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Re: Something Unlimited

IMO they don't need to justify anything. Why not just write that character like that? So what if people complain, actual sexualy casual people like that exist.

Not saying that they don't. If a new character like that showed up, no problem. It is an adult doing adult choices.

The problem is that people knew her before she was like that. When she was a kid with the teen titans, back when they were all young and innocent. It is like watching a train wreck slowly happening.

Like watching Miley Cyrus grow up. It is not wrong, just a bit frustrating, I guess. Like a piece of childhood goes away.
Re: Something Unlimited

IMO they don't need to justify anything. Why not just write that character like that? So what if people complain, actual sexualy casual people like that exist.

Adding on to what NaoSoul stated.

Not to mention they didn't exactly handle the character correctly if that's what they were going for. Speaking as someone who can't stand the whole "I wait until marriage/pure girl" Starfire's first appearance in the new 52 was about as off putting/over sexualized as possible. First they tried to established that apparently Starfire's species had short term memory or something and as a result she didn't remember her former teammates (like the Teen Titans) at all (guess how quickly they recon that). To continue along this trend of portraying her as a dumb blond in that same issue they had her suddenly cut off what Red Arrow was saying to state, "You're boring me, let's have sex".

Now I don't know about you but in real life even the most sexually active and comfortable women I know don't just think about sex all the time and literary throw themselves at a stranger/work colleague. As hard as it is for some writers to comprehend women who enjoy sex and are sexually active don't just think about sex 24/7, they do have other personality traits and passions too.

To top it all off (once again in the same issue) it's explained that Starfire doesn't have sex because she enjoys it, no it's because her species communicates or something through skin to skin contact and that's why she craves it.

So yea not only do they take an established and well beloved character and strip her (literary) of everything people liked about her; they also portray sexual active/confident woman as being stupid sex starved girls who are a slave to their biology (and that's being generous! In reality it's more likely that the writers just didn't care and wanted a hot naked chick they could draw/write sex scenes for). New 52 DC you FAIL!
Re: Something Unlimited

oh man, just like the rest of the "new52" and now the new "New" dc, it's really hard to keep up with all the shit they are "remaking". but as for the Robins go
the last time I checked it was somehow like this:

1st Robin - Dick Greyson / later Nightwing / joined original Teen Titans with Raven Starifre, Cybor and Beast boy / sometime new Batman / Nightwing again

2nd Robin - Jason Todd / killed by Joker / resurrected, became Red Hood

3rd Robin - Tim Drake / found out Bruce is Batman / joined the New Teen Titans with Wonder Girl, Superboy and others

4th Robin - Damien Wayne / was a Robin to Greyson's Batman / later became originals batman robin.

I think that's how it went. have no idea how they are written now in the new universe.

on the side note: the other girl that should be in Something Injustice is Miss Martian! I can't believe that I forgot about her. with her powers she'd be great addition to have in a private room. :D think of all the possibilities with her shapeshifting.

You forgot the new 5th Robin who is black. No I'm not kidding nor am I racist, I just remember that DC was pushing this "WE HAVE A BLACK ROBIN NOW, WE'RE DIVERSE, YAY US!!!" Which is nice and all but if you start screaming in my face that you cured cancer I'm still going to tell you to get out of my face and back off.
Re: Something Unlimited

You forgot the new 5th Robin who is black. No I'm not kidding nor am I racist, I just remember that DC was pushing this "WE HAVE A BLACK ROBIN NOW, WE'RE DIVERSE, YAY US!!!" Which is nice and all but if you start screaming in my face that you cured cancer I'm still going to tell you to get out of my face and back off.

Also forgot Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, who was Robin briefly...didn't end well.

Re: Something Unlimited

Not saying that they don't. If a new character like that showed up, no problem. It is an adult doing adult choices.

The problem is that people knew her before she was like that. When she was a kid with the teen titans, back when they were all young and innocent. It is like watching a train wreck slowly happening.

