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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That's not even right, I can't even think of a movie plot for any of those. Then again Clue is pretty funny, but that at least could lend itself to a plot.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah Clue was awesome, pretty much anything with Tim Curry is, but Candyland and Battleship I think not.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Hell I watched that dumbass muppet movie for Tim Curry.

Everytime I see him as in It, I keep imagining him out of RHPS... and it only makes it scarier.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Indeed he's one of the few actors who can make an incredibly retarded movie watchable.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Candyland and Battleship I think not.

Well I agree with you on Candyland, but if they made Battleship into a rated R movie, I think it might actually have a chance of being decent.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Hell, find the right person and let them have an R rating and Candyland could be one creepy as fuck movie.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

A rated G Candyland movie would be ample creepy for me.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

If they truly do make a 'Battleship', Sean Connery had better be a Submarine commander XD

Personally, I think that Waldo, Stretch, and Asteroids would work out better as animated movies.

Candyland just seems creepy as a movie topic in general >.<
Maybe get Tim Burton to do it :p
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah I could see a Tim Burton type of Candyland now that you say it. There goes the last shreds of my childhood. As Kusa said I could see animated versions of some of them. Though I can't see full movies.

Every timeI picture a movie about Battleship I just get a picture in my head of getting halfway through the game and my little brother starting to cry because he said I'm cheating. Never did ever finish a game of Battleship. If it's just a war movie, I could see it but why call it battleship surely they could think of a historical naval battle or something.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Global warming denialists. Honestly? It is happening, we are contributing to it, and we do have a responcibility to at least try to change what we're doing about it. How can anyone honestly still think it's fake, or that we aren't causing it, or that the Waxman-Markey Bill is designed to simply "help pay off shitheads like Al Gore" (wtf?) or whatever else is being said. Though it did amuse me that Kucinich voted 'No' because the Bill didn't do enough, in his opinion.

That's what I get for browsing imageboards at 4 AM.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Rule number one of any social interactions, especially, but not limited to interactions over the internet:
99% of the people you are interacting with are COMPLETE RETARDS (in any massively multiplayer online game, the ratio is even worse). What they say is not even worth ranting over, imo. Retardation is like a train. You're never going to stop it, and trying will just get you brain-fucked. Getting angry over it doesn't do much good either.
I say this even though I share your frustration -_- I just came from reading comments on a particular torrent site about a particular game. I was beating my head against my desk at how many times the same question was asked that had been answered previously (sometimes directly above their post)!
It's pretty rare to find a conglomerate, however small, of people who aren't retarded. One of the reasons I give much <3 to ulmf.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

We're actually just as retarded as everyone else, we just hide it better than most groups. That and we're all pretty accepting of just about anything.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I can see the sort of put-foot-in-mouth retardation, especially being guilty of said retardation quite a few times myself even in my relatively short stay here. But most people just cross the line from ordinary accidental retardation to the point where I can't see how they manage it without being deliberate.

This also segues into a rant that I've been wanting to do... here's an example of retardation so unbelievable that I actually got angry.

