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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon grinned at her comment regarding Woolsey. "Indeed it would be dumb on his part. As for your time frame, damn that's short, but probably for the best anyways. I wish I was going with you folks though."

There is a pause and he adds, "I've already seen Shrike and Tsuki, apologized to Tsuki to for what happened to her. Planing on taking her out to dinner when that last hive is finally gone as part of trying to make things up to her. I think though she might be best off sitting out this mission you folks are going on, all of this has taken a lot out of her and she was pretty tired when I saw her. I think I woke her up like I did you."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I'll keep that in mind," she says as he mentions Tsuki. "Yeah, she definitely needs a rest. She doesn't bounce back as easily as the rest of us and I for one don't feel like dragging her away from R&R for a meeting. If we need her, we can always bring her in later. I will pass on the promise of dinner if I see her, though. And she's got a witness, so no getting out of it for you now." She grins at him. "In the meantime, we'll take care of her, never fear."

She lets out a sigh. "Should probably get ready, much as I'd rather just loaf about and keep you here, too. Gotta make the donuts, though. I'd say keep me updated, but I know you can't, so you'd better check in as soon as your back." She gives him a look that breeches no argument.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"She knows, but yeah having you remind her I think would benefit her. And you can count on my updating you as soon as possible. Well, since you need to get ready, I shall head on out so you can, watch yourself though, I don't want to have to have need to come beating heads in to find you, as tempting as it is to do it anyway."

He grins at this, but she knows he is partly serious. He turns to head out, and would vanish quickly unless she called out to him to wait.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That gets more and more tempting every day, it seems," she replies with a similar grin. "And don't you go needing us to bail your ass out, all right?" She gives him a rather firm hug before the two of them part again and she doesn't call back to him, but she does lean in the doorway and watch him head off. Once he was out of sight, she retreated back indoors to find some clothes and prep for the briefing. By the time she emerged from the bedroom, there was merely a tangled up blanket where Grave had been, the warrior likely having let himself out while she was dressing. Putting together the rest of her gear--smokes, filling her flask and lighter, making sure she had enough blades on her--she shrugged on her jacket and headed for the bunker for the meeting.

She was infinitely glad things with Aika had gone better than with Woolsey, but then, Aika was that sort of character. The mission seemed simple enough: go in, evict the squatters, find out what happened to the greenies, get home in time for dinner. The only problems she foresaw were the fact that Burrito and Pale weren't back yet, Siphon wasn't going with, and they were down a member with Tsuki taking time off. At least she knew she could count on Shrike and Grave (who finally had a radio, thank the gods.)

((Kicking things up to speed, since y'all have been patient with me.))

"Well, let's get this over with. You guys wanna try the polite approach, the tactical approach or the 'let's go knock some heads' approach?" She was studying the various entrances from a distance. If anyone were watching, there'd be little chance of them sneaking in, but not to say it wouldn't be impossible, especially given their resources.

((And I think it's just Shrike, Grave and me. Tsuki's out for a while and Pale can pop in whenever, although if anyone were to jump in, this would likely be a very good time.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, the polite approach obviously won't work, or we wouldn't be here. I've. Never been a fan of busting heads either, so let's see what we can figure from here..." Shrike says thoughtfully, sitting on a nearby ledge. She focuses her thoughts outward, trying to sense minds in the house, and anything those minds were thinking loudly enough to project, being as unobtrusive as possible.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I guess we're different, then. I'd rather get those heads rolling. Altough playing the silent terror can be amusing. I guess it's your call, boss."

That sentence summed the dark warrior up. Grave was aways thinking about amusement whenever he was fighting. He enjoyed slaughter and destruction and had little patience. However, he was smart enough to focus on the job when necessary. That didn't stop him from tormenting Copper a little - as the only ULMF soldier in the group, she was appointed the CO for the time being.

Grave focused his attention on his extra sense, trying to find anything that had the spiritual signature of a live or undead being. "Well, if the previous team disappeared just like that, we'll obviously have to deal with something tough... And rescue people at the same time. This sucks." That last comment clearly pertained to the bit about saving people.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(I think I've been in orbit long enough. Time to make a dramatic return before I end up in Sin's story. As a Lurker.)

The last few hours had been a little. traumatic, for the Grey Mage. Getting lost in a distinctly unfriendly spaceship, populated in no small part by roaming monsters out for her virtue - with anti-magic auras, no less... And then said spaceship flying into orbit and -exploding-, had been somewhat distracting.

Certain sharp-eyed folk might recall a shooting star detaching from the exploding Hive, and for good reason. Left with no option, Pale had taken a deep breath, and blasted out the nearest hull section. That combined with a DeepSleep, using a self-sustaining HardShield, had kept her in a carefully decaying orbit, timed just so she'd miss the doubtless torturous debrief of their last excursion. She hated debriefs.

