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Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

"They're waiting for you near the gate. You actually have a choice to make, as they're divided into small squads, and you won't be needing an entire army to hunt one mortal man. You may take up to three groups out on your hunt, any more would cause your prey to go to ground, and then we'd never find him." Natalie replies.

After a brief pause, in which she closes her eyes and seems to think to herself for a few seconds, she continues; "There are two groups of goblins each twenty strong, a group of fifteen of our clawed hunters, a stalker pack with five warriors and a mage, a trio of hellhounds, and a knight with a succubus to aid him. Choose as you see fit, all of them have been instructed to follow your orders. Those you don't select to hunt beside you will be given other tasks."

(You can pick up to 3 groups to go with you. After that, you can boss them around as you see fit.)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks through the groups, then decides to take the succubus and the knight, along with some stalkers and a group of goblins, "Let's get going... I doubt we'll actually need this many, but just in case.." She turns around, then closes her eyes, then takes a step through the gate.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

(Well, technically, you were pretty far from the gate. But, we can just skip the "I travel to the gate to pick up my troops," post.)

Her group of minions follows her through the gate, and Maria finds herself flanked by a pair of massive creatures. They only glance at her before returning to their vigil, however, and Maria steps forward and watches as her new allies follow her through the gate. The knight and succubus glance around boredly as they step through, while the stalkers and goblins seem eager to be in this world, hunting for prey.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

(ah, sorry D: )

Maria opens her eyes as she leaves the gate, then looks at the troops she had brought through, she begins to direct them, "Goblins, look for the target... uh... he has fur, and he's relatively dangerous, quickly call all the others there and attempt to hold him there until we get there. Do not kill him." She waits for the goblins to leave, then turns to the stalkers, "You guys do similar, look for him, however, do not engage, simply call for us." She lastly turns to the knight and succubus, "You two stay with me." She doesn't wait for their reply, starting to head toward where the man was seen last.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62


The goblins and Stalkers set out, the goblins charging down the road to the East and splitting off into small groups to search the nearby factories. The stalkers, better organized, flowed silently down the street before disappearing into an alley. Having little idea of the specific place the man had been sighted last and little knowledge of the city, Maria could only travel in the general direction and hope she stumbled on to something, the knight and succubus following behind her without question.

Perception: Failure

After scouring the area for several hours, Maria finds no sign of her target. She does find one of the small groups of goblins that had split off, however. They'd all been killed by a single bullet each, all clean head shots. They were scattered about, suggesting that some had had time to react to their attack, but none had known where exactly their assailant was coming from. There were three large buildings surrounding the corpses, as well as a small park on the final side.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

(I'm really bad at doing RP tactics D: )

Maria sighs and looks at the goblins, then at her two current travel companions, "Looks like we're dealing with a long range shooter of sorts. You two stay hidden for now." She thought that her gun had respectible range, but it seems that whoever did the shooting did so from a great distance away. She begins to inspect the bodies. If her guess was right, and she assumed it was, seeing as she had grown up around firearms, she should be able to guess where the goblin was standing before it was shot, and where a gunner would have to be to hit the goblin in the head. She checks multiple corpses, just in case a goblin here or there had twisted when it crumpled to the ground.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Perception: Success.

Maria figures that the goblin had been looking toward her right when it had fallen, and based on that and the angle of the bullets entry and exit wounds, it seems likely that the shooter was or had been in the building to the North-East. It was a fairly large factory, and Maria could see that several of the windows on the third floor broken.

The knight and succubus nod, and drift away from Maria silently.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria slowly makes her way towards the factory, wrapping her cloak around her body, trying her best to hide her tail as she does so, wondering if the shooter was looking directly at her, and hoping that if he was, he wouldn't have noticed her talking to the knight and succubus...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Perception: Success.

As she steps through the ruined factory doors, Maria hears someone or something moving around a floor or so above her. It was just barely audible, suggesting an attempt at stealth, and perhaps Maria had stumbled onto her quarry after all. There was a sign with a drawing of stairs and an arrow pointing to her right, where she could see a steel door, and there was also a set of closed double doors up ahead.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks up at where the sound had come from, then walks towards the double doors, pushing them open, deciding for now to lead her quarry, or whoever was up there, into a false sense of security.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

The double doors open into the factory proper, and Maria immediately spots a set of stairs to her right, crafted of black iron. There were a great many machines around the room, as well as pieces of metal and wood and other materials scattered around the room.

Perception: Failure.

Maria can no longer hear the footsteps above her.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria frowns and begins to head up the stairs, preparing her rifle and pointing it forward, hoping to keep the illusion that she was survivor as she looks around carefully, making sure her 'extra' features were well hidden.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Perception: Success.

Maria picks up the sound of footsteps coming closer again as she ascends the stairs. Reaching the second floor, she can tell that whoever is on moving is on the other side of the metal door she now stands in front of.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria walks up to the door, then shoves it open as hard as she can, moving forward with her rifle, yelling loudly at whoever was in there, "Who's there? Are you demon or human?!" This was of course, merely a bluff, but she wasn't sure whether or not the person had seen her outside...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Crashing the door open, Maria immediately finds herself staring down the barrel of a rifle, held by a tall, lanky, richly dressed Su-Ku-Ta male. He favors his human side, his legs human and the only things marking him as one of the cat-people were his catlike ears and the tiger-striped pattern of his hair. He scowls at her down the barrel of his finely crafted gun, not lowering it an inch.

The two stand off for a moment, both pointing their weapons at each other, before the cat-man mutters; "Neither. You?"

(Stupid lucky perception rolls....)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria holds the gun up, facing the cat, wondering if she would be able to dodge to the side fast enough if it shot at her, she doesn't move, for now, "I'm human, how do I know you're not a demon, and those bodies outside are just your way of luring people into thinking this is a safe haven?"

She pretends to sigh, and looks the Su-Ku-Ta in the eye, using her new ability without even realizing it herself, "...This is ridiculous, we're both being overly paranoid, let's just talk this through." She tries to show an act of goodwill by lowering her gun, hoping it would lull the idiot into a false sense of security. (Diplomacy + Hypnosis?)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Mind vs Mind: 13 + 36 + 3 = 52 vs 4 + 30 = 34 == Maria wins.

The man, enthralled by Marias power, lowers his weapon even before she does, and nods to her. He doesn't say anything immediately, however, waiting instead for Maria to talk further.
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Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at the man in surprise, glad that he lowered his weapon, but at the same time very glad that this would give her some advantage. She slowly walks forward, stopping if the man raised the gun again, "I was surprised to find someone holed up here, not much reason for people to stay here."

If she is able to, she slowly walks around the man, as if inspecting him, before suddenly rushing at him, trying to tackle him to the floor in a grapple, "So what's your reason for being here? Waiting to kill and rob other adventurers? Or perhaps you're a demon, who's waiting for young girls to take back to the portal to breed with!" She knew of course, that these were all false and baseless accusations, but she hoped to create an illusion for the man that she herself was still a human, and thus perhaps he would be less likely to try to use lethal force on her...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62, Grappled

To-hit: AutoSuccess.

The man is taken off guard by Marias sudden attack, helped by his confusion brought on by Marias magic. She manages to disarm him and force him to the floor before he even realizes that she is now an aggressor, and sputters out several incomprehensible things as he begins to grapple with her.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria raises an arm and punches the man in the face as hard as she can, planning on attempting to knock him out without having to resort to her alternative techniques, "Don't think you're going to escape me so easily! I'll make you pay for your crimes!"