If any of you ever played Lord of the Rings Online (the MMO made by Turbine), you'll have a better understanding of what I'm talking about. I got into it one summer when I was bored, a couple of my friends played it, and the community was actually the most mature and adult out of any of the other MMO's I've played. Plus it was based on the LOTR universe (the books more than the movies) which was awesome. I played a class dubbed 'Captain,' which is like a support class, jack of all trades, master of none. If used properly, however, they can be a pretty powerful healer. Well, I was in a group one day with a tank friend of mine and not on my Captain, we were running through one of the more difficult instances in the game (yeah, I'm masochistic for running BG with a pug). We didn't have a minstrel in our group (the main healing class) but we did have two Captains. Alright, I say to myself, this should be fine. Captains have one three-second cooldown, single target Heal over Time skill, one slightly longer duration Heal over Time spell that doesn't really have a cooldown (also single target), and one 45 second cooldown group healing spell that can only be used after an enemy has been slain.
That's actually quite a bit of healing, and while it's not quite as much as a single Minstrel can do, and nowhere near the burst-healing capabilities of the healer class, if the group plays smart, even the more difficult dungeons are managable with a single Captain playing healer. We had two - so I figured it would be fairly easy.
Well, after the third time we wiped I started paying attention to what our two captains were doing. We were hardly getting any heals from them at all, in fact, as the non-healer class, I was doing more healing (by tripping conjunctions, if any of you know what that means) than they were. Finally I decided to say something to them, something along the lines of 'hey, we have no healer, you guys have to heal.' One of them responded with 'sorry, only have one heal and can't use it unless an enemy dies.'
It's one of the only times I've ever completely flipped out over an online conflict. It was late, I was getting frustrated by the poor group, and these guys hadn't even taken the time to READ THEIR SKILLS? Yeah, okay, that doesn't justify berating them in caps like a douchebag, but that's what I did. To this day, I can't even begin to figure out how this happens. Whenever I play any game that involves acquiring new abilities, skills, items, whatever, I think to myself 'cool! a new power!' and get all excited about what said new thing does and read all about it. The game has tooltips for a reason, after all. I honestly have no idea how you level to the maximum level of the game, purchase your skills, and aren't even aware that you HAVE them, especially when they're as ridiculously important as heals.

That's the kind of stupidity that I'm talking about. Not the "oops I forgot my bank account only had $700 in it before making a $800 purchase" stupidity, the kind of idiocy that makes you ignore information that is RIGHT in front of you, being SHOVED in your face. Mostly because I don't understand how it happens - and as we all know, humanity in general hates anything they don't understand.

Edit: Wow I got really off track there. What I meant to say went something along the lines of this, dm: Yeah, I know we're all stupid in our little ways, but the kind of stupid that really bothers me isn't found here on this forum. Then I was going to give an example of that particular brand of stupid, and rant about it a little. I got a little distracted by the ranting part though =P
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Speaking of ranting about things that some people find dumb that others take for granted, I freaking want to bitch-slap a person when they start going on about how someone who doesn't fit the classic look of 'pretty girl' is automatically ugly as sin. Seriously? Seriously? I don't particularly care if a man is built or skinny or flabby, why should I have to put up with that kind of bullshit in reverse? "Uh oh, I have a stray hair somewhere on my body! -5 pretty girly points!"

XP I don't even like most feminist rantings because they go on tangents about porn that I don't come close to agreeing to, but educating people that the ideal is far and away not the norm and that people are going to come in a range and that can be just fine on the eyes as is... bah. That's one thing I can get behind and then gripe about.

(And no, it's not because I don't look at fella's that way. XD Maybe I just have a wider range of appreciation than most, I dunno.)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

MMO's are known to attract idiots, nothing can be done about it.

~The following may contain spoilers that I am too lazy to hide.~

A rant about games in general.

If your game has controls that needs me to use my nose to press the right combination of keys, then -You're doing it wrong-. Controls should not be what makes a game hard, having hard controls only makes the game less enjoyable. So if someone is driving something, say, a tank, then the least you can do is make sure you can actually drive the damn thing, and if possible shoot at the same time, especially if you give the player that tank so he can drive after and shoot something that's running from him. It is very frustrating if you can't aim the damn thing without having the tank do a fucking backflip and land off the road upside down, or against a building to the side.

Chase scenes, they can be good, but for fucks sake, don't make the thing you're chasing faster then the player can ever be, unless you know exactly what you're doing. It sucks to fail something when the enemy was just faster then you for no reason, just because he was. End of story. That sucks. This is just faking difficulty by crippling the player.

Controls again..If you make something that appears on the screen to show you all the weapons you have to easily select the one you want, don't make the player have to move the mouse in 3 directions at once just to get to a weapon that just happens to be up top. Seriously, I do not want to move my mouse left, right, and then down-left to move the cursor up. I want to just move my mouse up. If you fail to understand that, then maybe you should let others do the thinking.

