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Things that make you want to cry

Re: Things that make you want to cry

Yeah, hopefully you can dispute that, XSI. I know I would.

And there's a #2 joke to be made there somewhere...
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Not that I want to cry

But I want to make this shit cry

Quack that not only failed to treat me has not shown up twice to scheduled appointments.
He then sends me a bill stating I did not show up and wants me to pay for it

Congratulations to that guy, he's succesfully managed to get on my incredibly short list of people I absolutely abhor and belief the world would be a better place if they died. Congratulations number 2!

Update on this
Guy did not keep pushing, so he's off my shitlist. Turns out people aren't completely retarded and know when to quit sometimes.

Still sucks that he didn't show up to appointments, but eh, that's what happens when you schedule appointments with someone who doesn't bother writing in his agenda
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Update on this
Guy did not keep pushing, so he's off my shitlist. Turns out people aren't completely retarded and know when to quit sometimes.

Still sucks that he didn't show up to appointments, but eh, that's what happens when you schedule appointments with someone who doesn't bother writing in his agenda

The unfortunate thing about psychologists is that when you spend most of your time listening to people's darkest secrets and fears and treating people with mental psychosis you tend to end up a bit of a mental case yourself.

I'm glad he isn't as shitty as previously thought, even if he is still a major douche-turd.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Actually I believe the opposite is true. Most mental health professionals have some form of psychosis. It's the reason they entered the field. They want to understand what's wrong with them.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

It can be both. I know lots of people who are quite open about having problems who go into the field looking to help. There's also the fact that humans can be pretty susceptible to the feelings of others, and that includes the type that one would see a therapist for.

For the darker side of things, the French even have a word for it, which roughly translates as "the madness of the two", for cases where a pair engages in activity in like with a disorder but don't when separate.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Actually I believe the opposite is true. Most mental health professionals have some form of psychosis. It's the reason they entered the field. They want to understand what's wrong with them.

That isn't *really* an opposite, but yes that is true and I've seen plenty of evidence of it. Doesn't really make any comment on what I said though.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Actually I believe the opposite is true. Most mental health professionals have some form of psychosis. It's the reason they entered the field. They want to understand what's wrong with them.

"Psychosis" is a very strong term that usually implies a loss of sense of reality, and so probably isn't the right word. They might be interested based on their own mental health issues, maybe.

I think I recall that about a third of all people are expected to have some form of mental health issue throughout their lives (depending to a great degree on official definitions of such issues), such as anxiety issues, depression, or what have you. Most of them are less severe and many pass.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

The unfortunate thing about psychologists is that when you spend most of your time listening to people's darkest secrets and fears and treating people with mental psychosis you tend to end up a bit of a mental case yourself.

I'm glad he isn't as shitty as previously thought, even if he is still a major douche-turd.

He wasn't even a psychologist
He was an acupuncturist

With 'new age' healing crap plastered all over the walls, who first guessed what was wrong with me by checking my 'aura'(And getting it wrong 3 times before he started jabbing needles in me and moving them around. 'If it bleeds that means you have an injury' ...No shit, you just jabbed a needle in my foot and started wiggling it until blood came out)

This guy made me cringe internally so incredibly much because I've looked at actual occultism traditions and researched them and he was just basically peddling feel-good crap and pretending he was the best at everything
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Man, it's a shame there isn't really a medical standard that you can hold him accountable with, because alternative medicine just isn't actually respected or moderated in any meaningful way.

The best you'll get is going into in depth research, compiling it all into a page or two, and defacing his property's walls with informative flyers explaining why he's an incompetent puddle of moist nugget™ flavour mountain dew.

All of that, and, well, no disrespect to anyone's belief system, I'm sure that auras could potentially exist and even partially be read. (People send off emotive vibrations that communicate with their surroundings, that much has been proven scientifically even.) but if somebody says they can diagnose your medical problem by reading your aura they probably deserve to have their front teeth knocked out with a cinder block.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

They used to have a quackery law over here some years ago, but it got altered. Fuck if I know why.