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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

We can play on.

Mechanically, don't do rolls for future rounds. Situation might and probably will change.

Roleplaying wise, I don't want to lose Rovana's wisecracking and colourful nature.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Well its a bleak setting if I get shouted at for trying to laugh the devil in the face theres little to be colorful about.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

There's Vita, there's the quest for proper rum, and maybe Rovana will find a few other things she cares about.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

She cares about being alive and making enemies with an immortal allmighty vampire that summons armies of the undead is contraproductive to that. Rum can be freely found.. outside of that cursed land and Vita.. well she will try to take her along away from the bleak place. If thats not possible, sigh and go on on her own.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Ravenloft setting.

Demiplane of Dread.

There's no going home.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Theres always a way out.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Defeating Strahd.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Defeating Strahd.

Edit.. alright alright, time to listen to pirate music and try to focus proper then..
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Should I wait for your modified post, Pervy or am I all right to continue?

EDIT: Also re-reading Swashbuckler rules now that I've finally got my books out. Rakish Audacity lets you use sneak attack when you don't have advantage. So it's not giving you an advantage roll when you're attacking alone, it just means that if you do land a normal attack, you can deal sneak attack damage.

Still fairly devastating, but good that it's not giving you advantage to get that hit in.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Post modified, enjoy.

That roll I have there is still the modified one, needed the token to do balance, so feel free to have it miss.. its.. honestly more about the point. The original roll was just a 4, if you adjust for a bottle as improvised weapon.
I did two attack rolls because of potential stealth.. that is not the case here, unless you let her with the nat 20, do acrobatics AND throw the bottle at the same time.. letting you judge how the 'attack goes'

frankly happier with the edited version.

Swashbucklers are scary, yes, if she levels up her initative is a +7. Fast, mobile, deadly, if not tanky or anything else. ^^
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'll let you have the stealth roll 20 for next time. However, that's only IF she gets to next round in a situation that requires it.

I'm making a hard ruling. After this, no roll done for a future round counts. Wait until it's your turn to do a thing, okay? Otherwise it gets confusing and we're rolling twenty different dice and I'm trying to figure out what roll is for what and my mind explodes.

If you want to discuss appropriate moves for future rounds, here's the place to discuss them.

For example, I might ask, where exactly do you intend to hide now that you're in the open on the porch.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

plan for next round, if all goes the same, go back in hide in a corner, fire crossbow if anything follows. I had her move over the flame then back behind it again for .. fancyness reasons.

And yeah, doing rolls ahead of time is a habit from another forum anyway *small typo edits cause tireds*
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Hard Ruling? Can that be added to the opening post alongside description? (Opening Post of this Thread)
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Sure, no problem.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

[OOC: Vita is up next; technically should have gone before Rovana but not a big deal at this point.]

I figured we all post the actions for one turn, you sort it out, right?.. waiting for initative order takes loong. Well, in this case, prone plus grappled mage is no fun to cast with anywhoo. ^^
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yes, but i figure you wouldn't want to negate initiative, since it's one of the things your character gets an advantage with later on.

It's not a big deal in this situation, but there may be fights where I'm more inclined to follow it. Yes, it might take a little longer, but if people are on top of things and I pester people enough, it'll get done.

We'll play it by ear for now.

Edit: For instance, Tristam could probably make his decision about what to do next without needing to worry about initiative order. :p

Party needs me... but... hot lady needs me...

Ero Game problems.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I pondered getting the 'I go first lol' feat for precisely this purpose, but was like.. 'eeeh, I want a parrot!' plus the skill bonus from the feat doesn't do it for me.

But yeah, sure, wouldn't make sense to wait for me to just post 'I drool excessively' even if I win initative but get dazed.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Erm I have to make 3 Con Saves to keep up Flaming Sphere, since it is a concentration spell. Since none of the Zombies did above 20 DMG in a single attack, I have CON save of DC 10. (Unless you want all concentration based saves to always be Half damage being taken Blueslime.)

Con save Rolls for keeping up concentration spell. DC 10 (Unless stated otherwise.) (All Pass Currently.)
(20 + 2) = 22 for Zombie Swing 1
(16 + 2 )= 18 for Zombie Swing 2
(11 + 2) = 13 for Zombie Bite 1

So, Flaming Sphere is still up. That 20 T_T.

Erm does Zombie bite do anything? I thought there is some sort of Con Save for it as well but not going to roll until got clear confirmation.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

No roll is needed for the bite.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Assuming Tristam DID want to enter the fray, how many rounds would it take if he takes time to pull on pants and grab a weapon or two?