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RPG RPG Maker NTR [U-ROOM] Thug Hero Party / 外道勇者一行 (RE162946, RJ162946)

Little Jack

Demon Girl
Jun 15, 2016
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Man, I love the twist though. Not all NTR games give you the chance to actually do some pay back. Imos is a beast at the end.
well, maybe because most of the NTR games i have played, the MCs are girl. :D, i'm ok with that, watching a men life's got fucked up is really different.
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Demon Girl Master
Mar 26, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Kinda reminds me of NTR games by the group "Venus," where its 20-30% kinda sensible but 70-80% ridiculous, giving it a sense of realism and outrageousness at the same time. Oh, and the abandonment issues and sex compatibility shit. In many NTR, its 100% ridiculous so you just fap and move on, without really care that much.

If Variges wasn't a complete douche but still wanted Lotia and was willing to use dirty tactics to get her, this story would actually make quite a bit of realistic sense. Sure, Lotia's excuses would still be ridiculous and her actions still condemnable but I can see why someone in her shoes might do what she did.

1) She never really had strong reasons to be in love with the Imos, he's so pathetic. Its ironic, if he wasn't a harem protagonist (and therefore won't have all these beautiful women with affections for him despite his uselessness), he would had been spared all this grief.

2) Veriges does seem to love her and seemingly changed quite a bit due to her. Bitches LOVE it when rich powerful bad boys change for their sake. Shoujo and josei manga and "romance novels" are full of this shit.

3) Even when she kills Imos, it made sense cuz she had a lot of reasons to believe that he was turning into the Wicked King and a threat to the world since he's the embodiment of hate, envy, and destruction. Also, he killed her beloved husband.

I can accept that Lotia fell for Vergies due to him being the superior man but she's still a huge hypocrite. She admonish Imos for killing those thugs even though they and Vergias were responsible for way more suffering and killings, I guess it just shows you how much more she loved Veriges. There's also Aina and the "you left" excuse even though its clear that Imos would had just been even more hurt by her betrayal if he had stayed. It was also kinda low how she mentioned her and Veriges' kids just to spite Imos.

Btw, putting the childhood friend on the cover gives off a red herring feeling, isn't it? Since it seems the creator intended for Beherunihito to be the main heroine. It's like putting Marie on the cover of NTRPG2 instead of Philia (or whatever her name is, that blonde girl)
The NTR hit you so hard it put you in a serious state of denial huh? If this was a normal RPG, I suppose Behelnitcht would be a good main heroine candidate: the super special mysterious lonely dragon girl waif.

Even though Behelnitcht is the only character who really showed much pity for Imos' suffering, I can't help but feel that he was just a tool to accomplish her goals. I suppose the reason why she showed so much pity might be out of the guilt that his suffering was necesary for her to gain power.

She did choose to return the world to the way it was due to Imos' wishes at least. She also mentioned how the world might become a better place once she's given birth to a human child or something like, would this be the scenerio of END 3? She did give him a lot of pity sex in that ending.

Lastly, its kinda sad that Tori, the most selfish and despicable of all the girls, is always the one that ends up happy in every route. She's pretty much the opposite of Imos.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 20, 2010
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Since when was Imos a harem protagonist? The only one even interested in him romantically was Lotia. Aina considered him as something like a little brother, and the rest weren't interested.


Demon Girl
Aug 13, 2013
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

what i need do for get route of revenge and kill lotia and everyone?


Demon Girl
Mar 25, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

I feel bad to ask but, I didn't found it after checking fast on all the pages, is there a download link for this?


Demon Girl
Jan 26, 2014
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Since when was Imos a harem protagonist? The only one even interested in him romantically was Lotia. Aina considered him as something like a little brother, and the rest weren't interested.
Agreed, he's definitely not a harem protag, he's in a similar situation (surrounded by beautiful girls) but only 1 girl actually had any interest in him. Harem protags have all the girls fawning over them.

what i need do for get route of revenge and kill lotia and everyone?
You'll get a choice halfway into the game.

Even though Behelnitcht is the only character who really showed much pity for Imos' suffering, I can't help but feel that he was just a tool to accomplish her goals. I suppose the reason why she showed so much pity might be out of the guilt that his suffering was necesary for her to gain power.

She did choose to return the world to the way it was due to Imos' wishes at least. She also mentioned how the world might become a better place once she's given birth to a human child or something like, would this be the scenerio of END 3? She did give him a lot of pity sex in that ending.

Lastly, its kinda sad that Tori, the most selfish and despicable of all the girls, is always the one that ends up happy in every route. She's pretty much the opposite of Imos.
Yeah Behelnitcht does basically use him, she outright admits it in ending 5/6, but Imos had it figured out apparently. Even in his momemts of power he was still just a pawn.

lol And you're right about Tori now that I think about it. Man I really hated her.
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Jungle Girl
Jul 7, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

I feel bad to ask but, I didn't found it after checking fast on all the pages, is there a download link for this?
Working mega links were shared on pages 6 and 10. I don't know which is the newer of the two but recheck those pages.


Demon Girl
Mar 22, 2015
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

The way Tori got ntr'ed is the best tho IMO.


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 6, 2016
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

The way Tori got ntr'ed is the best tho IMO.
I literally started playing this game for her scene on the woods, and it's my favorite route so far, so depressing tho


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 6, 2016
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Too bad, her scene is so few tho.
They added more with the updates but yes I would've loved for the corruption to be slower, with 3 more scenes it would've been better, but the quality it's great


Jungle Girl
Jul 7, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Finished playing the game and a big thank you to all who have shared their NG+ files.

