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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon was the one who broke the silence, his words almost ghostly.

"He's not alone. He knows someone's hunting him, he's got four wraith commanders off in the tree line, moving about to find us. They aren't armed well though, he ran like a coward. Feel up to gutting four and working off some steam yourself?"

He turned to look at her, and she'd probably be stunned by his eyes.

She'd most likely have remembered them being white eyes like a human with a glowing red center, but now that he was close again, shades off she could see that the destruction of Daedalus had confirmed both of their fears.

The virus hadn't finished altering him, it had only been delayed by that shared link. With that now gone, the virus had woken up and was rapidly finishing the changes to him.

His eyes, which had once been almost human looking despite the red glowing core, now were beyond demonic. They'd become completely black and void where the white should have been, the center still glowing red. The combination was, unsettling at best, and for most humans probably would have been outright, 'piss yourself runnin', terrifying.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

She sniffed, the act both trying to catch scent of them and a bit dismissive. "It'll pass the time." She does draw back a little at his gaze though and he might have a clue that something's been altered, given her look. With everything they've seen, most of his companions weren't normal humans. "You look like you could stand it more. Or are you just going to go for the big fish and I'm the distraction?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nods, then tilts his head.

"Let me guess, my damn eyes are changed again. Time to put the shades back on."

He replaces them, then looks out nodding.

"I want him to think it was you stalking him, then when he's thinking he can take you easily, I'll move in and make him wish he hadn't come here. Actually, I'm gonna just kill him."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yes, they are. And quick knocking sunglasses, dammit. They're handy." She elbows him lightly. "Stalkings the easy part." She grins, letting him see her fangs. "Just keep the channel clear so I can call if need be, hey?" She leans forward, starting to actually slink away on all fours, her body slowly undergoing its transformation from human to wolf as she lets her nose do her work, it being way too loud to rely on her other senses at the moment.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(A blink is a very short-range teleport that’s mainly technological, but also has a small element of magic, making it unlikely to be stopped by the hive’s teleport shielding (assuming it’s got teleport shielding like I believe the SGA ones had). It also works in a more ‘Screw reality, I can do what I want’ way than other forms of teleporting, which are more ‘we found a way to teleport that works without needing to screw with reality’.)

The Black Raven’s mount rushed at the hive, and a few feet from it, disappeared entirely. A reply of We’re through. from the radio was the only indicator that the blink had, indeed, been successful.

The eight Banshees were the only non-keeper air units in the whole Lurker force. Only the best could have piloted the craft upon which the entirety of Lurker air superiority relied. That said, war is hardly a forgiving place. While most dodged, one was unable and struck full force… but not before managing to eject. Lurkers are not ones for half-measures, and this was evident when the ejector seat was shown to have it’s own engine, flying it away from the hive. The other banshees retreated with it, having heard Siphon’s warning when he momentarily took Host’s Lurker-side radio and not wanting to be around in case the crazy bastard really tried what he said he’d try. Besides, Host was too busy trying to Stop Siphon to give them any other orders.

Siphon, while I am never one to complain about additional plans, yours will hopefully be entirely unnecessary. My bomb is capable of taking out – FUCK!

What had happened was very clear… painfully so to someone looking directly at it. He’d have to get one of the clerics to cast ‘remove status ailments’ on him, again. His vision still spotty and realising that the radio had been taken out by the nuke’s EMP effect, Host actually began to panic.

Oh shit, even if those two survived, the ionic disruption from the nuke might have killed the bomb!

But then the interference cleared up and the radio started working again.

This is The Black Raven. Might I enquire as to just what the hell that was, exactly?

”Our allies piloted a nuke into the hive. It may have killed our bomb, but we have to try, at least. Where are you?”

The correct location for the detonation. The map we got from the team scouting the other hive wasn’t really applicable here, but it got the general locations of the important things right. …Though aside the mission, this suit is capable of handling the full blast of radiation from being this close to a nuclear detonation… correct?

No reply.

…Host? …Host!

”I’m sure they can, Black Raven. If they can’t, well, we’ve got radiation scrubbers aplenty back home.”

Superb. The Black Raven responds, with evident sarcasm.

The Black Raven’s passenger placed the bomb and imputed some code or other into a panel, then pushed a button and moved back to the mount with The Black Raven. For a minute, they stood there, waiting to see if the device had been rendered a dud by the nuclear explosion… and then the outside of the bomb seemed to melt into sludge, pouring onto the floor of the hive.

