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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Tsuki. Glad you're awake. Stay in the infirmary until we get back. We're going to need your help with something" Burrito says back to Tsuki over the radio, his smile turning into a full-toothed grin "You lose, Shrike" he says, hopping down off the building and spinning before landing, then taking off in a blur of greyish-blue towards the helipad


The soldier begins to tremble at the touch of the Wraith, but he begins to calm down upon coppers words "T-t-the squad......Who's alive?" he asks quietly, blood on his lips and face as he begins to tremble again "The cease-fire........It's over." the kid says, slipping out of consciousness
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon sit's there a moment after the young man passes out then shoots a look to Copper. "What the hell did THAT mean, the cease fire is over?"

He shakes his head then adds, "I'm going to chance a short quiet radio transmit, standby."

He activates his radio then speaks softly. "Burrito this is Siphon. Lone survivor of Game is alive but out cold, in stable condition for now. Before he passed out though he said the cease fire is over, whatever the hell that means. Should we be expecting company then?"

((I think he probably wasn't with them for whatever that is referring to at the time it happened.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That doesn't make sense. If the cease-fire were over, we'd have a major problem on our hands. We'd have another army to fight." Burrito says over the radio after stopping next to a chopper with it's twin rotors spinning and ready for liftoff "I'm at the chopper now. All we have to do is wait for Shrike and then we can come and pick you up" he says, sitting down on the edge of the chopper and taking out his cigar case, trying to light it but failing miserably due to the whirling blades "God dammit. Can't have a smoke anywhere."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There was a moment while Siphon thought, and a gruesome thought popped into his head. "Is it possible this other army ended the cease fire by attacking Gamma and then ran into the bots and were slaughtered before they could get to us, or even captured? The only other explanation, unless he's confused about what attacked them if that isn't it is that we have some kind of new bot in the bot army that appears to be human. I have to admit, I'm really not thrilled with any of those ideas."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Search the area for remains of enemy soldiers. THeir insignia is easy to spot. It's a red circle with a yellow fox tail in it. If you find anyone wearing those uniforms, then let me know immediately. I want Copper to stay there and make sure the kid doesn't die." Burrito says, his mind troubled by what might happen
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded and replied he would check, then turned to Copper. "Watch out for a tiny bit, I'm going to move around the local area and see if I can find any other bodies that aren't from our team. Burrito and I think maybe something happened to this supposed enemy squad. Yell mentally if you need me."

He then moved off cautiously out of sight, the new weapon he had acquired ready to fire if need be. He hadn't been searching for more than five minutes when he came upon the shattered remains of several bot bodies. Shaking his head, he continued looking on until, there, off to one corner were several dozen corpses, some of which had seemingly been smashed to death, the only thing recognizable being the symbol on the uniforms. The remaining corpses, a dozen more, appeared to have been fed on by something, all that remained were their clothes and skeletons.

He failed to realize that his channel was open as he drew the radio out at first, transmitting slightly more than he intended to. "Jesus Mary of god. Burrito, I'm about half a click away from Copper's position now, to the... North of her. I've got about three dozen or so bodies here with symbols matching what you described. Most seem to have been cut up or smashed to death but some of them appear to have been fed upon. I'd say it's unlikely anyone survived this fight, and the winning side appears to be long gone. I'm moving back to Copper again though, for some reason I have an uneasy feeling right now."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike appears on the rooftop of a building next to the helipad. She clambers down the side of it, seeing Burrito already sitting at a chopper. Sitting?! Couldn't even be magnanimous about it, has to show off, eh?

She reaches ground level and does an easy jog up to the helipad, giving him a playful shove once she gets there. "Oh come on, you haven't been here that long!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Uh, sure." Tsuki went back into her room and plopped down onto her bed. Now, it was just waiting until she was needed. "Whatever you guys are up to, be careful...."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The door to Lurker's burrow burst open, though the figure that came from it wasn't the multi-legged zerg. Flipping open some form of scanner, he glances at it, then makes some sort of movement with his hands...

and a few moments later, appearing near Burrito. "Hey boss, what's shaking?" he asked, sliding back the blonde hair from his eyes as he unslung a Gause Blaster.

