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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Another grin and he replies, "this is once again, very true."

A moment passes as he adds, "yeah, best to come prepared for things, but if we're out in the field and get cut off..." The implication is clear, a prolonged cut off, or the right set of bad circumstances, and she may not have much choice at all. He does however nod slightly at the mention of his status there. "Yeah that is true. It's strange, all this time I've considered myself to be... strange based off of some of my more unique properties, and now... Well having that regeneration ability and the hyper-feed ability certainly wasn't something I ever expected to become a huge asset ever. Now though, with all that has happened recently? It's actually making me feel more like I can finally contribute something useful here."

He stops for a moment then moves again, a little bit slower now that they should be nearing where they are going. "Which was what you were trying to make me see earlier wasn't it? Thanks." He slightly chuckles, finally understanding what she's been pointing out, and definitely appreciating it. "I take it the ride back there is smooth?"

It seems to be rhetorical, since he can definitely feel her chin on his shoulder, and it doesn't seem to bother him in the least bit, if anything, it's actually making him feel a bit more comfortable over all.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, that's a big 'if' so we'll worry about it when and if it happens." She grins. "It's all about turning a setback into an asset." As he mentions that what she was saying earlier got through, she pats him on the head. "That's right, he can be taught." Followed by a laugh. "Aye, quite comfortable, though time for the ride to come to an end. Here's our stop." She shifts around, making to hop down, her attention on a storefront a few feet away. Jars of tobacco sit in the window, along with a few boxes of cigars and other bits of smoking paraphenalia. "You can come in, if you want, but I'm only going to stop in long enough to get another carton."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He bows his head slightly in acknowledgement. "Glad to hear you were comfortable though."

He thinks for a moment then says, "ah sure, why not. Can always use the time to meet new people."

He falls in next to her, letting her lead the way.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, not sure how many new people are going to be in here, but I can at least introduce you to my supplier." She heads inside, a little bell chiming over the door. The interior is filled with a lot of pungent aromas, given that there are various caniseters of tobacco sitting out, dotting a lot of the shelves that make up the place. In the back sits a large humador, large enough to walk into. "Funny how I can stand coming in here, but if Burrito lights up his cigars or his pipe it's enough to make me gag." She walks over and talks to the man behind the counter, chatting with him for a little bit and then picking out her smokes. She runs her card through to pay for them, cradling them in her arm as she blows the guy a kiss on her way toward the door. "Ready, Siphon? Or shall we hook you up with a habit or two before we leave?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yeah I'm not sure what it is he smokes, but it definitely isn't that nice smelling."

He waits for her, and when she asks him about picking up certain habits he shakes his head. "I think I am good, thanks though. Actually, hey, I probably should tell you something."

Once they are outside he turns to her and whispers, "apparently Burrito wants me to move up to being his second in command, that's why he pulled me to the side. I'm supposed to go for a briefing at 1800, so if I suddenly vanish, you know why I did. That said, got anywhere else you need to go, or anything you want to do?"

It seems indirectly, he's asking if she want's to go somewhere, and minding if he comes along.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Kel sighed as she went into a ramshackled building bearing the label of 'Roleplayers District'. Soon, she reached a small, but roomy, burrow, which led to Lurker's underground hive.

"Hi Kel," lurker said from his curled-up state. "Anything eventful?"

"No sir," she said quickly.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That's what he hit me for?" She looks a little peeved. "Still, congratulations on that. He must have a lot of faith in you to offer you a position like that." As he mentions going elsewhere, she glances about and actually nibbles on her bottom lip. "Well, I need to drop these off and I was thinking of heading off and getting a bite to eat," pun obviously intended, "and, well, company usually makes that difficult unless its your own kind, y'know?" She glances at her watch. "Tell you what, so you don't have to suddenly disappear and I can take my time and find a big gulp, why don't we meet after your briefing. Sound like a plan?"