Boss fights..The one excuse to just get something random a shitton of hp, stats, whatever, and still call it fair. Ok, so it's stronger, better, and a challenge, that's not too bad, they usually have an opening in that impenetrable defence that seems to be there just for the player. That's fine, the player still has to beat it and go on, but seriously, reconsider the whole huge stats thing, if something has 10000 hp, and does 0.1damage, it is not fun to spend time beating on it. Example, prototype, one of the first few bosses, after the first 'boss' the game went downhill for a while, but that's for later in this post, the bosses which I've found so far(Not counting the first) can all be put in 2 classes.
Strong idiots and weak with high hp.
The strong idiots have a lot of attack power, can kill in a few hits, and are in general badass...Except that they seem to have internal bleeding in that head clogging up all the blood, making them unable to think past the classic -Hit stuff with fists-, yep, just keep doing that one attack cycle, I'll be standing right here, just outside of range charging an attack that will kick your ass once you stop the only combo you know.
So, besides that, there was one boss that had a LOT of health to take down, but there was next to no attack power. My cat scratched me once, that means he outdamaged a boss. If you not only get free health potion/shield combo's orbitting you, but also have a boss which does no damage at all, then it's not a fun fight. I felt like I was slowly beating up a toddles with a foam bat. I felt sorry for the boss, and in general, if you can go into one of those boss fights, and come out with more hp then you went in with, something is not done right.

So then on to other stuff, the movies in games.
Fuck. That. There are ways to get cutscenes in your game without screwing up the gameplay, look at half-life 2, scenes, but it works great, sets a good mood, and better still, the cutscenes, with no shooting(In a shooting game), can be -fun-. Compare that to just showing a movie of a couple of characters talking, and in general doing nothing. Get your cutscenes right, it is ok to take a quick the controls away for a little scene, but if I want to watch a damn movie, I'll go get a movie, cutscenes should not, under ANY circumstance be longer then 5 minutes.

Still reading? I doubt it, but anyway, the big, epic boss fights, great, a boss, special action that will hopefully be done right and last a while, first off, no huge monologues, I just spend a while ranting on that(See movies), so at least make it possible to skip that. Besides that, don't make extremely obscure methods the only way to win. I do not want to carefully reposition the entire room's desks, chairs, and tables for a special bouncing toy ball to hit the opponent, strangely completely decimating him and only leaving ashes when I have a huge rocket launcher.
And it's not an epic boss fight if you line up a load of bosses and just get the player to fight them one at a time, that's just boss fights, and instead of going "Wow, this is great, what do I need to do to beat this guy" players will go "Aw crap, another one of those oversized retards, I wonder what kind of lame trick I have to pull to win this time." It's only epic when it's rare, otherwise it's just a bigger version of the random monster you have to club over the head to move on.

Last point, taking away the player's controls, powers, or whatever.
It can be done right, but dear fuck if you are going to take away most of the player's stuff without him being able to do anything about it, leave him an alternative. I do not want to spend a long time on getting a special weapon or unlocking an area just to have everything taken without anything I can do. That's just cheap. From my recent-ish memory, again, Half-life did this right, and Overlord 2* did a good job too. (*Sure, you lose some minions, but you're still a huge man in armour, with a weapon, and you can shoot lightning, and not to mention you get everything back later.)
Randomly fucking with the controls is bad too, if an enemy's special attack exists of changing your keyboard settings, then he sucks. People will always try to avoid these monsters because suddenly the challenge isn't gameplay, it's getting your character or whatever to do what you want them to do. Being stunned isn't fun either, especially if the game had the area designed so that just as you lose the stun you get hit again.

In short, just use common sense, don't fuck up on purpose.

..Well, wall of text, I should probably not post at 2 am.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

=( Wallpaper... I have a feeling that what I was going to say to you would be major foot-in-mouth.

