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ADV [とろとろレジスタンス / Toro Toro Resistance] / もんむす・くえすと!前章 ~負ければ妖女に犯される~ / Monmusu Quest! (RJ074254)

Re: Monster Girl Quest

Yeah, if nothings goes wrong... Which will be the case :p :D

Still even if it gets released in December that means a full translation in March/April? Oh well, it's a great thing it gets translated in the first place :)

We might get a translation sooner then that. I'm thinking that they translated all of the first game, which means 95% of words from it will probably show up in the second game. I'm gonna guess Late Feb early March.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

We might get a translation sooner then that. I'm thinking that they translated all of the first game, which means 95% of words from it will probably show up in the second game. I'm gonna guess Late Feb early March.

True, maybe with the popularity more people might help RT... if he needs it.

I'm really curious if they changed the battle system a little or if there are any new features...
Re: Monster Girl Quest

To be honest the game's increadible the way it is now. Altho new stuff's always cool
Re: Monster Girl Quest

I just remembered something, aren't some of the high level monsters immune to being transformed to a lower state unless their weakness was attacked?

how in the hell will luka be able to defeat the heavinly knights now without alices interference or any other type of handicap?, he'll need extremly high level black magic and all the magic he has is a self regenerative move and a self defense move(ie: close to white magic), the rest of his techniques are just sword techs.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

I just remembered something, aren't some of the high level monsters immune to being transformed to a lower state unless their weakness was attacked?

how in the hell will luka be able to defeat the heavinly knights now without alices interference or any other type of handicap?, he'll need extremly high level black magic and all the magic he has is a self regenerative move and a self defense move(ie: close to white magic), the rest of his techniques are just sword techs.

Yeah that's kinda what I meant, maybe the Elementals will give him magical abilities or he will awaken more of his demonic skills. Anyways the more skills we get, the harder it will be to choose the right one's vs not so obvious and easy Monsters.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Or, he just needs to awaken his true self.
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

Or, he just needs to awaken his true self.

Well, define "true monster lord"... 'cause, if you consider all the hint in the game, I kinda expect that the final boss is gona be the bitchy goddess. Otherways, why make such a big deal over the fact that the weird sword is super-effective against angel?
No to mention that, no mater how you look at it that goddess is EVIL!!
Re: Monster Girl Quest

From what I gather, there were two 'gods.' Ilias and the original Monster Lord. The Monster Lord had vanished randomly one day and the society of the Monster Race was suddenly nolonger existing peacefully.

Luka unknowingly understands techniques that is of 'the monster race' and has powers he simply should not have; like willing his body to recover HP on will. Alice commented on how that should not be possible. He does not smell like a monster, but then again who is to say that the Monster Lord was of the Monster Race, and not of the Divine race Ilias was?

My speculations predict that Luka is the second god (which was even talked about), the original Monster Lord who vanished one day. There is bound to be an epic backstory and that will be awesome to uncover.

Also, when he performed that technique against the queen of the sea, she suddenly cowered in uncontrollable fear. Didn't it also hint at her having been ancient in age?

All I'm saying is he's the dormant Monster Lord. Think Disgaea 2.

Edit: Also, Ilias is Female and Luka is Male. Therefore, the Monster Lord and Ilias may have been involved, that that is how Humans and Monsters were created. They could technically be the same race, which would answer as to how Monsters may be impregnated by humans. Ilias may know full well that Luka is the dormant Monster Lord, as it seems as special 'exceptions' were being made for Luka the whole time.
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

So do you guys know if it will be two parts, or is he planing on making it a trilogy?
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Has already been answered, both here as on the official site: It's a trilogy.

im not going to lie i didnt want to hear that i was really hoping that its just 2 parts but at least he might have already begun work on the 3rd he did say he was going to do "other things" due to the fact hes just waiting on the artists
Re: Monster Girl Quest

im not going to lie i didnt want to hear that i was really hoping that its just 2 parts but at least he might have already begun work on the 3rd he did say he was going to do "other things" due to the fact hes just waiting on the artists
I have to wonder if your keyboard is missing the SHIFT and/or punctuation mark keys.. :rolleyes:
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Can we stop these pointless thread bumps?
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Can we stop these pointless thread bumps?

These are generally on topic so they aren't pointless. If you're expecting the game to be released before the December release, and translated before the approximate Feb time, than I'm sorry but your Mon-Que is in another castle.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

While waiting for the second chapter, Why not work hard to make the ultimate Clear Save File Data from chapter one.

Well I just need a few hint to complete the two missing record entry ^^;;

1- First Chapter All Technique Found
It means that I'm missing a technique, but what and where... Here what I currently have:
-Demon Decapitation
-Thunder Thrust
-Demon Skull Beheading
-Death Sword Chaos Star
-Sylph (dah-ha)

My first guess would be that I need to revisit cleared area more often since I might have missed a few event ^^;;

2- Took the Flames of Granberia's Demon Skull Beheading * Blaze
This one is causing me even more trouble then the first one. I would guess that like the two other similar entry you need to be hit by those attack, problem is I never saw her use them. Is there a special way to trigger them?
Re: Monster Girl Quest

I think the first one you need to find all the techniques for the monster girls.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Sice we are talking obout a perfect clear save, how can tell me what's the last monster and how do i get him? 'Couse in my encyclopedia the last entry is a "???" mark.
And also, how do you get the lamia first rape scene? I was able to get only number 2 and number 3.
And the second rape scene with the spider girl?
And the first rape scene with the cursed doll?
Aaaand.. that's all!

Please help!
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

For Granberia's demon skull beheading blaze, on the second fight against her simply drag the fight on for as long as possible without using all techniques(that means use sp for only healing), after a while granberia will get bored and use the move to insta ko you.

as for the last encyclopidia entry, just do an evaluation 50 times.(though you could have known that by reading the thread a bit, I mean seriesly not the whole thread)

as for lamia's first rape, just keep getting defeated by her diffrent variation of moves untill you get it(obviously easiest way is to request for the moves if you had been hit by them before).

as for spider girl, don't lose all your health but keep getting webbed, if that wasn't it then get defeated by diffrent moves untill you get it.

as for the cursed doll, get defeated by diffrent moves untill you get it, I mean seriesly, you should have already known by the other monsters with multi-rape endings that different sets of moves trigger different rape endings.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Can we stop these pointless thread bumps?

I'm talking about the people asking questions that have been answered on the same very page and then the other people who decide that they need to comment on someone's misuse, or lack, of grammar.

And if someone's going to make a Ch 1. Ultimate game save. You should be sure to save before every fight in a new save slot. There are definitely more than enough for each fight.

As for the spider girl, one scene is for losing to H attacks, the other is losing to Predation.