Like watching Miley Cyrus grow up. It is not wrong, just a bit frustrating, I guess. Like a piece of childhood goes away.

actually, people, like me, knew her before the cartoon. back in 1980's. I still think of Starfire as that person.

Adding on to what NaoSoul stated.

Not to mention they didn't exactly handle the character correctly if that's what they were going for. Speaking as someone who can't stand the whole "I wait until marriage/pure girl" Starfire's first appearance in the new 52 was about as off putting/over sexualized as possible. First they tried to established that apparently Starfire's species had short term memory or something and as a result she didn't remember her former teammates (like the Teen Titans) at all (guess how quickly they recon that). To continue along this trend of portraying her as a dumb blond in that same issue they had her suddenly cut off what Red Arrow was saying to state, "You're boring me, let's have sex".

Now I don't know about you but in real life even the most sexually active and comfortable women I know don't just think about sex all the time and literary throw themselves at a stranger/work colleague. As hard as it is for some writers to comprehend women who enjoy sex and are sexually active don't just think about sex 24/7, they do have other personality traits and passions too.

To top it all off (once again in the same issue) it's explained that Starfire doesn't have sex because she enjoys it, no it's because her species communicates or something through skin to skin contact and that's why she craves it.

So yea not only do they take an established and well beloved character and strip her (literary) of everything people liked about her; they also portray sexual active/confident woman as being stupid sex starved girls who are a slave to their biology (and that's being generous! In reality it's more likely that the writers just didn't care and wanted a hot naked chick they could draw/write sex scenes for). New 52 DC you FAIL!

ungh... tell me about it. it's like the people in DC, or at least the bosses, have some kind of a revenge thing going on for Starfire. maybe she represents a girl that turned them down in their past lives so they are taking it out on a character like Starfire. honestly! I can't think of other reason why would someone be so negative about a certain character and continually drag her in the dirt... to me Starfire is number 2 lady in DC universe, (Wonder woman being the first) and yet she still always draws the shortest stick. I really don't get it. why the hate for Starfire!?

You forgot the new 5th Robin who is black. No I'm not kidding nor am I racist, I just remember that DC was pushing this "WE HAVE A BLACK ROBIN NOW, WE'RE DIVERSE, YAY US!!!" Which is nice and all but if you start screaming in my face that you cured cancer I'm still going to tell you to get out of my face and back off.

are you fucking kidding me... black robin?! oh for fuck sake... first I found out that now they have asian Superman, and now this... why can't they make an original character with his whatever ethnic group, instead they take famous heroes and screw with them...
man, DC comics is going down, and fast... ever since 2005 it was or what year they decided with the new 52...

Also forgot Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, who was Robin briefly...didn't end well.


I didn't mention her because she was Spoiler at first, but then she became Batgirl and had her own series. which was actually very cool, as she had Oracle as her coach.

but, guys, I think we are getting side tracked in this thread with all this...
Re: Something Unlimited

Okay wow, chill out.

Black Robin? If you mean Lucas Fox (Batwing), he isn't a Robin. He is the son of Lucius Fox (The guy who does Batman's tech. Morgan Freeman played him in the Batman Trilogy).

He takes the name of Batwing and helps as part of the Batfamily, just like Batgirl, Batwoman, Huntress and so forth. He isn't a robin nor is he a side kick.

He is an adult, former member of the US military. He has solid roots in the story as having a role outside of the hero one and as the son of one of the oldest characters in the story.

Plus, he has been around for 3 years.

His backstory is as rich as many other characters. Reducing him to "black robin who is just there for diversity" is pretty fucking ignorant, guy.


I guess we went on a tangent and got a bit side tracked, but that is bound to happen in discussions sometimes.
Re: Something Unlimited

Anyone know if there is gonna be a new version coming out this month, and if so got some intel on it's contents? :)
Re: Something Unlimited

Okay wow, chill out.