XSI: Yes. With most of your post. There is nothing more that I hate than a boss fight that is just ridiculously llllooonnnngggg. Actually, the boss fights over in the hentai game thread (I think it was called Fairy Wars?) fit into that. They weren't really a challenge once you figured out what to do, it just took ten minutes of repeating the same thing to kill them. Sure, if you screwed up, you were hurting a lot, but that's not challenge. That's repetition. It's boring. Really boring. Boss fights should be exciting. They should be able to kill you easily. Some of them SHOULD be able to one-shot you, especially if you're playing a finger-twitch dueling game or something. The Prince of Persia bosses were done pretty well (I thought). Also, if you have a Wii, definitely check out No More Heroes. Some of those bosses get into the ridiculously long bit, but they are almost all suitably epic and challenging. The last one is pretty boring. But there's a secret one after that, and he is just fucking awesome. He'll tear you a new one if you're not extremely careful - and he has a one-shot kill move. It's not cheap, it's just there to force you to be on your toes.

I get the feeling a lot of your rant was taken from GTA =P True? Not true?

As for taking away a player's things... example of something that didn't do it right? Not sure what you mean here. But as for stuns... yeah. Did you take a look at Knights of Xentar (in the H-games section again)? If you had four or more enemies, they could pretty much perma-interrupt you, because your attack animation took two frames while theirs took one, and if you got damaged while you were attacking, you'd have to start your animation over again. There wasn't much you could do about it either because combat is automatic aside from items (Haven't gotten to the point where I have any spells yet).
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I've come to realize that I'm seeing more and more of a very stupid thing: poor lighting in video games.

Most video games still do well, but apparently lighting is becoming an issue.

Two examples (and the reasons I'm bitching): Fallout 3 and Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard.

Fallout 3 - Okay, during the daytime, it's okay. But at night, forget about it. I realize it's night, but is it too much to ask for a flashlight that works correctly? The pip-boy light is a joke. Unless something is within melee distance AS WELL AS level with my feet (counters can kiss my ass), the light doesn't do squat. It's especially bad in 'dungeon' areas with little/no other light source.

Matt Hazard - Seriously. I'm stuck trying to run through a dark as hell warehouse, dodge sniper fire, and shoot Soak'Em commandos... with NO REAL LIGHT. I know I'd beat the sniper's ass if I could get to him, but the course you have to run offers up crap for cover about half-way through, and I can't see anything to strategize a way through the one single part I keep dying at - and I keep dying because I can't see the cover I need to run to.

Now, I love these games to death, but dammit, I need to nitpick >.<
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

(...)I get the feeling a lot of your rant was taken from GTA =P True? Not true? (...)

Actually, no, I stopped following/playing GTA after vice city(The other seem to all be the same, in different places), the only real fun there was to just go around killing people with cheats on, which can be done a whole lot better with games that actually focus on that.

Besides that, one-shot kills are fine when used right, I like the Touhou series, and you only need to be hit once, by anything, to lose a life. But it's good and balanced, you can dodge it, evade it, shoot most normal enemies before they can shoot, and the bosses are good.
What is not good is when they do a stun attack, and then a one-hit kill. Especially if said stun attack can not be dodged unless you're at long range(When you can only attack at meelee, I'm looking at a certain side-boss from Titan's quest now)

Besides that, I agree that lightning is very important, and for this, I point to L4D, come on Valve, there are games/even mods of your own games out there with the system requirements of tetris that give players flashlights that light up on eachother's screen, and you take that out of L4D because 'It hits the performance'? Seriously?
And agreed on fallout 3's pipboy light, it's useless, turn up the brightness on your monitor or get a bed, and sleep for that well-rested bonus.

On to something else that sucks, the AI.
Oh damn no, don't give me an escort mission, I do not want to escort something that thinks its a good idea to try to punch that swordsman in the distance. I do not want to dodge behind cover when being shot at by a machine gun only to have my escort stand out in the open, looking at me(Presumably while drooling), getting shot and making -me- fail the mission.
So, quiz time, say, you're a soldier tasked to defend an expensive piece of equipment, you have a rocket launcher, and a rifle. The equipment is bulletproof. A single, lone zombie walks up to the equipment and starts scratching it, doing an amazing 0.01% each hit.
A. Shoot it with the rifle, easily taking it out without damage to the equipment.
B. Shoot it with the rocket launcher, doing more damage to the equipment then it could ever have done.

