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Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Should I have tacked on some more HP bonus for being a favored class?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Should I have tacked on some more HP bonus for being a favored class?

If you didn't use your bonus for skills or the class bonus recommended, yes. +7

Also, if you have questions about the game, please post them here, after all, others might have the same question.

Also, also, did someone already roll a critfail *licks lips* Yes I know that doesn't apply to skill checks buuut.. *whistles innocently*
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Alright, looking at the latecomer characters:

Sophie: Still needs pic, though I've seen it, some green puppygrl. So far I think a majority leans female, fetishwise, but we'll see.

I guess your backround works, if a bit barebones.

Isn't there a fey-heritage thingie you can chose to fit in with that backround?

Yout attack is off by one, you have 7 BaB 5 mod, 1 from longsword weapon focus, 1 from +1, thats it.

Either way, all small things to work on so She's Approved! doing intro soon.

Plmnko for Glen II:
Still not a perfect backstory but w/e, Its something one could work with.
You still haven't listed your skills or gear or spells. The Character is Denied and that is final, I don't think you are ready for this setting.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Meanwhile see how much gets messed with the head of Lorelai to fix where her interests lie :p. There will be much snarling. And a lot of wut once she gets the brain power to study her fellow prisoners :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

aaalright, tiny response post up, fair warning, I'm super busy moving and actually starting a new job this weekend/coming week, so .. will see how swift I can do a response!
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Good ol displacer beasts. One of my previous chars had quite the adventure with one as her alpha :p Before crazy time happened anyways.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Alright, looking at the latecomer characters:

Sophie: Still needs pic, though I've seen it, some green puppygrl. So far I think a majority leans female, fetishwise, but we'll see.

I guess your backround works, if a bit barebones.

Isn't there a fey-heritage thingie you can chose to fit in with that backround?

Yout attack is off by one, you have 7 BaB 5 mod, 1 from longsword weapon focus, 1 from +1, thats it.

Either way, all small things to work on so She's Approved! doing intro soon.

Picture will be added when the site allows me to add links to my post.

Background was rushed and IMO sucks, I'd like to revise it with your permission (but keep the general premise similar).

There's no fey-heritage option for Pathfinder Hengeyokai that I'm familiar with, but if you know of something I can use, I'll do so.

My missing +1 comes from this:

Weapon Training (Ex)

Starting at 5th level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

So it should be +7 (bab) +5 (str) +1 (enchantment) +1 (focus) +1 (training) for a total of +15.

I failed to clarify that my character chose weapon training with heavy blades- I'll amend that.

EDIT: Clarified current tiers/ranks of fighter feats, at the top of the Class Feat section.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Yeah I figured that out earlier, had to hunt about before I caught on to what was missing. There's the Fae foundling feat but it'd be kinda worthless for you and is sorta pointless anyhow.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Aalright sounds good, go rework the backrounds.

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Going to try to get a response up soon.

Are we meant to give indication on our preferences for our future owners? Speaking for Dasyra, she won't like anything about any of them (at this point). As for myself, some of them are appealing and some less so.

Did you want us to be giving input or is it just a reaction post you're looking for?

Really nice detail on all of them though, Pervy.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

You just play out the way your characters would, this will get interesting soon.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Sampling the merchandise? Try before you buy? :D
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Sampling the merchandise? Try before you buy? :D

You will see. Mindflayer is already getting in the right mindset it seems. :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Well, Lena knows that there's little they can do to escape, because they're weakened from the poison that knocked them out, and they're kind of bound up a bit, and in the middle of gods only know how many foes. So, play up to them, to get better treatment, and hopefully find a way to escape at a later time. :3
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I edited my last post a little to account for the mind affecting auras and indicate some reluctant, but real sexual curiosity on the part of my still-rebellious ranger.

I do intend for Dasyra to get turned about and corrupted, but I don't want her to start off happy to serve.

Edit: Also pondering if the halfling domme would dress Dasyra up as a ponygirl and ride her around the underdark~
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

*Chuckles* The halfling might!

Anyway.. Dun worry, play your characters.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

We did, now it's your turn again :3
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

test test, its giving me something about logging in on the ic thread, very weird.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Did it tell you that you needed to refresh the session or something like that? If so, copy paste all the stuff you did, and open the post reply thing. Or hit ctrl+shift+r to do the full refresh.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Did it tell you that you needed to refresh the session or something like that? If so, copy paste all the stuff you did, and open the post reply thing. Or hit ctrl+shift+r to do the full refresh.

Yeah, figured it was a forum thing and fixed it up. Have a post! Yey!