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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Is it because of the conflicts you get into? Or is it because you're a generally unlikable person?

You're not right about me. I am likable. I am just likable when I'm not talking to you. Thus, I am exiting myself from the shoutbox. It's hard not to come back, which you may find hilarious, but I am remembering all the shit I have gotten in the past, which hurts me, but helps me realize I don't fit in very well...

I know what you mean. I posted the wrong picture I had copied for a friend of mine earlier so when it showed the male model I saw it then I'd edited it to put my pictures up, but the trolls couldn't resist making a mockery of it and doing what they do best. These people can't rest until they've said or done something to hurt another person because they themselves are hurting inside. Misery loves company.

You should see my reputation review from it:

"Into the red, for your fake picture, bad joke, and your dick attitude. Also, to forever let you know that you can have an opinion, it just shouldn't be worth anything."

Then in the game developer thread the same person writes: I hope you fail out, the way you've done with most things in your life.

Such hostility and animosity stemming from one picture? What did they think? That I was trying to have their precious female population on this forum talking to me because they're too hard up for a date? Either it's jealousy, or prejudice, or maybe it's just trolls acting like cunts because I'm a threat to their prospective dates here? Regardless, I'm happy I'm back in the red and infamous as ever so actually the inverse of what they were trying to achieve has been accomplished. In the game, Magus is the bad guy, so it's only fitting to have an "Infamous" reputation, and since rep really doesn't mean shit, I got what I wanted out of them.

My advice? Do what you do that makes you happy despite the trolls, because at the end of the day they're miserable and they're going to remain that way until they get help for themselves. I pity them. They come here to escape their unhappy lives and look at hentai porn and roleplay because they probably don't have anyone else to keep them company. At least they can be anyone or anything they want to be here.

And the reason why I'm so happy? Well here's another picture to describe that:

Only her opinion counts to me. So do your worst. Please, feel free to say whatever makes you feel better about yourself. This happiness you can't take away from me no matter how hard you troll and no matter what you do. You'll never experience the happiness I have with her because you're too stuck on bringing other people down so that no one is attracted to you.

My girl is a doctor, she loves hentai, and we have plenty of fun "roleplaying" together every night. Go ahead and look her up too, try to dissect it as hard as you can now :)

Oh, and please don't forget to send my reguards.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

...Only her opinion counts to me. So do your worst. Please, feel free to say whatever makes you feel better about yourself. This happiness you can't take away from me no matter how hard you troll and no matter what you do. You'll never experience the happiness I have with her because you're too stuck on bringing other people down so that no one is attracted to you.

I have completed my investigation and as you all know i am a calm level headed and rational individual.

My assessment of the situation is thus:

Magus has repeatedly bated, intentionally or otherwise, many members of this community. Some of them have taken this bate and 'trolled' him, others have expressed displeasure with his bating and several have ignored him.

Magus then expresses a portion of the negative communication against him as persecution or people hating him because they need someone to hate.

The fundamental flaw in logic that this latest post has spelled out to me is that he believes that whatever problems happen to him or he causes, are not his fault. A thought which can never be true. He calls out the enemies he created himself to strike back because they are pathetic creatures who cannot touch his happiness.

And that much is true, if i were to remove him from this forum he would probably not care. Although perhaps Magus does care a bit, if so he might try to play nicely, or he may not. All i know is that i can only act as my evidence provides.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I have done things that incite disagreement from people. But most other times it is for littler reasons than most of Magus's antics. (No offense to him.)

Like, everything I do, it is percieved as attention whoring, or being selfish, etc.

One time I said happy birthday to me, since no one really acknowledged my birthday. So I kind of wanted to pin the milestone here. I was called selfish.

I made a silly little thought project about sentient robots and if they can indeed have souls. Negreps flooded.

Though my Donkey Kong thread was silly, I admit, I also made another thought project called Solipsism. Some responded to it, WHILE saying it's a dumb thread in the shoutbox.

So in the end, I cannot win with the masses. And acknowledging that, I have indeed left the shoutbox to avoid a more direct beratement.

I do have flaws, and yes, it's clearly spelled out to me that I do. But I also get serious flack for even the smallest things I do.

Think of how they react when they are actually bated and have a REAL reason to complain....
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The big thing that's baiting me right now is that apparently no one can spell baited.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The big thing that's baiting me right now is that apparently no one can spell baited.

Or knows what trolling is.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Or knows what trolling is.

I've long since let that one go, it seems like most of the internet considers flaming to be trolling.

Meanwhile, the trolls are sitting back grinning. "Just as planned."
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The big thing that's baiting me right now is that apparently no one can spell baited.

I'm just sitting here 'bating
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Just remember, this applies to people as well, and in this case, the masses ;)

I'll once again repeat, those people sound a lot like the pot calling the kettle black if that's their actual motivation for negrep swarming.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

How dare you post that several months ago?!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Simple. Someone has what they consider to be a mild feud with oni and wanted to neg him, but also wanted to do it in a joke, thus absolving them of any real hatred. Therefore, they made the jumping connection between ogres and oni and decided that was the post to neg. It had nothing to do with the actual content, just a word inside, to springboard to the "anger without being angry" hypocrisy of the more socially-ignorant members of the forum. I wonder who it could have been.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

My guess it's just someone looking to 'bother' me for my shenanigans in the shout this morning. Someone feels butthurt and wanted to -rep me but make it so that it appeared that the actual subject of said buttfrustration wasn't the reason for it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Here at ULMF, we're experts in Reputology: the science of analyzing the psychology and identity of anonymous positive and negative reppers. Not neutral though. Those are just silly.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's not like we can't analyse them. We just choose not to because those people are so far beneath us their attempts at goading us are laughable at best.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Simple. Someone has what they consider to be a mild feud with oni and wanted to neg him, but also wanted to do it in a joke, thus absolving them of any real hatred. Therefore, they made the jumping connection between ogres and oni and decided that was the post to neg. It had nothing to do with the actual content, just a word inside, to springboard to the "anger without being angry" hypocrisy of the more socially-ignorant members of the forum. I wonder who it could have been.

Oh, totally forgot. Option number 2 is, totally deserved it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No it doesn't

Keep telling yourself that and perhaps one day the universe will take pity on you and make it so.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

My guess it's just someone looking to 'bother' me for my shenanigans in the shout this morning. Someone feels butthurt and wanted to -rep me but make it so that it appeared that the actual subject of said buttfrustration wasn't the reason for it.

Don't look at me. I can't neg rep anyone - I'm still in the red. Besides I know you were just playing around.
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