Guess what the AI picks..Every. Single. Time. And no, don't bother taking cover when under fire, it's not like there are bullets being shot at you, just stand right there in the open. What's the worst that could happen, right? Oh, you got shot, I guess you should know on your 5th respawn not to stand out there in the open when the sniper is aiming for you, but noooo, just keep walking there, it's just painting a huge bullseye on your head. Completely basic skills are missing from most/all artificial "Inteligence", but to be honest, a lot of players lack those same skills as well..Especially in MMORPG's.
Story time for the example

So, playing an mmo where you actually lose your stuff by getting killed(Which can easily be dodged, 9/10 times when I played, now more like 99/100 times), me and a small group of friends come across a guy with a really expensive shiny thing we want. Now, we know if we defeat the guy, the thing we wanted would explode and be lost(Only leaving a few bits behind, and he could probably have won if he was moderately ok with the thing), but we engaged anyway. Turns out that the idiot can not only fail to find the "Shoot enemy" button, or even the "Raise shields" button, and before he lost, he drops -all- his stuff, and just leaves. We take his stuff, put it somewhere safe, and laugh, he then returns in something even more expensive, still fails to use any kind of weapon, and again, leaves his stuff as it's about to explode, letting us save it and put it somewhere else. This goes on for 5-6 times, after that he messaged us we were "Evil", "Lame", "Thieves", that we "Took all his stuff", and claimed he didn't even have any equipment at all left. He then logged out, and about a day later one of my friends links me an ebay page where the guy we beat tried to sell his account.
-And this is also why in an MMO, losing your stuff on death is a must for real gaming, it gets rid of the idiots, adds rewards, makes people try to not go on suicides, and in general helps the game economy by keeping demand for new equipment high.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Much laughter ensued. Agree with the Touhou series, I've only played embodiment of scarlet devil, and even though I can't beat the thing on normal (easy doesn't count), I can still see that it's a good, well-rounded game. I really hate it when people say a game is bad just because it's too hard for them. It doesn't matter if you can beat it - actually, the game is better when you HAVE to spend a long time trying to beat it. Remember the old mario games? I still haven't beaten a single one of those without using save states or something. Back in the day, the challenge was to see how far we could get before we had to leave (thus losing our progress) but it was still extremely fun. A lot of game produced now are like, ok I beat this in 20 hours, leaving five hours of extra stuff to do (if that), great, now what?

As for AI.... have you ever tried to program an AI for anything? If not, it's actually a lot more work than you might think. This is one area where I'm willing to cut the developers a little slack. I once built a bot from scratch for UT2k3 for a school assignment. Because I'm a slacker, I didn't get it working quite properly, but I did get two versions: one that could shoot, and one that could move. I couldn't get both working at the same time. But here's the thing - it had perfect aim. One shot kills, every time. Even though it just stood there, it would annihilate anything that came within range, until it ran out of ammo (because it couldn't pick up more). Making a super-powerful AI is easy. Making an AI that humans can beat while still being challenging... I wouldn't even know where to begin retrofitting that bot for any sort of percent error when firing.

Of course, AIs being difficult to program is no excuse for a lot of games (such as anything with escort missions). Here's a hint: If the ai is bad, DON'T PUT IT IN. You don't NEED to supply artificial difficulty just because you fail at programming AI. Just skip the escorts altogether -_-

@ that one guy... ROFL. You made a guy sell his account because he was so bad? That's the funniest mmo story I've heard in a while.

Edit: something I forgot to mention
Yeah I played GTA3 once for about three hours. I can't believe the franchise is as popular as it is. It suffered from many of the same problems you highlighted and like so many others now, is the exact same thing through all its iterations. Meh. At least I know to stay away from it in the future.
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