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Tentacle Defense

Re: Tentacle Defense

anything will work, but I like futuristic theme, like space monsters, lol (and space girls of course!) right now Im working on the core mechanics of the game... (I have the menu only, lol, still a lot of things to research...)
Re: Tentacle Defense

GemCraft has some sweet tower defense stuff. X3 I'd take notes from them.
Re: Tentacle Defense

Your collection is getting rather large there, isn't it Wonderboy?

Darent, would you mind posting a screen shot of this menu when it's ready? It'd be nice to see what your progress is on that with a visual aide. (plus we can throw in our own two cents on the matter).
Re: Tentacle Defense

Alright, added some more level ideas to my list :p

As far as the view goes... I dunno, really. If this was just any old TD game, I'd say go with a top-down look, like Gemcraft and such; since this is hentai themed, though, I was thinking more of a diagonal view, so you could actually see that you're grabbing girls, not just a couple of circles put together >.<
Re: Tentacle Defense

I've my own suggestions for enemies and levels.

Your tentacles have set up an ambush on a well travelled road... just in time for the pilgrimage of that all-female religion all the girls seem to be following now days!

lv 1 nuns - not very strong, and very slow, but a lot of clothing

lv 2 clerics – less armour but faster

lv 3 paladins - heavily armoured slow speed and can free comrades

lv 4 sinners - a group of four girls being led to repentance by a powerful girl. Take out the leader to get at the girls, who will practically jump on the tentacles once the leader ahs been taken.

lv 5 Angels - high powered boss level.

This could fit in after the police or possibly before them.
Re: Tentacle Defense

A good example of the 'diagonal view' even if the graphics are more lol-worthy than anything is Mushroom Revolution -- they've got the side-on images on the top-down map that actually work. X3

In any case, If I get extra time today, I'll draw some sketches for girls and towers to see if we can't generate some talk about narrowing our ideas down. We have a LOT and people need to come to a decision on what our demo is going to be like! :) Either the coder gets the final say (since it kinda rests on him :p) or we put it to a poll, which means gathering all of the ideas presented in this thread so far.

...Heh heh, you know it's first thing in the morning when you giggle when you typo 'far' into 'fart'. 9.9 Oi, I'm going to go make some tea.
Re: Tentacle Defense

the girls that you capture throughout the game should be your currency. each one gets engulfed by the main tentacle monster permanently and it keeps breeding new towers from her that can be turned into any shape, kind of like a zerg hatchery in starcraft. as the new levels get harder, you have captured more women and are spawning more tentacle monsters who can merge together into bigger and better towers.
Re: Tentacle Defense

well, i've been a little busy with the school, so Im trying to find time to work on this... just be patient, hehe...
Re: Tentacle Defense

I am an experienced coder. Shoddy at artwork, unless I have something to work off of, so I might be able to do animations if a starting image is provided. I am more comfortable at coding though.

Just one request... PLZPLZ no Actionscript? It's so.... limited. =(
Re: Tentacle Defense

If this is done with flash, Actionscript can't be helped I'm afraid. I'm not sure if we came to a conclusion on what we were going to use for this?

@ Wallpaper: Excellent idea.

@ The coders: Despite your desire to create the game as fast as possible, it is important to have a complete set of requirements available before you can even start coding this. Positioning myself as the head master of this project (it was my idea in the first place), I am putting my foot down on this. Once we have a clear and final set of functional requirements, only then will I allow anyone to begin coding the actual game. This is to ensure that we will have something to fall back to in case life gets in the way, which it usually does. That said, those of you already working on the coding, I'm going to have to order you to halt, and to come back into the war room. Let's get this pre-dev stuff out of the way before loading our compilers with demonic juices. That said: let's start by defining the minimum requirements of the demo version (as requested by Wallpaper).

- I think that 5 levels would be a good number to work with - especially to get the player interested in the game. Additionally, if we are going to work with different location scenarios, we should set all five in one location.

- A progressional story would be cool, though I suspect that the plot would have to be kept to a minimum - something cute and short like a miniskirt.

- For the sake of the demo, lets start off with 5 tower types. At the very least, this will give the players some variation with the demo. If we lock some of the upgrades for some of the higher end tentacles, this should hopefully perk their interests further. (That said, in the full blown version, we can go nuts with more towers).

