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RPG RPG Maker NTR [Shadow Garden] VALKYRIA (RJ195359)

very nice game, especially the system where the heroine is captured and violated. The progress till violation and as violation progresses really nice. there is apparently 3 stages of violation that I found out, the bandit violation stages change from stage 1 which is the first virgin rape(is she a virgin tho?) then she gets blindfolded and raped which is 2nd stage (1st stage only plays once while the second plays for certain amount of time.) seems like the third one is the last cuz I left her to get vilated for 60 days and 3rd stage for like 40 days, so probably no 4th stage which is a shame XD
Here is a WIP machine translated partial. Its got most of the interface, weapons, armors, items, skills, states, and some names and misc text done.

It has not been tested. (Well except for about the first 5 minutes of game) So Id save frequently if you want to apply it.​
Honestly not sure if Ill do more on it or not. Will largely depend on how much I like the game as I play through it. Anyway, its better than nothing IMHO.

Dev will upload a fix in a few hours for some game-breaking bugs. Would you be able to do another partial?
kinda stuck with rank 8 mission, I can't proceed the ruins to fine majin's true body
DLSite english needs to hurry and release this so i can throw my money at it furiously.
I still have this one question, how to open up more expedition mission?
I have theory with how many times you need to save heroine but I dunno.
basically do the knight quest>rank up knight rank>repeat until new story
I don't know about scene hunt since I want to play pure route for 1st play
I just hope this game wont as complex as author's last game with fuck ton of secret to get true end

how do you... rank up? what knight quest?
are the knight quests the papers on the wall, on the 2nd floor of where you get the expedition quests?

If so... where is the "proof of a knight"? item for one of the quests, and ... elixir? (the 2 item stores at the east part of town didn't seem to have it...?)
how do you... rank up? what knight quest?
are the knight quests the papers on the wall, on the 2nd floor of where you get the expedition quests?

If so... where is the "proof of a knight"? item for one of the quests, and ... elixir? (the 2 item stores at the east part of town didn't seem to have it...?)

Proof of the knight is at the end of the first trial you already did, the one with the slimes that eat the elfs armor. Its in a column by the red chest at the end iirc. The elixir.... Duno havent found it myself yet.

Ranking up will be available after you get enough points I think. The mission not should show up on the main floor between the two statues. It only seems to show up if you do not have any other quests running.
Ranked up once now, but man, finding these quest locations is tough when you dont translate anything haha.

Can anyone tell me, here or by DM, what exactly sending your elf gal away with the orc in the mission center does?
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Ranked up once now, but man, finding these quest locations is tough when you dont translate anything haha.

Can anyone tell me, here or by DM, what exactly sending your elf gal away with the orc in the mission center does?

It sends her on an expedition mission. The first one (only one I've done/seen) is a 3 day herb collection mission. Rest for 3 days and she'll be back.

Note to everyone: if Hans is ko'd don't do anything that removes Phylia? from the party, you will get a game over. So don't sleep or send her on an expedition.
So far this is what I understand:

First quest:go to first trial dungeon (slimes), and find the shining object where you found the trial's chest.
Second Quest:Go to hospital and visit old man.
Third quest:Go kill insects in the house west of imperial city.
Fourth quest:Find elixir, go to slums (west sector of imperial city)

Finally I noticed that in the quest description appears where one can find the client.
Where can i find the 3 person of the Astora city quest? i just found the dragon
ugh. where do you get holy water? need it for the underground grave, this guys just wont die...

(any saves would be very very very appreicated.)