Back to the present though.. a decaying orbit could only last so long. Which meant it was time to wake up, and time to land. Or crash-land. Or something like that. Anyone watching the sky might spot a shooting star, streaking across the velvet blue, heading directly for the forums..
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale would possibly take note as she cruised in, of two distinct things.

One was a single Wraith Male, Sparky from the looks of it, fighting off something that could only be best described as something out of a horror film. The creature stood at nearly eight feet tall, and easily outweighed the Wraith by three hundred or more pounds. Sparky had taken some injury it seemed, but was still managing to hold his own against the creature who, despite a seemingly mangled and deformed arm ending in razor like bone blades, didn't appear to have been injured at all.

The second thing was from the forum itself. A Single Wraith Dart lifting off from the forum, commanded by none other than Siphon himself, blasting away high up on it's way to some obviously important location. He obviously had not seen Sparky as he climbed high up, vanishing into the clouds in the middle atmosphere.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Before you go, Aika informs you that the prototype weapon has never been successfully fired, and will likely blow up in the hand of whoever tries to use it. Had to change this so many times…)

Both Shrike and Grave determine the same thing – there are ten people in the house, all of them upstairs. Grave determines that four of these people are sitting close together, in a position that would indicate being tied up – Shrike notes the worried thoughts of four prisoners, not knowing what will happen to them. Alongside that are six relatively thuggish minds, concerned primarily with the objects of value in the house, and more specifically, with trying to get a strange device to work. Two of them are arguing with each other about the ethics looting and capturing forum members. You could try for deeper thoughts, though what you would learn from that you couldn’t already determine from their surface thoughts is probably not going to be relevant to the mission.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave growled. "Ten people, four of them seem to be tied up or something... All of them upstairs." He sighed and summoned a thin, short black stick. The warrior chewed on it for a moment before he moved it to the corner of his mouth and spoke again, turning towards Copper. "They don't seem to be inhuman or anything. If we put some effort into this, we'll deal with them quickly. Shrike, can you read them?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike responds slowly, dragging her senses back to her body.

"Near as I can tell, the four are indeed prisoners, and the other six are looters. I only felt surface thoughts though, to avoid being detected. I could go deeper, but I don't see much of a point, really. Should we just bust in and kick ass then? They have the prototype weapon, but don't know how it works yet. If we move fast, we can simply cut them off from the prisoners and take them down, they don't seem that impressive."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. "Meh... Sounds like a typical hostage situation... Geez. Alright then. I don't know how you want to enter without causing trouble. Also, there's another problem." The warrior sighed and turned towards the building. "Even though those were greenhorns, I doubt they'd be taken down by six bandits. There might be a suprise waiting for us."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike sighs, standing. "There's always a surprise... As for getting in, I don't see a way to do it both quickly and silently, so we might as well crash in through some of the upper windows. I suggest that we split up between the room with the hostages, and the rooms the enemies are in, and I volunteer to help the hostages, for one. I'm still not at 100%, so it would probably be better if I stay out of the most direct line of fire." She says calmly with a shrug, waiting for a response.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave smiled and cracked his fingers. "Heh. I feel like slaughtering someone, so I'll deal with the enemy. Copper, should I try to spare one? Just in case you want to hear what he might say."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((From Host's description, I'm thinking the hosties are in the same room as the thugs, but I could be wrong.))

"At least we're sure they're not pulling the 'bad guys are the ones tied up' trick." She scans the upper layout of the house. "So long as everyone has a way of getting up there, we'll be good. And they shouldn't see us coming in through the windows." At the sound of cracking knuckles, she grins. "Yes, Grave. At least one survivor please and one I preferably won't have to ghoul to keep alive. I think we'll be all right keeping their attention, Shrike. You do your best to get the hosties untied and out. I'll see if I can't help with a little distraction while you two get in. Point out the windows closest to 'em for me."

That done, she nods. "All right folks, let's do this. I'll still be able to hear you," she taps her radio, "but I won't be able to answer. Not until you hear the crash. Anything else?"

If there isn't, she moves back a little, undergoing the transformation that turns her into her raven form. The bird immediately takes flight and circles the building once before flying a distance away and looping back around, streaking toward the window. Of course, a second or two before the bird gets into proximity, it flashes back to the vampire's human form, enabling her to crash/dive through the second-floor window in closest proximity to the thugs as she can manage.