Black Robin? If you mean Lucas Fox (Batwing), he isn't a Robin. He is the son of Lucius Fox (The guy who does Batman's tech. Morgan Freeman played him in the Batman Trilogy).

He takes the name of Batwing and helps as part of the Batfamily, just like Batgirl, Batwoman, Huntress and so forth. He isn't a robin nor is he a side kick.

He is an adult, former member of the US military. He has solid roots in the story as having a role outside of the hero one and as the son of one of the oldest characters in the story.

Plus, he has been around for 3 years.

His backstory is as rich as many other characters. Reducing him to "black robin who is just there for diversity" is pretty fucking ignorant, guy.


I guess we went on a tangent and got a bit side tracked, but that is bound to happen in discussions sometimes.

No, I don't mean Lucas Fox and please next time ask me first for who I mean instead of just assuming I'm just ignorant. After all you wouldn't like it if I accused you of being ignorant for assuming all black people are the same.

The character/new Robin I was referring to is Duke Thomas, he's a new character and started out as the unofficial leader of "We are Robin" group (which was actually an interesting idea although I hated how the story ended) and last I heard was officially recruited by Bruce to be the new Robin (although I'm not sure if that is still accurate).

Duke Thomas has been set up decently enough to be the new Robin, I mean he did have his own comic series and that's more then any previous Robin. My annoyance comes from DC's marketing campaign for the character which has almost exclusively focused on the character's race (similar to the Chinese Superman and/Marvel's hosts of new diverse characters) rather then his abilities and other important features that A. Make him distinct from the other Robins and B. Makes him worthy of being Robin. It's a disservice to the character himself and just annoying to me.

Like I said, even if you're telling me you cured cancer, if you scream it into my face I'm still going to tell you to back-off.


As for being side tracked *shrugs* it's not like this forum is that active at the moment. Really the only time this forum is active is when people ask for updates or what to know what's in the new update. When a new update is out we do get people reporting bugs or asking about how to access the new content but that talk normally lasts for a few days at most and then we're back to being dead.

Hell I threw an idea out for the game a while back and NO ONE commented on it one way or another (they didn't tell me they hated it nor that they liked it, it was just ignored). So even if our conversation isn't exactly about the game itself it's still resulting in people actually bothering to reply/post on the thread rather then when we actually did have ideas to suggest.


@Wynin: I know that SR7 has been sick (although last I heard he was finally beginning to recover) so progress has been slower then normal on the update. As a result it might not be out for another two weeks (roughly).
Re: Something Unlimited

Anyone know if there is gonna be a new version coming out this month, and if so got some intel on it's contents? :)

On their patreon they say it will be released tomorrow (31/08)but because of some problems it will be a small update, mostly UI redone, and setting the ground for next large update.

Now, not to be a partypooper and SR7 feel free to correct me, but is really really unlikely that Starfire will be on the game. First it seems those 3 spots are for Lois, Harley and Mercy (that from their dialogue). Second, Starfire was never in DCAU, so.. theres no base for her art. They would have to develop from zero a completely new, Tymm-style-like Starfire unlike all the others that were just perfectly replicated (and made hotter). It seems it would take a whole lot of time and effort.

Now since we're just throwing out ideas, it would be nice to see some "side quests" where villains see this as a good chance for some payback. Say, Circe offering you an artifact in exchange for a few nights with Wonder Woman, or Mandragora trading you a favor/money for his shot at Black Canary, or Galatea offering her services as minion for full access to Supergirl... all of course recorded so you can make special movie nights on the bordello. ;)

Re: Something Unlimited

Im not very well travelled into dc comics (back in their day their main roster was just a tad (too perfect & flawless for my tastes), but isnt Galatea PowerGirl aka the Supergirl clone? Also, why would she want fun times with Supergirl ? :)
Re: Something Unlimited

Im not very well travelled into dc comics (back in their day their main roster was just a tad (too perfect & flawless for my tastes), but isnt Galatea PowerGirl aka the Supergirl clone? Also, why would she want fun times with Supergirl ? :)

Galatea is a villanous PowerGirl with the serial number filled off, from the cartoon.