- If we have any music and sound composers here, having at least two tracks for the game would be very awesome. An additional track for the menu would be good too. If, however, we don't have anyone here that can complete this task, New Ground's Audio portal is an excellent source.

- This game will be Free. I know no one brought it up, or probably even thought of it, but for those of you out there that are lurking this forum as I once did, feel free to jiz in your pants on this. We will not charge on this.

- Working with the magic number 5, 5 girls should be included in the demo.

- I have yet to see a total agreement on the following few subjects:

[1] Currency: Sexual Energy | Body Count | Point System?
Here's what I see happening in all three (as seen mentioned throughout the topic)

Sexual Energy[SE]: You have captured a female. As she is violated, your reserves are filled with the energy generated by her orgasms. The more women you capture, the faster your energy reserves will build up.
**Screw Driver's preferred approach**

Body Count[BC]: Each woman you capture can be turned into a tower? (do I understand you Sheep?)

Point System[PS]: standard TD approach - each enemy you frag will reward you with a set amount of points. Points can be spent on towers and upgrades

[2] Map style: Open Space | Set Path

Open Space [OS]: the map is an open area within an enclosed space. Towers can be built anywhere, even used to create a maze to slow down or trap the incoming enemy. The enemy will usually approach from one side of the map and may disperse across the map trying to get to the other side as quickly as they can.

Typical set-up looks like this:



enemies typically come in from the left and try to get to the right side. This is the typical TD approach, but does not work very well in the situation where a rescue mission is involved.

Set Path [SP]: There is a well defined road to your base that your opponents must travel across. This path can change per map, and will make their movements a bit more predictable. This is another common TD approach, however the enemy units normally do not attack the towers - they just try to rush the base. This is a great set-up for rescue missions.

[3] Where shall we start for the demo?

Kusanagi appears to have a rather robust list of locations, and they appear to work within the numbers I mentioned before. I would highly recommend starting with the Beach levels. Anything after that can be done in the full version.

[4] Number of animations:

I can't seem to count the number of times someone came out and said "This didn't fulfill my fetishful needs by lacking this position". Hell, I'd love slight variants of ways the towers assault the girls, but we do know our limits. For the sake of this demo, each tower should have at least one animation per girl type. In total, that comes around to 25 different animations (5 girls x 5 towers). If desired, we can chop down the number of frames in each animation so our artists don't murder themselves.

That brings us to the last issue:
[5] Tower Types: There have been many suggestions as to what we should have in this game. We need to pick five to satisfy the needs for the demo, and then we'll need to decide on their upgrade schema. Should there be a cap on the number of upgrades you can put on the towers?

My recommendations are as follows:

The Cum Shooter - there are a few variants mentioned in this topic. This is the basic "cheap" tower that shoots its cum at passerbies. Upgrades will make it fire faster.

The Groper: - Typical tentacle nest. They'll grab at anything that comes within their reach and molest them. Upgrades may improve their range and number of females they can hold on to (starting at one).

The Sadistic Lasher: - An angry set of tentacles that pleasure themselves on inflicting pain. This tower is a bit stronger, and may work best when clumped in groups. Not sure if it should actually kill, or just try to render the victim unconscious. Upgrades will boost their prowess.

The Leering Eye: - a tower with a large, telepathic eye. The eye will shoot a beam at one victim at a time, inflicting them with thoughts of sexual acts. With a constant exposure to this beam, the afflicted target will eventually lose consciousness as their need to burn off their lust will override their body. If the victim manages to escape the beam, the thoughts will linger for a very brief moment. This tower starts off very weak, but upgrading it will improve its draining effect.

Slime Trap - for the sake of having at least one "tower" that will slow down a large number of units, the slime trap is something that sits on the road. Any target that walks into it will be slowed down as they try to break out of this sticky mess. Upgrades will increase the amount of drag this tower causes, but they are costly, and possibly capped at level 3 (to prevent a total standstill)

How is this for a start?
Re: Tentacle Defense

I suppose something that needs to be defined is the viewpoint.

