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RPG Patreon Active [Threshold] Monster Girl Dreams

v22.2 is now out for Amy art, bug fixing, QoL updates and a new character in the bar/brothel.
Edit: v22.2a is now out for bug fixing.
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Remember to update your save in town.

-Post some of Mara's scenes, sleep will no longer potentially break the flow with a dream.
-Fixed menu arrows showing up when they shouldn't due to unavalible options.
-Fixed a line in Beris' conent that mentioned you were working even when you weren't.
-Fixed orgasm calls in victory events potentially derailing into a crash due to the game thinking the orgasm call events being the end of the victory event and jumping back into the prior event before combat, causing all kinds of issues.
-Sofia's ambush scene now properly uses the black out effect instead of saying BlackOut
-Music now changes during Beris' scenes.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
I didn't see a link to the wiki here (cool mods inside, +/- lore-friendly), so:
Reminder: use a separate savefile when using mods or you'll be sorry.
v22.3 is now out for some small end of month changes and fixes.
Edit: v22.3a is now out for bug fixing and some new content for the generic Alraune.
Edit: v22.3b is now out for bug fixing.
Edit: v22.4 is now out bringing a new character to a quest in the forest. Unlocked by talking with Elly enough and clearing the Forest Dungeon.
Edit: v22.4a is now out for bug fixing.
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Well, well… Seems like Venefica is going to become my favourite character. :love:

Awesome work, enjoyed every bit of the new content.
Hey Thresh, are "bad" ends something you'd like to add or would rather stay clear of?
I mean, an on/off switch would technically work, but I'd rather have them be obvious anyway. I like bad ends, but I don't like losing a bunch of time because I don't save religiously and accidentally stumble into something.
MC has one heck of a plot armor.
Pissed off Elly said:
Lillian bukkakes you with holy water = you just died (should have).
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It's all unnecessary changes rather than improvements upon the existing system, and one new addition to content. This, alongside 2 years (going on 3 at this point) of development, where the last 3 or so months has been under-the-hood stuff that probably didn't need to exist and expanded scenes that, while adding some extra flavor to the game, feel meaningless.

Changing mechanics and adding new concepts under the hood while doing nothing to expand on what you have and the end goal is frustrating. I feel like you've lost sight of your original trajectory for no reason other than building a "better" game. I once funded another developer with those kinds of ambitions. They were called Eromancer and a peek at their threads on here and f95zone will tell you the outcome of all their meandering.

People don't like being lead around like idiots while you figure out which screw goes where, only to go back and decide another screw belongs in that spot instead. It's frustrating, exhausting, and unsatisfying. I was originally interested because it's a text-based monstergirl battlefuck rpg with a linear progression system. It scratched an itch I didn't know I had.

The lack of consequences to the various mechanics was fine at the beginning because it meant you had a foundation for where to go when you came back and added to it. Unfortunately, you seem content to let the recall stone be your "get out of jail free" card, and it's disappointing. Adding to existing content is fine. Adding new quests, cool. But, none of it means anything if the only consequence is grinding gold for an hour. That's just boring and repetitive.

Rather than change under-the-hood stuff and "fix headaches" that may or may not have been an issue, why not just add to what you have and smash bugs? Rather than adding another enemy you have to step off the beaten path for 20mins to encounter, why not add a few bad ends and maybe open a new area?

I'm probably yelling at the clouds at this point, but I stand by what I've said. The game is a chemistry lab of potential and you're too busy trying to add a physics corner and automotives workshop. Eventually, you'll burn out and your "passion project" will be to you what CoC was to Fenoxo: a mess of unfulfilled potential you no longer want to touch.
< uncircumsised wall of text :LOL: >
TL;DR: the last enemy (and zone) was implemented 9 months ago . This is concerning.

I must say I share the sentiment that MGG's universe is barely expending. I understand the importance of solid, interesting RPG mechanics. I understand, to a lesser extent, than VN additions (scenes with no relevance towards progress - story-wise and RPG-wise) count as content none the less.
However, this is a BF RPG, thriving on battles with cute MGs. No new MG to fight = sad 🐼, simple as that.

Consider opening a few areas, like the beach mod, to fool around and implement a few new MGs. Going in circles and paying too much attention to these 397 requests you must get on a daily basis, is unhealthy. In these bleak "stay home" times, we all need to open up a few windows (areas and MGs) to air up our brains.

