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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Don't you have the ability to find out who did it?

As I said I already know, but you have that ability to, you just have to believe in yourself.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

As I said I already know, but you have that ability to, you just have to believe in yourself.

Well, if I cared enough, I could narrow it down to just the users with 6 rep. From there, I can check which have been active since I made this topic. That's about it though. There's probably more than one person that falls into that category.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

alternatively you could click the user cp button
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I think that's how he found out how many points he got minused in the first place. You can't tell who reps you.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

it tells me though...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

haha, well we're not you :p

In all fairness, it's anonymous for a reason so if you don't think it's your job to tell someone who negged them, I don't think you have to.

Obe can search his feelings for what he knows to be true.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What I loathe are people who hide behind these 'equal rights' bullshit bills.

I have no issue in getting passed over for a job because someone is better qualified than I am. I have issues getting passed over because a place needs to fill a 'minority quota'. That's bullshit. I don't care what race or gender you are; if you're a bad pick, you should get passed over. Of course, then these people bitch to the supreme court that they got passed over because they're black, or asian, or hispanic, or women, or w/e the hell they are, and because people are idiots, they all rally to bash the company - and I make a distinction between people and the individual; the individual is very knowledgable and generally nice, whereas people are fuckin' stupid (George Carlin).
I acknowledge that people should be treated equally, no matter their gender or race, but for fuck's sake, if you want to be treated equally, quit bitching when you get passed over because you're not as good as the person who got picked.

Oh, yeah, and religion shouldn't matter either. I forgot about religion; people bitch about that, too.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What I loathe are people who hide behind these 'equal rights' bullshit bills.

I have no issue in getting passed over for a job because someone is better qualified than I am. I have issues getting passed over because a place needs to fill a 'minority quota'. That's bullshit. I don't care what race or gender you are; if you're a bad pick, you should get passed over. Of course, then these people bitch to the supreme court that they got passed over because they're black, or asian, or hispanic, or women, or w/e the hell they are, and because people are idiots, they all rally to bash the company - and I make a distinction between people and the individual; the individual is very knowledgable and generally nice, whereas people are fuckin' stupid (George Carlin).
I acknowledge that people should be treated equally, no matter their gender or race, but for fuck's sake, if you want to be treated equally, quit bitching when you get passed over because you're not as good as the person who got picked.

Oh, yeah, and religion shouldn't matter either. I forgot about religion; people bitch about that, too.

Kusanagi, you speak the cold, unadulterated, bitch-slap-you-with-a-wet-tentacle truth. I respect that.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The problem being that both sides are cold reality. People DO often get passed over for race/ethnicity/sex, while anything like affirmative action is probably the most racist thing I've ever heard.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

My mother got passed over for a supervisor job even though she had worked for the Hunter Army Hospital for more years, worked as a paramedic in general for more years, and had more experience working with the system than the guy that beat her out had. Affirmative action gave him the job because he was black.

And then if that wasn't bad enough, he got my mother fired on a technicality (She didn't ask a dying man if he wanted to be saved because he was passed out cold from a car accident), when she wouldn't sleep with him.

All I want to see is equality. Not "Equal but you get special treatment because someone somewhere did something bad to your ancestors" treatment. And I hate when people pull the race/gender/religious/sexual orientation card in an argument. And I wish that people could see that we're all the same despite those differences.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

My mother got passed over for a supervisor job even though she had worked for the Hunter Army Hospital for more years, worked as a paramedic in general for more years, and had more experience working with the system than the guy that beat her out had. Affirmative action gave him the job because he was black.

And then if that wasn't bad enough, he got my mother fired on a technicality (She didn't ask a dying man if he wanted to be saved because he was passed out cold from a car accident), when she wouldn't sleep with him.

All I want to see is equality. Not "Equal but you get special treatment because someone somewhere did something bad to your ancestors" treatment. And I hate when people pull the race/gender/religious/sexual orientation card in an argument. And I wish that people could see that we're all the same despite those differences.

The above and Kusanagi are very true. Horribly true. People are taking advantage of these bullshit minority quotas. Its not helping anything and isn't helping anyone of a "minority" to better themselves.

Also, wonderboy... I'm just going to ignore your posts in this thread.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

And then if that wasn't bad enough, he got my mother fired on a technicality (She didn't ask a dying man if he wanted to be saved because he was passed out cold from a car accident), when she wouldn't sleep with him.

Well, I guess it's time to break out my second secret identity: Justice Guy!
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

After getting drug out of bed to watch the news, I have this to say about America, Obama, and the policies that we have enacted as a country, blind to the lies of our government.