Oh yes, it’s definitely working." he turned off the radio, turned to his passenger, commented ”I think now would be a good time to leave!”, and flew at speed through the hive till he came to a wall that was part of the hull. His passenger preformed another blink, and they were outside again, allowing them to take stock of the battle.

A lot of the trench guns had been destroyed, a good – or more accurately, bad – number of soldiers had been killed on both sides (though most of the Lurker dead had already been brought back in zombified form… yeah, they do that. The majority of the broken guns, SAMs and suits, too, had been made ‘undead’ by some weird form of ‘magic’ a few may recognise as Technomancy). The Wraith were abandoning ship en masse, escaping any way the could manage, giving the people in the trench something to do.

The hive was being eaten from the inside out.

And everything was about to go horribly, horribly wrong.

Host looked at a video feed of the hive taken from one of their satellites, noticed the top beginning to turn into sludge, and decided that it would soon be time to turn the bomb off. He walked into a guarded and still covered cavern with a screen, one of a few such command rooms that had been set up (though most had been destroyed). He looked to the status of the GG bomb that had been used to destroy the hive.

The failsafe was not responding.

Oh… Fuck… Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck- No! Plan C. Plan C can deal with this. No need to panic.

He switched his Lurker radio to one of their channels.

Activate Plan C.” He said.

There was a list on the screen containing the words ‘Node Inactive’ six times. In the next couple of seconds, five of those changed to ‘Node Active’. Host waited for the last to come on and complete the network…

Turn on the bowl.” He said, managing to cover his fear with annoyance.

Activate! Plan! C!” He cried, desperation reaching his voice.

TURN ON THE GODDAMN SHIELD!” he shouted, completely panicked.

Oh shit, don’t tell me the nuke killed my shield generators – it would explain why I’m not getting anything from the radio. Or maybe a lucky hit from wraith weapons – but they weren’t cloaked or active, they would have just seemed like useless lumps of metal; unless they actually preformed a mineral survey of the place they wouldn’t have found them! Fuck, what could do this that I could fix? I suppose that it might just be that their radios are down. Or maybe they’ve been killed by wraith? Fuck, I hope so. If one of those shield generators is dead, so is everyone else.

He turned on both his Lurker radio and the one keyed into member frequencies, and spoke into both at once… and, for once, actually failed to hide the panic in his voice. There was also an eerie echo effect if one of each radio were nearby.

”This is to anyone, anyone at all. Follow the yellow line on the wall nearest to you until it ends. There should be a room in front of you, go into the room. Turn on the device there. Go quickly. …I-… Inform me if any are broken, or disabled. …That is all.”

The wraith turned to look at the group that had been in the room, now lying on the ground in a heap. A couple of her kin mulled around with her, waiting for some sort of order that would likely never come. They had definitely been guarding this thing, but it didn’t seem to be of any actual use. The wraith moved closer to it, contemplating it for a moment. It was a smallish, circular machine in the middle of the room, half as high as a person and as wide as a person is tall. There were a number of screens and readouts, but nothing that she could make sense of. It would probably be better to just destroy the thing... if she were lucky it’d go up in some sort of chain reaction and take the enemies of the wraith with it.

(Don’t worry, the Lurkers can handle this one if no-one else jumps to the rescue.)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave listened to the conversations. He smiled slightly at Copper's response, but didn't say anything. The action that took place in the air was far more interesting. Grave saw the destruction of Daedalus and the crippling blow dealt by a nuke. He saw the wraith excape - and decided it's time to bail. Of course, climbing out proved to be quite difficult - those constructions were made for SAM sites, after all. The warrior paused to think - and came to a realization. He still had power, albeit a different one. If it was fused with his physical body, then perhaps he would be able to enhance himself. Grave focused on the flow of dark energy within him and concentrated as much power as he could muster in his legs, then tried to jump. It worked... A bit too well for the warrior's own good. Grave reached the height of at least a few meters before landing on the ground in a rough fashion. Spitting dust out of his mouth, the ex-darkweaver stood up. He was slowly realizing what he had become...

"This is going to take some getting used to."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper was soon spotted by the Wraith, who actually laughed.

