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The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio


Nice fight scene glad you decided to auto resolve instead of post by post

Edit: TentX has a good point some1 or thing may have caused 22 to act out lets wait around until she wakes up also Praise 29 for the good job
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I figure something has had to happen to 22 to make her such a crazy hermit that blindly attacks people. I honestly was torn between A and D. And while we could carry 22 once the tide went down, I'm not sure if there is any way for 17 or anyone to fix her. It would be nice to have a new ally or just a fuck buddy, but if we can't fix her she just becomes a liability if not just a future threat. It's why I went with A.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

well its true but we might be able to "override" so to speak her will similar to 29 if not we can always just ditch her here without any lasting problems...

Oh and also Praise 29 for being such a good sport and great protector
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I'll have to go with D1.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

D, 1. But leave her be once we're done exploring the cave, I'm just not keen on leaving an enemy unattended while in her area
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

D1: Take 22 with you deeper into the cave

“That was awesome! I wasn’t even sure it would work, I went over that move like a bajillion times in my head.”

“It worked like a charm babe! You really saved the day, but just look at you. She bit you pretty badly.

“Naw it’s cool, it doesn’t bother me too much. I’m a lot sturdier than I look and I would much rather her of done this to me than you. So…um what do we do with 22? She still looks like she’s alive.”

“I still don’t trust her, if we don’t settle this now then she could easily ambush us and either one of us could get hurt. If we leave now she could find where we live, let’s just see if there is another exit. Restrain her and well take her with us, keep one of your pincers on her neck…just in case.”

“Gotcha, gotcha. Upsy-daisy.”

29 scoops up 22’s lifeless body with her four smaller claws, pinning her arms to her side and as you instructed rest her right pincer around her neck while lifting her by the midriff with the other arm. It’s your job to carry the Torchlight Beetles, but you can only manage to hang onto you without it wiggling and scratching at you. Slowly you make your way deeper into the cave, the thin layer of much that covers the cave floor gradually getting thicker. The number of Torchlight Beetles running about increases as you near a widening area, a soft glow beckons you to investigate. A bioluminescent moss grows along the rim of a pooling of muck on the floor in the middle of the chamber. A few animal skeletons lay submerged in it as well as random bones strewn about the outer part of the chamber. This must be where 22 and those bats were roosting. It only takes a moment for you to realize that you’ve been walking in frigging bat poop. You find it best not to mention to 29, she might freak out. Moving past the disgusting factor, you think that if you were ever to try and grow a garden the guano would make an excellent fertilizer. Suddenly 22 lets loose a wild screech, well she’s awake now.

“Calm your ass down or you’re dead!”

You give 29 a small nod and she promptly gives 22’s neck a little squeeze, her struggling stops quickly.

“Why did you attack us, we didn’t want a fight 22.”

“How do you know tck that name, that’s what he called me.”

“It’s branded on your face, just like us. You still didn’t answer me.”

You nod again to 29 and she squeezes her throat tighter then eases back.

“Ack You’re the ones that invaded my home, I told you to leave. I couldn’t help myself, I just felt so hungry. But I think I’m okay now, the feeling passed.”

“I hope you mind if I still don’t trust you just yet. With how bad I’ve heard some of the people on this island are, I can’t take that risk. You are an unknown.”

“That’s exactly the point, I just want to be tck left alone. When I woke up in that cage I could see, well not see see, but these body lets me see the world through sound. It’s more than I ever used to have tck, at least as far as I can remember. I tried to fly for the mainland but I gave out and washed up outside the cave. I’ve only left at night to hunt for food since then, I swear tck. Just let me go and leave me alone!”

“36 baby, I think we can trust her.”

She starts to ease her grip but you stop her.

“Wait. Just let me think, let me think.”

You pace back and forth around the pool, then you notice some of the beetles disappearing on the opposite side of the chamber. You carefully make your way over to see there is a sudden drop off, a shaft much smaller than the cave with barely enough room for one person to fit.

“Tck, those tunnels go on for miles. I haven’t been down there but I can see well enough to know it’s expansive.”

