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[Complete - Full] SNEAK IN DESPERADA - ankoku marimokan [RJ162307]

How's the translation going?
Just look at the first OP post. It was last edited on Wednesday. Overall, I think the translation is 96% done.
It's going, kinda stuck on a bit with Momoka's scene in the back alley with the zombies and shit but I'll get through it.
If I were to put a number to the percentage that is done, I would say maybe 80 - 85%. All that remains are 5 scenes, (5.5 if you include the entirety of the massage scenes) and everything that happens after you fight Maxwell. College has be giving me such little time to work on this, but I'm sure as hell not gonna let it die.
Also, I don't know how many of you know of / use Svscomics (I feel it's crap, but to each their own) but they posted their "own" English version of this. Except they literally copy pasted the original post and put both the normal and hard version into one 7-zip file. Don't fall for it.
Aww man I hope everything is still going good with college etc. Waiting to try this out when you're finished it. Thanks for taking the time to do it. :)
Aww man I hope everything is still going good with college etc. Waiting to try this out when you're finished it. Thanks for taking the time to do it. :)
Appreciate it, college is going fine. It isn't so much hard as much as it is just a lot of shit to do, you know?
Might be something one my end, but not sure.
While playing the game, certain text gets show as squares in the text box.
Saw it in one of the massage scenes and when entering the prison.

Does anyone have the same problem or know how to fix it? Or is it something with the translation not being done with that part?
I could be remembering wrong but I think the Prison area wasn't done in the last patch as It was the same thing that happened in other areas with older patchs in areas that were not done yet the text appeared as squares on untranslated lines but I could be wrong haven't got the game on this drive at the moment to check
Might be something one my end, but not sure.
While playing the game, certain text gets show as squares in the text box.
Saw it in one of the massage scenes and when entering the prison.

Does anyone have the same problem or know how to fix it? Or is it something with the translation not being done with that part?
I haven't finished all the massage scenes yet, and the patch only covers up to the part before the prison, which is to say the end of the party / orc invasion
Would it be possible I could get a link for the hard version of this? I've tried the link on the OP but it doesn't seem to include the exe file? :(
Just wanted to pop in to let you know that we appreciate your hard work. Hope you're doing well during the pandemic.
Thanks man, I'm doing what I can to keep myself from getting got by it.

In terms of the translation, I did take a couple weeks off due to exams and shit (and got stuck on a fucking Doraemon reference that had the names censored) but I'm back on it now
So I'm assuming the scenes where the text is just a bunch of squares are the ones that aren't done yet? Or is that a glitch on my end?
Yup as you said if the text has squares in it that is stuff that's not done yet should start happening at the start of the prison area after the orcs if I remember right
So I'm assuming the scenes where the text is just a bunch of squares are the ones that aren't done yet? Or is that a glitch on my end?

Just to quickly expand on what RoughTwilight said, those are indeed not done on the version on the front page because I contacted Marimo (the creator of the game, of course) and we reached an agreement that I could do this if I give it to him for it to become the official English translation. So basically I am not allowed to upload the finished version here, but give it some time and it will show up other places
Oh that's awesome that it'll become official! Congratulations, you do great work!

I am indeed at the prison, and I'm sort of stuck, I'm not sure where to go every door I try to open gives me a dialogue box that's squares so I have no idea where to go next. If anyone knows where to go or what to do I'd really appreciate it!
If i remember right a lot of the cells are just locked and you cant enter them as there's not a key for them more there for decoration. But saying that I believe one doors at a end of a corridor is locked and you need to beat someone up first or ask someone for the key.

Might be worth asking in the game thread instead see if anyone knows instead on the translation thread as mods are very touchy on talking about game stuff in the translation topic and vice versa.

but i guess worse case scenario give it a bit till the translations done.
Just to quickly expand on what RoughTwilight said, those are indeed not done on the version on the front page because I contacted Marimo (the creator of the game, of course) and we reached an agreement that I could do this if I give it to him for it to become the official English translation. So basically I am not allowed to upload the finished version here, but give it some time and it will show up other places

woa, im looking forward full version translated of this game. Thank u.