Is this going to be top-down? High-angle side view (so girls/towers don't overlap each other on the screen)? Low-angle side view (girls/towers do overlap, but you get the best view of the action)?

How close a viewpoint are you going for? This also affects how large the play field is - a play field that's only ten towers (or girls) wide will let the artists put lots of detail into their animations, but the field will itself only fit relatively few objects at once.
Re: Tentacle Defense

I understand that. Flash IS ActionScript, no getting around it. I'd just rather work on it in a language that, say, supports overloading functions. AS is just a pain in the ass to work with. Would you be horribly against the idea of compiling to an executable? I could maybe start trying to learn Xcode and make a port for Mac (since I own one) if that's your beef.

A note to the overlord: Regardless of what language you choose, I hope you will require this to be more like Wintermaul and less like Elemental TD. That is, the ability to build your towers in a maze-like structure, instead of having your women run through a corridor with towers on either side. The latter would be easier to make (no need to code attacks into the women's classes since blocking wouldn't be a problem), the former would be more fun.

I wonder if I could put this finished project into a portfolio that I would show future employers.
Re: Tentacle Defense

that's a good setup screwdriver. i like how you took everything from 4 pages and condensed it.
just to clarify what i was talking about before with your interpretation:
Body Count[BC]: Each woman you capture can be turned into a tower? (do I understand you Sheep?)

this is close, but instead of just A tower, i was thinking more along the lines of this:
each girl you capture is worth the same amount, but... they continue to give you income each round rather than a one-time thing. the tentacle monster entangles her, keeps her alive, and keeps having sex with her and breeding towers with her for the rest of the game. this way the income will escalate because you keep raising the number of total captured women each round, allowing you to keep getting better towers.

e.g. 20 women the first round get captured, then each round they breed a total of 20 tentacle larvae. maybe 5 could merge into a basic tower, 10 could upgrade an existing level 1 tower into a better one, or 20 could merge into a level 2 tower, for instance. then next round you will have 20 more women captured, spawning 40 larvae total, allowing you to make better towers to handle the next round, which should obviously be more difficult. maybe if you don't spend all your larvae by the end of the round, they could grow up to be bigger and be worth a little more than 1 each, like 1.25 or 1.5, too.

you could always include a "boss" or two here and there, e.g. a dude who cuts off a few of your tentacles and frees a few women if he gets through your maze successfully, thereby cutting down on your income and breeding potential.
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Re: Tentacle Defense

- I think that 5 levels would be a good number to work with - especially to get the player interested in the game. Additionally, if we are going to work with different location scenarios, we should set all five in one location.

Kusanagi appears to have a rather robust list of locations, and they appear to work within the numbers I mentioned before. I would highly recommend starting with the Beach levels. Anything after that can be done in the full version.

XD Did you pick the beach arbitrarily or because it's somehow better than the others? Personally, I think that 'the beach' seems a little odd just because it's so... open? I'd at least like to see in the map a cloudy day and some shifty looking crab grass, though I'd rather the map look a little eerie and 'proper' for tentacles, rather than the usual sand & surf bright colours that come from Baywatch!

- A progressional story would be cool, though I suspect that the plot would have to be kept to a minimum - something cute and short like a miniskirt.

To this end, I don't think we should have to describe the method that women gain energy in the way that Sheep's talking about. :\ It seems like a lot of detail to go into to talk about women being captured and tentacle larvae being bred. I'd rather focus on 'women on a map run through a set map and get screwed quite a lot' as the basis. XD That's all I'd be coming to this game for, especially in a demo. If people want to micromanage details, there are lots and lots of other games. Can we use the sexual energy currency, in that case (Also means less worry about animations for this whole body count thing. >.> That worries me a touch.)

- For the sake of the demo, lets start off with 5 tower types. At the very least, this will give the players some variation with the demo. If we lock some of the upgrades for some of the higher end tentacles, this should hopefully perk their interests further. (That said, in the full blown version, we can go nuts with more towers).

That brings us to the last issue:
[5] Tower Types: There have been many suggestions as to what we should have in this game. We need to pick five to satisfy the needs for the demo, and then we'll need to decide on their upgrade schema. Should there be a cap on the number of upgrades you can put on the towers?