“They must run under the whole island…”

A. Trust 22 and remain neutral.
B. Trust 22 and offer a truce. Offering food trades, access to 17’s shop, and any other needs in exchange for night time surveillance and reconnaissance.
C. Trust 22 but rape her anyway.
D. Distrust 22 and kill her.
E. Distrust 22 and threaten her.
F. Distrust 22 and rape her.
G. Distrust 22 and torture her, breaking her arms and throwing her down the shaft.
H. Hmmm…I just don’t know what to do. [Suggest your own action]

1. Leave at Night once the tide has subsided and return to the main island or just head home.
2. Leave at Night once the tide has subsided and explore the other side of the small island.
3. Explore the shaft, You can probably float down by yourself but you doubt there is enough room to carry 29. Leaving 29 along with 22.
4. Explore the shaft, and send 29 down. If falls she could probably survive. Leaving you alone with 22.

Health: 51/60
Hunger: 32/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 25%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Restricted Flight- You can fly for only two time frames before having to rest, if you carry one full load or one person you can only fly for one time frame before resting. If the wings become soaked they must wait one time frame before being usable again. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Lesser Intimidate- The grisly visage evident on your wings can be used to scare simpler minded foes. Success causes 1d4 rounds stunned, Critical Success causes the target to flee.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…
White Lace Corset: Custom made by 17. Highly resistant to rips and cuts while still allowing sensations of touch to most areas. Decreases both opponent’s damage dice by one. (Currently Equipped)
Relationship: Worship – Compelled to follow and protect 36 for unknown reasons.
Health: 97/120
Hunger: 21/100
Effect: Bleeding-1d6 per time phase, 1d4 per round during combat.
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Stamina: 4
Genetic Corruption: 65%-Accelerated-Water Type
Lesser Burrowing- Can burrow into loose soil like sand. Can be used to hide or ambush. Cannot move while buried.
Lesser Swimming- Gains gills that allows breathing underwater without any bonuses to underwater movement.
Vile Bone Armor- Further reduces damage from combat or other injuries by one damage die. Attackers take 1d4 damage.
Rear Guard- Immune to back attacks and some special attacks.
Camp, Key Items:
Camp: Crab Cave
While offering great protection from the elements and predators this shelter has only one entrance that can only be accessed by swimming. Must pass a DC5 check to hold breath, failure risks injury and losing the rest of that turn to recover. Having gills will nullify this check.
Key Items:
Juice Jar- During the any sex scene this can be added on to use on someone, please mention when who/how/when to use it. One jar contains two doses, both can be used at the same time or saved for use later. Currently Owned: One of 15, Two of 17, One of 19.
Silken sheets and pillows- Providing all the comforts of home that are quite distant on this island, these items were a gift to 29 from 17. A little stained.
Essence Plush of 36: Small stuffed doll fashioned to look like 36 when she first arrived on the island, complete with Glider Veils and Kung-Fu Grip Cock action. Given as a gift to 29, it has a pouch in the back for placing herbs or extracts to affect the owner while they sleep or just hold onto it for extended periods of time.
Torchlight Beetles- Provides light and warmth so long as they are kept fed.
Woven baskets- Makes storage of goods easier. Six on hand, two used. Two regular assorted fruits.
Time: Late Evening
Weather: Partly Cloudy.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B3. We have a chance to make an ally. And if se accepts, we may be able to trust her with 29. I would like to explore a bit more.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Still say we should rape her.*I wish to test out our slave powers*

Edit: In light of clarification changing to B2*On the condition of course she picks up the food at 17 shop so we can keep the crab cave secret like* I wish to explore more of the island before spelunking down holes its not going anywhere.

Edit:*hrmmm... who besides me want to pull a quick fuck with 29 to gauge 22's views on sex? at least then 29 wouldn't mind it and we can better understand and deal with feral-ish 22*
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I probably didn't clarify this at any point yet, but it was a tropical storm with hurricane force winds. That's why she was stuck in the cave. It isn't really any kind of spoiler so I don't mind posting it. Also when I said she tried for the mainland I meant leaving the island all together and trying to fly out to sea to get somewhere else, not the main island. The food part of the deal will just be gathering a little extra whenever you do and leaving it out for her to pick up somewhere, or with 17.
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

F, then G. Trust no one...

After, 3 - but, yeah, 29 will be alone as 22 is dead.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B3. The urge to explore wins out over common sense, almost every time
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B1. That's enough adventure for one day, don't you think?
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B3: Trust 22 and offer truce, then 36 explores the shaft.