Does U-ROOM hate people because this was a torture game, like seriously? I have huge problems with many of these characters but the gameplay is really what made me delete it from my laptop. The last time I was screaming in frustration this much was when I played I love Onii-san even if I carry the spawn of Satan and the frustration there is due to it being a broken game that the creator won't fix. Completely different reason but still frustrates me to no end.

From the very beginning, the player is made to feel worthless. As Imos U-ROOM has your character surrounded by beautiful women who are set up to make you feel extremely inferior. When you go and look in the skills menu you see he's put down as a virgin with a tiny phimosis dick. Then the player is forced to helplessly watch as the women are raped and when the character stands up to do something he's beaten down. No matter how you try to help Tori she tells you to be quiet then finally throws money at you before telling you to fuck off, knowing how pitifully weak you are but still you go to rescue Aina only to nearly die, being accused of letting loose the monsters when it's obvious that you neither have that kind of cash nor the kind of connections to pull off something like that, and finally being forced for 3 days to watch/listen to the blonde bastard fuck the brains out of the one person you tried your hardest to be strong for. Forcing the player to go through all that but then just cutting to the final battles is really lazy horse shit.

I was not satisfied with any of the endings, felt like more focus should have been placed on Imos achieving revenge, and a little less on torturing the guy. Preventing the demon king's death would have been nice and rescuing Aina from Gedo would also have been nice.


Demon Girl
Jan 26, 2014
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Yeah I agree, most of the endings still make you feel unsatisfied but that's just the nature of the genre I guess. He does kind of rescue Aina in endings 4/5/6, although it's kind of indirectly and she's already been through a lot.

Also what game is I love Onii-san? I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything, is it a vn or an rpgmaker game?


Demon Girl Master
Oct 12, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

What are endings 5 and 6?


Demon Girl Master
May 14, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Funny to see people complain about NTR game be too "NTRish". NTR it's just cup of tea not for every one, if you don't like it try to avoid it.
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Jungle Girl
Jul 7, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Yeah I agree, most of the endings still make you feel unsatisfied but that's just the nature of the genre I guess. He does kind of rescue Aina in endings 4/5/6, although it's kind of indirectly and she's already been through a lot.

Also what game is I love Onii-san? I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything, is it a vn or an rpgmaker game?
It's a rpgmaker game on DLsite under RJ131649/RE131649 and under no circumstance should anyone waste their money on that piece of crap game.
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Jungle Girl
Jul 7, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Funny to see people complain about NTR game be too "NTRish". NTR it's just cup of tea not for every one, if you don't like it try to avoid it.
It's one thing for the game to be too NTR and another for the maker of a game to go out of their way to torture the player. Survive and it's sequel by Hoshi no Yume did a good job of NTR despite the fact that the art isn't that great. I dislike the fact that all the ryujinn males are ugly bastards, does that mean I should also avoid playing all hentai games or reading hentai manga? Because a lot of hentai has male characters who are seriously fugly.
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Sex Demon
Oct 30, 2014
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

for now on, i'll avoid games with heavy NTR like this one -__-
this game's NTR just too heavy for me,,

i've no problem with other NTR games, but this.. OMG...
the feel maan,,, the feel....


Demon Girl
May 25, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

for now on, i'll avoid games with heavy NTR like this one -__-
this game's NTR just too heavy for me,,

i've no problem with other NTR games, but this.. OMG...
the feel maan,,, the feel....
ohhh yeeaa... I understand your feeling... me too man


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 22, 2012
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

U-Room is making another new game called .

Disclaimer:non-virgin(non-virgin male and non-virgin female) ero scene for the characters that are in this game is about 80% of the total ero scene.

Character intro

Kou aged 15
Is from the battleship 'shingetsu' crew's medical team.
He is created by the humans to fight mamono (he is an artificial being).
His abilities can somewhat nullify that of mamono's destructive abilities.
Slightly stronger than the average human and might have abilities like regeneration etc.
Kou looks like an average boy but he is in fact strong and has a doubtless sense of justice when it comes to fighting mamono.
After an incident, he is thrown out of the ship he was in, he met mikage and he began to learn the truth bit by bit.

Mikage(left pic) aged 17
Kou discovered her in an underground mall after being thrown out of the battleship and mistook as her being attacked, he dragged her to a safe place.
The oblivious kou teased her.
She bent down and started muttering and kou noticed she has the same physical characteristics of mamono(right pic).

Raak aged 16
Slightly older than kou, he fought mamono and lost an arm, now he is in recovery.
The medical cost for recovery is high and therefore they prioritize the soldiers first, ordinary citizens are not able to receive any form of medical treatment.

Lavi aged 14
Runi's younger brother. He is somewhat of a coward personality wise and always carries a weapon around.

Runi aged 15
Kou's childhood friend.
Females of the crew works as logistic support, and this includes her as well.
Their role in battle is to poison mamono by singing.

-You can summon monsters to aid you in midst-battle(max 3 demons, heros can do 2 actions but 'dolls' can do only one) and its turn based battle.
-similar item draw rate as mimi and the demon
-different classes of dolls (up to 5 varieties from low tier to god tier)
-summoning req TP from the hero
-As of now he decided to create about 30 varieties of dolls

Sample battle scene