To not end on that note: let's remember than MGG is and always was free to access, that unlike other Patreon projects money goes to concrete improvements (most notably the art), and more importantly, that we all love monster girls - we just want moar!
I'm seeing that as a two-sided argument here:
on the one side I've got to agree with most of what Ninja_Named_Bob said. Losing yourself in an endless cycle of changing and re-doing meaningless stuff is a sure way to burn yourself out on your project while the game itself stagnates. The initial game idea looked to me as to make a lewd adventure through an unknown land where fighting with sword and shield wasn't an option to ultimately find and "fight" the big bad boss. This hasn't been expanded in 9 months (as Strange already posted with source) and instead time and effort gets put into under the hood stuff or weird side-stories with one-time appearance characters which either doesn't advance the main story, probably won't get noticed by the player or both.

But on the other hand, if you never change "under the hood" stuff, your past mistakes haunt you and you're forced to work around your own imperfections which as a result creates a giant pile of somehow barely working code that is an absolute nightmare for anyone working with it (*cough* Fall of Eden *cough*). Also, as you progress though your game development you automatically question your own past choices and want to improve, change or outright delete parts. Yes, the end user never really sees anything of all this, but it is healthy for the game, the experience and the overall development. Also, if you'd just go "here's dungeon 1, which leads to dungeon 2, which leads to dungeon 3, which ..." the game feels empty. There's no "soul" (for a lack of better wording) to it. It'd look like this new land you just entered is just one long hallway and nothing more. No exploration, no stories, no unique characters. Just you, some unnamed monsters and the forward button. It wouldn't feel like a striving continent of different monster girls that have their own lifes and stories. And that's what I enjoy about the game. It does feel like you've set foot on this unknown land, full of life, mysteries, exploration and all that is to it. The side stories flesh this whole feeling out, showing that monster girls arent just "generic monster A - Z" but each has their on personality while still maintaining the "Imma succ u dry"-threat.

Gameplay wise, I also have to give Ninja_Named_Bob's arguments credit: In a world where violence is not an option and you're outmatched in the art of seduction against monster girls, a certain kind of threat should be there. Technically the threat is that your sensitivity and fetishes get higher after a loss which in return makes fights harder which in return makes it more likely to lose a fight which in return increases your fetishes and sensitivity wich in return... (you get the idea), but the recall stone in combination with the option to remove fetishes and reset senitivity makes it so you have no way of losing, of hitting a brick wall. Which boils every fight down to: "Can I win the fight? -No? Whatev~, just grind some more and try again". But then again, I can see how bad ends have their own turn off. A bad end means your adventure is over. No recall stone, no ex machina bullshit, only options are restart or closing the game. And anything else at this point e.g. you get a bad end and die (or whatever) but with a blinding light you get reset to the last time you were in town; or any other "reset back to part X"-option is just an surrogate of the recall-stone. But "death"-death seems also shitty. I spent my time to grind just so that I got unlucky with some dice rolls or picked a wrong option and now I have to restart or load my last save file from 3 hours ago? Defenitely wouldn't want that either. I personally have no idea what a change or fix should look like. I think rolling with the current setup is the best way forward since it allows the game to focus more on the story, the characters and exploration parts while keeping the battling part as more of a little side thing.
The recall-stone does make sense lore-wise, though: new adventurers get tricked into unknowingly taking on a huge debt to then get practically imprisioned on this monster girl continent and their only option is to earn money, so they do what they've learned all their life and go adventuring. Obviously as the guild, you wouldn't want your source of income to die after the first 2 steps into the unknown so a "get out of jail free"-card in the form of the recall-stone is handed to everyone. Also, if there wouldn't be some sort of recall stone, all the guild would be doing is practically spend money to train adventurers purposely the wrong way to then feed them to monster girls.
I actually agree with Bob.

While I can see the appeal in fixing/improving the boring gameplay this game has, it's ultimately not that important and will just end up taking too much time and potentially ruining the entire project.

Focus on whats important and maybe one day you'll actually have a finished game.
I actually like the "boring" gameplay, sex battles with monster girls is what I signed up for. Having said that, in the previous updates there was an upsetting (for me) shift from gameplay towards more visual-novel like elements. Like the hellhound girl. There's hardly any "gameplay" when it comes to her, it's just scenes you can put on auto and sit back, that's not engaging at all.
What I liked about this game is just that, it's a game, with gameplay, stats, skills and perks that affect what you can do and how, but the more linear scenes you add the larger the shift towards the vn is on the game-vn scale.
As for people who HATE bad-ends: dude just quickload.
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