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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Nah, you're not being slow. You're just worrying me because I'm pretty sure I got something wrong on a test today.

The question was that there was a correlation between shoe size and a person's IQ, saying that as the shoe size increases, a person's IQ generally follows the same trend. The question said what kind of a correlation does this represent, and then we had a choice of a positive, negative, or no correlation. However there was one more choice that said that you couldn't make a statement about this because shoe size and IQ were directly unrelated to each other, and therefore couldn't be taken seriously.

When I read what you said, I started to worry about whether I misinterpreted the question. He could have been simply looking for what kind of correlation the two had between each other, in which case I got it wrong.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

However there was one more choice that said that you couldn't make a statement about this because shoe size and IQ were directly unrelated to each other, and therefore couldn't be taken seriously.

If this wasn't the right answer, your teacher's an idiot/douchebag
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

See but that's the problem. I forgot the exact wording of the question. I don't know if he was actually trying to trick me into picking that answer so he could point out that the question was simply trying to find out what the correlation is between the two.

If he was trying to just find the correlation, and was ignoring the deeper meaning intentionally, then I just screwed myself over.

If he was trying to make me think harder about whether correlations matter at a subject like this, then I got the question right.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah, so as they both increase, that'd be seen as a positive correlation. And though one doesn't have any causational towards each other, it's still a positive correlation. Sure, correlational isn't powerful, but it's not nothing. If he gave you some sort of graph or info that indeed said one increased as another did, I think positive should have been the answer, but I don't know how it was worded.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Wow... I sparked a bit of something here. Didn't entirely expect that.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

We got those tests back. He actually accepted BOTH answers. Now I'm annoyed.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I Really Fucking Hate It When People Capitalize Every Word Of Every Sentence They Write, Like This.

WHY do they do it? Is it some sort of culture thing? Do they come from a language where every first letter has to be uppercase? Because if not, I have absolutely no fucking idea why anybody would ever want to type like this. It's even worse than those morons who type in all caps, at least with that, all they have to do is hit the lock key and they're good to go. Capitalizing every word doubles your typing time just from having to hit shift five times a second. Not only that, it makes the text harder to read. It's bloody retarded.

Seriously, if anybody has any information on why people do this, I'd be very interested in learning it. It's so widespread it seems hard to believe it's just your average run-of-the-mill internet moron. The people who do this also seem to have some sort of aversion to punctuation, too, although I haven't seen enough of it to make a definite statement to that effect.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I only do it for titles. Other than that... I've never seen it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

its often used for titles, in which case small words like 'and' or 'the' aren't capitalized. programming languages use camel case which goes like gotoAndStop, there case sensative so it wont work it you don't type it right. then some people are just retards, CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL SIC.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I Really Fucking Hate It When People Capitalize Every Word Of Every Sentence They Write, Like This.

WHY do they do it? Is it some sort of culture thing? Do they come from a language where every first letter has to be uppercase? Because if not, I have absolutely no fucking idea why anybody would ever want to type like this. It's even worse than those morons who type in all caps, at least with that, all they have to do is hit the lock key and they're good to go. Capitalizing every word doubles your typing time just from having to hit shift five times a second. Not only that, it makes the text harder to read. It's bloody retarded.

Seriously, if anybody has any information on why people do this, I'd be very interested in learning it. It's so widespread it seems hard to believe it's just your average run-of-the-mill internet moron. The people who do this also seem to have some sort of aversion to punctuation, too, although I haven't seen enough of it to make a definite statement to that effect.

Actually I don't remember which language exactly, but one of the middle eastern languages actually does capitalize every word, and almost no punctuation. I could be wrong though it's been a while since I was stationed at DLI, and talked with others learning another language.

It's also possible that the person is just strange, and capitalizes every word.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You don't capitalize in sign language, I know that.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

its often used for titles, in which case small words like 'and' or 'the' aren't capitalized. programming languages use camel case which goes like gotoAndStop, there case sensative so it wont work it you don't type it right. then some people are just retards, CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL SIC.

You use capitals to delineate between words, since you can't put spaces in var names and such. thisIsMyFunction. Much harder to read when you're typing thisismyfunction. Especially when you have something like sodark - you read "soda rk" instead of "so dark" and it just gets messy because you don't know where the spaces go. I'm not talking about titles, or programming. I'm talking about everyday facebook stuff, blogs, youtube comments, forum posts. People just talking in the vernacular (typing in the vernacular?) like how I am to you and you are to me right now, Capitalizing Every Word When Writing Ordinary Posts Like This.

And I mean every word, not "This is the Story of the Good Bad Hare," I mean "This Is The Story Of The Good Bad Hare." So it's not titles.

@dmronny: I figure it must be something like that. I've actually googled "why do people capitalize every word" and gotten no actual answers, so I can't confirm or deny.

Ah. Here. With a little googling:

There's a perfect example. Read Dilin's posts. Someone even calls him out on it. And he just keeps on doing it. I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how anybody would even get into the habit of doubling the time it takes them to type everything.

Sorry. I'm sure this must seem petty and nothing to get worked up over. I just get really bent out of shape over things I don't understand.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well in that example Alias the guy said it was a habit. Could be some weird OCD thinger, I dunno. Or he could just be a troll. Trolls do weird shit to piss people off.

On OCD, I had a guy overseas who always used to called it Obsessive Compulsive Order. o_O.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I do that a lot too actually. Unless it's contractions like, "it's", I normally say everything out rather than abbreviate it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

My bro used to joke that that's a really cool way to creep out people. Speak somewhat monotone and never ever use a contraction. Sometimes people don't pick up on it, but sometimes, they get really suspishy
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I do that a lot too actually. Unless it's contractions like, "it's", I normally say everything out rather than abbreviate it.

Well, yeah there's that Dark, but I meant he was calling it Order, not Disorder. So OCO instead of OCD. Twas a quirk of his.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

... That'll teach me to learn how to read.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Don't do it reading is the devil.

You want to see OCD, you should stop by me. I alphabetize the food in my fridge, not to mention everything else. I'm also obsessed with even numbers for some reason.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

See... OCO. Everything must be in order!
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Just a little rant now, on getting laptops to work for the less mentally talented.

Yesterday, my parents kept bugging me to get my old laptop(It's broken), and they kept going for about 1 hour until I gave in and walked 3 steps to pick it up.
They wanted to know what was wrong with it, and I explained exactly what happened just before it broke, complete with all the details that are relevant, and told them what I thought to be the problem. They asked me to start it, even though I said it's broken and will as such take ages to start and even if it is started it can't do anything more advanced then notepad.

So, I start it, and roughly 15 minutes later, it's ready, so I open the taskmanager, and show them exactly what happens to it when it has to do anything, using the performance tab. By now, I can see they don't understand what all the numbers mean, or even what the taskmanager is.

So my dad comes in, clicks away the taskmanager without looking at it, and tells me I just fucked up the settings. I tell him that it's really not the settings, but he insists, and says it 4 times before I try a different approach.
I tell him that when there was smoke coming off a laptop, and it works slow or not at all after that, Then it's not the settings.
He doesn't understand, and keeps saying it's the settings. I ask him that if there was smoke coming from the tv, and it doesn't work, then are the settings wrong too?
His response:
"So..You're saying it needs to be reformatted?"

I actually facepalmed and lost all hope, saying that yes, it has to be reformatted, and I tell him I can't do that(I can). He's now trying to reformat it, but from the looks of it, he might just as well be trying to play pinball with it.

Sometimes I think there's a conspiracy to keep them/him alive, so that the rotation of the earth may be fuelled by Darwin turning in his grave.