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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

WoW Way to not be able to take a joke...

Sad Sad indeed.... Well anyways....

The Forum is still up and running... with regular amounts of traffic so if anyone cares to hop over to check the thread then by all means.

As for the ads... I dont see the problem... they're in one screen then poof gone.Its a standard to help cover expenses while games are made...Aside from commissioned projects which still have ads as a contract clause.

I dont care for furry much either but TP gets regular donations from furfags to continue making his games.So there you go...

Your opinions are your opinions,no one is trying to change the way you think (or in some cases dont think) so mellow out. I just fail to see the point in rehashing debates on a particular point of view. Do you know how easy it is to write the Meet&Fuck games? and how much money they bring in? seriously they do wonders for that guy in revenue. On one hand folks complain to high hell about ADV because they arent actually g"games" when gameplay is introduced in the smallest way they bitch about visual integrity.

Seriously I could make Line marvels games in my sleep... His art style remains one of my favorites but thats not the point. The point is, honestly like it or not, with a little practice and some guidance you can make the game you've always wanted to play.... and get flamed like a mother fkr for doing it the moment you launch .... (example:see LineMarvel)

I'll fly back over with any future updates to this game for you or BB mods I make.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Dissection tiem!

WoW Way to not be able to take a joke...

Sad Sad indeed.... Well anyways....

Except it wasn't a joke, but sarcasm, and designed to be insulting at that. Sad, sad, indeed, that you don’t even know the correct terms of the statements you use.

I just fail to see the point in rehashing debates on a particular point of view.

Not only did gameguru not rehash anything about the debate, the last point made about Meet and Fuck games was posted on:
22nd April 2009 03:36
(And that is stretching the definition of 'about Meet and Fuck games'.)

At approximately:
20 August 2009 3:30

Lexus posted:

Lastly on the topic of meet and fuck games, they bug me too, I especially hate how all those guys come to your house and beat you up then force you at gun point to play them...oh wait.... they dont.

Way to not rehash a debate, and a dead one at that. (For those who don’t want to do the math, that is a four-month difference.)

Do you know how easy it is to write the Meet&Fuck games? and how much money they bring in?

No. The question is, do you? It's all well and good to make a general statement; you'd just better be able to back it up when someone challenges it. (Which I'm doing, if you hadn't realised.)

On one hand folks complain to high hell about ADV because they arent actually g"games" when gameplay is introduced in the smallest way they bitch about visual integrity.

The hell is ADV? Give me a name better for searching. Since I can't determine what it is, (I'm assuming it's a category or somesuch) I'll be overbroad. In general, making something designed to move in several ways - such as a sprite for a game - and still look good, is considerably more difficult than making something that looks good and only has to move in one or two ways. This is a likely cause for the ‘graphics’ complaints.

Seriously I could make Line marvels games in my sleep...

Do so. I'll be waiting for your results. We could use more hentai games that are actually games. Rules: no getting help, no using images other than your own, no using other's code, all done in flash. I'll be timing you.

The point is, honestly like it or not, with a little practice and some guidance you can make a game you can trick yourself into believing is one you've always wanted to play.... and get flamed like a mother fkr for doing it the moment you launch ....

(Fixed above quote) Or, with determination and skill, you can make a game that you don't have to trick yourself into believing is something you'd want to play, and have most everybody like it. (example: see LineMarvel)

He was looking for new gameplay feature suggestions and plot ideas

Going on what I know of past ToonPimp games, I have these:
Gameplay suggestion: Collision detection.
Plot idea: Include one.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

host, can you please not make my life difficult on purpose?

let me go over the main points for you.

1) host, it wouldn't be hard to make any of line marvels games in your sleep.
2) its true, TP has no integrity as an artist. that being said if your not willing to deal with his ads, don't blame bad design.
3) lexus, with meet and fuck, you've literally said "everyone is entitle to an opinion, your's is wrong by the way, so here is mine"
4) host, why did you make a point over the ADV thing? you clearly knew what he meant so just go on that
5) it shouldn't actually matter the reasons behind the creation of any of these games. at the end of the day we have three series of things (lm, tp and meet 'n fuck) and thats that.

i'd like to ask everyone to hug and make up but i'll settle on just ending this here which means someone is going to have to accept not having the last word.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

As a neutral party, I believe it's best that I have the last word.