"A Wolf? A Wolf hunting us? Amusing, but we've wasted too much time. Kill it."

This brought the four guards out of hiding, aiming their weapons at her.

Elsewhere, Siphon began to move, slowly making his way to an attack position. He would soon spring, but he needed to be sure when he did that none of the Wraith had a chance to respond.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni merely watched as the others rushed about, destroying things left, right and center.

"Goddammit, you're all having fun. You better hope to God there's something left for me to kill by the time I rematerialise." Oni shouted at them, pissed off because of his situation.

"Hah, now you're talking! And if there isn't anything to kill how about knocking off these shitheads?" Gig commented, lauging afterwards.

"Oh believe, I'd like that very much," Oni says, muttering this time so that only Gig could hear him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Given that the wolf's got more than animal intelligence, it catches sight of the weapons and ducks behind some of the cover, not needing much, due to her smaller stature. Obviously this isn't going to be as easy a kill for them as they thought, especially as they hear from the other side of the rubble "Come and get me, assholes!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"A talking Wolf? Heh, new plan boys. Stun it and we might actually have a small food source after all."

The Leader stayed back, seeming to suspect a trap, but the other four gladly pursued their quarry behind the rubble, which left their leader wide open to an attack.

It wouldn't be long now before Siphon would attack, but it seemed he was giving priority to Copper just in case she ran into trouble. While it was unlikely, he wasn't going to engage if it turned out she needed an assist, and she'd likely know that too.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Fucking wraith are gonna make me hungry again, one way or another," she mutters to herself, her transformation from wolf to human nearly complete. Reaching around under her jacket, she pulls out a knife for one hand and the stunner she picked up in the other. Knowing they'd have to come around, or climb over, the rubble to get to get a shot at her, she waited, expecting a flank from them and she wasn't disappointed.

"Suck on this, you amatuers!" Whipping the knife in one direction and blasting out with the stunner in the other, she took off at a straight sprint, spinning around just long enough to flip them off before her body exploded into a grey mist, the wraith's shots passing harmlessly through the smoke that seems to twist and taunt them, keeping an eye out for the moment she needs to go solid again so that she can keep their attention off of Siphon and his ambush.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Going after Host's wraith.))

Grave shook his head, then realized that someone just sent a message about some sort of a room in the trenches. The warrior wanted to explore his powers and find out what he could do, but that message seemed to be urgent. And desperate. Grave sighed and dropped into the trench, quickly finding the yellow line. He followed it - and after a fairly short walk, he noticed a door in front of him. Altough Grave wanted to simply enter the room - which could prove fatal to him - his left eye detected traces of something unusual. A living creature - no, several creatures - but apparently, not human. Grave frowned, then focused. The flow of dark energy in his body became much faster and intense. This was going to be exhausting, but for, enhancing his physical power is all Grave could do. With his experience, he could probably control this ability well enough to move quickly and precisely. Grave took a deep breath, then opened the lock and charged into the room, pushing the door out of his way and lunging forward. Those who paid attention would notice a small shockwave of dark energy propeling Grave whenever he made a step as he charged at the enemy.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

With Copper now having the enemy distracted, Siphon moved.

One moment he was there, the next he wasn't. Instead, he was directly behind the Wraith leader, grabbing him by the back pf the neck.

"Miss me you fucking bastard? Time to die."

The leader's eyes widened in shock, sputtering out, "Siphon? No, it can't be, your dead!"

Siphon chuckled. "Nope, I'm a virus now. However, YOU are dead."

He spun the leader around, then slammed his hand into his throat. With a sickening crunch, he quite literally ripped the skeleton of his opponent out through the rupture in it's throat, killing it instantly.

The other Wraith, sensing a trap, scuttled back just in time to watch their leader die a horrible death. Sighting, they took their rapid shots ....

At a target that was no longer there.

Let's finish these bastards Copper. Time to end this once and for all.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave took a deep breath, then opened the lock and charged into the room, pushing the door out of his way and lunging forward. Those who paid attention would notice a small shockwave of dark energy propeling Grave whenever he made a step as he charged at the enemy.