((Assume she'll wait if there's any issues before she goes, then that'll be Copper's action while the other two [three, if John's with] are getting themselves inside. Essentially...distraction, drawing their attention to *her* as opposed to Shrike, Grave, and the hosties, and ready to roll into a crouch and tear shit up. As for going through the window...vampire. And there's a reason she wears a lot of leather.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave stretched himself as Copper took off. "Well, time for some high speed movement." He tensed, preparing to lunge forward. Dark energy began to gather under his feet. As soon as he heard the crash, Grave dashed, releasing the energy. It acted like a catapult, shooting the warrior forward with great speed. Grave repeated the manouver twice - once on the ground to launch himself up, then in mid air to fly at the window near the place where he sensed enemies. Of course, unlike Copper, he didn't want to bother himself with shards of glass. He began to release mana as he flew, forming a sphere strong enough to repel small objects around himself. This kept the glass away from him and provided some extra energy he could channel into a projection after entering. Grave decided to go with a pair of short swords this time. Once he got in and close enough to the enemies, the slaughter would begin.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Showoffs." Shrike snickers as she watches the other two, running over to the house and doing a couple jumps off of stuff to get her up to the level of the window nearest the captives. Placing a hand on the glass, she sent a pulse through her hand, shattering the glass and sending the shards flying in the direction of the attackers two seconds after she hears Copper break through her window, and diving through, blade appearing in her hand, looking to deflect any shots headed towards either her or the hostages.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(EDIT: To help, I made a map of the building.)

“Hey, is that…?”
“Oh, oh yeah! Oh man, it is! Prepare to owe me fifty bucks, my unfortunate friend!”
“The fuck are you going on about, Eddy?”
“One of the members shifted into a bird and is buzzing the building. I told you they’d take top entrance first!”
“Don’t count your money before I’m slapping you in the face with it, Eddy. It hasn’t gone in yet.”
“C’mon, c’mon! Go in, girl!”
“No! Don’t! Don’t you DARE! Drop! Drop, damn you! ARRGHH!!”
“I believe that will be fifty bucks, Snake.”
“Oh, fuck you, Eddy, just… fuck you.”


(cookie for whoever gets this reference)

“Hey Sarge, whatda we gotta steal crap like this for, anyway?”
“Cuz I told you to, that’s why.”
“Oh, that don’t seem like no good kind a reason to *mutter mutter mutter*-hey what’s that?” The man pointed to a large black bird that was passing by the window.
“It’s a Raven, Lister. Smaller type o’ bird… but they woun’n be out this far ‘nless…” the bird came back around, and looked the pair straight in the eyes.
Oh shit.” The raven headed straight for the window, morphing back to human and crashing through. As it picked itself off the ground, the pair got a fairly accurate idea of their remaining lifespan.
“I love you, Sarge.”

Grave popped through the same window, the two people there currently too preoccupied with fear to even level their weapons at the pair, though that couldn’t last too long…

Shrike headed through the window and into the room with the four hostages tied in the closet. The broken glass strikes one of the pair, crippling the thug before Shrike even got into the window. The other ran out from behind the corner, pistol in hand, and took several seconds to aim properly at Shrike. Several seconds that he really could not afford, likely allowing Shrike to disarm or kill him before he could fire.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Well.... I suppose.. if I must. Everyone gets to play the hero now and again, I suppose.

The shimmering comet that was Pale, encased in her ever-useful HardShield, changes course ever so slightly, and plummets to earth. If her aim was correct, she'd crush that monstrosity, whatever it was. If not, she'd miss, and possibly hit Sparky. And that would doubtless be a terrible loss for the world. Pale could live with those odds.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((I've decided not to have John there since it's moved along already, and not even sure what to post for it so...))

Pale caught a lucky break, if one could call saving a 'former' enemy a lucky break. As she rocketed in, the abomination actually LIFTED the Wraith off the ground and threw him at a wall, and even with her being high up she could hear the crunch of bone smacking into metal. It the tilted half way back, letting out a roar that was cut off as Pale squashed it flatter than a dime.

With it dead, she was free to turn her gaze to Sparky, who was JUST now getting back to his feet, and the expression on his face told her that, despite the fact he knew she didn't like him, he was glad to see her, and not just because she'd saved his life.

"I ah... thank you.... oh shit, I'm not even sure I was ever told your name. Your the mage I know that much. In case your wondering, Siphon is mostly back to normal now, of course some of the changes will never go away like the enhanced strength. You just missed him, he just left to go scout the hive. I would have gone with him but as you can see, I had a slight problem. More so since I spotted Wraith hunters about six miles from here."

Siphon continued flying his dart, unaware of what was going on below him. Instead he was focused on a sudden energy spike reading, coming from the area he was headed towards. "Fuck, that can't be good," he said to no one in particular.

John was watching from the heliport when he saw the explosion outside the complex, and knew it couldn't be anything good. Rushing down, he paused only long enough to inform a guard where he was heading before running as hard as he could toward the position where, though he didn't know it, Pale and Sparky occupied.