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ACT [Umai Neko] Fighting Girl Sakura-R (RJ183230)

Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Blaming only "the left" is silly. The US culture stigmatizes sex because of its roots in super Christian values. Abstinence-Only education, pre-marital sex is a sin, oral/anal is a sin, birth control is bad... LOL! If only people could dump believing in mythological beings and old-timey customs and open their minds to reality, the world would be a better and sexier place.

Anyone know if Umai Neko games release on the English version of DLSite at the same time as the Japanese version of the site?
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Hey now, lets not be blaming puritans 150 years after they ceased to become relevant. If you want to blame someone for modern-day problems, you might want to start with the "Yes means no" crowd, the "all sex is legally rape" crowd, the "All accusations are true" crowd, and your local public university.

None of which are controlled by Puritans or any religion more right-wing than the progressive reconstructionist post-christians for the eradication of global warming. :0

(I do admit that the worst of the left AND the right join hands on the "cartoon sex is real enough to prosecute over" issue, though.)

Japan's censorship laws are a result of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, which coincidentally is almost exactly 150 years ago. It was also decidedly a right-wing event, as is the continued reasoning for Japanese censorship. So yes, events from that long ago are still relevant, what is irrelevant is your attempt to foist current modern USA-centric 'anti-left' ideology into this.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Arrrrghhhhh....soo you're saying that the release wil be postponed due to mosiac laws?!

FUUUUUCK, and here i was so hyped for it releasing today IM CRYING! :((((
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Arrrrghhhhh....soo you're saying that the release wil be postponed due to mosiac laws?!

FUUUUUCK, and here i was so hyped for it releasing today IM CRYING! :((((

Me too Dx
so... we just have to wait....
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

At least it sounds like it will only be an extra week of waiting assuming it doesn't get rejected again. I'm curious as to exactly how it failed a mosaic requirement. In the trailer it looks like he added them properly.

Also I don't get why it takes another week to approve it unless the game needs major changes before being sellable.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

At least it sounds like it will only be an extra week of waiting assuming it doesn't get rejected again. I'm curious as to exactly how it failed a mosaic requirement. In the trailer it looks like he added them properly.

Also I don't get why it takes another week to approve it unless the game needs major changes before being sellable.

I'm missing something here, but is there any confirmation that the game failed the check from the creator? All I'm reading is a bunch of players disappointed the game didn't get release on the 19th with speculation it was down to a possible failure on the censorship inspection.

The original post from the creator said it might be approved for sale on the 19th IF THERE WERE NO DELAYS AND EVERYTHING WENT QUICKLY. Judging by the huge number of titles released on the 19th and no notice about censorship issues, is it so unlikely that it will be released a day later than expected?
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

I'm missing something here, but is there any confirmation that the game failed the check from the creator? All I'm reading is a bunch of players disappointed the game didn't get release on the 19th with speculation it was down to a possible failure on the censorship inspection.

The original post from the creator said it might be approved for sale on the 19th IF THERE WERE NO DELAYS AND EVERYTHING WENT QUICKLY. Judging by the huge number of titles released on the 19th and no notice about censorship issues, is it so unlikely that it will be released a day later than expected?
Someone said that in the comments section of the developer's site (?) stated that it was because of censorship issues. Its happened before for other games, so I guess we weren't looking to refute the statement. *Shrugs.*
I'm not sure but it sounds like according to google translate in the comments. the game didn't pass dlsite stupid censor standards. So it may be a lil longer...
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Someone said that in the comments section of the developer's site (?) stated that it was because of censorship issues. Its happened before for other games, so I guess we weren't looking to refute the statement. *Shrugs.*

Official confirmation from the creator himself:




Game has been rejected.

I am truly sorry. Retail scheduled for next week.

Need to hurry with DLsite registration.

This was what I was asking for, since comments made by players on that board machine-translated by people on this forum are of zero value. The world isn't going to end between now and next week so a little patience goes a long way.
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Silly Japanese censorship hypocrisy. It's A-OK to show underaged looking girls getting raped... so as long as there's a bit of mosaic on their genitalia.... It's almost, but not quite, as bad as the ridiculous puritanical USA values on stigmatizing sex.

I should point out that the "silly censorship hypocrisy" is actually because of the USA implementing the censorship laws there in the first place, and no politician is going to advocate removing those laws.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

This was what I was asking for, since comments made by players on that board machine-translated by people on this forum are of zero value. The world isn't going to end between now and next week so a little patience goes a long way.