There were only five wraith in the room – well, five living wraith anyway – and all turned and began firing stunners when Grave entered… eh, he’d faced worse. By the wall near the door is a small pile of Lurker suits that probably contain dead Lurkers. Notably, one of the wraiths attacking him is female… and behind the lone female wraith is a machine – likely the one mentioned in the radio broadcast. In a less hectic time, he would have been able to make out the labelled start button quite easily, assuming he remembered and wanted to do as the guy over the radio had said.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin sat up and coughed, stirring the dust about her. She checked her body over for any obvious injuries, but she was only slightly bruised. Getting to her feet, she performed a very unladylike action by blowing her nose out on the ground. Or floor... of the cave, or whatever she was in.

She looked up and saw the hole she had fallen down. It was on a slope so she couldn't tell how deep she'd fallen, and it was too high to start climbing again. Turning around she found a hole in the wall, a tunnel entrance, and where it led she had no clue.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon gets no answer from his mental projection. In fact, it's hard to tell if that even connected at all, given that Copper's mind isn't entirely solid at the moment. Still, the mist knows what's going on, capable of seeing the action that's taking place.

While the wraith were focused on Siphon, the wisps of grey smoke seemed to solidify once again, at first taking on a vague outline of a person and then sharpening into the more detailed form of the female vampire, complete with the weapons she held, taking shots at the wraith from behind and then quickly dodging out of the way as they realized they were flanked between her and a killing machine.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin started through the tunnel and walked through near complete darkness until she came upon a junction in the tunnels. There were two paths for her now. Using her nose she discovered she wanted to go right, and get the fuck out of here. She hated being underground.

To the left, all she had smelt was death.

So she started to run along the rock and dirt, smelling the fresh air getting stronger and stronger, until finally she was out again. She took in a deep gulp of air, then took a look at her surroundings.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There were only five wraith in the room – well, five living wraith anyway – and all turned and began firing stunners when Grave entered… eh, he’d faced worse. By the wall near the door is a small pile of Lurker suits that probably contain dead Lurkers. Notably, one of the wraiths attacking him is female… and behind the lone female wraith is a machine – likely the one mentioned in the radio broadcast. In a less hectic time, he would have been able to make out the labelled start button quite easily, assuming he remembered and wanted to do as the guy over the radio had said.

Fortunately, the wraith probably didn't expect that humans could move at such high speed, otherwise Grave would eat a few blasts. He noticed that as he used this movement technique, his body adapted to it, reducing his reaction time. This "activation" would probably exhaust him in the long run - that's why Grave decided to move into close combat and end this quickly. He dodged the first shots, then made a feint, pretending to charge at the female. The warrior recalled that all the wraith he had faced previously were male - and that wraith had some "queens"... Perhaps this was one of them. Anyway, while the other four attempted to protect her, Grave quickly changed the course of his charge and lunged to the side at the wraith that tried to flank him, performing a half-spin. The warrior kicked at the enemy, using the principles that formed the basics of his movement technique to make the attack as fast as possible, and poured dark energy into his leg, hoping to increase the power of his blow. The effect exceeded his expectations - Grave's limb was surrounded by a strange power field. When the foot connected with the wraith's chin, the warrior noticed how the skin, clothes and any armor touched by him was distorted by the dark energy. The effect was limited - it seemed that the human body lacked a proper edge that would allow Grave to fully utilize this new ability - he only damaged the surface. But even without this, the sheer speed - and in consequence, force - of the strike would be enough to keep the wraith from getting up. The warrior quickly began to move again after the attack - he didn't want to let his foes get a chance to take him down. He was going to show them what real pressure is.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((OH hell with it, time to reveal his new special.))

Siphon growled as the Wraith split their attention, then actually tucked tail and tried to run.

However, even he was mortified by what happened next. He was simply wishing that the four would be unable to move, and his left hand twitched slightly.

Suddenly there was some form of blackness to the air that the wraith ran right in to.

Anyone watching would see all four wraith suddenly stop short, looks of shock and pain on their faces as they collapsed to the ground in terrible pain. The screams coming from them were beyond anything anyone had heard from them previously, as their bodies were literally warped from the inside out, killing all four of them as Siphon made no effort to stop it, truly, it took him up to the point they were dead to realize that HE had been responsible for it, and that was only a guess on his part, one he wasn't about to test on anything but an enemy.

((I suppose feel free to have Sinful near where this just happened, will make for an awkward moment for him.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Sin stepped around the outcropping she saw four wraiths, but pulled inside out, and Siphon standing over them.

"Funny... they look more appetizing that way," she muttered.