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RPG RPG Maker [Shimobashira Workshop] [しもばしら工房] 魔法少女セレスフォニア/ Magical Girl Celesphonia (RJ297120)

What do I do to advance in chapter 6? I do not know where go or who have I to talk with to advance in the story... I have talked two times with all the npc in all the places!

If I'm not wrong, the Drug Deal location will be down among the dungeons marked in red, but it's text will be white.

Also, 7 chapters total, but 5 6 and 7 are pretty short if you're just powering through main missions.
How can I advance in chapter 6? I am stuck, I don't know how to progress in the story

How can I advance in chapter 6? I am stuck, I don't know how to progress in the story
I finally did it xd, thanks to the guide in pag 16 of the commnets, the code is SOUL
- Parasite is gained by taking attacks from tentacle monsters in the school underground and it can be removed with Super Nostram Pill that you can craft in photography club in school. It can be also removed with Blood Purification Capsule and with Tentacle Dispersal Spray.

Does anything eventually happen if you don't remove the parasite?
New Post on Ci-en, discussing the (pretty phenomenal) sales of Celesphonia, Ambrosia reaching 20k mark.
Cute picture of all 3 protags as well.

Mentions that most of the updates for Celesphonia will be for gameplay / bug fixes for the next little while (including a new difficulty that changes a few things) , that any ero or added content is a little bit off.

Also says they already want to work on another game, possibly something more open world like Ambrosia since people seem to be asking them for another one, but they also want to do a shorter game that's mostly just H content so they're undecided what's next.
There are 2 event with your school examination
You know... They lost a great opportunity for when you have positive grades. You could become the school representative. Having to give speeches at the gym. And eventually forced to speech using a toy. xD
Guys, have you ever tried to kept caught in the bunny club for the slave suit? Since we had one like that in Ambrosia I think we can bring it home here. But I kept there till 500%+ escape rate while nothing happened. I bought a choker in the slum saying that you'll be less likely to get rescued, so I think that your teammates may come and rerscue you. I'm still trying.
What's the purpose of Heroine name recognition and Citizen evaluation? I notice that you can lower your citizen evaluation if I lose in public, so I was wondering if it has some effect having a low or a high value...
New Post on Ci-en, discussing the (pretty phenomenal) sales of Celesphonia, Ambrosia reaching 20k mark.
I was checking in Dlsite jp RPG ranking, only need 2k and is top1 in sales, goty!!!
My problem with very hard is that only HP and Atk do more dmg, and not sexual skill (Ex Train molester poor skill, normal skill and techinician skill) in my run in Very Hard only I lose 1 time because forget my HP
I want a mode where memorys are very expensive and need eat evil souls (increase erosion) and go to the massage because min-max
There are traps what do very low dmg,
Healing 2~4, Fire 1~4, Explotion 4, Electro 4, Frozen 4, is a lot of power
Guys, have you ever tried to kept caught in the bunny club for the slave suit? Since we had one like that in Ambrosia I think we can bring it home here. But I kept there till 500%+ escape rate while nothing happened. I bought a choker in the slum saying that you'll be less likely to get rescued, so I think that your teammates may come and rerscue you. I'm still trying.
The choker change a mechanic, in other dungeon when you lose you will wait 7 turns (more if allways lose), with the choker is 17 (+10) it is more erotic assault
I am sure that there isnt a slave suit, there is a costume list in the jp site and there isnt a slave suit
uniform initial possession

Invisibility uniform Makai district the deep layers of the shop
mini uniforms Makai district deep store
flashy plainclothes Makai district deep shop

sober plain clothes city Shimura Buy
bloomers (red) city north Garapakosu (only open at night )
school swimsuit (Navy) city north Galapagos or available at home When you swim like to become in the school of pool
swimsuit city north Galapagos or in front of the station at Mount Fuji purchase
gym clothes (Burma) Station Fuji