Late Evening

Climb Safely-DC5: 10+2+1(wings)=11 Pass
Unknown-DC5: 14 Pass

“Well since 29 seems to think we can believe you, then I’ll trust you for now. So long as you apologize to 29 for biting her.”

You wave your hand and 29 promptly releases her grip, freeing 22. She stumbles forward and turns around facing 29, she has regained her still somewhat beastial composure. Standing on all fours with slightly bent legs and resting most of her weight on her elongated clawed arms with the leathery membrane like wings fold to her sides. She bows her head deeply towards 29.

“I beg you forgiveness, I swear tck will not happen again.”

“Naw it’s cool, don’t worry bout it. I’m one tough cookie.”

29 clonks herself on the head and sticks out her tongue, you can’t help but think how cute that expression is. The two of them go back and forth for a while discussing things about their bodies. One thing that really sticks out was 22 mentioning she owes the man in the lab coat for giving her a way to see the world and not caring about the way she looks, she also tells 29 that she should feel the same way about being able to swim all she could ever want. You blush every now and then when 29 mentions something about you, intimate or just embarrassing you flare deep red in the face. An idea strikes you.

“Listen, I just had a wonderful thought. You only like to go out at night because it’s easier for you to stay hidden right? I’m sure this has some downsides right, prey would probably be harder to find unless it’s something nocturnal too and most of the ripe and edible fruit would have already been picked by us or other girls active during the day. What I’m getting at is this, how about we gather a bit extra food during the day and have it waiting for you to pick up. It won’t be an everyday thing, but at least you can stockpile a little bit and not have to worry about going days without eating again.”

29 glomps you in her usual adorable manner.

“That’s a great idea! I can even catch lots of fish for you and cook them our super secret way so they don’t go bad that fast.”

“That would be a tremendous help, but what’s tck catch? I can hear the bargaining in your voice.”

“You caught me, two things. First, your sonar works for miles right? All I want is for you to let us know if you see any other people moving around the island, where they are and whatever description you can give. Secondly, if for some reason we are still out at night while you are flying, just keep an ear out for us in case we get into any trouble. You’ll be our own secret spy.”

“The terms seem fairly reasonable, I accept. So where shall we make the exchanges? Will you come all the way out here?”

“Sure, were ganna be friends so of course we’ll come visit. Oh, or you could come vis…”

You interrupt 29 before she can reveal the location of the cave, you’ll tell her why not to talk about it later when you have a moment alone.

“Actually I have a better idea, something else to offer up for free on the deal. There is someone in the forest to the northwest that runs what I can only call a shop, 17’s nest is in a clearing with three large trees near the graveyard. She would be an ideal go between, she can keep the information you gather in case we aren’t out and about. Also she has a bunch of other stuff in case you need anything we don’t bring you. We can even holler for you next time we are there at night if you have trouble finding it.

“Very well, you know you are smarter than you look. Oooo there goes my stomach again, I will be back in a moment. I just want tck get a midnight snack, before I try for crab sushi again.”

22 chuckles lightly and bows deeply to both of you before bounding into the dark tunnel leading outside. Curiosity has gotten the better of you and you can’t help but want to find out where that drop-off leads. Grabbing a nearby rock off the ground you lean over the opening and let it go. It clunks on the bottom after almost two seconds. Wow that has to be at least a fifty foot drop.

“I’m going to check this out, but I need you to stay here. In case something happens I will need you here to go get 17. If I’m not back by noon, then you need to start worrying. But I should be back before then. Whenever 22 gets back just have her listen for me, I’ll yell back every now and then so you don’t worry. Just promise me you will take care of yourself and don’t tell her where we live. I don’t want to argue about this, just listen to me.”