And that word shall be potato.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I deny your last word and substitute my own.

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

a shiny penny to the one who can find me a picture of the day being saved by a derailed train.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I deny your last word and substitute my own.


Re: The Works of Toonpimp

1) host, it wouldn't be hard to make any of line marvels games in your sleep.

I actually didn't mean for him to do it in his sleep, I just meant for him to do it in general. Turns out I wasn't paying attention to the fact that he said he could do it in his sleep, and I just... forgot about that part. :eek:

4) host, why did you make a point over the ADV thing? you clearly knew what he meant so just go on that

Actually, no I didn't. I'm not sure if it's the time or if I've just got stuff on my mind, but I still don't know what an ADV is. It sounds like a file format or a category of hentai or somesuch.. I might have heard it but my mind's drawing a blank right now. =/

...and while I was writing this, my thoughts went, "the only thing that I know that abbreviates to ADV is Adventure, but Adventure games have gameplay, so his post makes no sense..." Then I remembered the Wikipedia article on adventure games stating that that's what Visual Novels are occasionally called, and not just the category for things like LoZ. *Facepalm*

EDIT: Consider this me consenting to Nunu's having the last word.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I click start and the window freezes :(

Clicking on the ads work, clicking on start doesn't
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

The title changes to Forest 1a, but in the taskbar window, it's still nykkagame1a, and clicking on the ads at that point doesn't work either.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

a shiny penny to the one who can find me a picture of the day being saved by a derailed train.

All I have is a shipment of fail.

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

host, can you please not make my life difficult on purpose?

let me go over the main points for you.

1) host, it wouldn't be hard to make any of line marvels games in your sleep.
2) its true, TP has no integrity as an artist. that being said if your not willing to deal with his ads, don't blame bad design.
3) lexus, with meet and fuck, you've literally said "everyone is entitle to an opinion, your's is wrong by the way, so here is mine"
4) host, why did you make a point over the ADV thing? you clearly knew what he meant so just go on that
5) it shouldn't actually matter the reasons behind the creation of any of these games. at the end of the day we have three series of things (lm, tp and meet 'n fuck) and thats that.

i'd like to ask everyone to hug and make up but i'll settle on just ending this here which means someone is going to have to accept not having the last word.

*hugs and settles onto Nunu?*
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Seriously I could make Line marvels games in my sleep... His art style remains one of my favorites but thats not the point. The point is, honestly like it or not, with a little practice and some guidance you can make the game you've always wanted to play.... and get flamed like a mother fkr for doing it the moment you launch .... (example:see LineMarvel)

Again, someone from the TP forums... Alright calling it TP makes me think of toilet paper...

Starting again:
Again, someone from the Toon Pimp forums makes an apparently common mistake: they think we worship LM. I don't know if those were the conditions on the first forum, but while he may be mentioned in passing occasionally, he is mostly viewed in the same light as most American school children view the founding fathers. Sure he did some good things and helped bring the original forum together, but he isn't really relevant anymore.

Personally, I think any thread containing Toon Pimp's work should be locked and only edited by the mods. Generally speaking, all the Toon Pimp threads become the focus of small flame wars as they always have one of two things happening:

  1. A person from the Toon Pimp cult shows up wanting to be a martyr and attack the 'Grand Evil Alliance of People with a Loose Connection to LineMarvel' which inevitably incites response from forum goers who don't respond well to insults (And I personally believe that most of the regulars in this forum who insult Toon Pimp would only really do it in passing if we didn't have to deal with the occasional ravening fanboy/fangirl who seem to be pulling logic and facts from their own little world half the time.) resulting in a collapse to a flame battle.
  2. A newbie to the forum thinks the easiest way to be a 'cool person' in this forum is to flame the hell out of Toon Pimp. This inevitably leads to at least one person from the Toon Pimp forums showing up to fight back which leads to annoyance.

This case seems to be a version of scenario 1 with Lexus not only being unable to accept the fact that some people do not like the game. (He was doing well up until randomly exploding at people for having opinions, although the resurrection of the meet 'n' fuck topic was a bit odd and then later hypocritical.)