And... well.. revenge, and all that! Crazy twin lesbian sex is not enough reason? :p

Re: Something Unlimited

Now, not to be a partypooper and SR7 feel free to correct me, but is really really unlikely that Starfire will be on the game. First it seems those 3 spots are for Lois, Harley and Mercy (that from their dialogue). Second, Starfire was never in DCAU, so.. theres no base for her art. They would have to develop from zero a completely new, Tymm-style-like Starfire unlike all the others that were just perfectly replicated (and made hotter). It seems it would take a whole lot of time and effort.

actually, she was. in the animated movies such as "Superman Batman: public enemies" , "Flash Paradox" and the new one Justice League vs Teen Titans. but in the first 2 she had a small role, but in JL vs TT she had a major role. so i think they have a good base for her character.
also, I don't remember that good, but wasn't she also in Young Justice for a brief time?

besides, when you look at SunsetRiders's Wonder Woman, which is by far best looking "animated" version of Wonder Woman I have ever seen, I think it would be interesting to see how he would make Starfire like that Wonder woman in his version. I have a feeling she would be smoking hot!

p.s. while we are talking about the game, I still wonder about the section - "Cloning" maybe there you will be able to "make" Power Girl from Supergirl.
and I don't know - Batgirl into other batgirl versions. but that's too far fetched.

the point is, there is still one room available!
and 3 slots left for heroines. (my wish is Starfire, Miss Martian and maybe Power Girl)
and 2 more girls if we are looking in the Vault section. so who would that 2 girls be? killer frost and big barda maybe?
oh the possibilities!
Re: Something Unlimited

Hey guys, I'm sure most of you have already played a leaked version of our game. But if you haven't the last update was 1.6, I have just released 1.9 for the public. It is in the main post in this thread. Thanks
Re: Something Unlimited

Hey guys, I'm sure most of you have already played a leaked version of our game. But if you haven't the last update was 1.6, I have just released 1.9 for the public. It is in the main post in this thread. Thanks

Could you possibly add a changelog in just so we don't have to guess when we already saw everything?

In the previous version I played like extra 30 days thinking somethihng was going to happen before realizing I had reached the end of that version =p
Re: Something Unlimited

This looks nice; I love the cartoonish style of your games.
Re: Something Unlimited

Could you possibly add a changelog in just so we don't have to guess when we already saw everything?

In the previous version I played like extra 30 days thinking somethihng was going to happen before realizing I had reached the end of that version =p

There should be a changelog in the zip
Re: Something Unlimited

Galatea is a villanous PowerGirl with the serial number filled off, from the cartoon.

And... well.. revenge, and all that! Crazy twin lesbian sex is not enough reason? :p


*Hands out a team Lesbian shirt* Thank you brother and or sister for joining our cause! I fully support your comment to including lesbian content in this game! Why stop at Supergirl on Supergirl sex, let's get some Supergirl and Batgirl action, and I know we all want to see Mercy and Harley get it on with each other :D

@Emp: Don't forget the Batgirl Cassandra Cain skin :D On a more serious note I did ask SR7 this during one of their live streams about the inclusion of new characters/Powergirl and Cain skins, that were originally not part of the DCAU.

There response was that at the moment it's not something they would do without a much higher demand for it, but when SU gets closer to completion they said they would be more open to patrons/others voting and or suggesting additional characters to include in the game.
Re: Something Unlimited

There's a version 1.9.5 floating around the usual shady DDL sites
Re: Something Unlimited

Lol, we got leaked literally 5 mins after release. Guess people wanted it bad!

Have to say i'm really enjoying Something Unlimited. It has been a favorite since your very first release when it had the original name!

You probably already know the Huntress strip scene can't seem to play in a normal play through despite 1.6 being able to do so. Does 1.9.5 fix that?