I think the creator himself said something about it in the board. That's true unless you meet with some unfortunate accident...

Anyway for anyone wanting to see how harsh the dlsite censorship requirements are here is a blog with pictures.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

I think the creator himself said something about it in the board. That's true unless you meet with some unfortunate accident...

Anyway for anyone wanting to see how harsh the dlsite censorship requirements are here is a blog with pictures.

If you're referring to the post below:



【輪郭線】なるものが原因で審査が弾かれていますが、faiting girl sakura-Rだとこの輪郭線が写っている気がするのです。杞憂だと良いのですが…

The creator wouldn't post and congratulate himself on development whilst waiting eagerly for the release.

A random fan overtly keen on playing the game as soon as possible posted what he thought might be a snag in the inspection process. Since all we know is that the game failed inspection, it's possible that it failed at that particular aspect.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Official confirmation from the creator himself:




Game has been rejected.

I am truly sorry. Retail scheduled for next week.

Need to hurry with DLsite registration.

This was what I was asking for, since comments made by players on that board machine-translated by people on this forum are of zero value. The world isn't going to end between now and next week so a little patience goes a long way.
Glad I was able to push and prod you in the right direction to find what you needed.

I should point out that the "silly censorship hypocrisy" is actually because of the USA implementing the censorship laws there in the first place, and no politician is going to advocate removing those laws.

Assuming what you say is true, both of my grievances against censorship over silly old-timey customs are validated! :D

In the end, yeah... it's just a few more days. Maybe between now and then, the Japanese Yen will tank, and we can get it on the cheap!
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

> Assuming what you say is true, both of my grievances against censorship over silly old-timey customs are validated!

Well, I for one am glad that his statement about NEITHER side dropping the restrictions validates your worldview that ONLY the right is responsible for them.

Well, whomever is responsible, it's not the first time we got hit with this, right? The rules of this very site and most sites like it are twisted due to both the actual laws and their proponents' tendency to ignore the actual laws when going after sites.
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Glad I was able to push and prod you in the right direction to find what you needed.

His blog was updated with a few hours ago. It wasn't there when I checked earlier on the 19th.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

His blog was updated with a few hours ago. It wasn't there when I checked earlier on the 19th.

I'm glad that the developer is a communicative one.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Japan's censorship laws are a result of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, which coincidentally is almost exactly 150 years ago. It was also decidedly a right-wing event, as is the continued reasoning for Japanese censorship. So yes, events from that long ago are still relevant, what is irrelevant is your attempt to foist current modern USA-centric 'anti-left' ideology into this.

Its actually not that irrelevant. All of his accusations of the far left (feminism specifically in this case) are all sadly too true and has played a role in sex censorship. This is not government censorship, this is self-censorship (which the left love to do) and it's now extremely rare for Western porn to have a rape theme (and pretty unheard of to have a hardcore rape theme). Remember all the ridiculous fuss they made about Illusion's RapeLay game?

If you're gonna excuse the left than you'll have to excuse the right as well, as the right's ridiculous fuss about sexuality had no effect on porn even when they still had influence. Sure, American politics have little to do with Japan's politics but the other guy brought it up first.

Also, why does criticizing anything about the left automatically make you "anti-left" or "right-wing" and visa-versa? There are stupid shit on both sides that are worthy of criticism.
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Also, why does criticizing anything about the left automatically make you "anti-left" or "right-wing" and visa-versa? There are stupid shit on both sides that are worthy of criticism.

i find it really amusing that a board about a rape game has more common sense than most of my friends' facebooks. please continue guys, you may have gone a bit off-topic but it's interesting anyway :D
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

curious, does this mean anything in the game needs to be changed? like the sex attacks of the enemies? i hope it doesnt need to be changed to drasticly since i think its fine in my view.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

curious, does this mean anything in the game needs to be changed? like the sex attacks of the enemies? i hope it doesnt need to be changed to drasticly since i think its fine in my view.

Creator just needs to fix the mosaic graphics to conform with specifications. Most likely he got feedback from the inspectors on what he failed at, some of the fans in the comments probably pointed out where he could have gone wrong if no feedback was forthcoming.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Why wouldn't he just release with a censor mosaic that fits DL Site criteria want?
And then just release the uncensor patch on his site?

IIRC , the Dark Star dev
And perhaps many other dev did just that

Or maybe this against law?

Well anyway.. it is just another week delay
Let just say in end of August hopefully
Since the game is completed

It is better than most of the other game that incomplete anyway
So yeah , calm people~