Now then, Lexus, did you not notice that despite not being fan's of Toon Pimp's work, both the two people who you decided to blow up on (Gameguru and Alias) did actually try the game? (Or rather, Alias tried it and gave an opinion, and, despite reservations, Gameguru was still willing to give it a try)
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I wouldn't like this to be locked, I'd like help or suggestions :(

I still can't get this demo to work.

Also, is it me, or did somewhere in the past like few months did TP games get a lot faster; I don't think it's my computer . Cracklevania seemed a lot slower and I never had difficulty timing the jump over draqulina's large fireball. Also Fifi's fury seems to be sped up from what it originally was. Again, this could just be my computer, but I didn't experience any major changes.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Gah... It's a freaking problem with Game Maker, and your USB drives. Miachan had the same problem with Nightmare Sphere, and when I told her that a solution to the problem might be to plug something in, or unplug something while the game is on, she said that worked.

So, give that a try, Toxxie, babe, plug some shit in and out (giggity) of yer usb drives, and see if that fixes yer speed issue.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I've not had that problem, Toxic. Also Phe, you can add that I've played it too. It's alright, and he got the sex looking sexier than I've seen him get it before, so kudos there. Now, I've compiled a list of things I've encountered, if the TP guy wants to come back and wipe them up for TP to absorb... (snicker)


Moving sideways then holding up causes the standing idle animation to more faster than normal, makes it look like she’s throbbing instead of breathing.

Holding up just stops you from moving, currently.

As of yet unduplicated event: holding up caused the same throbbing as the first not, but only for a few moments.

The further away breast on the side-facing picture seems to start a bit too early and makes the picture look iffy. Suggest increasing the size of the first breast to cover the second one. A good indicator of what this will look like is when the shirt is on – the side-facing breast already looks like the only one in the picture.

While I’m no stranger to the concepts of perspective and distance, the further breast in the standing pose looks smaller than would be justified by the distance. Suggest increasing the bottom by a couple of pixels.

Attacking while jumping causes two logic errors (not the machine’s logic, the human’s one): all momentum in any direction is lost whenever the attack begins, and the girl always falls at a constant speed while attacking and then begins dropping at the fastest speed when finished, again regardless of her previous speed. As in ToonPimp’s previous games, it is possible to attack multiple times while falling.

Proper glitch in running, I rather expected that there would be a glitch in movement (having screwed around in game maker a while ago, I will attest that movement is very tricky to get working properly). If you press left while running right, the character will face towards the left while still running right. Also, running to the left first, then holding the right, and then quickly letting go of the left for a second will cause the character to move at a slower pace. These are both likely caused by the same problem, something to do with the prioritizing of input.

After performing several (probably three or so) jump-attack-attack combinations while standing still on the slime level, the character is unable to jump and unable to slide until I moved. The game shows the first frame of the action, but no more. It is my assumption that the attack is somehow putting the character a pixel or two through the ground, causing the game to detect a collision with a surface. This glitch also occurs whenever the character enters an area.

The toothys display a 0 underneath themselves when raping. When losing to a toothy, the number quickly counts up then repeats. This is most likely the variable being used to determine the rate of toothy’s cumshots at the end, it just needs to be made hidden.

Clothing damage regenerates when you move between areas.

The indicator for clothing damage should be made clearer and part of the HUD- currently it melds into the background too easily.

I’ve had a slime be damaged by walking into the area of a previous attack that had hit a different slime. Likely, the orb effect that appears after the projectile disappears is still damaging new targets.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Gah... It's a freaking problem with Game Maker, and your USB drives. Miachan had the same problem with Nightmare Sphere, and when I told her that a solution to the problem might be to plug something in, or unplug something while the game is on, she said that worked.

So, give that a try, Toxxie, babe, plug some shit in and out (giggity) of yer usb drives, and see if that fixes yer speed issue.

wait, this isn't about the game freezing, this is to fix the speed thing?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

wait, this isn't about the game freezing, this is to fix the speed thing?

Yeah, I had the same problem with Nightmare Sphere, so did Maichan, and we both just jacked around with our USB drives, and that got it working.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I dont understand how removing usb drives would make the game slower.

And Id still like to know why I can't get this working :(