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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon simply listens to what is said, speaking only the one time to reply, "got it sir," to the being mindful of what he says.

Once they are in, and Burrito bows down, Siphon is already following suit before anything is said. While some might consider it strange, for him, something told him this wasn't new to him, that he had done it before, just not here, and it felt natural. He kneels down on his own right knee, his head bowing down, waiting to be told to rise, as he suspects will be the case.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Good, my faithful Captain. You have chosen your allies well" a male voice says, a silhouette showing from behind a screen "I am quite pleased with your progress, and with your dealing with the bots. For that, I commend you. Now, you, who has entered my chamber along with Burrito, rise, and state your name so I may give you your promised reward" the voice says, the silhouette appearing to reach out it's right arm
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He slowly and respectfully rose to his feet, slightly uncertain of how he was to address the president, finally deciding that it would be safe to address him as Mr. President. "My name is Siphon/Talvesh, serving under Captain Burrito, Mr. President. It is an honor to have the opportunity to meet you."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"The honor is all mine. It is always a pleasure to meet soldier who risk their lives to protect something." the President says, his arms now crossed "Private Siphon, I hereby promote you to rank of Sergeant. I trust you will not let me down. the President says, chuckling as a soldier who was stationed at one of the control panels walks over and kneels in front of Siphon, a set of Sergeant stripes inside a box he has raised in front of him
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He was clearly a tiny bit surprised by the president's first words, though he quickly was able to cover it well. He had just met him, and already he liked the guy as a person. When he spoke, it was clear he had taken several moments to properly think out a reply here. "Thank you Mr. President, I will continue to serve and protect you and everyone here, even after death if that can be managed."

There was a moment more of pause before he finally did move to pull out the Sergeant stripes, studying them for a moment before slowly replacing them onto his uniform.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Now, for today's briefing. General, please be so kind as to brief them" the President says, the silhouette fading and another one showing next to it "Of course, President." a genderless voice says, this time a screen appearing over the silhouette "We have reason to believe that the Adbots have large areas of living and equipping for battle. We believe these 'Hives' are the key to winning this war. Inside each hive should be a master script program, allowing the hive to thrive and produce more bots. Corrupt the script or destroy it, and the entire hive will cease to function." The general says, his right arm pointing to the screen, a large bulbous form on the screen "This is as close as our scout could get before the Bots killed him. As you can see, they are fairly large, and we believe each Hive has taken over an old Server building. These buildings have natural security, which the Bots use to their advantage.

You will have to deal with the security, so please be careful. Dismissed"
the general says, Burrito rising and looking over at Siphon "Let's go. We have to get the others ready. When shall we depart, General?" he asks, turning his head back to look at the silhouette "You have one hour to prepare, then our choppers will fly you as close as possible. Since most Server buildings are in remote locations to prevent attempts on them, the terrain around the nearest one is less than hospitable. Be careful our there." the general speaks, the silhouette vanishing as Burrito nods and heads for the door "Come, Siphon. We have work to do"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon listens wordlessly, saying nothing during the briefing, but he is obviously marking the map and information to his memory. He stands with Burrito, heading for the door, an unreadable expression on his face. Once they have gotten out of earshot of the others, he looks over to Burrito and then says, "Copper is supposed to meet me over this way a little later, so I can handle informing her sir. One thing that bothers me about this though, the word hive. Somehow... it seems familiar to me, and not in the sense of the definition of the word."

It's clear that he is uneasy about whatever memory might be trying to surface, but he's doing well to hold that back. "Who knows, maybe just maybe I'll figure out something about my origins while stomping these hives into the ground."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Agreed. I just hope your past is something helpful to us." Burrito says, a serious look on his face as he thinks "We have one hour. I'll inform everyone." he says, his right hand reaching up to press his comm "Everyone, get ready. we leave in one hour. Report to the Helipad in one hour" he says over the comm, a smile on his face as he stretches his left arm and sighs "I'll be waiting there, Siphon. Make sure that Copper is informed as much as possible." he says, turning and heading for the Helipad
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Lurker gave a snort as the com woke him up. With a little bit of stiffness, he got himself up and then crawled into the city proper.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I hope it is too sir, it would be nice for a change." He nods quickly in reply. "I'll see to it sir, will meet you in less than an hour. I like arriving a little early."

Once Burrito has left, Siphon moves over to the spot where he told Copper they would meet, and sits down, waiting.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

With nothing to do, he sits at the heli pad waiting for the others at least 40 min early then the meeting time, he flips he lap top open and starts to read the analysis of a bot to see if theres any weak points if facing a huge wave of them...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki, having finally settled on eating a sandwich and was still eating it, started for the helipad. She hoped she wouldn't get a stomach cramp from eating so soon before action.... Oh well. It was a good sandwich.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Eventually, Copper makes her way back to the area around the Command Center, having gotten the announcement same as the others, though she's there for a different reason.

"Hey, there's the man." She lightly slugs Siphon on the shoulder, drawing her hand back. "Ooh, new patch." She pokes the stripes. "You look good in stripes."

She, herself, is looking a little more...human. There's actually color in her cheeks for the time being and her body temperature isn't as cold. No telling how long that will last, but for now, she's got a healthy glow about her.

"So, what's the story, morning glory? I got the comm to meet at the helipad, but we've got time for that yet. Enough for you to dish."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He grins back to her, falling into step with her as he leads her away from the area. "We're to head into enemy controlled territory, possibly their war factories." He quickly fills her in on everything that he was told, pausing at the end to add, "and for some reason, the use of the word hive along with the description of them strike a chord in me, I'm not sure why."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sounds like fun." It's hard to tell if she's being sarcastic or not. "But, if this is a chance to hit them where it really counts, I'm all for it. Could use a good brawl, too." As he remarks about the word striking a cord, she looks thoughtful. "Maybe you were a drone and busted free of the hive-mind." She drums her fingertips together as she says that. "Might be why it causes such a reaction."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Indeed, a bit of knock em sock em action would be a nice thing right now."

There is a pause as he considers her thought then slowly shakes his head. "I'm not sure, but I think it's something else, might be wrong though. Whatever the reason, and if there is some kind of past history involving a hive of any kind, I just hope that it proves to work for us and not against us."

Another short pause and he finally says, "alright, so we have a bit left before we ship out, you have any ideas on something to do?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I guess we'll find out. If you start acting all zombified going into the hive, I'll have one of the boys knock your ass out, how's that?" She grins a little, maybe teasing, maybe not. As he asks about what she wants to do, she actually shrugs. "Well, I don't hang out around here too much. I gather we've both gotten something to eat and we haven't got too much time before we need to ship out. What's quick and fun around here?" She scratches her cheek. "Could see if we can steal a GET." There's that grin again.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nods. "If I start seeming like I'm not in control of myself in there, make sure I don't compromise the mission by whatever means needed. I doubt you'll need to though, but still doesn't hurt to prepare for any possibility."

He grins and says, "or we could go try playing one of the quicker games, up to you?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Will do." He could tell she was taking his words seriously, perhaps running through her head what might exactly be necessary. Obviously, though, it wasn't something she wanted to dwell on for too long. "Well, all depends on how close the GET is, I guess. Whether it's worth it. There's always the Mindfuck gallery." She grins. "I've got something in there, you know."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"How about we browse around then for a bit? Never hurts to just browse. Though before long we should move to the heliport."