She has just such a sad face, but she nods and tells you she understands and will do just as you say. You take the juice jar and plush out of the small bag and give them to 29. You hug her tightly and tell her, it’s just in case. You think that trying to manage to hang onto a Torchlight Beetle while going down there would just make things more difficult, so you scrape up a good bit of the glowing moss turning the small silk bag into a makeshift lantern. With a kiss for good luck you spread your wings and pull them around you, you give a quick hop and test to see if it will slow your descent and it works like a charm. You take a deep breath and jump off into the black abyss. The rough opening is hard to navigate, in some spots it gets tighter and you have to stop floating and brace yourself while you climb down till it opens back up enough to slow fall. You hit bottom and let out a sigh of relief. You hold the lantern up and look around to find that the shaft has led to another tunnel, this one much more rough and jagged than the main cave entrance. Still there is enough room for one person to walk easily, carefully but easily. The tunnel just keeps going on, you’ve been walking for nearly an hour. The rough terrain has started to wear on your fatigue. After a few more minutes the tunnel starts to open up leading to another chamber, smaller than the guano room. There are a few large flat rocks you could possible rest on, or you could continue on one of the four tunnels leading away from this room or even turn back. Two tunnel entrances are side by side on the opposite side of the room from the tunnel you came from, another to each left and right. The left tunnel directly in front of you is very small and you will most likely have to crawl through it, but you can swear you can almost taste fresh air. The one next to it is looks about the same as the one you came from, no telling how far it goes. The one directly to your left looks like it slopes downward. The one directly to your right is quite large and you could potentially give your feet a rest and flutter along the tunnel for a while.

A. Take a short rest here, sitting on the smaller flat rocks. Followed by C-G.
B. Take a long rest on the large flat rock. Followed by C-G.
C. Take the small tunnel on the opposite side of the chamber.
D. Take the regular tunnel on the opposite side of the chamber.
E. Take the downward tunnel on the left side of the chamber.
F. Take the large tunnel on the right side of the chamber. 1. Fly 2. Walk
G. Take the tunnel behind you back to the shaft.
H. Hmm…I just don’t know what to do. (Suggest your own action.)

Health: 51/60
Hunger: 32/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 25%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Restricted Flight- You can fly for only two time frames before having to rest, if you carry one full load or one person you can only fly for one time frame before resting. If the wings become soaked they must wait one time frame before being usable again. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Lesser Intimidate- The grisly visage evident on your wings can be used to scare simpler minded foes. Success causes 1d4 rounds stunned, Critical Success causes the target to flee.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…
White Lace Corset: Custom made by 17. Highly resistant to rips and cuts while still allowing sensations of touch to most areas. Decreases both opponent’s damage dice by one. (Currently Equipped)
Relationship: Worship – Compelled to follow and protect 36 for unknown reasons.
Health: 97/120
Hunger: 21/100
Effect: Bleeding-1d6 per time phase, 1d4 per round during combat.
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Stamina: 4
Genetic Corruption: 65%-Accelerated-Water Type
Lesser Burrowing- Can burrow into loose soil like sand. Can be used to hide or ambush. Cannot move while buried.
Lesser Swimming- Gains gills that allows breathing underwater without any bonuses to underwater movement.
Vile Bone Armor- Further reduces damage from combat or other injuries by one damage die. Attackers take 1d4 damage.
Rear Guard- Immune to back attacks and some special attacks.
Camp, Key Items:
Camp: Crab Cave
While offering great protection from the elements and predators this shelter has only one entrance that can only be accessed by swimming. Must pass a DC5 check to hold breath, failure risks injury and losing the rest of that turn to recover. Having gills will nullify this check.
Key Items:
Juice Jar- During the any sex scene this can be added on to use on someone, please mention when who/how/when to use it. One jar contains two doses, both can be used at the same time or saved for use later. Currently Owned: One of 15, Two of 17, One of 19.
Silken sheets and pillows- Providing all the comforts of home that are quite distant on this island, these items were a gift to 29 from 17. A little stained.
Essence Plush of 36: Small stuffed doll fashioned to look like 36 when she first arrived on the island, complete with Glider Veils and Kung-Fu Cock Grip action. Given as a gift to 29, it has a pouch in the back for placing herbs or extracts to affect the owner while they sleep or just hold onto it for extended periods of time.
Torchlight Beetles- Provides light and warmth so long as they are kept fed.
Woven baskets- Makes storage of goods easier. Six on hand, two used. Two regular assorted fruits.
Time: Night
Weather: Partly Cloudy.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

F2 No point in resting and it will be point less simply to escape back now that we committed to this venture >.>

Exploring deep holes without light or any knowledge yea that will go over well...
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A followed by C. Chalk it up to morbid curiosity. ^^;;