My recommendations are as follows:

The Cum Shooter - there are a few variants mentioned in this topic. This is the basic "cheap" tower that shoots its cum at passersby [rather than passerbies]. Upgrades will make it fire faster.

The Groper: - Typical tentacle nest. They'll grab at anything that comes within their reach and molest them. Upgrades may improve their range and number of females they can hold on to (starting at one).

The Sadistic Lasher: - An angry set of tentacles that pleasure themselves on inflicting pain. This tower is a bit stronger, and may work best when clumped in groups. Not sure if it should actually kill, or just try to render the victim unconscious. Upgrades will boost their prowess.

The Leering Eye: - a tower with a large, telepathic eye. The eye will shoot a beam at one victim at a time, inflicting them with thoughts of sexual acts. With a constant exposure to this beam, the afflicted target will eventually lose consciousness as their need to burn off their lust will override their body. If the victim manages to escape the beam, the thoughts will linger for a very brief moment. This tower starts off very weak, but upgrading it will improve its draining effect.

Slime Trap - for the sake of having at least one "tower" that will slow down a large number of units, the slime trap is something that sits on the road. Any target that walks into it will be slowed down as they try to break out of this sticky mess. Upgrades will increase the amount of drag this tower causes, but they are costly, and possibly capped at level 3 (to prevent a total standstill)

If we ARE using the 'cum shooter' how does that work for animations with women? XD It'd be neat if it were a slime-shooter, or something that the tower spits that grapples/screws a lady on the spot!

Speaking of animations and tower types, are women going to just 'disappear' once they're done with? I like the idea of having them be slurped underground instead of dying, though I still don't like the body count method of continuous currency. XD Once they're 'sucked underground to the base' they're simply removed from the game, their potential in forced orgasms maybe is used up as they give in to the sensations~

The rest of the towers are interesting. The Lasher, I'm not sure... only if we include a girl with an animation that likes it somewhere along the way. XD

- Working with the magic number 5, 5 girls should be included in the demo.

4 girls and 1 boss type (even if the boss type comes in a group of two or three?) I highly disagree with the boss being male and being able to topple towers. I'd rather see the boss being a woman if they're able to do that, both to match the other women coming through, and because 'women are weak and to be raped' vs 'male boss who can beat you up' gets my feminist panties in a knot. Yes, I'm enjoying the thought of doing animations for tentacle raep against women; yes I know that's a big steaming heap of hypocrisy. XD Still... there's fantasy and then there's just going a step too far for me!

[2] Map style: Open Space | Set Path

Open Space [OS]: the map is an open area within an enclosed space. Towers can be built anywhere, even used to create a maze to slow down or trap the incoming enemy. The enemy will usually approach from one side of the map and may disperse across the map trying to get to the other side as quickly as they can.

enemies typically come in from the left and try to get to the right side. This is the typical TD approach, but does not work very well in the situation where a rescue mission is involved.

Set Path [SP]: There is a well defined road to your base that your opponents must travel across. This path can change per map, and will make their movements a bit more predictable. This is another common TD approach, however the enemy units normally do not attack the towers - they just try to rush the base. This is a great set-up for rescue missions.

I'd prefer a set path, honestly. So long as the women and towers are spaced out enough that individual animations can be seen of the women getting *ahem*'d, this makes the most sense to me. Out of the two kinds, I like these better because it means you don't have stupid looking problems of women suddenly walking backwards and attempting to move around a tower. >_> Mazes might be difficult, too, as I imagine there'd be a cut-off of the women's legs where they were hidden by the wall in front. Besides, this is a beach. :p

I imagine it might be easier for coders to set a line that the women have to follow, anyways!

[4] Number of animations:

In total, that comes around to 25 different animations (5 girls x 5 towers). If desired, we can chop down the number of frames in each animation so our artists don't murder everyone else on the team.

Fix'd! :D

Sorry about sound, I know next to nothing about how to compose, though I'd really like to learn. XD I can make maps and animations, but music is going to have to be in someone else's ballcourt!

edited to add:

I suppose something that needs to be defined is the viewpoint.

Is this going to be top-down? High-angle side view (so girls/towers don't overlap each other on the screen)? Low-angle side view (girls/towers do overlap, but you get the best view of the action)?

