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Re: Something Unlimited

You forgot the new 5th Robin who is black. No I'm not kidding nor am I racist, I just remember that DC was pushing this "WE HAVE A BLACK ROBIN NOW, WE'RE DIVERSE, YAY US!!!" Which is nice and all but if you start screaming in my face that you cured cancer I'm still going to tell you to get out of my face and back off.

Speaking of Robins...Can I just say how much I hate what DC has done with Jason? First of all THE JOKER PLANNED ALL OF HIS LIFE?! (WHY?!) that broke my heart when DC just was like, " Yeah Joker totally planned the whole thing guys. He is literally a guy who can plan something for long periods of time even though he is supposed to plan stuff spur of the moment, brilliantly.
Secondly...they neutered his character by bringing him back into the Bat family NO QUESTIONS asked. He went from being the a dark reflection of Batman taking his crusade too far to basically the "bad boy" archetype. I hate that Bruce just "allows" Jason to continue working with him. Even though Jason literally BROKE HIS MOST IMPORTANT RULE.

On topic though... Those last three spots, I am pretty sure it is going to be reserved for Harley, Mercy, and Lois. Why? My only real proof is when Lex tells them they could work at the strip club. (Think Level 4 device basically, you have to convince them to do it without hypnotism.)
Re: Something Unlimited

Speaking of Robins...Can I just say how much I hate what DC has done with Jason? First of all THE JOKER PLANNED ALL OF HIS LIFE?! (WHY?!) that broke my heart when DC just was like, " Yeah Joker totally planned the whole thing guys. He is literally a guy who can plan something for long periods of time even though he is supposed to plan stuff spur of the moment, brilliantly.
Secondly...they neutered his character by bringing him back into the Bat family NO QUESTIONS asked. He went from being the a dark reflection of Batman taking his crusade too far to basically the "bad boy" archetype. I hate that Bruce just "allows" Jason to continue working with him. Even though Jason literally BROKE HIS MOST IMPORTANT RULE.

On topic though... Those last three spots, I am pretty sure it is going to be reserved for Harley, Mercy, and Lois. Why? My only real proof is when Lex tells them they could work at the strip club. (Think Level 4 device basically, you have to convince them to do it without hypnotism.)

To be fair, Jason wasn't in a perfect state of mind. You should probably take into consideration that being ressurrected by the Lazaru's Pit has severe consequences in someone's psyche that can take a long time to recover, some people never even recover.

Ra's attested to that himself. So that would probably be one of the reasons why Bruce was lenient in forgiving Jason.

@on topic

Didn't Sunset say that he was working on new heroines? I think those 3 slots might be new ones. If Mercy, Lois and Harley go to the strip club to dance it will probably be via interaction, like all their other scenes so far. As in, go to the room and "Take them to the strip club" thing.
Re: Something Unlimited

To be fair, Jason wasn't in a perfect state of mind. You should probably take into consideration that being ressurrected by the Lazaru's Pit has severe consequences in someone's psyche that can take a long time to recover, some people never even recover.

Ra's attested to that himself. So that would probably be one of the reasons why Bruce was lenient in forgiving Jason.

@on topic

Didn't Sunset say that he was working on new heroines? I think those 3 slots might be new ones. If Mercy, Lois and Harley go to the strip club to dance it will probably be via interaction, like all their other scenes so far. As in, go to the room and "Take them to the strip club" thing.

Lenient I can understand. But still Jason has attempted to kill the other robins on multiple occaisions. I just have a biased for Red Hood still being the darker Batman, but darker Batmen are a dime a dozen.