Recently The President Barack Obama fired the Inspector General of AmeriCorps, but he did not give him any reason. This violates a rule set up so that if the president wants to fire an IG he has to send it through Congress and wait 30 days, and give a reason. Now this IG was investigating some money fraud done by one of our dear president's friends. The IG, Mr. Walpin, was called on wednesday night and told, "Resign or be fired" well he refused to resign especially because he was investigating Kevin Johnson for misuse of AmeriCorps funds. Johnson is a good friend on the president and the mayor of Sacramento, and was using these funds to hire people to get his lunch and other trivial messes. Now, keep in mind that Walpin was DOING HIS JOB, and only because of Johnson's relation to the president was Walpin terminated.

Now. You know things are getting bad when people are defecting from their parties left and right. (lolpun) People on both sides of the fence are saying their party doesn't represent their best interests. Well gee, that doesn't surprise me. Isn't the government supposed to protect the interests of the people? Well, the government is protecting the interests of it's collective ass.

And onto the third point that you probably haven't heard about. Two Japanese men were seized on the Swiss border with 134BILLION dollars in US bonds. If their fake, that's bad. Because who, other than another government, would have the kind of equipment to print things like this? (Hell, it could even be our own government) And if it's real? Well that's even worse. Some government, somewhere, whether our own or not, was trying to dump 134BILLION dollars into our economy.

Hello economic collapse how are ya? We would be like Germany after WWI. Tanked economy, inflation out the yinyang, and society as we know it would collapse. Poof. Gone. Buhbye interwebs. Buh bye decent jobs, and goodbye to anything remotely resembling security. This would make us easy pickings if someone decided to come after us. Or for our own government to step in and smile brightly, and turn us into a socialist dictatorship.

So. I ask my fellow americans who are sick of the two party system, who are sick of people bowing to the demands of their parties without any regard for the PEOPLE... I ask you, are you ready to stand up and change things? Are you ready to listen to someone who isn't affiliated with a party? Someone who won't sugarcoat the truth?

If you are, there's a Tea Party going on, on Independence Day this year. Look for the coverage on youtube, on the news, anywhere you can find it. It'll be held near the White House. Find it, and stand up for our goddamn rights before we're trampled and overrun by our greedy, corrupt, eggsucking government.

Who's ready to join the revolution? I know i am. But first? Sleep. xD
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

While I certainly wouldn't a legitimate alternative to both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, I doubt that we have the same alternatives in mine. In my opinion, the US would be better off both without the electoral college and with a major social democratic party. Sadly, since socialism is still a scare word here, I doubt the second will happen any time soon; nor do I believe that the first will happen either.

Yes, Obama has done things that have disappointed me. But then, I didn't expect him to be a crusader for the left. He ran on a centrist platform, and that's what he is.

Your first story, I haven't heard, and I hope that you will forgive me for not wishing to listen to Glenn Beck of all people. The second I had heard, but I haven't read much about it. I'll certainly look into it.

Again, injecting some (more) socialism into the US would not necessarily be a bad thing, in my opinion. Finally, the tea parties are nothing but a joke, and they shot themselves in the food using teabags as their symbol.

Disclaimer: It's very early in the morning here, so this may or may not have made sense.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

there, now you aren't listening to Beck :p
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You know, 134 Billion is a lot of money, but in the context of the US economy it is not enough to break it. Besides, to introduce money to an economy is hard, and it's very unlikely whoever it is that has them will be able to purge it in without at the same time strenghtening certain industries, and therefore stabilize the economy slightly. What would make the economy crash, however, is if everyone thinks it will.

Why am I posting here? I... can't... stop...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You know, 134 Billion is a lot of money, but in the context of the US economy it is not enough to break it. Besides, to introduce money to an economy is hard, and it's very unlikely whoever it is that has them will be able to purge it in without at the same time strenghtening certain industries, and therefore stabilize the economy slightly. What would make the economy crash, however, is if everyone thinks it will.

Why am I posting here? I... can't... stop...

*nods* I see what you mean, but introducing that amount of money into the economy would in fact cause a lot of inflation. What really bugs me the most is the lack of reporting about it.

And fuck sleep now. I can't sleep, Politics will eat me.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Oh lord. Now I've gone and thought of this:


@ Obama helping his friend: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If Obama truly bypassed a law that was put in place to stop the abuse of his powers as president, there needs to be some investimigating done.

@ 134 BILLION DOLLARS (ala Dr. Evil): wtfux o_O ? If it's fake, then someone's getting their ass kicked. If its real. . . I really dunno.

@ Teaparty: lol, teabag.

While I am all for a government that actually protects the rights of the people and does what's in the interest of the people that put the officials into office in the first place, I'm really not sure how to go about doing that. All governments are inherently corrupt because of the amount of power they're able to wield.

I think I'll simply end with a quote from good ol' Churchill: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm stealing that picture Puppy. *grabbyhands*