How close a viewpoint are you going for? This also affects how large the play field is - a play field that's only ten towers (or girls) wide will let the artists put lots of detail into their animations, but the field will itself only fit relatively few objects at once.

I was thinking a diagonal/top view for the map, with towers/women that are viewed side-on. Saves in perspective worries and allows one to adds more space, I feel.

I prefer a map that we could scroll around (or rather, click and drag or something. XD) since that allows larger animations and longer game play per level (assuming we're going with a set path). It allows the girls to spread out and towers to be placed further apart so that animation could be seen better, too. What do you guys think?
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Re: Tentacle Defense

To this end, I don't think we should have to describe the method that women gain energy in the way that Sheep's talking about. :\ It seems like a lot of detail to go into to talk about women being captured and tentacle larvae being bred. I'd rather focus on 'women on a map run through a set map and get screwed quite a lot' as the basis. XD That's all I'd be coming to this game for, especially in a demo. If people want to micromanage details, there are lots and lots of other games. Can we use the sexual energy currency, in that case (Also means less worry about animations for this whole body count thing. >.> That worries me a touch.)

implementation-wise it wouldn't be too hard if you're clever and/or lazy about it. if you do it this way, you can just have an animation of a tentacle monster having sex with the girls in the bottom left corner during the levels or something, and you can just re-use the girls' sprites in different places around the monster. copy the sprite for the girl and overlap it with a pre-defined tentacle and show it fucking her. once it gets past like 10 or 20 visible girls in pre-defined locations, you just have a growing mass of tentacles as new women get engulfed into the middle of it. just make all the girls have the important parts in the same places so the tentacles hit, like waist, nipples, pussy, legs, whatever it wraps around and/or fucks. this game would be so much more fun and rewarding if there's direct consequences for the girls for being raped, rather than just textual notification.

as long as the game is balanced and playable, the sex should be the most interesting part. i'd hate to see it end up like so many other games that have boring sex after so much hard work you guys put into it.
Re: Tentacle Defense

Not to throw a dead ball in the court, but a thought strikes...

Building a game is a lot of work. I should know, I've quit on about five or six of them. Maybe we should start out on something a little less complicated. Not that the ideas aren't great - just to sort of practice our hands. When we finish with the "trial" version I'm about to suggest, we can reuse much of the same code to make the more delicious version.

The trial version goes like this:
Going back to the women as defenders idea. Storyline would be, such and such village is under attack! Warriors must defend! Doesn't matter what gender the towers would be, only build them and they fire away. Animations would be easier, because it would jsut be a man/woman swinging a sword or shooting a bow. Or they could be all male, as a justification for only the women being left in the village. Upgrades could be flame/blessed weapons that do more damage. The "end" of the line would be the town itself. The more tentacle monsters get through your defensive towers, the more people in the village get raped. This could be something as simple as 5 pre-set animations - no rapage, level 1 rapage, level 2 rapage, and so on through level 5 rapage where each level there is a greater amount of rape. Or we could go a little more complicated and make it so each of the unique monsters from each level has a custom animation, and depending on how many each monster gets through, there would be more of that animation at the 'village'.

The gist is, have the game and the rape be separate, i.e. the "village" is on the bottom left hand corner where you can see the rape at any time, and the game of TD takes place everywhere else. This way, we wouldn't have to worry about sprites blocking juicy animations, animators and sprite creators would have less work to do, programmers would have less work to do, we all would have a little more time to brainstorm new ideas for the "real" game we'd be making after this, and most of the code could be re-used or improved upon.

Mostly I bring this up because it seems like the tentacles as defenders seems much more enjoyable to play, and games get better as their developers produce more - just look at the differences between Jungle Girl and Demon Girl. DG was more recent, has more features, better graphics, more polish, etc etc. I'd like for the team to make their mistakes on something that doesn't really matter - but would still be delicious to play.

Re: Tentacle Defense

...........This thread has gone out of my realm of attention for too long.

Anyway, I like Alias' idea.
Re: Tentacle Defense

So the village would have its own sort of village-tan (girl representing the villagers) and each level of rape on her would indicate how badly the village's doing?

I worry that this will split focus, though it does sound like it could be useful. :x