If he did say so I missed it. I am all for new heroines. Like whether I am right or wrong we all benefit xD
Personally I thought that the tier 3 characters (before supergirl, wonder woman, and hawkgirl)would have been like the super heroines from The something unlimited show. But I honestly the only characters I can think of would have been Dr. Light and Fire.
Honestly, the only way the game could be better(If that is even possible.) would be to put the super villain females to work in the glamour slam and meta bordello xD (I know they will be throw away romances but still a guy can dream xP)
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Re: Something Unlimited

Hey, guys we are running a community gaming event, we need another 2-3 people who want to play some DOTA 2 with SmokeShank and I. If you're interested send me a pm and I will give you more details. Event starts @ 6:00 pm CST
Re: Something Unlimited

some strange things happened in the SU 1.9.5
- Hawkgirl's upgrade is strange because instead give me the chance of do the upgrades one after the other I have to go back and then select her again for do the next

- the threats circuit like thing desappear after did a payout and never came back

- Lois never appeared aside the first time in the warning, I was able to have her only thanks to the cheat

dunno if this bugs happened only to me or not

and here some little hint that personally I hadn't like
- the upgrades buttons, once you have done all the upgrades make it desappear because I think its presence is useless (the things like "+33% income" and similar can be always show in a little window in the upper left part of the window where is show that circuit thing that show the "level")

-Office and lab, if I go out of the office I found myself in the lab but my intention was go in the main map so or you change the go back button that will take on the map or make 2 buttons one that take in the lab and one in the main map plus you can put another button in the lab that will take to the office
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Re: Something Unlimited

To get Lois you gotta do a lot of heists until you become able to visit her in the Daily Planet.

Then you do a lot more heists and you can visit her again. Ultimately you become able to kidnap her then you can visit her on the "Personal Quarters".

EDIT: Fixed the name.
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Re: Something Unlimited

^ It's supposed to save the last stream somewhere. Check the bottom-left for "channel description" and "videos" in some light-blue clickables. Hit videos and the last stream should be there.
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Re: Something Unlimited

To get Louis you gotta do a lot of heists until you become able to visit her in the Daily Planet.

Then you do a lot more heists and you can visit her again. Ultimately you become able to kidnap her then you can visit her on the "Personal Quarters".

Who's that LoUis guy I keep seeing around ? The only 1 I know is Lois .....
Re: Something Unlimited

Who's that LoUis guy I keep seeing around ? The only 1 I know is Lois .....

Louis Lean. Hidden character added in v1.95. Something something multiverse. Something something 52. Something something crisis!
Re: Something Unlimited

Web show streamed live on Sep 8, 2016.

Re: Something Unlimited

I will be streaming in 15 mins some SU stuff
Re: Something Unlimited

oh man...it's only 16th... when is this month going to eeeeend! I want 2.0! :D:D:D
Re: Something Unlimited

To get Lois you gotta do a lot of heists until you become able to visit her in the Daily Planet.

Then you do a lot more heists and you can visit her again. Ultimately you become able to kidnap her then you can visit her on the "Personal Quarters".

EDIT: Fixed the name.

How many heists exactly, I've done 31 and she's still not appeared once.
Re: Something Unlimited

How many heists exactly, I've done 31 and she's still not appeared once.

Don't quote me on this, but I think it's scripted on a specific day where you'll see "Lois Lane is snooping around Glamour Slam!" or something like that. Once you do that, you'll spam the daily planet for the event to snitch about a warehouse to get her off your back. Then I'd say a week after that event is when you should start clicking daily planet. If you get something like "There's nothing to do here" then not enough time has gone by for the second event to capture her.

Mileage may vary.
Re: Something Unlimited

I hope there's a 1.9 walkthrough cause I got to day 92 and that scene never triggered
Re: Something Unlimited

I hope there's a 1.9 walkthrough cause I got to day 92 and that scene never triggered

There's no need for a walkthrough, the game isn't complex enough to need one. Just go visit every building on the map and talk to whoever you can talk to.

It should have shown up way before day 90, either you missed an event (go talk to everyone) or you got a bug that skipped it.
Re: Something Unlimited

Hey Sunset any news about Path of Kings ?

SmokeShank responding:

We commissioned the first background from HPcrit1cal a few weeks ago, he should be presenting in a few days. After that is done and we see how the process between the two parties is going we will commission the remainder of the BG's. During this time SmokeShank has been road mapping the game in articy:draft. He should be moving on to dialogue pretty soon. The game is coming along and should reach active technical development around November (we are still in the pre-development design phase) once all BG's are done, and some sprite animations are complete.