At his agreement, she smiles. "Great. I'll see you then. Congrats, by the way." Giving him something of a salute, she spins and heads off, first to her quarters to drop off her spare supplies, check on existing ones, and take a little time sharpening a knife or three. From there, she heads out, slipping on her shades as she cruises out, the objective being an anime-based character for the member, given that, as a rule, they have about 25-gallons of blood per limb and thus, plenty to share...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*Is in a bar drinking and eating really good fries*
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito wakes up to a chiming, looking over at the old man working on something else "Yer all fixed up, sonney, now, get going. I upgraded the tank to withstand more types of gas, but it can't hold more gas in total" the old man says, turning and smiling with his old rotted teeth "You need to see a dentist, old man" he says, sitting up and putting his shirt on, then grabbing his armor and slinging it over his shoulder "You sure you don't need to work on my legs?" he asks, the old man hopping down off a stool and chuckling "Nah, I checked. Everything should be fine. I increased the power in both of your arm muscle boosters by 25%. Note that while it makes you stronger, it also slows down your reaction time by one millisecond" the old man says, as Burrito frowns and starts walking out "See you soon, old man" he says, raising his right hand and waving as he shifts the weight of his armor around on his left shoulder, before heading for his small apartment
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He smiles. "Thank you, I know I will do my best to live up to the expectations and responsibilities of the position." As she mentions company making things more difficult he nods, knowing full well what she means, possibly the only one out their group who truly knew. "Right, I almost forgot about that, and yeah, meeting up after the briefing sounds like a good idea. Let's just meet at the command center so it will be easier to find each other."

He returns the salute to her, thanking her once more, then, after she is gone, turns around and heads back for his own quarters. Once he gets there, he makes certain that his order for more ammo came in, and with that done, he heads off to spend some of the free time he has at a local restaurant, ordering several burgers with fries, and root beer to drink.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Gosh darnnit. You people are making me hungry with the food stuffs!))

Tsuki followed the other back into the city, showing her ID badge when it was needed.

She wondered around the boards, at a loss as to what to do. After a bit of pondering and wondering, she decided she might as well eat while she had the chance. But then what to eat? Agh, she hated decisions. What to consume...?
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Steak, it never fails, if you a veg, potatos!)
*Ish still drinking and eating really tasty fries*
*Watches Basket ball game*
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito arrives at his little apartment, the door barely opening from all the combat gear and weapons strewed about the small area "I'm home" he says quietly, squeezing his large frame in the door and sighing as he closes the door, then walks across the messy apartment and setting the armor and guns slung over his shoulder down next to a recliner which he promptly plants his rump and sighs "good to be home" he says, picking up the shotgun attached to his armor and opening it, removing the shells and getting to work cleaning the gun
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon finished his meal and drink, then stood and made his way back out toward his apartment, intent on resting some before the meeting.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Finally finishing his fries he paid and went outside to a park he frequent. Went to his favorite corner where no one ever goes to. He sat on the bench. Sitting on the bench, he quickly fell asleep, peacefully, enjoying the moment of peace in his little corner of the world.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito finishes cleaning the gun and looks at the clock on his wall "Shit! It's almost time!" he says, putting on his armor and placing the shotgun on his back after loading the shells, then opening the door and squeezing out of the apartment, closing and locking the door behind him "Siphon, get ready for the briefing" he says over the comm directly to Siphon, then heads for the Command building in the center of the city
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon was almost fully awake the moment he heard a voice, and it only took several more moments after that for him to be fully awake, no hint that he had been 'sleeping' in his voice at all. "Understood sir, on my way."

He left his place quickly, making his way to the command center in less than three minutes, his inhuman abilities making it somewhat easier to get there, plus he didn't have that very far to go.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Siphon, welcome to command" Burrito says, standing outside Command "Wait, you've never been to command. Only the officers and higher ranked NCO's get to come here" he says, his arms behind his back, his right hand holding his left "Open up. Captain Burrito requesting entrance" he says very formally as the two guards nod and open the doors, Burrito walking in "He's with me, boys. Let him in" he says, beckoning for Siphon to follow "Anyone who enters command should consider it a privilege" he says, smiling as he continues to walk through the halls
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Thank you." There is a pause as he steps inside, his eyes quickly looking over the place, most likely assessing the structure itself. It wasn't too hard to figure that it came naturally for him now, after all, he was known for studying many different things, and his instincts hadn't been wrong about things yet.

"Yes sir, it is definitely an honor to be here. I've heard about command, but I didn't ever expect to walk in through those doors, at least not anytime soon."

Soon for him though, was much different than it was for the others.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I'm glad you feel that way" Burrito says, stopping at a large pair of doors "He always likes to show off" he says, knocking on the doors, the massive twin-door opening just enough to let Burrito and Siphon through "Be mindful of what you say. After all, he IS the president and provider of this place" he says, walking in and stopping three feet in, then kneeling down on his right knee and bowing his head "Bow your head too, Siphon"