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Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Mostly it's lack of reason. She's willing to help save the world, cus all her stuff is in it. Helping redeem something is sorta against the general demonic credo to begin with, plus the Abyss is really not the sort of place you want to hang out in. And especially not Kurnugia. One can manage in the Midnight Isles just because it's as close to civilized as demons get. And even then you've got good chances of being killed, enslaved, or worse.

Admittedly it manages to be reasonably safe for the abyss' standards because Nocticula hired Thanadaemons to act as a police force/taxi service and put in all these social measures but as far as evil goes hers is more practical than pure rawr smash all the things.

Course, problem is Lamashtu's evil is also vaguely reasonable in a horrible insane way. She's basically the goddess of barbarian tribes in a sense. Reproduce, fight, survive. Beauty is a lie, so treat it as such, a weapon against the enemy but something to discard when not needed. Fill the world with monsters to tear away the veil of civilization.

Their cultists pull all sorts of plots as well. Impregnating slaves with random monsters and then mind wiping them so they don't remember then transferring them across the world enmass as basically monster loaded timebombs is one of their only moderately less tame plots.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Monster preggo-timebombs is the coolest new abyssal heavy metal band on the block no contenst.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Tactical Posts inbound.


Edit: Another Delay. Sorry everyone, I hate to keep doing this.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I just want to point out ooc that Deva hasn't addressed what Dasyra has explicitly asked about.

I don't have to take the blade to the Abyss. Not by my current reading of what she said. I asked for clarification and got misinterpreted.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

You never asked if you had to take the blade anywhere, it was an open ended question.

and, no, no need to take it to the abyss.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Well Kaila did mention earlier one could find living Nightmares in the Plane of dreams too so technically one doesn't have to go to the abyss either. But I doubt you'd wanna fight them on their own turf.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

She's correct ofc, but I figured the Abyss would give Kaila more to talk about, also Lamashtu is kinky in a fucked up way, dreamrealms are more.. random anything goes.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Depends on the dreams really. The real problem with working with the Plane of Dreams/Nightmares is that unless you've a Mindscape situation, and you better hope it's not, navigating the plane is hard. Not because of randomness but because the best description of the Plane of Dreams is an ocean with countless appearing and disappearing islands. And unless you happen to have the right boat, you don't have any means of getting from place to place. And you have no idea what's inside each island before you disembark.

Combine this with actual species who roam this plane and it can be very dangerous. The good news is if you go there as a dreaming mind, the worst that can happen to you is you take mental ability damage/drain before waking up. Getting killed just wakes you up. The bad news is if you're there in body, you've no such defense.

There's other sublevels of sorts in that dimension too mind you, like the Dreamlands. But the Dreamlands is more an actual plane of sorts in the Plane of Dreams and is more stable. But also dangerous because it's Lovecraftian.

One could also try to find a Mindscape, basically a shared dream. They're quite stable too, but they never happen at random, and they almost always happen because something bad is happening. Be it planet conquering dream fungus or broken artifact from Leng, Mindscapes are always bad news. And often are more likely to kill.

In any case, if ones going to involve Nightmares, this might help. I use this one a lot in a few campaigns I've run now.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Okay, post coming in an hour or two.

Question, what is the distance between me and my doll at the moment?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

You can reach it with a normal move, dun worry.

*Looks about in thread* Huh, nothing to respond to..

*hops on!*


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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

*treads on*
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I'm curious Zilrax. Did Vel deliberately mention the sword to cause trouble? Or was it an accident on her part.

If it wasn't clear, mentioning the plan about the sword is a bad thing. Ventus is controlled by it and wouldn't like it being messed with - or at least the sword would force her to not like it. So unless Vel is trying to start trouble, it'd be nice if she didn't casually mention details about Dasyra's quest.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

waiting on responses for that *Eyes eldritch thingies*
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

It you mean -our- eldritch thing, then I just responded to it last night. I swear those posts get longer every time :p

I gotta thank Zilrax and Deva for bringing up Lior, it's fun to hear what they think about her! Gives me ideas on what to do when (if) she gets back.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Accident. Vel doesn't always think things through.

That being said Deva mentioned the sword is not sentient so it;s unlikely the blades going to act against you before you start directly fighting it.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Sorry for the delay everyone, I don't like holding things up.

Short post incoming.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

You can't quite attack a tentacle, well you can but its a spell. You can help another and give them a bonus to free themselfs, but you still have to define -whom- you help. Also if you don't move you might get re-grabbed, unless thats your intent. :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

...Are you sure? I could of sworn I remember reading that you can attack the tentacles...

No matter, i'll edit my post.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Yeah, they're unharmable, you'd have to dispel it. Black Tentacles is one of those spells that's very good at dealing with martials for that reason. It's not nearly the enormous middle finger that Wall of Thorns is but it's effective on most humanoids.

Sadly it comes on the same level casters get Freedom of Movement or that's where it'd truly shine.