remodeling uniforms hypnotic common sense modifications (50 )
Now go to school in uniform Bunny suit Automatically obtained at the secret club
Bunny suit of lust lust hidden boss treasure chest in the secret club basement?
Lustful Bloomers Eldritch Chemistry Underground Hidden Boss Treasure Chest?
source:comment #154
What's the purpose of Heroine name recognition and Citizen evaluation? I notice that you can lower your citizen evaluation if I lose in public, so I was wondering if it has some effect having a low or a high value...
Money, there is a moment that you receive money and items (late a quest, daily?), nothing interesting
I am not sure about if I lose in public, I think that this increase shame[/spoiler]
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So I can't seem to trigger the crafting option in the photo club need to the glasses for the Chikan event and I'm in Ch.4 and what you need to to finish the bathhouse
So I can't seem to trigger the crafting option in the photo club need to the glasses for the Chikan event and I'm in Ch.4 and what you need to to finish the bathhouse

Make sure you're going to the "Crafting (Special)" menu, think it's the 3rd option down. All you need for that as far as I remember is to start the bathhouse quest, beat the monster, see the 1st scene then talk to the teacher. He has a short dialogue first, then the menu pops up, after that it should be in the special menu.
I just finish the game in very hard and there is a spoiler maybe about the next content
The game is easy ... I started in normal and late chapter 2 I changed to very hard, over 26h play time and finished with lvl99
But I am missing sexual growth skills, I dont understand How pregnant remodeling, I did 5 additional trys in the lab and have 8 childs, plz help with missing sexual growth skills
I am sure that teacher pet ending is a bad ending XD, I need try others ending, Here my save 1.0.4
  1. Full remodeling, pregnancy remodelling need while MC is pregnant lose in the docto lab
  2. Full outfit
  3. Best Weapon? Ether Breaker
  4. Best costume option: Celesphere
  5. Ring: elemental Breath
  6. Ring: Skelling (invisible outfit)
Plz help me with sexual growth skills missing

And MTool is the best tool ever!!!! thnx You!!!
i get a map 218 error. wont let me use anyones save o..o
Looking at sales and the price of the thing, the circle has grossed over 400k US dollars. And they damn well deserve it, I can't think of a RPGM game I've enjoyed as much as this one!
I'm fundamentally missing how one of the core mechanics of this game works (I'm not machine translating, so that happens). I'm in chapter 7 and I know from the walkthrough that I need to get all the books in the upper bookshelves to unlock the door next to them. I never figured out how to get the items required to get the books, though. Can anyone fill in the gaps for me?
@aurinkojakuu: I'm not using one either, but this part is pretty obvious.
In most cases, when there are three condition lines, these are needed quantity of ink, prerequisite technique and required player level.
The top row is a bit different, as there the third condition is minimum current chapter.
Note also, that some of the required techniques aren't those from adjacent shelves (mostly some of the bottom row).
I'm fundamentally missing how one of the core mechanics of this game works (I'm not machine translating, so that happens). I'm in chapter 7 and I know from the walkthrough that I need to get all the books in the upper bookshelves to unlock the door next to them. I never figured out how to get the items required to get the books, though. Can anyone fill in the gaps for me?
  • defeat enemy can get item Monster Soul Piece (怪魔の魂片), this choice can change to SI 1.jpg
  • use SI change ink for repair book 2.jpg
  • click book for get it 3.jpg , 消費= need how many ink, 前提 = need get what book first or after what chapter
  • Start better get 治療魔法I, because talk to Memoria choice <怪魔の魂片>を浄化 1.jpg , equip it can up 40% SI, if Lv20 get 治療魔法III, equip 治療魔法I or II + 治療魔法III or IV will up to 80% 4.jpg
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Looking at sales and the price of the thing, the circle has grossed over 400k US dollars. And they damn well deserve it, I can't think of a RPGM game I've enjoyed as much as this one!
I am not sure, but probably DLsites cut 30%, but in this year will 250k US dollar and other 250k US dollar in the left life cicle the product, but the studio is a one-man, It is a lot
Usually a action game has better sales because sex pixel scene in combat that a RPG, and a Baste game sales more that a traditional RPG
But use sexual stats like a archivement system is a the best idea ever, is fun unlock the content XD

Baste = Bad state