won't hesitate to finish what we started tonight."
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Re: School Courtyard

Siphon was silent for a very long time, unusual for him. Perhaps he was fighting emotion back?

Finally he sagged his shoulders and nodded.

"If it can still remember it's past life then MAYBE there's still a chance. I've never heard of one of those things actually having any control over themselves, or having any memory of their past life, so this is completely new to me."

Another long pause and finally he sighed.

"Very well, I promise you if I come across any bodies I'll seek you folks out first instead of hunting it down alone, and IF there's a chance to return it to it's former life I'll do what I can to help. Your going to likely need a necromatic reversal spell and some holy based magics. I may be able to help with the holy magic part, but you'll have to find a necromancer in order to get the other component. I'm not sure if there is one around here though, if there is, they've hidden themselves well. Frankly, it could be that there is one and they are responsible for it's creation. I'll help if I can, if there's a chance .... despite the past .... we need to try."

It was clear that last part was a battle with himself. Coraxus likely knew the cause for his inner struggle when it came to these things, though Maria and Art would not have known. They might consider asking him if they dared to however, to clarify why he was so dead set to destroy undead.
Re: School Courtyard

"With all the people who end up here, I'm sure there'll be a necromancer sooner or later. Until then, we were thinking of Art's parents. Apparently they brought someone back to life before. As for it's creation, that's most likely a result of the incident a while ago, when you first arrived here. A leftover that we missed due to it's retained humanity. In any case, your help is appreciated. I'm sure I don't have to tell you to keep this to yourself."