((Hehehe, forgot I was in this ^^;))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Well, dammit, quit lurking! Glad to have you back, bug-boy! *huggles the Zerg*))

Copper let out a sigh, glad to not have to answer that question yet. Of course, she heard Burrito's order to keep the kid alive, but part of that hinged on him getting there with the chopper. At least he was stable enough and she'd be able to tell if he took a turn for the worst. There were a couple drastic measures she could take if things looked like they were going south, fast, but if she didn't have to rely on them, more's the better.

Keeping alert, she listened to Siphon and Burrito go back and forth, smiling a bit at Tsuki's words. As the Wraith made his way back, she looked up at him. "The cease fire was something Burrito set up with another forum on the other side of the mountains. So either you're right, and they got gacked by bots before they could get too far, or the bots took them out, stole their uniforms, and attacked Gamma to try to fool us into thinking the cease fire was over." She looks thoughful for a second. "Or, they allied with the bots and the bots didn't seem to care about a little friendly fire. I really don't like the idea of a two-front war."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito's right hand instantly comes down to meet Lurker's head, a full-on slap on the back of the head "Where the hell were you when the war was on?!" Burrito yells, motioning for Shrike to get in the chopper as well as Lurker "That doesn't matter now, though. We have someone to save. Get in" he says, the chopper starting to lift slightly off the ground
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shook his head to Copper. "No, they were attacked by that other place, who in turn were slaughtered by the bots and our Wraith enemy. I found a couple dozen corpses with the symbol Burrito told me to look for on the radio on them. Some of them were.... bones. Meaning they were fed on. I'm not liking this at all."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Can the words 'fell asleep' count?" he said, getting into the chopper as well. Sitting near the door, he spiraled the weapon around until it looked like a 50 Cal machine gun, jaming the feet in mounts so he cound fire at targets as they flew.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The chopper lifts off, the crew all aboard and the medics getting ready to treat the wounded soldier "We're on our way, Siphon." Burrito says, looking over at Lurker "You had better stop sleeping so damn much."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Could of said I was lurking," he pointed out with a grin.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Do Wraith feed all the way down to the bone?" She looks around at the carnage they were sitting in the middle of. "I guess our guys were lucky. Maybe. I'm not sure which would be worse." She sighs. "I feel kinda bad for the kid." She was keeping an eye on his breathing and pulse, making sure Siphon's patch-job was holding until Burrito and the others could get on scene.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"With a full feeding on humans, yes. They had to have been fully fed on to leave... skeletons like that. This was a fully uninterrupted feeding, one which I suspect was likely slow and painful. I wouldn't be surprised if their own areas soon fall under attack like we have from the bots, and.... wait, how far from us are they?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

And people called her kind monsters. At least with a feeding like hers, her dinner got warm and happy tinglies, even if she did opt to drain them dry. "The other forum? On the other side of the mountain, though I'm not sure how big the range is. Why?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

In the meantime, Grave was still asleep, restoring his power. After a battle like that, that'd require a very long rest, but someone decided to meddle a little with the warrior's life. If anyone had looked into the corridor, they'd have noticed a grey figure standing in front of the sleeping swordsman, flipping a coin. The moment it struck the ground, everything became blurred...

Grave suddenly woke up. He wasn't sure what happened, but he felt refreshed. He looked at the watch and shook his head - it was way too early for him to wake up. As the warrior moved his hand to touch the ground and push himself up, he heard a metalic "clank" when one of his claws struck something laying on the ground. Grave picked the object up and took a careful look, then smiled. He had recognized the crest on the coin. 'Chronos... So you decided to help me? Heh, random as usual, playing with time... Well, at least I know that they are fine.' Grave moved out of the corridor, then began to wonder around. Eventually he found a cafeteria and managed to get some food, then he went to the infirmary. Upon entering, Grave noticed that Tsuki was awake and others were gone. "Hey. What happened during my nap?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon blinked for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Because the hive that attacked us paused over that area for a short time before hitting us. If it unloaded on them like it did us, even if they survived it.... Seeing it stop at our forum before attacking it, staying aloft for some time.... they may think WE were the ones who attacked THEM first, if that hive did in fact hit them. Why the hive wouldn't destroy them is beyond me though. If I'm right, then we can't be extremely far from enemy territory. Burrito needs to get here asap, when he does I'm going to see if I can.... get us an aerial image."